See Page 4
:43 a t t4p
Latest Deadline in the State
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Radford Calls
B-36 Bomber
Big Blunder
Incites Congress
To Curb Johnson
Navy's No. 1 airman yesterday
branded the proud B-36 atom-
bomber as a "billion dollar blun-
der" and charged that the defense
high, command is freezing the
Navy out on decisions vital to vic-
tory in any future war.
No sooner had Admiral Arthur
W. Radford, Pacific fleet com-
mander and noted Naval aviator,
made his charges before the House
Armed Service Connittee than a
move sprang up in Congress to
curb Secretary of Defense John-
son's powers.
* * *
ALL THE long-smouldering un-
rest in the ,Navy exploded in a flat
charge by Radford that the Air
Force is "trying to eliminate" the
Navy's air arm.
The handsome 53 - year - old
flying admiral first unloaded a
smashing derisive attack on the
Air Force's gigantic B-36 as an
over-rated 1941 model, "slow,
expensive, very vulnerable."
Then the committee, delving
into policy differences on war
strategy in the Pentagon, poked
into the upper levels.
Rep. Hardy (Dem., Va.) want-
ed to know if there is in the Navy
4 a feeling of confidence in the of-'
fices of Secretary Johnson and
Secretary of the Navy Matthews.
IN THE tense hearing room,
Chairman Vinson (Dem., Ga.)
"Put your cards on the table."
And the outspoken Naval vet-
eran of two wars, speaking slow-
ly and with carefully chosen
words, replied:
"I feel the general impression in
the Navy is that decisions are be-
ing made in the highest offices in
the defense establishment without
adequate information that can
come only from the Navy."
Radford also observed that if
opinions are requested of Navy of-
ficers "they are not given enough
-Daily-Roger Reinke
D-DAY IN THE STUDIO-Ken MacDonald tries vainly to hold
off three determined former West Pointers as they stage a good-
natured invasion of his FM Club. The Paratroopers-Lieutenants
- George Baily, David Spellman and Bob Case-were victorious in
their efforts to aggravate listeners with a few moments of roudy
Paratroopers Take Over
Local Disc Jockey Show
Disabled Vets
Here To See
Game Today
Faculty, Students
Contribute Seats
Among the 22,000 students who
will cram into the north-west sec-
tion of Michigan stadium today
will be 258 disabled veterans from
south Michigan hospitals.
They will come as guests of stu-
dents and faculty who sacrificed
their view of the Army-Michigan
game after a plea in The Daily.
* * *
STUDENT AND civic organiza-
tions and the University teamed
up to make their visit possible.
After the Athletic Board
unanimously stamped its ap-
proval on the transfer of student
tickets Thursday night, hasty
arrangements were made to feed
the disabled vets.
The local Red Cross chapter
plans to feed 129 of the men at
St. Thomas' Church and at an
inn in Ypsilanti.
* * *
THE OTHER 149 disabled vets
will eat at the Union and the East
quadrangle. The price of their
meals will be underwritten by
campus and civic organizations.
The Interfraternity Council has
pledged $30 to cover part of the
Special service officers from
five nearby veterans hospitals
picked up tickets for the men
yesterday. 23 tickets will be
picked up for men from the
Wayne County veterans hospital
early today.
Percy Jones General Hospital in
Battle Creek is sending the biggest
contingent consisting of 120 dis-
abled vets. Thirty-eight vets will
hit Ann Arbor from the Fort Cus-
ter Veterans' Hospital.
Detroit's Marine Hospital is
sending 29 former leathernecks,
while 26 men will come from the
Veterans Administration Hospital
in Dearborn. Twenty-two men
from Ann Arbor's Veterans Read-
justment Center will take the rest
of the student tickets.
THE STUDENTS who gave up
their tickets will have their choice
of television sets to watch the
They can go to the Union,
where seats will be saved for
them, to the League to the West
or East Quadrangles, to the
Westminster guild chapel, to the
Phi Gamma Delta or Pi Lambda
Phi fraternity houses.
Final breakdown on the tickets
revealed that 252 students and six
faculty and administration offi-
cials turned in the pasteboards.
Transportation will be provided
by the hospitals and the Red
This is the second time that
student generosity has enabled
disabled veterans to see a Michi-
gan-Army football game. In 1946
a similar program brought similar
-Daily-Wally Barth
TORCH-LIGHT PARADE-A small segment of the 6,500 strong crowd that flooded Ferry Field last
night raise its torches high. The bright flames reflect hopes for a Michigan victory today. The first
pep rally of the year turned out to be one of the biggest in campus history, officials said.
