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October 09, 1949 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-09

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97,239 Stunned as Ar_ napsMichigan

i String

by merle levin, sports co-editor

IT WAS HARD to believe.
There was the Cadet Corps hoisting their team on gray-clad
shoulders and there was the Michigan band walking disconsolately
across the field with their hats set straight to the front and their
instruments at their sides.
Up above on the -outer reaches of the Stadium the big score-
boards read Visitors 21, Michigan 7.
The String had ended.
FRITZ CRISLER sat in the press box, tight-lipped and silent.
It must have been a ,sad moment for the man whose teams had
chalked up the first 14 wins in The String. A reported walked over
to say something to him and Crisler forced a smile.
Hank Fonde, who played behind Bump Elliott on Michigan's
1947 Rose Bowl champions and who is now coaching at Ann Arbor
high slowly made his way out of the press box. If ever a man
looked ready to cry it was Fonde.
In the Michigan dressing room Bennie Oosterbaan sat, the pic-
ure of a magnificent loser. There must have been an aching sensation
a the region of Bennie's heart. He was proud of that streak and
,roud of the boys who made it possible, but you might have thought
ou were talking to the winning coach if it hadn't been for the deep
silence that prevailed in front of the lockers and in the training room.
* * * *
HE SMILED AS HE answered questions fired at him by reporters.
No, he didn't think that Charlie Ortmann's injury was the deciding
factor in the game. There wasn't any one break that decided the
;ame. There weren't any other serious injuries aside from Ortmann.
He thought his boys played a great game. He thought that Army had
a great team. There wasn't much else you could say.
I have long thought that Michigan's schedule would beat
them this year. You can't play Michigan State, Stanford, Army,
Northwestern and Minnesota in a row and play a winning game
each week.
But I also thought that when the Wolverines lost they would
walk off the field still dubbed as the better team. I was wrong.
Michigan wasn't the best team on the field yesterday.
* * * *
ARMY COACH RED BLAIK said his boys played "way over their
heads." Maybe they did. All I know is that the Cadets ran over and
through the Wolverines. They held twice when the Wolverines had
marched inside the Army 20. Their passing was far superior. The
latter was true partially because of Ortmann's absence undoubtedly.
But who can say what Ortmann would Dave done against the hard-
charging Army line?
The Wolverines never gave up. They fought as a Michigan
team hasn't had to fight in three seasons. When it was all over
Blaik termed them "a great team." They were that, even in defeat.
But they weren't the best team in Michigan Stadium yesterday.
There are six games left on the Michigan schedule, all of them
Western Conference tilts. Winning the Big Ten title is still the most
important objective for the Wolverines. That's still the criterion of a
successful season.
The String has ended and whatever pressure went with it is like-
wise gone. There's not much use second-guessing when you lose to
a better team.
It's just hard to believe.
Unbeaten Bears, Rams Clash Today
CHICAGO - Off) - The Chicago sion leadership before 40,000 at
Bears and Los Angeles Rams, each Wrigley Field today.
unbeaten in two national Football The Bears own triumphs over
League starts, will clash for sole the Chicago Cardinals and the
hold on the loop's Western Divi- Packers.

Glick Passes
Top14-7 Win
For Spartans
Completes Eight
Of 16 Attempts
gan State found its passing at-
tack in the third period to score
two touchdowns for a 14-7 win
over a great defensive Maryland
team here yesterday.
Maryland scored on a Michigan
State fumble in the first four
minutes of the game and managed
to hold the MSC attack off until
quarterback eGne Glick started
hitting his receivers after the half
THEtSAGINAW, Mich., senior
completed three short ones in a
row to get the MSC offensive roll-
The flurry of passes carried
MichiganState from the Mary-
land 48 down to the 19-yard
line. Left half Sonny Grandelius
then threw one that was good
to the eight yard marker.
Lynn Chandnois, leading
ground-gainer for the MSC Spar-
tans went down to the one-yard
line and Frank Waters threw
himself over to put Michigan
State back in the game.
A MARYLAND fumble set up
the second MSC score. Stan La-
vine let go of the ball and end
Red Gilman grabbed it for Michi-
gan State on the Maryland 34.
Chandnois started power run-
ning and MSC made it a first
down on the Southern 23 in a
last down attempt. Chandnois
went around end to the five
yard line and two plays later
Glick tossed one to Horace
Smith, who went over standing
For Chandnois, it was a case of
the star right half fumbled in the
first period to give Maryland the
ball on the MSC 15. Jake Rowden
grabbed the ball for Maryland.
WITH LAVINE, Ed Modzelew-
ski and Vern Seibert alternating
in a running attack, Maryland
ground down to the one-yard line
where Mcdzelewski ent over.
Glick's passing success was
the margin between defeat and
victory for Michigan State. He
completed eight of 16 tries for
109 yards. MSC's passing total
of nine completions in 19 tries
for 121 yards compared to one
success in five attempts for 15
yards managed by Maryland.
Trojans, OS U
Battle toDraw
LOS ANGELES - (A) - Ohio
State and the Trojans of South-
ern California, stout representa-
tives of the Big Ten and Pacific
Coast Conferences, fought each
other to a 13-13 tie yesterday as
62,877 fans sat glued to the
benches until the final gun.
The rugged Buckeyes scored
twice on brilliantly executed plays
and the crippled Trojans capital-
ized on one Buckeye fumble on
the five yard line and earned
their second tally in a game that
was rugged from start to finish.
Ohio State held a heavy margin
in the yardage-gained depart-
ment, 407 to 194 on the ground
and through the air, and punched
out 18 first downs to 11. But the
payoff on the scoreboard was the


