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October 08, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-08

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SA----.- CR- A8j 104



. - 1

Wealthy or Mediocre

HE REFUSAL of the United States Sen-
ate to confirm the appointment of Carl
Ilgenfritz as chairman of the National Mu-
nitions Board illustrates a national prob-
lem of growing seriousness. Ilgenfritz, a vice
president of the U.S. Steel Corporation, re-
fused to give up his $70,000 a year salary for
the $14,000 annual stipend of chairman of
the Munitions Board. Instead he offered to
serve the government for nothing, at the
same time receiving his regular salary from
U.S. Steel. The Senate refused to confirm
him on this basis.
The problem this illustrates is the in-
creasing difficulty of recruiting top-flight
men for important administrative posts in
First, government salaries are pitifully
low. Even cabinet officers receive only $15,-
000 a year. Men of comparable ability and
responsibility in private industry receive
anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 a year.
Only men with an independent income can
afford to enter government service. In spite
of the honesty and integrity of the vast ma-
jority of these men, their views and actions
must inevitably be influenced by their
wealth. Control of the administrative. sec-
tion of the government by an aristocracy of
wealth can develop from this situation if it
is not corrected. Another danger is that top

government posts will be overrun by the
mediocre and incompetent who are unable
to get along in private industry.
Second, government officials are constant
targets for political abuse and villification.
The disproved charges of "incredible mis-
management" of the Atomic Energy Pro-
gram levelled at David Lilienthal, and the
Remington and Condon cases are particu-
larly nauseating examples of the ordeals
public-spirited officials must often suffer.
The Hoover Commission on Executive
Organization has recommended the fol-
lowing remedies-first, increased salaries,
comparable to those paid by private enter-
prise; second, a planned program for pro-
curement and promotion of career em-
ployees; third, increased incentives via a
program of "prestige awards."
David Lilienthal has proposed a "fluid kind
of citizen service in which (qualified) men
and women move from private life into pub-
lic service for a period of years and then
back to private life."
Whatever the solution adopted, one thing
is certain-something must be done and
soon. A government administered solely by
the wealthy or the mediocre can not cope
with the tremendous problems of the mod-
ern world.
-Joe Tannenbaum

Unfortunate Martyrs

COMMUNIST CLAIMS that the party is
the champion of civil liberties are be-
ginning to sound pretty hollow now that
the trial of their leaders has been going on
for so long.
For the defendants appear to be delib-
erately delaying the trial in the belief that
they will eventually be convicted by a biased
judge and jury. Maybe they will be.
But the Communist leader's strongest
argument is the unconstitutionality of the
sections of the Smith Act of 1940 under
which they are being prosecuted for "con-
spiring to teach and advocate the over-
throw of the government."
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

And this is a very strong argument; as
the defense brief points out, a citizen who
said we should have a revolution every 20
years (as Jefferson did) would be guilty of a
criminal offense.
If the Supreme Court were to decide that
this section of the Smith Act is constitu-
tional, it would have to reverse a whole series
of decisions made in the last two decades.
Agreement among lawyers is so rare,
and their agreement that the Supreme
Court will throw out the Smith Act so
widespread, that by delaying the trial the
defendants seem merely to be postponing
a victory for civil liberties.
Their motive in slowing the trial can only
be to publicize their own martyrdom to a
tyrannical government; if they had any
confidence in civil liberties they should be
willing to let the Supreme Court decide the

