SUNDAY, OCTOWBER 9, 194% THE MICHIGAN DAILY RoILING STONES . . . by Harold Jackson Got a Light? A Real Achievement. . . LET THOSE who scream so often that the University of Michigan is just an im- personal maze of numbers - a campus too big to have a heart - consider well what happened here this week: Tickets for the Army game - which has been a sellout since mid-summer - suddenly were made available to 265 dis- abled veterans solely because of the gen- erosity of the student body. Not even the editors of The Daily expected that the two-day drive would collect three times as many tickets as were loaned to veterans by students for the great Army- Michigan game of 1946. In fact, there actually developed a short- age of veterans who could be brought to the game and over 50 tickets offered be- sides the 265 collected had to be turned down. Even though they had a certain scalping value of $5, the tickets were given gladly by students from every walk of campus life. There were the eight senior girls who us- ually sit in a block and decided they'd take to the radio and let the vets. see things first hand. And there was a 29-year-old graduate stu- dent from Trieste, Italy, in this country just three weeks, who sent his ticket over "as a small gift from Italy to American G.I's." Add to these and hundreds of other tic- ket sacrifices the meals for veterans sup- plied by many campus organizations, the free programs provided them, the special seating arrangements worked out by the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics. And one cannot help but see that regard- less of its size, the Michigan campus is uni- fied by kindred spirit of kindness and gener- osity that compares favorably to any school in the country. Ollie Opines ... OLLIE JENSEN, the philosophic Swede, looked over the smartly-clad cadets as they sat in the stands yesterday and shook his head. "Such a shame," he said. "Such a shame that even though most of those boys are seniors and have had extensive combat training, very few of them will live through the shock of meeting the blind dates they are bound to get on this campus." Ollie recalled the cadets' last invasion here in 1946 and decided the latest one lacked organization. "Last time they sent scouts ahead to line up dates, but this time they just took their chances - which weren't good." The Swede also remembered how the co- eds made hay during the cadets' last visit. "One girl got herself elected to the J-Hop committee strictly because she went out with Glenn Davis. I think that if she had really pushed it, she could have wound up on the Board of Regents." - 1 eaitTHIN by b. s. brown CHALK UP ONE for the sports-writers. Down at Ferry Field the other day, a group of the scribes were watching Michigan getting ready for Army's Black Knights. Ralph Straffon, the husky Wolverine fullback, had just run through a few plays when one of the writers said, "Will you look at those legs on Straffon. I've never seen anyone with pins as chunky as his." A few of the onlookers mentioned noted football players and then came the stopper. One of the fourth estate members began, "Well, I had a date last night . .. " * * * * AND WHILE football players' chunkiness is the topic, how about the incident involving Al Wistert, dating back to last spring. "Moose" was the star attraction at a picnic given by the SAM fraternity for a group of under-privileged kids. All of the youngsters were watching Big Al with widen'ed eyes, but one of them didn't seem to impressed. He walked up to Al and said, "My father used to play for Michigan State. He was somewhere in the backfield .. . "And he was fat, just like you!" * * * * WALKED BY the New Women's Dorm the other night for the first time since the old 500 watt bulbs used last semester were replaced in favor of the smaller 100 watters. Although the courtyard isn't exactly couched in darkness, it isn't as bright as it used to be, when it would have made an errant owl wind up his evening's activ- ities. One of the pictorial hints in The Summer Daily might have been the clincher that forced the change. The photog-he must have had a sense of humor-had several girls pose in the courtyard playing a baseball game. The picutre was titled "Night baseball at the New Women's Dorm." a, * * * THE LIBRARY STEPS-meeting place of campus folk-provides many an interesting yarn. From what I could gather as I lazily puffed on a cigarette last week, the fellow standing next to me, with his hair coinbed, had arranged for a blind coke date. Just to make sure that he would know the lass, he brought along a companion, with uncombed hair, who knew the girl by sight so that he could point