4 ' WThNF~SDAY. MARCH 1. Th~& PROF. SLOSSON SAYS: International Government Key to Peace By DON POSTMA International Government is the .a *n* *.*...*. "onl wy" t o end the possi blit ,, . a peech tmebers ofSima Rho X.~ .\ Sosson added tha such a goen .....,. n t would be able to set up con- .,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... aomic bomb manot be the chief weapon'' used in a coming con- flict since other "more deadly ~ weapons," such as the H-bomb may be in use by that time. The difficulty lies, he con- tinued, in Russian refusal to cooperate with international peace plans. In the meantime, he added, the United States is forced to keep up in the "arms race." Dr. Slosson claimed that the "first line of defense is diplomacy."' Therefore, the United States must get enough of the countries in the world to agree with them so that any future agressor would hesi- tate to start war in the face of "overwhelming odds." * * * REFERRING TO THE "cycle .of wars," Prof. Slosson added that wars may be classified as two types: wars of tension and of in- tension. - The latter, he continued, are started intentionally and usual- ly follow a 10 to 15 year cycle. Wars of tension, however, are the result of some "incident" Slosson Not Contesting House Seat Rep. Micliener Stil Un~decidedl history department, 1948 Deo distrit wi n mak athe r as far as I'm concerned, Prof. Slosson told The Daily. .REP. MICHENER, whose home is in Adrian, has not yet decided whether to run for re-election, ac- cording to George A. Weins, chiair- man of the Washtenaw County Republican committee. The sec- ond Congressional district includes Washtenaw, Monroe, ILenawee and Jackson counties. The illness of the '73-year-old Congressman's wife, who is stay- ing in Detroit while Rep. Miehe- ner carries out his duties in Washington, was cited by Weins as a factor which may persuade Rep. Michener not to, run for re- election. Rep. Michener has re- presented this district in every Congress since the 66th, with the exception of the 73rd Con- gress. Should Rep. Michener decide not to run, George Meader, ex-Wash- tenaw County prosecutor who op- posed the Congressman in the 1948 Republican primaries, may again seek Michener's seat, according to We.ns. But it is improbable that Meader would run against Rep. Michener this year, Weins added. MRS. MARGARET PRICE, vice- chairman of the Washtenaw Coun- ty Democratic committee, said no one has been selected as yet to run for Congress on the Democrat- ler revealed that at a recent meet- 'ing of the district's county Demo- cratic chairmen, several names of potential candidates were consid- ered. -Daily-Carlyle Marshall SLOSSON ADDRE SSES ENGINEERS-International Government key to control of atomic bombs and end of wars says Prof. Preston Slosson in his address to Sigma Rho Tau's semi-annual mem- bership smoker. * * * * MICH IGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERSING LINES 1iDAY 3DYS 6 DAYS igure 5aeag wod to a lne. PERSONAL JOHN-Thanks for the inside info onl the 39c luncheon at J. D. Miller's Cafeteria. Boy that entree, potato, vegetable, bread. butter and bever- ae really taste good. What a buy. TBY is in a photograph. Who is DE RABBIT GROWER-loveuruse- now to keep every Russian Siberian warm for years! Jet Plane Explodes MANHATTAN. BEACH Calif.- (I)-A two-place jet plane explod- ed in the air yesterday and part of it hit an oil dump, starting a sectacular fire. The pilot parachuted to safety but a technician flying withi himn died in the wreck. "Introduction to M un ic i pal Government" by Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the political science department has ben published by Appleton- Century-Crofts. Try FOLLETT'S First Every Book for Every Course USED BOOKS at BARGAIN PRICES PERSONAL After she call you for Assembly, call CAMPS COSAGE for your flower JEYPET-e ndaSc Stdie se realmone sae 6 Beiee1to ot this nces etree, potato, vg- mal, tickebtickalets.od