W HEN FACED with the possibility of a
spy system operating in our Federal gov-
ernment, many accused the government of
being infested with Communists and thus
started the loyalty review board's witch-
Those who did not lose their ability to
think intelligently about the situation
agree that security of top-secret docu-
ments must certainly be maintained. How-
ever, the investigations included those who
had no access to secret files such as typ-
ists and even janitors. Not only proven
acts of disloyalty, but possible acts and
sympathetic association with subversive
elements are sufficient for being branded
as disloyal to the government... .. .. . .
Pepresentative Stephen M. Young, Demo-
crat, of Ohio, has helped to advance the
fight against the tactics of loyalty review
boards; for, in Congress last week, he intro-
duced two bills asking that the loyalty in-
vestigations be required to follow the Federal
courts' rules of evidence "so far as prac-
Young's reason for introducing these bills
was that certain "thoroughly loyal American
citizens have been condemned in loyalty quiz
proceedings on the basis of evidence with
which they have not been confronted and
concerning which they are not informed."
Only 0.005 per cent of the two million
employees investigated have been dis-
missed from the Federal service on grounds
of disloyalty.
This seems sufficient evidence that the
present methods of investigation of Federal
employees are not necessary for national se-
curity. Representative Young's plan would
keep our nation secure and at the same
time help to keep our nation democratic.
-Leah Marks.
At the Orpheum . .
THE SEARCH: Montgomery Clift, Aline
MacMahon, and Jarmila Novotna.
CONSIDERING THE number of foreign
films currently occupied wih the prob-
lem of displaced persons in post-war Europe,
it is unlikely that usually near-sighted
Hollywood felt compelled to jar the Amer-
ican public into consciousness of this dis-
tressing problem.
A more plausible explanation is that MGM
Studios, not distinguished for social-con-
scious (or for that matter, especially elevat-
ing) films, was capitalizing on a "meaty"
theme when it produced "The Search." The
motivation assumes importance only after
the product is viewed.
Briefly, "The Search" relates the story
of a nine-year-old Czech boy who is taken
to an UNRRA camp for displaced children
at the conclusion of the war. He escapes
from the camp and takes refuge with an
American Army Sergeant stationed in Ger-
many. The plot revolves around the mother's
attempts to find her son, the Sergeant's ef-
forts to return to the United States with
the boy.
The performances of all member of the
cast were admirable. Jarmila Novotna as
Karel's mother is exceptionally fine. Mont-
gomery Clift makes a delightful figure as
the tender-hearted Sergeant ,who befriends
the runaway. Aline MacMahon's persuasive
guidance of the UNRRA outfit will reassure
the most skeptical minded.
-Jim Graham.

Maybe We Should Give Away Free Dishes"
F'o r" '- '


Letters to the Editor -



WASHINGTON-One of the great turning
points in postwar history of Asia may
well be reached in the early months of next
year. There is every likelihood that a peace
conference will then be called, with or with-
out the participation of the Soviet Union,
to write a peace treaty for Japan.
This is one result of the recent private
talks between Secretary of State Dean
Acheson and British Foreign Secretary
Ernest Bevin, in which a great deal more
was accomplished than is generally known.
Both agreed that a peace treaty is now
urgently necessary. And they also agreed
on what kind of treaty they wanted, and
on how to go about getting it.
The American occupation of Japan is en-
tering its fifth year. And that is why a
peace treaty is so necessary. For the occu-
pation, which started on so high a plane of
idealism, is beginning to degenerate into a
weary bureaucracy-feeding on its own red
tape, futilely attempting to control every
aspect of Japanese life, provoking dangerous
racial tensions, and providing the Japanese
Communists with their greatest political
CLEARLY NO military occupation of one
country by another can usefully con-
tinue indefinitely. Yet there has been no
peace treaty with Japan for an old, familiar
reason-the Russians "have obstructed a
treaty. There has also been a secondary rea-
son. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have been
sensibly reluctant to permit the withdrawal
of American military power from Japan,
in view of what has happened on the Chi-
nese mainland. Acheson and Bevin agreed
that both these obstacles must be overcome.
The Soviets have insisted that only four
powers should write the treaty-the United
States, Great Britain, China and the So-
viet Union, with the Soviet Union exercis-
ing a veto power. The Western powers
have proposed that the treaty be written
by all the eleven countries which partici-
pated in the war against Japan, and that
there be no veto power.
Acheson and Bevin have concluded that
the first step is to explore the Soviet atti-
tude once more. If the Soviets refuse to
change their position, then "very serious
consideration" will be given to a radically
novel course-that of simply by-passing the
Russians and writing a treaty for Japan
without them.
* * *
THE SORT OF treaty envisaged by Ache-
son and Bevin falls into two parts.
First, Japan would be granted complete
internal sovereignty. The increasingly dis-