her out. There were no stag girls on the steps, but the Combed Hair was sure that one of the girls-she was talking to three men-was his date. Uncombed Hair denied it although he .admitted that he wasn't really sure if he remembered the girl. Finally, Uncombed Hair arrived at a sensible conclusion. "We know she talks with a southern accent," he suggested, "so why not amble over, unobtrusively, and listen in. But I'm sure that's not the one." It was she, and Combed Hair and the attractive, lass strolled off among the leaves in blissful harmony as Uncombed Hair I'll-be- damnedly scratched his uncombed hair. BUT BY THIS TIME I was listening to a group of girls sitting close by. They were discussing their nebulous marital plans. One said, "I wonder which one of us will be married first." A short brunette, with a twinkle in her eye, answered without hesitation, "Me, if I can help it." That covers everything for today. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN a (Continued from Page 3) urday noon, Oct. 15. A student will not be recommended for a de- gree unless he has filed formal ap- plication in the office of the Grad- uate School. Anthropology 291: Meet Mon., 3 p.m., 16 Angell Hall. Bacteriology Seminar: First meet- ing for organization. Tues., Oct. 11, 10:30 a.m., Rm. 1520 E. Medi- cal Bldg. Mathematical Logic Seminar: Meeting, Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., 3217 Angell Hall. Prof. Burks, Philoso- phy Department, will report on primitive recursive functions. Organic Chemistry Seminar: 7:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 10, 1300 Chemistry. Speaker: Eugene For- nefeld; Topic: Introduction of An- gular Groups.' The University Extension Serv- ice announces the following cour- se, enrollment for which may be made in advance in the office at 4524 Administration Building (or at the first class session if the course is not already filled): The Appreciation of Poetry. The full enjoyment of poetry is a stim- ulating experience. Through infor- mal discussions and lectures, the course will afford practice in read- ing a number 'of poems represent- ing the growth of twentieth-cen- tury poetry, British and American. The course will consider versifica- tion, imagery, and the play of ideas, with special attention to the work of contemporary American poets. Noncredit course, eight weeks. $5.00. Dr. Arthur J. Carr. Thurs., Oct. 13, 7 p.m., Rm. 171 Bus. Ad. Bldg. Concerts MATTER OF FACT LIVIA TODAY, round table dis- cussion. 1:30 p.m., Union. Every- body welcome. Inter Guild Council, 2:30 p.m., Sun., Oct. 9, Lane Hall. Student Religious Groups: Canterbury Club: 9:45 a.m., Stu- dent breakfast, Canterbury House, following service of Holy Com- munion. 5 p.m., Evening Church Service followed by supper and a meeting at 6 p.m. Rev. Burt will speak on the topic: "The Defense Answers the Charge." A film, "The Search for Happiness," follows. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Sunday Evening Campfire, Hillel Foundation, will begin at 5:30. Bring your own sandwiches. Coffee will be served. Lutheran Student Association: 4:30 p.m., Choir rehearsal. 5:30, supper and program, Zion Parish Hall. Roger Williams Guild: 5 p.m., Guild House. The W.S.E.F. Drive will be discussed. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu- dent Club: Supper and program 5:30 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw. Congregational-Disciples Guild: 6 o'clock supper, Congregational Church. Rev. H. L. Pickerill is speaking on "Religion of the Sec- ond Mile." Unitarian Student Group: 6:30 p.m. will discuss with Rev. E. H Redman, "The Fundamentals of Unitarian Religious Philosophy.' Westminster Guild, 9:30 a.m., Seminar in Religion, Presbyterian Church kitchen. Coffee and rolls at 9 a.m. Fellowship supper, 5:30 Evening worship and program a 6:30. Dr. H. B. Hudnut of Detroi on "Our Belief in God." U. of M. Hostel Club Hike to Pittsfield Village for supper; mee at League at 2 p.m. Call 25-0075 for reservations. IZFA Dance Group: Rehearsal 4:30 p.m., League, for next Wed- nesday's program. U. of M. Hot Record Society: A program featuring such jazz great as Coleman Hawkins, Billie Holi day, and Fats Waller, Michigan League Ballroom, 8 p.m. Everyon welcome. IZFA Hebrew Circle: First meet. ing, 3:15 p.m., Hillel Foundation Everybody welcome. U.W.F.: Study group meeting 318 East Madison, 8 p.m. Topic "Road to World Republic." Polonia Club: "Kelbasa" an wiener roast, 6 p. m., League. Al stairs lobby, 6 p.m., League. Al members and friends of Poloni Club invited. Admission charg will be based on cost. Coming Events U. of M. Math Club: 8 p.m Tues., Oct. 11, West Conferenc