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October 07, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-07

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Latest Deadline in the State






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Lewis Says
"Will Attend'
Peace Talks
But Steel Strike
Still Stalemated
Pittsburgh--(P)-A meager two-
word message from John L. Lewis
accepting a government peace
conference call primed hopes for
settlement of the 18-day old coal
But the steel walkout followed
an uneventful course with nobody
doing anything aimed at ending
the nationwide shutdown.
* * *
"WILL ATTEND" was the
brusque answer United Mine
t Workers chieftain Lewis gave a
summons by the Federal Media-
tion and Conciliation Service.
Lewis and coal operators will go
to Washington for a conference
with Mediation Director Cyrus
The operators agreed earlier
to take part in the Government's
first try at settling the mine
shutdown. The Federal Media-
tor's three attempts to find a
happy solution to the steel dis-
pute ended in failure.



Hannegan Dies
Of Heart Attack
ST. LOUIS-()-Robert E. Hannegan, a master politician who
helped put Harry S. Truman on the path to the White House, died
today of a heart ailment.
The former Postmaster General and former president of the
St. Louis Cardinals had been in failing health since 1946, but his
death was unexpected. He was only 46.
* * * *
packed a notable political career into 15 years.
He died at his home here shortly after 9:00 a.m. yesterday.
I He was ill during the night and,
his physician had been called.
Atom E ner Y Hannegan resigned as postmas-
ter general in November, 1947, to
head a group buying the St. Louis
Probew ont National League baseball club.
He began in politics as a mem-
B e ber of the St. Louis Democratic
city committee, and worked his
way up to the party's National
WASHINGTON - (P) - Split- AS NATIONAL chairman he
ting 10 to 8, the Senate-House was a decisive factor in getting
Atomic Committee voted against the Vice Presidential nomination
resuming its investigation of the for Truman at the 1944 conven-
Atomic Energy Commission on tion in Chicago. He swung sup-
"incredible mismanagement"' port to the Missouri Senator
charges. through adroit work with key del-
Ten Democrats outvoted eight egates and with President Roose-
Republicans in refusing to reopen velt.
the inquiry which was started at
the demand of Senator Hicken- Henry A. Wallace was the ap-
looper (Rep., Iowa), bitter critic of parent favorite and was per-
Commission Chairman David E. sonally rallying his supporters.
Lilienthal. Hannegan met President Roose-
* * * velt in the Chicago railroad
ANOTHER session was ordered, yards on the eve of the conven-
however, to hear Secretary of the tion and got a verbal expression
Air ForcenSymington with two favoring Truman.
deputies on an unexplained sub- Roosevelt also gave him a letter
ject. naming Truman and William O.
Reporting the committee's Douglas, now a justice of the Su-
closed session action, Chairman preme Court, as acceptable choices.
McMahon (Dem., Conn.) said-
that Senator Knowland (Rep., BUT TT"T
Calif.) told the Committee he BULLEI N
had received some information
since the Committee's hearings By The Associated Press
ended on which he wished to NEW YORK-New York head-
question the men. quarters of press wireless, which
transmits news dispatches, said
McMahon wouldn't say more the Chinese Communist Govern-
about it and Knowland brushed ment has ordered correspondents
past reporters without divulging "without diplomatic relations"
any information. with the new Red regime to stop
sending dispatches out of the
ONE CAPITOL Hill source said country.
the matter was a high-level se- This automatically clamps the
cret. lid on all U.S. and Western Power
news services and newspapers.
SL Sets Up Only Russia and her satellites
have recognized the Red regime.
e1 S tThe prohibition apparently al-
G ie ysiem ready is in effect. The usual
____ morning dispatch from Shanghai
failed to arrive at the Associated
For the lost alumni in town for Press in San Francisco today.
tomorraw' tm frinf t. ficr

Both strikes are over pensions.
Coal miners struck Sept. 19 after
Lewis suspended pension pay-
ments. Lewis blamed southern
operators for forcing the suspen-
He said they refused further
royalty payments into the UMW
pension and welfare fund. Ac-
tually the fight's over a new
About 380,000 diggers are now
Truman Says

