_______________________ I I Study Period In Germany Now Offered A year or two of study in Ger- many coupled with a hands across the sea gesture awaits the right University student, Ivan E. Parker, assistant to the dean of students, has revealed. Under a reciprocal agrement. an American student will receive tuition and living expenses for a period of study in Germany if he can provide the same main- tainence for 22-year-old Fritz Streuber at the University. Streuber, whose family runs a tin plate factory in Herford, Westphalia, is currently enrolled at the University of Cologne but wants to come to America to study in the University's school of business administration for one or two years, according to a letter received by Parker from an international lawyer in Zu- rich. Currency exchange problems make it impossible for y o un g Streuber to come to the U.S., for he cannot secure American ex- change. The cultural and educational section of the U.S. Military Gov- ernment in Germany requires that a student must be regis- tered in a recognized American school and his travelling ex- penses, maintenance and tuition fees guaranteed by a respon- sible American.. According to the letter, Streu- ber's mother would be willing to pay the expenses of an American student in Germany if his family could make similar provisions for her son in America. Parker asked that persons in-- terested in further information concerning the project contact him in Rm. 1059 of the Admini- stration Building. Forestry Essay Prizes Awarded The annual Charles Lothrup Pack Foundation Essay Prizes in Forestry have been awarded to Thomas E. Greathouse, '50, and Wood A. Barclay. Greathouse was awarded the $25 first prize for his essay, "Ten Weeks in the Sky," and second prize of $10 went to Barclay for his essay, "Land Hungry." Honor- able mention was given to Willard L. Jackson, '50, for "Conservation Education-Training for the Fu- ture." The contest was open to any forestry student who had not re- ceived a forestry degree. 100 DEGREE RISE: Varied Slate Teeth Sizzle When Drill Bites in, Dentist Finds I If your temperature doesn't rise a hundred degrees when your den- tist drills a tooth, at least the tooth's temperature does, accord- ing to extensive studies conducted by Dr. Floyd A. Peyton of the den- tal school. Giving the preliminary results of his studies before the midwinter meeting of the Chicago Dental So- ciety, Dr. Peyton reported a maxi- resh Snow Lures Skiers To At.boietu By PAUL BRENTLINGER Fresh snow which fell early in the day, coupled with sunshine and blue skies, lured innumerable ski and camera toting students to the arboretum yesterday. Herringboned hillsides and gay- ly colored ski costumes trans- formed the popular campus play- ground to a paradise for winter sports lovers. But the skiers' Eden lacked at least one element of per- fection. * ' * "WHAT THIS PLACE needs is a ski tow," Philip M. Smith, '51 BAd., moaned, as he puffed under the load of the skis he was hoist- ing up a hill. His sentiments were echoed by several of the sports lovers who spent most of their time doing nothing but going up aft- er a quick glide down one of the arb's many ski runs. On one of the arb's easier hill- sides, completely bare of trees and other obstructions, a group of ex- perienced skiers expertly zig- zagged their way to the bottom, with all the skill of newsreel ath- letes. AT THE SAME TIME, a group of three would-be skiers, obviously beginners of the lowest order, could be seen near the top of one of the steepest hills in sight. They were attempting to ski down a narrow strip of snow which lay between impressive rows of thorn trees. In the midst of this tortuous path came an abrupt jump- off. At last count, the three neophytes were successful in getting down the hill without a spill once in about five times. Camera fans had a great time exposing colored film to record the lights and shadows which seemedJ all around. mum rise of 140 degrees and an average of 100 degrees when the. tooth enamel is drilled. But there is only a rise of 38 degrees when drilling the dentin underlying the surface enamel, he reported. SMALLER temperature rises oc-. cur when drilling is done at low speeds, with small cutting tool sizes and with light pressure ap- plication, according to preliminary studies made with steel, diamond point and carborundum cutting tools, Dr. Peyton said. Experiments with the "air dent," the new air abrasive method of drilling, now under development, show no significant temperature rise during drilling, Dr. Peyton reported. FUTURE EXPERIMENTS are planned to study the effect of tem- perature changes on mouth tis- sues, he added. The results described by Dr. Peyton were obtained from meas- urements made on extracted adult molar and bicuspid teeth. Groups Offer Tips on Travel Tips on summer travel or work projects are available for the ask- ing at the National Student As- sociation - Student Religious As-E sociation combined summer pro- jects office in Lane Halt Office workers Lee Winneg, '51, and Mary Curtis, '52, are on hand from 4 to 5 p.m. daily to dispel information on European and American travel tours and work projects. Summer project infor- mation booklets are available at the office. This is the first year that both NSA and SRA have combined their information services. Organizations planning tours and projects include the American Friends Service, Lisle Fellowship, American Youth Hostels, Experi- ment in International Living, World Student Service Fund and most church groups. To Exhibit Stamps The Ann Arbor Stamp Collect- ing Club will hold its annual ex- hibition from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. to- day in Rm. R and Rm. S, Union.