take the form of a separate, simultaneous
Japanese-American accord, providing this
country with military bases in Japan com-
parable to our bases in the Philippines. The
limited base areas, away from the main
centers of population, would hold the whole
remnant of the occupation.
THE RUSSIANS, inevitably, will loudly
accuse the United States of dishonoring
its pledges if the course outlined is followed.
But the Western powers cannot allow Rus-
sian obstructionism to undermine their in-
terests indefinitely, any more in Japan than
in Germany.
If the disastrous disintegration of the
Western position in Asia is ever to be halted,
a good place to start is in Japan, where
a boldly revised policy is long overdue. And
it is good nevs that the start is now at
last likely to be made.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
frthe Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
nthe da preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 12
Sunday Library Service: On all
Sundays during the Fall and
Spring terms except during the
holiday periods, the Main Read-
ing Room and the Periodical
Room of the General Library will
be kept open from 2 to 9 p.m.
Books from other parts of the
building which are needed for
Sunday use will be made avail-
able in the Main Reading Room if
requests are made on Saturday of
an assistant in the reading room
where the books are usually
A-Hop -Intramural Building:
Women students attending the
A-Hop Oct. 8, IM Building, will
have 1 a.m. permission. Calling
hours will not be extended.
Colleges of Architecture, Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts, Phar-
macy; Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music, Public Health and
Graduate School:
Students may not add courses
after noon Oct. 8.
Women's Dorms, League Houses
and Co-ops: Themes and titles of
Fortnite skits must be in by Sat.
noon, Oct. 8 in order to be ac-
cepted. Contact Jani Stephenson,
Student Identification Cards:
Students who were unable to se-
cure their cards at the regular
time may pick them up this morn-
ing 8-12 in the lobby of the Ad-
ministration Building. Today is
the last day for the distribution of
Bureau of Appointments:
The Board of Education, Chi-
cago, Ill. announces examinations
for teachers of the following sub-
j jects: Kindergarten; elementary
grades; art; modern Greek; Ital-
ian; Homemaking; Library Sci-
ence; Vocal Music; Physics; Pol-
ish; and several types of shop
work. For further information
concerning the above, call at the
Bureau of Appointments.
Academic Notices
Anthropology 291: Meet Mon., 3
p.m., 16 Angell Hall.
Mathematical Logic Seminar:
Meeting, Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., 3217
Angell Hall. Prof. Burks, Philoso-
phy Department, will report on
primitive recursive functions.
Organic Chemistry Seminar:
7:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 10, 1300
Chemistry. Speaker: Eugene For-
nefeld; Topic: Introduction of An-
gular Groups.
Carillon Recital by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur,
7:15 Monday evening, Oct. 10. The
program will open with the Vic-
tors, followed by selections from
Ottone and Sosarmes by Handel;
a group of arrangements and a
composition for carillon by Wil-
liam Bender; two Welsh airs, and

selections from Iolanthe by Sir Ar-
thur Sullivan.
This program. will be repeated
by Prof. Price at 7:15 p.m., Wed.,
Oct. 12.
Events Today
Recreational Swimming-Wom-
en Students: Union Pool every
Saturday 9-11 a.m.
TV Football and Post-Game
Weiner Roast-To those donating
their Amy game tickets to some
disabled veteran: The Westmin-
ster Guild invites you to view the
game via television; 2d floor
lounge, Presbyterian Church.
Everyone invited to weiner roast
at the church following the game.