Room, Rackham Bldg. Prof. George E. Hay will spea on "Two Dimensional Problems i Elasticity." NSA: Congress delegation t meet 4 p.m., Tues., Oct. 11, Un ion. Student Player's Production o Golden Boy: Final casting, 7:3 p.m., Tues., Oct. 11, League. A are welcome. Sigma Alpha Iota: Busines meeting, Mon., Oct. 10, 7:15 p.m League. by STEWART ALSOP WOODY HERMAN'S Tenderly, Capitol 57- 720, is done just that way, beginning and ending with a pulsing rhythm set up by Woody's outstanding reed. section. The Herman alto solo is very tasty on this side which gives added weight to our conviction that he should put aside his clar- inet and stick to the alto sax. Bill Harris' phrasing during his trombone solo is also worthy of comment. He seems to have broken himself of that sometimes annoying habit of giving the last note in every phrase an added push at the end. Jamaica Rhumba is a Mary Ann McCall vocal escapade in which she retains a bit of the old Francis Wayne touch. BOBBY HACKETT Trumpet Solos, Bruns- wick album b-1026, is an album that should be a must on almost anyone's list. Hackett and Bill Challis, who directs the background and was the arranger at one time for the Casa Loma Orchestra and Paul Whiteman's famous aggregation, team up to turn out six excellent show tunes written by top American composers. The six featured songs are: Soft Lights and Sweet Music, With a Song in My Heart, Easy to Love, What Is There to Say, and If There Is Someone Lovelier Than You. Hackett, who has done a lot of radio staff work, gives these tunes a lyrical interpreta-1 tion in his very relaxed style that will be familiar to jazz fans and enthusiasts of the heavier classical music as well. Music and You are our favorites of thee six tunes in the album, but they're all well done and are examples of some of the most danceable and "unlaxing" music we've: heard in a long time. -John Osmundsen. 7R, MALAYA-The aston- in the jungle, to grow their rice or millet. eness of guerrilla warfare The British have been driven to using ng phenomenon in South- novel techniques to cut the Communist las are the Kremlin's great fighters off from the squatters' villages. rt of the world. Guerrillas First, they are creating a complex net- ed the French into the sea work of interlocking police posts in or near Dommunist guerrilla forces the villages. ma. And here in Malaya a There is another, more drastic method. incompetent Chinese Com- An incorrigible village, known regularly to have forced the British help the Communists, may be moved bodily thousands of men and to away and put behind barbed wire. Thus >f thousands of pounds. the British are isolating the guerrillas. And * * the technique is beginning to work. Ac- "h a percussion cap like a curate information on guerrilla movements ly toy, and a few pounds is now beginning to come in from the squat- sive, can derail a train. ters' villages. -- -. * * * 4 One asset is the active support of at least a part of the population, so that the guerril- las can be fed, hidden, and above all, in- formed. The second asset is a safe place- a "funkhole," the British call it-to which the guerrillas can escape for rest and re- organization. British strategy here is now designed to deny these assets to the Communists. The Malayans are anti-Communist; but nearly half the people of Malaya are, Chinese. The Chinese here are influenced by what has happened in China. Thus the Communists' chief sources of support have been the vil- lages of Chinese squatters who have set- tled on public or private land, often deep THE BRITISH have also developed tech- niques for dealing with the "funkholes." The guerrillas hide out in the mountain jungles, and it is only necessary to fly over the mountains to realize what magnificent cover the mountains provide. Here is a continuous green umbrella, which wholly screens all movements. One way of piercing the umbrella is to "beat" the guerrillas in a trap, as pheas- ants are beaten to the waiting guns in England. If all goes well the guerrillas hit a "stop." This is a concentration of fire power, usually along a river line. As this is written, two such "bandit hunts" are under way. That a handful of bedraggled Communist guerrillas could so challenge British power, even while most of the people here are active British allies, is a remarkable fact, and a fact which American military plan- ners would do well to study. For guerrilla warfare, that most primitive form of war- fare, is changing the face of postwar Asia. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) The University Choral Union wil hold its first full rehearsal Tues., Oct. 11, 7 p.m., Haven Hall. All members will please come suf- ficiently early as to be seated on time. The Chorus will perform Han- del's "Messiah" in two Christmas concerts, Dec. 10 and 11, under Conductor Lester McCoy; and will perform three choral works under the baton of 'Thor Johnson with the Philadelphia Orchestra at the May Festival. Carillon Recital by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15 Monday evening, Oct. 10. The program will open with the Vic- tors, followed by selections from Ottone and Sosarmes by Handel; a group of arrangements and a composition for carillon by Wil- liam Bender; two Welsh airs, and selections from Iolanthe by Sir Ar- thur Sullivan. This program will be repeated by Prof. Price at 7:15 p.m., Wed., Oct. 12. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memor- ial Hall. Jazz by Matisse: Hayter's Five Personages, weekdays 9 to 5, Sundays 2 to 5. The public is in- vited. Events Today Graduate Outing Club: Meet at 2:15 p.m., Northwest Entrance, Rackham Building, for autumn hike. Graduate students welcome. Phi Iota Alpha presents BO- 1 s 1 f s a t t 0 t[ s e d 11 11 a e ;e k n ,0 f 0 s ., A.S.M.E. Smoker:- Speaker: James M. Todd, National Presi- dent, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 10, Union Ballroom. Engineers and{ faculty invited. Acolytes Meeting: Prof. William Frankena will speak on "Obliga- tion and Ability." Mon., Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Open to the pub- lic. UWF: Meeting, Tues., Oct. 11, Union, 4 p.m. Election of delegates to national convention. Complete chorus and cast re-, hearsal of Tug Week's "Soph Sa- tire": Mon., Oct. 10, 4-6 p.m., ABC Room, League. Monday. Oct. 10, 7 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Women of the University Fac- ulty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., Wed., Oct. 12. 4th floor clubroom, League. La p'tite causette: Monday, 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, League. U. of M. Dames: General meet- ing, 8 p.m., Assembly Room, Rack- ham Bldg., Tues., Oct. 11. Refreshments. Sociedad Hispanica: Social hour, Mon., Oct. 10, 4 to 6 p.m., Interna- tional Center. All students of Spanish and natives are invited. Deutscher Verein Kaffeeklatsch: Mon., Oct. 10, 4:30-6 p.m., Hussey Room, League. Students and fac- ulty members invited. U. of M. Midshipman's Club: Meeting, Tues., Oct. 11, 7 p.m., Rm. 3-D, Union. DEVALUATION is costing the D French.-Government some un- easy hours. The extent of unease may be sensed by the official re- port at the weekend that France would ask for an international con- ference to deal with the effectsof the reduction in the value of the pound, the franc and other cur- rencies .Later came an explana- tion, whilch explained nothing, that the report was due to an error. One thing the French Govern- ment is trying hard to do is to convince the French people that devaluation has been forced on France from outside. Now it would seem that the franc could have held its own in Fifty-Ninth Y'ear Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff...........Managing Editor Al Biumrosen............. City Editor Philip Dawson......Editorial Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jg Misner........... Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil........... Associate Editor Alex Lmanian...Photography Editor Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor Merle' Levin...... ,.... Sports Co-Editor Roger Goei..... Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed. Joan King......... ......Librarian Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Dee Nelson. . Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff.......Finance Manager Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier. $5.00, by mail, $6.00. 4, currency markets had not a wave of currency devaluations been set in motion. Yet, since franc deval- dation threatens an increase in French living costs, and the trade unions are demanding wage in- creases to meet these rises, and the wage increases would send up the prices of things France wants to sell to the world-it does not help the French much to say that devaluation is not their fault. -The Christian Science Monitor A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is con- stituted to be that profound se- cret and mystery to every other. -Charles Dickens , I I BARNABY Teleisin, h? n.tataseTm'oyI'l [Well, son, are you enjoying the television? To see Mr. aMalley. He hasn't been Yes. But he'll come back now. Whn So that was a television aerial ! crashed into? v_. .. . . . I'll te ll o, withdraw my patronage from Paddy's Mr..OMalei.1:.- - - - - ., .._ -.* - - He's sorry he broke the aerial ,. . I