* * * * * * r d o
HARDY DUG ahead: "Is there
lack of confidence, a wall that sep-
arates you from the office of the
Secretary of Defense?"
"I think so," the officer replied.
"A most unhealthy situation,"
the Congressman commented.
Bradford's testimony pictured
the armed services badly split on
war strategy. He said their differ-
ences reached "malignant propor-.
tions." And he gravely told the
lawmakers it is time to get to the
bottom of it.
move to curb Johnson's powers. He
offered a seven-point memoran-
dum which, as point No. 1, would
amend the unification act to pre-
vent Johnson from slashing ap-
propriations for any service with-
out Congressional approval. He
said he understood Johnson was
wielding the axe on Navy funds.
Vinson said he brought up his
memo simply to get something be-
fore the committee for discussion,
and indicated he was not wedded
to all its points.
Rep. Short (Rep., Mo.) observed
that it is the "duty of Congress to
see that the money is spent for
purposes for which it is appropri-
'Quiet One' To Be
Presented at Hill
"The Quiet One," profits from
which will go to the Fresh Air
Camp, will be shown at 8:30 to-
night at Hill Auditorium.
The film portrays the problems
that a Negro boy meets in a cold,
& realistic world. Yielding to the
temptations of the Harlem slums
in which he lives, he becomes a
juvenile delinquent. Only patience,
"On brave old Army team!"
Loud and clean the infamous
call rang out at 10:23 p.m. yes-
terday over WPAG-FM.
The United States Army had
staged a successful invasion of
Ken MacDonald's FM disk-jockey
MAKING UP the victorious trio
were Lieutenants George Baily,
David Spellman and Bob Case-
all ol.. the West Point class of '46
Eddy To open
Extra Concert
Series Sunday
Nelson Eddy, and his accom-
panist, Theodore Paxson, will give
the first concert in the Choral Un-
ion's Extra Concert Series at 7
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
The concert, in which accom-
panist Paxson will also play three
solo pieces, will give Eddy a chance
to exercise his famous clear dic-
tion on a scheduled total of 19
songs and lieder.
NOTED FOR HIS style of sing-
ing so that the words may be un-
derstood, Eddy has declared that
"When you sing a song, it's like
telling a story. If the audience
doesn't get the point, it's no good."
This singing style has won
Eddy success in the movies, on
the radio, and on the concert
stage. He has also recorded over
5130 popular and classical songs
for two major recording com-
panies, and has recently been
signed to do a series of long-
playing discs.
Most popular among his recent
albums are his collections ofj
Stephen Foster melodies and Gil-
bert and Sullivan patter songs. His
recent vocal tour-de-force in
which he wings all four parts of
several recorded quarters are pop-
ular with the public too.
early success to good timing. When
he was beginning his career, he al-
ways watched for announcements
of coming musical events.
Government Acts
Terrorize Prague
By The Associated Press
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia -
and currently stationed with the'
11th Airborn Division at Camp
Campbell, Ky.
The paratroopers were mak-
ing good on a dare from their
less fortunate buddies back at
camp. They had promised to
raid the local radio station and
give out with a whooping "Yea,
They did it. For a short mo-
ment, hundreds of local listeners
were helpless before the blatant
MacDonald, who will aid Bob
Ufer in describing today's game,
found himself .powerless before the
good-natured but determined at-
AFTER THEIR triumph, the
trio retired to celebrate a prema-
ture victory.
Back in the downtown streets,
the men abandoned their bravado.
The crowd persuaded them that
Ann Arborites had a different idea
about today's game.
Nine Trains
Serve CAme
Some 4,400 football fans will roll
into Ann Arbor today on nine
special trains.
More than 6,500 students and
townspeople flocked to the largest
pep rally in fifteen years at Ferry
Field last night.
They were recruited from all
corners of campus by the Fiji
marching band of Phi Gamma
Delta, and the West and East
Quad bands.
THE UNIVERSITY band led the
torch-waving crowd from the Un-
ion down State Street to the tune
of "Hail to the Victors."
Don Greenfield of the Wol-
verine Club, acting as master of
ceremonies, introduced Francis
Wallace, associate editor of Col-
lier's Magazine and noted foot-
ball analyst, who started the
rally off with a series of "so-
called football jokes."