---Daily-Alex Lmanlan
STOPPED COLD-Army's left-half Vick Pollack is stopped for no gain by Dick Kempthorn and Tony
Momson late in the fourth quarter of yesterday's game. This was one of the few times Michigan
was able to stop cold the Cadet ground attack.

Sole Wolverine Touchdown
Registered in Final Quarter
(Continued from Page 1) I f". ,-.4, -

ately when he stated, "it wasn't
just a bad break, it was truly
a tragedy."
Blaik went on to say, "Our de-
fensive team saved the day for us.
They played a great game, they
had to to beat the No. 1 team in
the country."
, * * *
Blaik completely changed teams
on offense and defense-was no
slouch either when it came their
turn to perform. After an ex-
change of punts early in the first
quarter the Cadets took the ball
ori their own eleven and in just
ten plays, chalking up five first
downs in the process, Army moved
down the field for the first score
of the afternoon
Michigan had its first real
opportunity to score when Tony
Momson and Lloyd HMneveld
collaborated to block an Army
punt and Michigan had a first
and ten -on the Cadets' 16. In
four plays the Wolverines
couldn't dent the stout Army
line and the West Pointers took
over on the 15 as the quarter
Just four minutes later Army
got a similar break, and they capi-
talized on it with just one play.
Jim Cain took the ball, after
Bruce Ackerson had recovered a
Michigan fumble on the Wolver-
ine's ten-yard line, and raced ten
yards for the Army's second score.
Jack Mackmull made good on his
second conversion and Army as-
sumed the biggest lead any team
has had on Michigan in over
three years.
THE BALL changed hands fre-
quently during the remainder of
the first half, four times on in-
terceptions, and as a result there
was only one serious threat in the
second quarter. Army came closest
but was cut short when Chuck
Lentz intercepted a pass in the
end zone.
In the second half the Wol-
verines came out with fire in
their eyes. After taking .the
Army kickoff Michigan moved
right down to the Army's 23, but
a holding penalty set the Wol-
verines back and WallyTeninga
had to punt.
The Cadets advanced the ball
toward Michigan territory making
frequent gains by the dubious
method of fumbling the ball for-
ward and then falling on it. This
only worked up to the 46 when
Army had to kick.
MICHIGAN couldn't make any-
thing in three tries and once again
Teninga punted to the Cadets.
The Wolverines had another scor-
ing opportunity presented to them
on the next series of plays, and
this time they made the most of it.
Tom Brown fumbled the pass

By The Associated Press
Minneapolis-Minnesota throt-
tled Northwestern's attack for
three periods and took a 21 to 7
decision in the first test of the
Gopher's 1949 football team
against Big Ten opposition.
The Gophers defense proved too
much for the Wildcats. It wasn't
until midway in the final period
that Northwestern could score. An
intercepted pass gave them the
ball in midfield and they com-
bined short passes over the line
with enough 'running plays to
work the ball to the Gopher one-
yard line.
Right half Rich Athan made
the tally after fumbling and
picking up the ball on the run.
Guard Eddie Nemeth added the
Minnesota uncovered an unher-
alded potential star. Dick Gregory,
sophomore from Billings, Mont.,
scored two Gopher touchdowns
and contributed some very pretty
broken field running for impor-
tant gains.
Gregory came into the game
after left half Bill Bye was in-
jured early in the second period,
but from then on he was a
headache for Northwestern. Bye
suffered a groin injury.
One of Gregory's twisting runs
was good for 23 yards and a
touchdown in the third period.
The same type of elusive running
played a big part in Gregory's
second-period score. In all, Greg-
ory contributed 48 yards, includ-
ing his five-yard touchdown
plunge, to the Gopher drive that
started on the Minnesota 34 yard
Irish Triumph . .
LAFAYETTE-Notre Dame ran
up a five-touchdown lead over
Purdue's football team yesterday
and broke the elastic Western
Conference club, 35-12.
It was practically the same Pur-
due team that held Notre Dame to