Open House, following the


Michigan Hostel Club: Square
dance, 8 to 11 p.m., Jones school.
Coming Events
Deutscher Verein Kaffeeklatsch:
Mon.; Oct. 10, 4:30-6 p.m., Hussey
Room, League. Students and fac-
ulty members invited.
Acolytes Meeting: Prof. William
Frankena will speak on "Obliga-.
tion and Ability." Mon., Oct. 10,
7:30 p.m., West Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Open to the pub-
A.S.M.E. Smoker. Speaker:
James M. Todd, National Presi-
dent, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 10,
Union Ballroom. Engineers and
faculty invited.
Phi Iota Alpha presents BO-
LIVIA TODAY, round table dis-
cussion. Sun., Oct. 9, 1:30 p.m.,
Union. Everybody welcome.
Graduate Outing Club: Meet
Sun., Oct. 9, 2:15 p.m., Northwest
Entrance, Rackham Building, for
autumn hike. Graduate students
U. of M. Hot Record Society: A
program featuring such jazz greats
as Coleman Hawkins, Billie Holi-
day, and Fats Waller, Michigan
League Ballroom, Sun., Oct. 9, 8
p.m. Everyone welcome.
Sigma Alpha Iota: Business
meeting, Mon., Oct. 10, 7:15 p.m.,
Sociedad Hispanica: Social hour,
Mon., Oct. 10, 4 to 6 p.m., Interna-
tional Center. All students of
Spanish and natives are invited.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
t'ous letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Piano Tuners, . .
To the Editor:
day's issue, The Daily has a
big advertisement on "How to
tune a piano!" Above the writing
there is a drawing of three men
swinging axes toward a grand
piano and toward each other. The
piano is of uncertain origin and
design, but it has space only for
a maximum of 23 white keys.
Now this has me worried. Most
modern keyboards, of the species
pianoforte, have 88 keys, about 52
of them white. The instrument
presented here seems to have no
utility, and the men may be try-
ing to rebuild it.
The ad says something about an
economic system. Is an economic
system tuned up too? And how?
Why is the American economic
system out of tune, off key? How
much so? How did it get that way?
Was it originally in better shape?
Is it now run down? What caused
it to get out of adjustment? What
can' wedo?
I am taking Economics 52, but
we haven't come to tuning yet. I
would be grateful for any help in
understanding the problem.
Written in my own interest by a
confused, nisguided, anti-Com-
munist liberal.
-John Neufeld,
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Like all editor-
ials in The Daily, the advertisement
to which Mr. Neufeld refers repre-
sents the views-such as they are-
of the writers, who happen this time
to be the members of the national
Advertising Council).
To the Editor:
whose first page contains a
report of an educator urging
"partnership of business, political
and educational leadership" to
end forever all threats to the "pri-
vate enterprise system," I find an
editorial sponsored by an "Adver-
tising Council" and "published in
the public interest by The Mich-
igan Daily." It is just a mite dis-
appointing to follow a path of
public service o often trodhand
only recently, o a similar errand,
by the U.S. Steel Springs Corpor-
ation in larger and more famous
The editorial supports the
American economic system and
attacks those attackers who want
to supplant it with "tin whistles."
It either contains a weird con-
fusion of cause, effect and syntax,
or is too subtle for my under-
standing. Example: Our system
works better than "second-rate
substitutes . . . because of a few
simple things," including: "we are
more inventive," "we have more
skilled workers," etc. The intended
meaning is, presumably, that we
have these advantages because of
the better-working system. As the
argument stands, it is a perfectly
good one for any superior second-
rate substitute. But I shall not
argue this.
I only object to The Daily's
propagation of a great deal of
rhetoric that serves no good pur-
pose at all. It fails to touch the
problems raised by our economic
system (by no stretch of the imag-
ination still to be called a free-
enterprise system); such as the
mentality associated with it ("the
better we produce, the better we

live"), the standardization of in-
dividuality, the power it gives to a
small number of citizens, and its
tendency toward depression and
We altogether too much pity
systems and not men, and when
the feelings of men are involved,
are far too careful not to hurt
the feelings of systems. Our pres-
ent one has been justly and se-
verely criticized, because it does
violence to many men. Attempts
to maintain it at all cost can be
of interest only to the few who
directly profit by it and to those
whose views the newspaper and
radio businesses form. Of public
interest would be a series of ar-
ticles on how to tune the piano or
how to replace it, should it be
beyond repair,
-Ja.k A _ Luas

the deserving veterans has brought
to light a very disgusting situation.
Fortunately, your thoughtful ed-
itorials have brought forth a very
generous response on the part of
the student body. However, we
feel that the responsibility of en-
abling these vets to see the Army
game rests solely with the Uni-
versity and the sports department.
In view of the tremendous ca-
pacity of the stadium, it seems
that the campus officials should
see their way clear toset aside
some sort of seating accommoda-
tions. Since the University has ex-
ploited college football as a very
lucrative business, we feel that at
least some provision should have
been made for temporary seats on
the field, which wouldn't detract
at all from the gate receipts.
-Dick Krinsley,
Norman Axelrad.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: As was explained
in yesterday's front page article, the
Board in Control of intercollegiate
Athletics has allotted complimentary
tickets to veterans' hospitals for
every home game since 1942. t would
have been impossible, at this late
date, for the Board to provide any
additional tickets, since heavy alumni
demands have exhausted the supply.
The idea of temporary seats on the
field was used several years ago but
abandoned as being too dangerous.)
To the Editor:
rushing rules now seems to be,
should the University sanction
groups which practice "exclusive-
ness." While they're at it, why
don't the solons meditate on a few
other moronic distinctions that
have been sanctioned for some
time. A few examples: forcing
freshmen to live in University
residence halls; not allowing un-
dergraduates to use the music li-
brary, collection; and the prime
idiocy of all, letting sex b a fac-
tor in determining who may use
the front door of the Union.
-David Summers.
Schedule Debate
Between Politicos
A debate between the Young
Democrats and the Young Re-
publicans on the National Health
Insurance Program will be held on
Nov. 3, it was announced at last
night's meeting of the Young
The Democrats will take the pro,
the Republicans the con. One doc-
tor and one layman will speak for
each side.
Freight volume carried by U.S.
railroads in 1948 declined slight--
ly-about two per cent-and pas-
senger miles showed a loss of
about 10 per cent, the Britanica
Year Book of 1949 reports.
The American Librarr associa-
tion is the official organization
of librarians in the UnitedStates
and Canada. It is the oldest pro-
fessional association in the world
of librarians and others interested
in the educational, social and cul-
tural responsibilities of libraries.
3-d { A14