"The entire country will be
watching this spot tomorrow," the
Notre Dame graduate declared,
adding his prediction of a Mich-
igan victory.
GEORGE TREVOR, sports writ-
er for the New York Sun, gave a
new twist to pep rally speaking,
when he called Michigan "the
number one team in the country,"
and then concluded with the
statement, "Army is going to win
Harry Wismer, sports director
for the American Broadcasting
Company and General Manager
of WJR wished the shouting
crowds "lots of luck in winning
the. conference title in 1949."
Drum major Fred Breidenbach,
and baton twirlers Floyd Zarback
and Dick Smith were introduced
and the twirlers gave the crowd
a preview of their skill.
* * *
LED BY CHEER leaders in
Huge Four-Ply Strike Threat
Menaces National Economy
Topping the list of arrivals is n
the New York Central train which S enm andenberg's m
will bring about 250 cadets t
straight from West Point for the Progress Normal
Another special train will bring Senator Arthur Vandenberg, re-1
550 alumni from the East to town covering from a Monday lung op-<
at about 12:50 p.m. today. eration in University hospital here,1
A New York-Pittsburgh special continued to make "normal prog-
will bring some 300 more fans in ress," hospital authorities said
for the nation's top gridiron tussle. yesterday.
Four specials from Detroit will The 65-year-old Republican had u
bring 2,150 more spectators to part of his left lung removed Mon-'w
town, while Toledo and Lansing day in a six-hour operation. He a
fans will arrive on other special has been sitting up briefly each sz
trains from those cities. day since Wednesday, doctors said. i
By The Associated Press
Threat of a gigantic four-ply
trike-in coal, steel, aluminum
nd railroads-was leveled at the
ation's economy yesterday.
The newest threats bobbed up
hen the CIO steelworkers union
erved a strike notice on the alu-
ninum Company of America and
fficials of the Brotherhood of
ocomotive Firemen and Engi-
eers met to consider a nation-
vide walkout.
* *
THE TWIN steel-coal strikes,
lready under way, have been
narked by spreading unemploy-
ment and a slackening of indus-
xial output.
Cyrus S. Ching, Federal Con-
ciliation Director, told John L.
Lewis and the mine owners that
each day of the strike was
bringing the nation closer to a
crisis. "This dispute must be
settled promptly," he said.
The CIO United Steelworkers
nion notified Alcoa that 20,000
orkers in eight states will strike
t 12:01 a.m. Monday, unless a
atisfactory contract is agreed
Alcoa produces about half of the
nation's aluminum.
* * *
THE UNION, which has pulled
out about 450,000 of its members
in basic steel plants, is demanding
a wage boost and free pensions
and insurance. The company said
the union's contract demands are
The Firemen and Engineer's
union called its general chair-
men into a meeting at Chicago
to consider possible strike ac-
tion. David B. Robertson,
Brotherhood president, has rec-
ommended a nationwide walk-
out in protest against rejection
of the union's demand for an
extra fireman on Diesel engines.
A presidential board already has
investigated the dispute. It ruled
against the union request Sept. 19.
So under the law requiring a 30
day cooling off period, the union
could strike Oct. 19.
However, no strike vote has
been taken.! The general chair-
men will decide whether to au-
thorize such a vote among the
110,000 members. 1
songs and cheers, the crowd fol-
lowed them in a snake dance down
State Street after the rally.
About two hundred of the
more exuberant male students
were sidetracked from the snake
dance as it passed Helen New-
berry Dormitory. They wove
their merry way throughout the
entire dorm, undaunted by the
blood-curdling shrieks.
The rambunctious fellows
opened doors and wrote "Mich-
igan, Beat Army" on the black-
boards. They systematically cov-
ered every floor and then calmly
departed via the front door, with
the shouts of the bewildered coeds
still ringing in their ears.
* * *
FROM NEWBERRY, the twist-
ing masses crossed the way to
Betsy Barbour where they paraded
through the corridors of the first
two floors.
Unwilling to leave any of the
women's dorms unmolested, the
men proceeded to Stockwell
Hall and snake-danced down
the halls of four floors.
According to an unidentified
source, the merry-makers left the
dormitory just a few minutes
ahead of the police who were
called to the rescue of the sur-
prised coeds.