Russian Atom


Plan Unlikely
WASHINGTON-- M-President
Truman said yesterday he doubts
that Russia is cooking up an ac-
ceptable atomic bomb control
The Soviets will make a new
arms control statement Tuesday
at the United Nations.
THE BIG question is: Will they
have a new slant on atomic bomb
control now that an atomic ex-
plosion in Russia has been re-
ported by the U.S.?
Truman wasn't excited by this
prospect. A newsman told him
at his news conference that it
was reported that Russians were
about to make "some new pro-
posal for disarmament." He ask-
ed if Truman would look for-
ward to hearing about it.
Not necessarily, Truman replied.
He said any number of proposals
had been made that could not be
accepted and this will probably be
in the same class.
** *
MEANWHILE at Lake Success
a plan to ban use of the atomic
bomb except against a nation tag-
ged- by the United Nations as an
aggressor was reported under dis-
cussion in the UN.
Informed sources said the pro-
posal has been talked about in
several delegations but that
nothing definite has taken shape
so far.
The plan was reported as dele-
gates of six countries held a three
hours and fifty minute secret ses-
sion on atomic energy.
The result of that session, re-
ports indicated, was that the basic
East-West split on fundamental
issues on atomic control stands
Dense Clouds
Hide Eclipse
Dense cloud formations ham-
pered observations of last night's
lunar eclipse.
Only a sudden clearing of yes-
terday's rain storm made what
little view there was possible.
Despite the poor conditions
scores of people attended the as-
tronomy department's open house.
There they were able to observe the
eclipse through the dome telescope
and a allerna iii n nn f1,.


FBI Begins
Trust Probe
Into AMA
Claims Monopoly
In Medical Plans
CHICAGO - ()-The Depart-
ment of Justice has started an
anti-trust investigation of the
American Medical Association and
15 affiliated medical organiza-
The AMA Board of Trustees
calls it an effort to "discredit
American medicine and terrorize
physicians into abandoning their
opposition to Compulsory Health
* * *
on the other hand, says it is look-
ing into complaints of an effort
to "monopolize" prepaid medical
care plans.
Attorney General J. Howard
McGrath got out a statement
after the AMA board had dis-
closed the inquiry and com-
plained that its offices had been
broken into in a search for rec-
The statement reads:
* * *
"THE JUSTICE Department has
received numerous complaints
from doctors and the general pub-
lic charging the American Med-
ical Association and certain other
medical associatioans with con-
spiring to restrain and monopolize
the pre-paid medical care plans
not conducted under their spon-
sorship and operated in competi-
tion with plans controlled by
"Should the investigation dis-
close that the complaints are
well founded and a violation of
law exists, further action by the
Department of Justice to elim-
inate such violation would seem
to be indicated."
The AMA board said their pri-
vate offices were broken into and
"thoroughly searched" while med-
ical officials were charting their
campaign in opposition to com-
pulsarymedical insurance.
Expect 'Guilty'
Judgment in
N .Y. Red Trial
Defense Spokesman
Hits Social Pressure
(EDITOR'SeNOTE-This is the
last in a series of interpretive ar-
ticles by a Daily staffer who spent
several days covering the Connu-
nist Conspiracy trial in New York.)
A conviction is regarded as cer-
tain, sources close to the defense
at the Communist trial indicated.
A spokesman for the defendants
said that "during the present state
of national hysteria, social pres-
sure on the jury makes a fair trial
"BUT WIN, lose or draw, the de-
fense will bring the case to the
widest audience possible.'
And judging from the volumi-
nois press releases and informa-
tive brochures which have beenj
compiled and widely circulated
on behalf of the defense, this is
no idle talk.
The prosecution is less willing to
spread publicity on the trial.
* * * '




-ium J r u s gamne 'rying o ingure
out if the University is the same
place they attended years ago,
Student Legislature has set up a
system of "hosts and hostesses" to
guide visitors around the campus.
Three booths will be set up, one
on the diag and one in front of the
League and Union.
Twelve hosts and hostesses will
man the booths and give out in-
formation ranging from what
changes have been made on cam-
pus to the location of a favorite
Maps will be provided for those
who want them, and specific new
buildings will be pointed out to
alumni and visitors. Literature on
social events of the football week-
end as well as Sunday doings will
be distributed.
Dave Peese, project chairman,
said that the system will be in op-
eration for the remaining home
football games.

W orld News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
States bitterly denounced Russia's
strong arm tactics in Eastern Ger-
many in two hotly worded notes.
The Department led off with an
official note which angrily pro-
tested the "shocking mistreat-
ment" handed out by the Russians
to Americans who wander by ac-
cident into Eastern Germany.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The "sep-
arate but equal" facilities basis
of segregation in the United
States is being challenged in the
Supreme Court by the Depart-
ment of Justice.



