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February 25, 1950 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-02-25

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',rEBRUARY 25, 1950rTW c IGNiAt1
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(Continued from Page 4)
inadequacies. The YR's propose to
work for the "Individual and him
alone" who "would not otherwise
have an opportunity to make a
tgood beginning." We oppose all-
inclusive structures like socialized
medicine and the Brannan plans
to be meted out irrespective of in-
dividual need. We believe govern-
ment should cooperate with our
private institutions and with local
government, not control or replace
those institutions.
We are determined that the pre-
servation of human liberty of
which economic liberty is a part,
comes before security, but we be-
lieve that those liberties ought to
be accorded each man. That's why
we have adopted specific civil
rights planks.
Cryitics are taken aback by one
quality which in working out this
platform we tried to inject. We
tried to be positive and to set down
what we favor before what we op-
pose. We tried to be direct, to be
l specific.
Spne liberals protest that "we
are not in line with the GOP hier-
archy." 't should be made clear
that the YR function is not to
conform to the party line if one
exists. Our job is to contribute
such ideas as we "Young Turks"
think will help our party to achieve
real victory; to deserve the confi-
dence of the younger voters, es-
pecially; to be forward looking
about the problems of a free soci-
We think that we've made a
good beginning with the "Oppor-
tunity State" idea. We think a
vigorous and united party can be
built around this kind of positive
Or put it this way: To heck with
t the labelists and semantics. We're
out to offer the people a signifi-
cant alternative. We're out to give
the Democrats some real compe-
tition for a change!
-Howard Hartzell, Chairman,
National Action Committee,
U. of M. Young Republicans
Opportunity State .. .
To the Editor:
" HAVE before us the so called
"opportunity state" platform
of the University of Michigan
Young Republican Club, which
they claim , if adopted, will save
the American people from the
disastrous road to "socialism" or
the "welfare state."
A look into this program gives
the impression of great confusion;
for while the Republicans want a
balanced budget, lower taxes, and
less government control, they also
l want the Democratic Platform
pledges as to civil rights, natural
resources, including soil and wa-
ter conservation, federal projects
similar to the TVA, tidelands oil,
reclamation and irrigation pro-
jects, further anti-trust action,
most of the agricultural and wel-
fare program, etc.
However the Young Republi-
cans contradict themselves; the
platform they advocate is going
to cost more money and need
more .government regulation and
yet taxes are to be lowered at the
same time, while the federal bud-
4 get is even now unbalanced. This

is as if the Republicans want the
frosting of federal services with-
out the cake of federal taxation.
On the points of difference be-
tween the Young Republicans and
the Democratic party-the Bran-
nan Plan, Health Insurance, and
Taft-Hartley, a debate should be
arranged. Mr. Belin, Young Re-
publican President, has chal-
lenged any group to do so. Per-
haps he will recall that four
Smonths ago, the Young Democrats
offered to debate any specific is-
sues with the Young Republicans.
The Young Republicans refused
and offered only to talk of nebu-
lous generalities. We again repeat
our challenge. Would the Young
Republicans care to debate with us
Taft-Hartley, or the Brannan
Plan, or Compulsory Health In-
surance. If not, why?
-Executive Committee -
University of Michigan
Young Democratic Club
(Floyd Marks, Chairman).
Bamboo Vaughan says
Thanks Michigan

To the Editor:
W HAT IS THIS gibberish about
the "opportunity state" that
has been cluttering up The Daily
editorial page the last week? The
word sounds fine. Everyone wants
opportunity. My only inquiry is
to know who gets the opportu-
nities? Is it the fellow republican
wall streeters, cartelists, and co-
lonial exploiters who seem to have
reaped the greatest profits from
such "opportunity?"
The campus Young Republicans
have issued their platform for
opportunity. The first item that
greets the eye on turning the page
is Civil Rights. Looks O.K. on a
national scale-FEPC, anti-lynch,
anti-poll tax. But why is the YR
afraid to apply civil rights prin-
ciples to the state of Michigan
and Ann Arbor? For a student
group in a northern university not
to endorse Fair Educational Prac-
tices laws is a condemning error.
But maybe a YR attack on the
quota system would embarass its
brethern in the administration.
The YR knows about this legisla-
tion and the state-wide struggle
for it. They remained neutral on
it in the CED when support was
asked for Senator Blondy's bill
(S-155). The omission of this vi-
tal point for which many campus
and state groups are fighting
raises serious questions in my
Again the YR gives lip service
to minority rights in regard to
political beliefs. It says "an op-
portunity state must necessarily
include equal rights for all." But
listen to the double talk in the
very same paragraph. "We do not
want the outlawing of the Com-
munist Party, but we staunchly
oppose the holding of federal jobs
by Communists or their teaching
in our schools." How is this equal
rights for all when one can face
unemployment merely by political
associations. It would seem by the
preceeding logic for the YR to
deny jobs and academic freedom
to Democrats, Progressives, So-
cialists, and others with whom
they did not agree. What i the
connection with this and "equal
rights for all?" I confess I am at
loss to find the answer. Sounds
like opportunity for everyone -
if you're a republican.
The YR opposes socialized medi-
cine, but supports government aid
in the medical field "in propor-
tion to the inability of a state to
provide adequate service." How
this differs significantly from the
pirinciple of the so-called "so-
cialist" plans nowup before con-
gress is beyond me.
Fortunately there is an answer
to YR confusion, but there are
space limitations. The Young
Progressives challenge Belin and
any others supporting such :No-
cracy. You name the time and
place and the YPA will be there.
It will not only talk about a real
program, but will show you how
it can be applied to local condi-
-Gordon MacDougall.
* * *
Democracy in Education
To the Editor:
T SHOULD LIKE to take this
A opportunity to invite students,
faculty members, and other in-
terested persons to attend and
participate in the Democracy In
Education Conference. This Con-
ference will be held at the Michi-
gan Union this coming week-end,
Saturday. and Sunday, February
25 and 26.
Democracy In Education is an
elusive goal for which all stu-
dents should constantly strive.
Those of us who believe that the
future of democratic institutions
is being threatened by obviously