anyr dMcia- nd notdren'se onrconseueds. d Expiresonly whn competenal punch- ed. . )2PB Jiie umnt Danvce Stdompn, 15 E.209ert. Stat MWANTE a a td r rnn freneit y ouse ExmellFet food, modeate dpric- es. Cloe to-camp. CalBu Ph 1093. W h)n1on Thatr Eshonsed 66. io )3B TYPBWRIT S ANDFONANPS pRO Sals and Servcae t repairs. MOSELEY- TYPEWRITER & SYLVIA STUDI OFDACEBallom LOST & FOUND LOST-Horn rmeglssin orwnarad ) 22L ELGIN WRIST WATCH-Dark leather band TInitials D.E.P. Reward. )23L Barb from Jae. Ph. 2322 Mcadden. )21L LOST--Girl's gold bracelet. Call- B-14, Lawyers Club. )20L LOST-49 gold H.S. class ring. Has rectangular green stones. Initialed E.J.R. Lost near Union about Wed. 415 Michigan Hse. )35 BUSIESSSERVICES HOUSEKEEPIN RO-ne or pesos 5fe blocks from campus. two Call )SF D~lUE. FOR SALE CO ON CLOTH drapeies l 6ace tabl clt~ 11. itr.Ph 25 3 ROOMS FOR RENT GIRLS ROOMS -Community kitchen privieges, central location. Phon SINGLE AND DOUBLE room and board with nice gang of fellows. Home-like. 2-4538.- )43RI AT 1019 CHURCH-Half of large double room for male student. Enquire at rear apt., evenings. )8B ROOMS FOR BOYS-706 OaklandSt FOR RENT Single room i'privat iness girl. Ph. 6866. ) 39R DOUBLE AND SINGLE ROOM for males. Reasonable. 943 Greenwood. Ph. 6059, DOUBLE FURNISHED rooms and suites -student or working mnan. Student couples accommodated. No cookinig. Twin beds, shower, continuous hot water, reasonable, Close to campus and Union. 509 5. Division near Jef- ferson. )38R SINGLE ROOM and % double 621 Church. Ph. 2-4639. )41R Sblocks fr campus Hollywood beds shower. $6.50 per week. Ph. 5750. )19R an be use fas apartment Alo doble rooms. Call 2-2052. 8R ATTRACTIVE single room. Cooking pvIlees.~ 507 E. Liberty and 1106 .- .D 'ITRANSPORTATION 4'.-( I COMMERCIAL air carrier pilot flying to East Coast. -Cal stop enroute. Call Dave Weiss, 2-0968. )2T FOR RENT that is brought about by "war- weary" nerves. Prof. Slosson said that the former was the t hudftype we shol ear in te im- mediate future. Speaking of the scientific side of the H-Bomb was Prof. William A. Nierenberg, of the University physics department, who explain- ed the differences between the H and A Bombs from a standpoint of neuclear fission. mm SPROF. NIERENBERG noted that the Hydrogen Bomb operates on the same theory of as that of energy changes in the stars only on a smaller, "man-made scale." He asserted that the chances of "exploding" the earth by such a fission is possible but highly improbable since the earth is not large enough for "complete fission" to take place. However, Prof. Nierenberg con- tinued, there is a possibility that someone could "load" a bomb with materials that would spread a film of radioactivity around the earth. He added that the results would shima andr tNagasak iafteri th dropping of the first Atomic Bombs. This is the aspect of Atomic warfare that we must guard against, Prof. Nierenberg said. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS (classical) 15 78 rpm. albums for sal a / ditIon. 118 N. Tmayer Apt. 2, Phone 2-9185 -)38 TAME 'YOUNG Parakeets, Canaries and Love Birds. Bird supplies and cages. Mrs. Rufflns, 562 5. 7th. )2B. COUSIN'S 1ON STATE ST.-During the cool shortage try one of our cardigans or slipover sweaters. Prices $4.95-$6.95. cole e fe SpecilIreduced Studen Rtates available ($4.75 a year-instead dof $6 to make it easier. Phon Su billyou. )2 MON AVES-avy1 T-shrts 45c. hose; 49c. Marlboro gabardine sport shirts, $3.99. Navy type oxfords, $6.88. Open 'til 6 p m. SAMS STORE 122 E PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR Ne and Used Instrument *209 E. Washingtons ) 4B No. Main - app. Court House Last Times Today HENRY BARBARA FONDA STAN WYCK "The Lady Eve" -- and -- ALLAN "ROCKY" LANE "WYOMING BANDIT" I-. -k STARTS TH URSDAY Mat, 'hIl 5 30c Nights-Sun. 40c JON HALL, FRANCIS LANGFORD "Deputy Marshall ~- Pus MARSHA HUNT, JOHN LITEL "MryRyany Detective" LEAVE