Tracers Seen
Opening New
sotopes Prove Boon
To Research-Jones
"Practically unlimited" poten-
tialities in cancer research through
the use of radioactive tracers were
predicted last night by Prof. Har-
din Jones at the first public meet-
ing of the 1949-50 Michigan Me-
norial-Phoenix Project.
An assistant professor of medi-
cal physics at the Donner Labora-
tory, University of California,
Prof. Jones discussed "Contribu-
tions of Isotopic Studies to the
Study of Dynamic Metabolism."
fields have for the first time pro-
duced "significant differences" in
reactions of normal animals and
those with a small tumor, Prof.
Jones pointed out.
Some of these tests show a
turnover of radioactive tracers
in tumored or pregnant animals
two to five times greater than
that of normal animals, he con-
Such tests now show a greater
rate of cell growth in such animals
all over the body, he said. Even-
tually, scientists will be able to
detect cancer in early stages with-
out getting it confused with pos-
sible pregnancy, he predicted.
EXPLAINING the process used
in such experiments, Prof. Jones
Said that first of all a synthetic
body substance is made radioac-
tive and fed into the animal.
These tracers make it pos-
sible for scientists to determine
the rate of breakdown of body
substances and distinguish be-
tween normal growth and break-
down and that of a cancerous
Two of seven substances already
tested were used up at a different
rate in animals with cancer than
in healthy animals, he said.
Before the initiation of radio-
active tracers into the field of
cancer rseearch, there was often
no way of determining this steady
growth and breakdown, or "dy-
namic turnovcer," Prof. Jones
pointed out.

PEP RALLY MAN-John Zabriskie, '50BAd, Mary Kokales, '50, and Al Hartzmark, '50, listen
while Don Greenfield, '50 (right) explains how the Fiji marching band of Phi Gamma Delta, and
the East and West Quad bands will call for students at their homes tonight. The bands will lead
students to the Union, the central meeting place for all students bound for the pep rally. The
University band will lead the entire group from the Union at 7:30 p.m. to South Ferry Field.


Board Approvei

Massed Bands To Lead
Students to Big Pep Rally

"Come on and join the band-
This invitation will be issued
personally to all students to the
tune of a march as the Fiji march-
ing band of Phi Gamma Delta and
the two Quad bands parade though
Ann Arbor recruiting students for
the "Beat Army" pep rally at 7:30
p.m. today at Ferry Field.
The Fiji band will leave from
Oxford and Hill, marching down
President of
Theta Xi Tells
Story of Fme
Theta Xi President Dick Rouse,
'50A, yesterday explained the epi-
sode which caused the University
Sub-Committee on Discipline to
add a whopping $100 to his frater-
nity's monthly light bill.
The committee ordered the re-
turn of various municipal lanterns
and street signs that had been col-
lected by Theta Xi's over a period
of time, and fined the fraternity
* * *
ROUSE TOLD The Daily that
the lanterns had been collected by
various members, principally last
summer, and that he had not
known of their presence in the
house until last week.
At that time Charles Clarke,
'51A, Theta Xi social chairman,
searching for decorations for a
Saturday night record dance,
happened on the idea of using
the lanterns as decorations.
Shortly after the dance had
ended and the guests had left, Ann
Arbor city police raided the house.
They seized the lanterns. The
Sub-Committee on Discipline then
summoned Rouse and Clarke to
Rouse emphasized that the tak-
ing of the lanterns was not spon-
sored or in any way encouraged
by his fraternity as a group. He
said individual members had, from
time to time, taken the lanterns
from various excavations and
placed them in their own rooms.

Hill St. to Washtenaw, to South
University, back down Washtenaw
to Hill, to Tappan, to arrive at
the Union at 7:30 p.m.
THE EAST QUAD band will
start picking up students at the
New Women's Dormitory. From
there the parade will proceed down
North University, to Forest,.to
Geddes, to Church, to South Uni-
versity, also reaching the Union{
at 7:30 p.m.-
Recruiting students in its
march down State Street to
North University and back to
the Union will be the West
Quad band.
All other students will be picked
up in front of the Union at 7:30
p.m. by the University marching
band, which will lead the entire
group of students and bands down
State Street to the pep rally at
south Ferry Field.
HARRY WISMER, sports di-
rector for the American Broad-
casting Company and General
Manager of WJR will highlight
the rally with his talk on modern-
day football.
George Trevor, noted sports-
writer for the New York Times
and well known throughoutthe
east for his predictions and views
on eastern college sports, will talk
on football of the "good old days."
TREVOR HAS known Michigan
football since the days when his
personal friend, Fielding H. Yost
became the University's renowned
football coach and athletic direc-
Francis Wallace, associate
editor of Collier's Magazine will
also be a featured speaker at
the rally.
* * .*
the crowd in cheers and songs and
will head the snake dance up
State Street after the rally.
The peprrally is sponsored by
the Wolverine Club in conjunc-
tion with the Varsity conmit-
tee of the Student Legislature.
The University siren will be
sounded at 7:00 p.m. today if "Ann
Arbor weather" makes it neces-
sary to call off the rally. ee-