undemocratic practices cannot af-
ford to stand idly by while these
practices are continued. Students
who believe in Democracy, and
who believe that education en-
ables Democracy to accomplish its
objectives, must earnestly main-
tain the principle that merit
should be the determining cri-
terion for admission to our col-
leges and universities. The same
criterion should be applied to the
selection of those entrusted with
the task of guiding our students
in their pursuit of knowledge. Ex-
traneous considerations such as

tical affiliation have no place in
a democratic society.
Students throughout the state
of Michigan have been attempt-
ing to find some solution to their
many problems. As a result, mul-
tiform groups and organizations
have sprung up. Each of these
groups seeks a particular path
which it trusts will enable it to
accomplish desired objectives,
whether the objective be the eli-
mination of a quota system, pro-
motion of academic freedom, or
a peaceful. world. All of these
groups, though they work in com-
parative isolation from each other,
have a common goal. That goal is
a greater degree of democracy in
the field of education.
The Democracy In Education
Conference seeks to provide a
basis whereby these various groups
may be enabled to achieve a more
effective coordination of their ac-
tivities, where such coordination
might strengthen the programs of
each. The immediate objective of
the conference is to provide a
forum for the exchange of ideas.
comparison of programs, and
evaluation of techniques. It is
hoped thit each person or group
will profit from the discussion of
both successes and failures ex-
prienced by others.
The sponsors of this Conference
urge you to join the fight for
equality of opportunity in educa-
tion, for extension of academic
freedom, and better international

Member of

--Tom Byers
Executive Committee
In Education Con-

* * *
Subversive Fable ...
To the Editor:
IN THE DEPTHS of subversive
circles a fable makes the rounds.
It is called
Long ago in a mountainous re-
gion of a mysterious land (prob-
ably Russia) lived 20,000 young
mules.rThey gaily galloped over
100 yard-long pastures, brayed
much, made love, pricked up their
long grey ears, whirled their tails
and munched oats. Fat and satis-
fied they looked forward to a life
of mulishness. But there were a
few unhappy mules who thought
thoughts no self-respecting mule
should think and who sometimes
talked with the mares who lived
in a field near heaven.
From the mares these unhappy
mules learned they were part horse
and learned many other things.
They no longer looked forward to
a mulish life but met in little
groups and loudly proclaimed they
should live like horses and not
like mules. They seldom agreed
among themselves how they could
become horses and said many silly
things, but some that made horse-
sense. In spite of their small num-
bers they were noticeable in the
community of mules and soon the
fat, indifferent mules uncomfort-
ably felt their presence. They not
much cared to think but they
knew: All muledom was in dang-
From their ranks rose a great
stately mule and demanded at-
tention. Lifting its clear voice it
asked: "Who in this barren coun-
try use horses anyway? Don't
you dumb mules see you defame
all our characters?"
-Jack A. Lucas
New Women's Dorm ...
To the Editor:
WE APPLAUD Martha Bazar,
who has finally broken down
the myth of the New Women's
Residence. To those who envious-
ly eye the residents of the New
Dorm, we say "DON'T!"
The ultra-modern motif of the
lounges has replaced comfort with
nothing but semi-padded park
benches and the trappings that
might well be associated with a
Miami Beach cabana. It is indeed
a pity that we must reconcile our-
selves with a view of snow-covered
vistas seen through bamboo shades
instead of the expected coconut
In due consideration of the many
guests which the girls might en-
tertain, the architect endowed the
dormitory with a copious supply