Students Must
Show ID at I
Game Today%
Nearly 6,000 students who have
not yet picked up their ID cards
may find themselves on the wrong
side of the fence at this after-
noon's Army - Michigan - gridiron
Every student must present
either his card or his cashier's re-
ceipt, along with his athletic
coupon book to be admitted to the
game, according to Don Weir,
University Athletic Department
ticket manager. If cases of fraud
are discovered the tickets will be
confiscated for the remainder of
the season, he said.
A SIMILAR plan was adopted
last year to combat reports of ex-
tensive "scalping" of student tick-
ets before the games. It was al-
leged that lists of people wishing
to sell their tickets were often
posted on bulletin boards in cam-
pus residences.
The athletic coupon books,
which are tax-free, are non-
transferable by Internal Reve-
nue Office regulations, Weir}
pointed out.
Nation's Top
Grid Battle
Here Today
Capacity Crowd
(Sports o-Editor)
The Army will launch another
all-out offensive today with foot-
balls as ammunition'and the halt-
ing of the nation's longest winning
streak as their prime objective.
Zero hour is 2 p.m. and a ca-
pacity crowd of 97,239 will jam
Michigan Stadium to see the Black
and Gold-clad Cadet gridders,
themselves unbeaten in their last
13 starts, attempt to throw a suc-
cessful roadblock in the path of
Michigan's long 25-game winning
* * *
239 fans will be 280 first classmen
from West Point, here to cheer
their team to victory and to put
on an exhibition of the precision
marching for which the Cadet
Corps has long been justly re-
The Cadets will take the field
at 1:30 for a twenty minute ses-
sion of close order drills ex-
ecuted as only the West Point-
ers can execute such maneuvers.
Then will follow the traditional
dash to the stands for choice
seats and the wait for the fire-
works to begin.
As is the case when any two
topflight gridiron squads meet, no-'
body is quite sure what the out-
come of those fireworks will be,
but the anticipated results have
led observers to class the Wolver-
in-Cadet clash as the Nation's.
Game of the Week.
THE STAKES are high for both
squads today.
For * Michigan, the game
means an opportunity to tie the
modern collegiate record for
most consecutive games won, set
by Cornell under the late Gil
It also means a chance for the
revenge which the Wolverines
have awaited for three years. The
story of the Wolverines' 28-7 and
20-13 losses to the Blanchard-
Davis led teams of 1945 and 1946
is already legend in Ann Arbor.
bunch of 17-year-old kids who
gave the mighty Army machines,
boasting perhaps the greatest
array of talent ever to play "col-
lege" football, the scare of their
lives in the '46 encounter after of-
fering them their toughest compe-
tition during the 1945 season.
For Army, the Michigan game
offers the lone opportunity for
proof of the Cadets' right to a
ranking among the best in the
TheWest Pointers' schedule is
extremely light this year. They
will meet Harvard, Columbia, VMI
Fordham, Penn and Navy after
today's encounter.
romped over Davidson, 47-7, and
Penn State, 42-7, after the Penn-
sylvanians had assumed a 7-0 half
time lead
Despite the one-sidedness of
these victories the experts are
still skeptical of Army's prow-
ess. Penn State, with a weak
team this year outplayed the
Cadets until the unending re-
serve power of the two-platoon
Army system wore down the
Nittany Lions in the second
With this in mind the odds-
makers have established the Wol-
verines as a seven point favorite
to down the Army and extend The
String to 26.
AN ARMY WIN would be a
gaudy feather in the Cadets'
plumed caps, one which would
practically assure them of an un-
defeated season and a place at or
near the top in national rankings.
Working from the T-forma-
tion the Army gridders have the
necessary ingredients for a
smooth working, high scoring
1grid mahine.
Grip man Issues Call for Freshman Rally
Tug, tug together.
Come on and fight,
Get with your class
And pull with your might!
Chanting the above lines, Bill
Gima. ',0E nd hiseomit
Prof. Russell C. Hussey of the
geology department, a Michigan
alumnus, will be the "sponsor"
of the class of '53 and will give
them a pep talk at the rally.
Highlighting the activities of
Tug Week will be the three tugs
of war at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday
across the Huron River.
In two out of the three con-
nP- f u-elP nnr ta ntar ,,
Ed Reifel, '51, is in charge ofE
the plans for the tugs-of-war.
Friday night's activities will be
a humorous musical comedy en-
titled "Soph Satire" at which time
the sophomores will show the