JUNIOR with a reliable baby sitter while you go out -- anytime. Kiddie Kare, 3-1121. )1OB ITY PEW RiTE RS I k U MEN'S GL EE CLU B RENTED I SOLD CONCER T and VA RI T Y SHOW person 4. A', REPAIRED II DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN G.I. Requisitions Accepted on Supplies Only 314 S. Stt Ph. 7177 riii MOST TALKED ABOUT BAND IN AMERICA GY 'I AudtLLiu Tickets by Mail Order Order now for best seats fountain pens repaired PA --- Friday -~A.Also "ABANDONED" DISNEY CARTOON and NEWS HOT RECOR D SOCIETY . present A CHAPLIN Quartet and -W. C. FIELDS and MAE WEST Friday and Saturday, March 3 and 4 - 8:30 P.M. HILL AUDITORIUM Advanccd Sale Wednesday - Saturday )at League, Union, Administration Building and at Box Office Gencral Admission 50c Publication in The Daily Official Bulen s otnstructiversntice to all for the Bulletin should be sent In Asis tteto the President Room" 25 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. en the day preceding publication IWEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 99 Notices Regents' Meeting: 9 a.m., Sat., Mar. 18. Communications for con- sideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Mar. 9. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Willow Run Study Ilall: At the beginning of the second semester, I the study hall at Willow Run was Midway.Mr. 1 it will e open as follows: Monday and Wednesday, 12:30- 5:30, 6:30-10:00. Tuesday and~ Thursday, 9:00- 12:00, 12:30-5:30, 6:30-10:00. Friday, 12:30-5:30. Saturday, 9:00-12:00. Approved Student Sponsored So- cial Events for the Weekend: March 3: Beta Theta Pi, Chin- ese. Students Club, Delta Sigma March 4: Acacia, Alpha Chi Sig- ma, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kap- pa Alpha, Alpha Sigma Phi, An- derson House, Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau Delta, International Student Assn., Kap - House, Phi AlphalubKappa,hi Delta Phi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma- Delta, Phi Sigma Kap- pa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Sophomore Class, Betsy Barbour, Strauss House, Theta Xi. March 5: Phi Delta Phi. Bureau of Appointments: The Long Beach, California Public Schools have openir1gs for elementary teachers in grades onie to six. Graduates in the upper ten per cent of their class will be given preference. To qualify for a California certificate a candi- date must have 24 hours of Edu- cation, including eight semester hours of practice teaching. The Public Schools of Minne- apolis, Minnesota are accepting applications for positions in the elementary schools. A representa- tive will be here in March to inter- view interested candidates. The Cincinnati, Ohio Public (Continued on Page 3) THE OFFICIAL MICHIGAN RING IMMEDIATE DELIVERY COMPLIMENTARY ENGRAVING 1. G. BALFOUR CO. 1319 S. University Phone 3-1733 - - - - - featuring BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNE!RS prepared by ANN ARBOR'S WELL KNOWN CHEF FOR 30 YEARS VIRGIL LANG DAILY STUDENT SPECIAL to fit your budget Open: 7:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Closed Sundays MIELKE'S, Cje 120 E. Washington St. Continuous Doily from 1:30 Matinees 25c - Nights 35c LAST TWO DAYS! I.OOK OUT, LA ADD / BOX OFFICE OPENS TOMORROW 10 A.M. o T HE DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH TH E SCHOOL OF MUSIC PRESENT "CSEI ANED THUTT cE" LYIAMENDELSSOHN THEATRE .4. 4 .4. I - q~, ~ Still 'I,. #~'~ 4 -C I I 4'', 4 A RE YOU EATING Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner 6 Days a Week .. . .. . ... . . $9.00 to buy your 1950 ''C 4 TONIGHT 9 PM ShCLI. Those Attending the 9 P.M. Show May Lunch & Dinner 6 Days a Week... .. .. .$8.10 1U.. o~w Stay for the Preview! A *?\ \< THRILLING EVENT! a beautiful cover a terrific sports section campus widle coverage 1' Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner I 5 Days a Week. . . Lunch & Dinner 5 Days a Week.. . .$7.50 . . . . . . . .$6.95