^ The exhibit is -open to the pub- lic. Of Plays Set For March A playbill for March consisting of outstanding works by Shakes- peare, Moliere,' Mozart, George Bernard .Shaw and Tenessee Wil- liams has been scheduled by Play Production. The repertoire ranges from con- temporary American to classical' Continental and from light com- edy through tragedy. Play Produc- tion's dramatic menu includes four one-act plays, an opera and a tragedy. * . * THE ONE-ACTS, directed by students in advanced theatre courses, will go on the boards at 8 p.m., March 2 and 3 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The playbill consists of Shaw's farce - satire, "T h e Admirable Bashville," in Elizabethan blank verse depicting the pursuit of a prizefighter by an English noble- woman; "Lord Byron's Love Let- ter," a tragic episode taken from the lives of those who live in the past; Moliere's "The Learned La- dies," a comedy; and scenes from Shakespeare's tragedy, "Othello." A comic opera, "Cosi Fan Tut te," ("School for Lovers") by Mozart will begin a four-night engagement at 8 p.m., March 8 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The opera is produced by the speech department with the co- operation of the School of Music. Shakespeare's "King Lear," con- sidered by many critics as the most powerful of the Bard's works and the most tragic of his trage- dies, will complete the dramatic presentation for March, going be- fore the footlights at 8 p.m., March 29 through April 1 in Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Petition To Widen E. University Ave. A petition to have E. Univer- sity Ave. widened eastward in front of the East Quad will be con- sidere'd next week by the City Council's public works committee. The petition was signed by 40 parents of University Elementary School and University High School children. Specifically, it asks that E. University Ave. between S. Uni- versity Ave. and Hill be widened 15 feet by moving the curb east., The street is too narrow now and constitutes a menace to school children crossing it, according to the petition. i 4 i *4 & At i Internatio 1 Understanding V 4> WEEKLY TEA-Every Thursday afternoon, the International Center plays host at tea to the for- eign students on campus and their American friends in an endeavor to further promote internation- al understanding. The teas are highlighted by bridge and canasta games as well as informal dancing. Often 79 countries are represented at these weekly functions which are designed to give foreign students the opportunity to entertain their American acquaintances in a wholly informal atmosphere. The University, which has' one of the* largest enrollments of foreign students i4 the United States can well boast of its Interna- tional Center, long the focal point fcr establishing informal contacts between students of all nations. Formally inaugurated in 1938, the Center has its own Board of Governors, composed of various University officials and faculty mem- bers and is directed by Dr. Esson M. Gale. ITS MAIN TASK is to provide the foreign students on campus with social and educational activities. Secondly it assists the students in finding living accommodations, often in quarters also housing American students. In this manner, a type of international living is achieved. Perhaps, the most important single service of the Center, other than establishing social contacts, is the English Language Service, which has been designed to aid the foreign student in meeting the various emergencies he may face in social situations as well as in his academic life. These classes are limited to groups of ten or twelve students and meet three times each week. In addition, individual conferences are arranged in order to allow each student to discuss privateiy his par- ticular problems. * * * * BESIDES THE regular classes, the Language Service which is unaer tne supervision of Miss Sarah E. Grollman assists advancea and professional students who are frequently called upon to present papers or give talks. The activities of the service include intensive drill in pronun- ciation, study of the English idiom and structural patterns, train- ing in composition, study of American life, letters and thought, and practical conversation groups. The Center offers a wide range of social activities, the most popular being the weekly teas held from 4:30 to 6 p.m. each Thursday in the Center lounge. American students have found the Sunday Night Suppers par- ticularly interesting. Each foreign student club successively prepares a dish from its national menu for the supper and American students are still reveling over the "chelo khoresht" served by the Persian Club and the "su ch'ao niu roh" prepared by the Chinese students. The social season is climaxed with the annual International Ball to be held this year April 28 at the Union. * * * * SPORTS TOO PLAY their share in the Center's program. In a GRAND SLAM-Nancy Folz, 52' looks at her partner, Farses Dastur, '51P of India, with a puzzled expression during a bridge game at the International Center. Also seated at the card table are Elaine Elbling '52 and Louie Sharau, '50 of Palestine, who are enjoying Dastur's wrong lead. Kibit- zers were Chester Myslicki of the Economics Department and Ed Yanne, '50, Hong Kong. .4 ;., ..... "z: .;." ...2 MINIM