Washington Mery-Go-Round

WASHINGTON-Prior to Cardinal Spell-
man's flight to the Vatican, it was au-
thoritatively reported among the Catholic
hierarchy that Spellman had lost his one-
time position as favorite of His Holiness.
Those who have visited at the Vatican
during and since Cardinal Spellman's dis-
pute with Mrs. Roosevelt, report that the
Pope was not pleased over Spellman's out-
burst and that this was the chief reason
why the Cardinal later called on Mrs.
Roosevelt at Hyde Park.
At one time Spellman was considered in
line to be Papal Secretary and perhaps the
first American pope in history. But now it's
reported inside the hierarchy that among
the American cardinals, wise old Cardinal
Stritch of Chicago is more in favor at the
Vatican. This may be one reason for Car-
dinal Spellman's flight to Rome.
* * *
WHEN THE mysterious John Maragon
tried to smuggle French perfume into
the U.S. labeled as champagne for the
White House and later got the case squelched
by the justice department, amiable Clyde
Hoey, Senator from North Carolina, de-
scribed it as "just the usual settlement."
The New York Times contains the rec-

jail sentence of a year and a day, and
was placed on probation for one year.
Benny had not smuggled the jewelry him-
self. Nor had he disguised it as a gift to
the White House. He had given it to
Albert N. Chaperau at the latter's sug-
gestion that he would smuggle it for him.
Along with Benny, George Burns of the
radio team of Burns and Allen was fined
$8,000 and got a suspended jail sentence
and probation. Mrs. Edgar J. Dauer, the wife
of a New York Supreme Court justice, also
was fined $2,500 plus three months in jail,
while public opinion forced her husband to
resign from the bench.
In contrast, Maragon paid only $1,500-
which Senator Hoey calls a "usual" settle-
ment-while the gentleman who saved him
from further punishment, General Vaughan,
has not resigned but is still sitting pretty
at the White House.
* * *
IF THE BATTLE over the B-36 gets any
hotter in actual aerial combat than it is
on the ground in these piping times of peace,
then we will see the hottest war in his-
For one airplane manufacturer-Glenn

Sigma Chapter, Kappa
Psi Fraternity: Meet Sun.,
2:30 p.m., Rm. 3-A, Union.

Oct. 9,

IZFA Hebrew Circle: First meet-
Sun., Oct. 9, 3:15 p.m., Hillel Foun-
dation. Everybody welcome.
U.W.F.: Study group meeting,
at the house of Alan Hurd, 318
East Madison, Oct. 9, Sun., 8 p.m.
Topic: "Road to World Republic."
IZFA Dance Group: Rehearsal,
Sun., 4:30 p.m., League, for next
Wednesday's program.
The Labor Management Rela-
tions act, popularly known as the
Taft-Hartley act, was passed over
presidential veto on June 23, 1947.
The statute amended the National
Labor Relations act of 1935 and
greatly enlarged its scope of ac-

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff .........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen.............. City Editor
Philip Dawson.......Editorial Director
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian.....Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz....'Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's'Ed.
Joan.King......... .Librarian
Allan lamage. Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.... Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff...Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler...C.Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1





'" . WM
. Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
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YOUR RECENT editorials re- Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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-, .~-- -
Here comes Barnaby now-
get his imaginary

., u_ ._.. a . .

c 49.p. as u. t


We knew you were interested in
television. We boughtit so you-


. .



What's the matter, son?
You look disappointed.

Only I thought Mr. O'Molley
waved his magic cigar and




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