a one-point victory last year, but
its two-touchdown rally in the
final period was only a gallant
Notre Dame's wealth of fleet
backs and its superior blocking
had the game in full controf
after an early Purdue drive died
on the Irish 7 yard mark.
Emil (Seven-Yard) Sitko, Notre
Dame's stubby fullback, ran over
the first three Irish touchdowns.
W. L. T. Pct.
Ohio State......1 0 0 1.000
Minnesota......1 0 0 1.000
Illinois .........1 0 1 .750
Northwestern . . .1 1 0 .500
Iowa ............1 1 0 .500
Wisconsin.......0 0 1 .500
Michigan .......0 0 0 .000
Indiana .........0 1 0 .000
Purdue .........0 2 0 .000
He got the first quarter's only
score with a 41 yard dash and
added the other two in the second
period with short plunges.
Notre Dame's lineup was
sprinkled liberally with reserves in
the final quarter when Purdue cut
its losing margin from five touch-
downs to three.
i .*
Badgers Lose .. .
MADISON - California's bruis-
ing Bears powered to three touch-
downs on the ground and two
more through the air yesterday to
whip Wisconsin, 35-20, in an in-
tersectional football game under
a blistering sun at Camp Randall
A crowd of 45,000 saw the Bears
serve Rose Bowl recognition no-
tice as they racked up their fourth
straight victory and handed the

Badgers their first setback. Tem-
peratures soared to near 80 de-
grees to provide California with a
climate just like home.
The .Bears' vaunted passing
attack was out of gear most of
the day, but hard running backs
like Jim Monachino, Pete Scha-
barum and Charley Sarver, more
than made up for the deficit.
Monachino, a slashing 187-
pound junior halfback, powered
for California's first two touch-
downs, quarterback Bob Celeri, a
magician at the T-post, added an-
other and passed for a fourth,
and Charley Erb, who took over
the signal calling in the waning
minutes, added the last. Tackle
Jim Cullom kicked all five extra
TCU Nips Hoosiers
passing and some deceptive run-
ning after a bullet aerial gave Tex-
as Christian University a mud-
splattered 13-6 football victory
over Indiana's Hoosiers yesterday.
Little Lindy Berry, TCU's nom-
ination to fill the shoes of Sammy
Baugh at the Fort Worth school,
was responsible for a third period
pass that broke Indiana's back.
Berry, slightly ill from tooth
trouble at the start of the game,
sat out most of the first period
but his quarterback post was
well filled by 19-year-old Dan
Wilde. The Graham, Tex., sub-
stitute for the Wichita Falls
wizard, threw the pass that
opened scoring in the first per-
Quarterback Nick Sebek, a
three-letter man on Coach Clyde
Smith's sophomore-studded West-
ern Conference squad, uncorked a
jump pass to end Hugh Craton on
a play that covered 34 yards for
Indiana's only touchdown in the
second quarter.



Late Football Results

Oklahoma 20, Texas 14
Tulane 40, SE Louisiana 0
Baylor 35, Arkansas 13
North Carolina 28, South Caro-
lina 13
Vanderbilt 28, Mississippi 27
Georgetown 12, Wake Forest 6
Missouri 21, Oklahoma A. &
M. 7

Pennsylvania. 14, Princeton 13
Dartmouth 31; Holy Cross 7
Pittsburgh 20, West Virginia 7
Cornell 33, Harvard 14
Yale 33, Columbia 7
Rutgers 40, Lehigh 27
Clemson 1, Mississippi State 7
Penn State 32, Boston College 14
Brown 46, Rhode Island State 0


\\ \
\\ \ Z ,\t C\\ ,

Allis ........
Erben ......
Johnson .....
Wisniewski ..
Ghindia ....
Ortmann ....

.LE....... Folberg
.LG ........Lynn
.CC... Maladowitz


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October 10th







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