265 Tickets
Gven Up By
U' Students
'M ' G r o u p s J o in.;
To Supply Food
The University Athletic Board
last night decided unanimously to
allow the transfer of student
Army game tickets to disabled
Meanwhile, a last-minute flood
of tickets swelled the total to 265
as The Daily went to press this
* * *
RESULTS of the two-day cam-
paign to bring the vets to the
Army game ensured the attend-
ance of every disabled man who
couldybe safely moved from four
nearby veterans' hospitals.
In addition to the Percy Jones,
Dearborn, and Battle Creek vet-
erans' hospitals, the University
Veterans' Readjustment Center
will be represented by at least
20men whose attendance was
made possible by the unexpect-
edly large number of tickets
IFC, AIM, and AVC are standing
by to supply meals for the vet-
erans if such arrangements can-
not be made elsewhere. Individual
students appeared at The Daily
yesterday offering whatever help
they could provide to make the
veterans' stay in Ann Arbor a
pleasant one.
AS FAR AS can be ascertained
now, all transportation will be pro-
vided by the hospitals and the Red
Cross, but plans are being made
to meet any last-minute shortage
of busses.
While tomorrow will bring the
largest number of disabled vet-
. erans to the Michigan Stadium
since the Notre Daine game In
1943, all other home games since
the war have been witnessed by
some veterans from surrounding
The Athletic Board has sent
complimentary passes to these
hospitals since the 1942 season and
made several special accommoda-
tions for the veterans in the past.
WHEELCHAIR patients have
been allotted seats in row 72 So
that, upon entering the stadium,
they will not have to move up or
down the aisles to their seats.
Collapsible chairs surrounding
the playing field were provided
for the vets at one time, but later
abandoned as being too dangerous.
Crusader for
Navy Faces
Court Martial
WASHINGTON - () -- Capt.
John G. Crommelin, defiant cru-
sader for naval might, was sus-
pended and denounced yesterday
for leaking confidential papers,
but his side won a round in Con-
Secretary of the Navy Matthews
excoriated the tall naval aviation
officer) for slipping official Navy
letters to the press. Matthews de-
nied what the letters said: that
naval morale is shattered by de-
cisions of the Unified Defense set-

THE HOUSE Armed Services
Committee heard the Secretary's
testimony which carried a distinct
threat of a court martial for-
Then the committee listened
in secret session to Admiral A.
W. Radford. Over Matthews'
protest, it voted to make Rad-
ford's statement public today.
This was a victory of sorts for
restive elements in the Navy, since
Radford was said to have put in
plugs for naval seapower and na-
val aviation as indispensable in

Students Treat Palates
To Famous Paris Food

JOHN F. X. McGoey, U. S. At-!
torney, heading the prosecution,
"Reporters are constantly
asking me for statements and
I have to give all of them the
same answer-I cannot make
any comment until the conclu-
sion of the trial."
In light of the fact that a con-
viction in the case would be af
death warrant to the Communist
party in this country, the defense'
is actively soliciting support for its
chief contention that "this is a
trial of books and ideas."

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
eighth in a series of articles by two
Daily staff members who spent the
summer In Europe. as leaders of an
NSA study tour.)
For a gustatory thrill that is
unsurpassed, the place to eat in
Paris is the Tour d'Argent.
There, if anywhere, the French
live up to their reputation for be-
ing the greatest cooks in the world.
A PENTHOUSE, glass-inclosed
restaurant overlooking the Seine
and Notre Dame, it has catered to
the elite of the world.
Its register bears such famous
names as Princess Elizabeth of

himself and a steak dinner could
be had for 90 French francs, or
about 30 cents in American money.
We could sit in the dingey
restaurant, sipping a glass of
wine which cost us three cents,
and listen to the tales Memil
told of the German occupation
and the five Nazi soldiers he had
buried in his cellar.
But before we had left the Uni-
versity in June an English profes-
sor had told us about the Tour
d'Argent: "You really can't leave
Paris without eating there."
* * *
HE TOLD HOW, after he had
eaten there the first time, he had


r in "l !1 *

OF THE FIRST 31 exhibits in- U.1 e (lu e 4
troduced as evidence by the prose--cuti
cution, 30 were books and-
phamphlets available inbany li- "The Quiet One," chosen as the
brary, including the Library of " e ite," heas the
Congress, they point out. ^. Best Picture of the Year" by the

Otne' To Be Shown Today
* * *~ * 4

See EXPECT, Page 3
Petition Deadline
Today is the last chance for Cl-

New York Newspaper Guild, will
be shown at 8:30 p.m. today and
tomorrow at Hill Auditorium.
The film will be presented
through the cooperation of the

yields to the temptations of the
Harlem slums in which he lives.
At the same time he loses
confidence in himself and trust
in others. He has to he slowly
drawn out of his shell of distrust
with patience, help, and love.
The goal of the picture is "to

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