ever, to give us that which might
prove useful - a recreation room.
Numerous attempts have been
made to transform one of the
lounges into a rec room, but none
have been successful. The delicate
acoustics of this venerable edifice
are such that the thunderous boom
of a ping-pong ball reverberates
throughout the halls above.
In keeping with the multitude
of modern conveniences with
which the dorm has been equipped
are the two coin phone booths, de-
signated for the use of 600 girls.
It is our good fortune that the
lobby is large enough to hold the
598 girls who patiently await the
Sunday -morning conversations
with the folks at home.
These are not idle statements
intended to disperse the pink cloud
that surrounds this proverbial pal-
ace. Taken seriously, they are con-
crete suggestions directed toward
the betterment of the New Wom-
en's Residence.
-Felicia Weissman,
Sue Joseph
* * *
To the Editor:
SELDOM IN American history
has a President been returned
to the White House under such
favorable conditions as has Harry
Truman. He owes much to organ-
ized labor and agriculture. He
owes a lot to that queer bird, "the
man in the street," the chaps num-
bered in the "Don't Know" group
in the polls. And he owes a debt
he can never repay to the stupidity
of the Republican Party which
sought to carry water on both
shoulders, to go down the "middle
of the road" instead of being what
it always has been, the party of
sane, constructive conservatism.
No, I didn't vote for him. But
I have never ceased to worry about
my traditional party. Republicans
must clean house. Republicans
must study history and return to
the solid principles of their
fathers: Hamilton, their founder,
Lincoln, their humanizing saviour,
Theodore Roosevelt, their fight-
ing man, and Dawes, the greatest
and most eloquent exponent of
conservatism in modern times.
They must find a Coolidge to up-
hold the public interest against
the factions that would destroy
us; a Mellon with real knowledge
of finance and a sense of public
duty. Perhaps they will find in
their greatest leader, Taft of Ohio,
the inspiration and the character
required to convince the people
that their real security lies within
themselves rather than in the poli-
tical hanger-on from the pool room
or union office.
Let us take our Constitution in
one hand and our Bibles in the
other and seek with God's guidance
to bring our people back from the
enervation of false luxury, from
economic stagnation, and inevit-
able ruin, to belief in their own
strength and intelligence as in-
-Jasper B. Reid, Jr.
* * *
'Appalling Ignorance..'
To the Editor:
M R. CLARK'S statements in The
Michigan Daily on Feb. 18,
1950 about the caste system in
India betray appalling ignorance.
A meagre knowledge of the pre-
sent Indian Constitution and the
general practice in the country
ought to show anybody that only
a biased mind could compare caste
in the Hindu faith to Christ in

Christianity. His statement about
any progression to "the Brahmin
cow and Brahmin human" through
many thousands of incarnations"
(sic) may be sensational for no-
toriety but are no part of Hindu-
The larger implications of the
Red danger and the futility of In-
dia as an ally in any eventual anti-
Communist war are unwarranted
India is on the threshold of a
tremendous social reconstructive
period. Our task is hard and the
road is uphill; we look for every
guidance and advice from all men
of goodwill. But statements as Mr.
Clark's are hardly conducive either
to the solution of our domestic
problems or the mutual amity of
civilized nations.
-K. N. Sahaya
* * *
Call to Arms ...
To the Editor:
CIVILIZATION today is riding
on a train at ninety miles an
hour with an open switch ahead.
For how else can the present nu-
clear armament race between this
and other nations be described?
It is a desperate situation which,
unless alleviated, can only end
in the massive destruction of gov-
ernments and peoples. Perhaps
it will destroy all civilization, even
all life.
For this reason, it therefore be-
comes imperative for people, the
young as well as the old, those in
power as well as those not, to face
reality, to turn from their petty
desires, complaints, and pleasures,
to leave this mad dance of forget-
ting the obvious because it is so
fearful, and to begin to try to find
ways and means of avoiding the
otherwise inevitable consequences.
Let us all, then, forget the present
minor issues, which abound on all
sides, in order to be better able
to concentrate on this vital ques-
Nor is there much time left;
the hydrogen bomb waits at the
open switch.
-Hessel E. Yntema, Jr.
* **
Camnpus Politics..
To the Editor:
JIM McILHENNY's letter publish-
ed Feb. 18 has some interesting
implications. If the presence on
the campus of such "pink" groups
as the Young Democrats and the
A.V.C. is going to rob some of us
of our chances of employment by
"big business," isn't it equally
likely that the presence of such
"unpink" groups as the Young
Republicans is going to rob some
of us of our chances of emplo-
ment as labor organizers?
-Leonard M. Naphtali
* * *h.
To the Editor:l
IN HIS RECENT letter, Mr. Mc-
Ilhenny confined himself to ful-
mination and abuse, never quite
making clear the consequences of
his suggested reaction against
campus "political pressure groups"
who are robbing students "of fu-
ture prestige in the non-academic
world." Unfortunately for his
case, some of the consequences are
only too clear.
"Most of us," he writes, "will
be looking for jobs with big busi-
ness. Big business- does not like
pinks, it does not like extreme
liberals, it wants men and women
whom it can trust to further all
of its interests."
Accordingly, Mr. M. would have
us shape our thoughts, our phi-
losophies, our acts, to the liking
of a few men in powerful positions.
The polite word for this is cyco-
phantism. There are less polite
but more descriptive synonyms,
like kow-towing and intellectual
cowardice - and others unprint-

able but still more descriptive .. .

In his numerous surveys of "the
great majority of students at
Michigan," it seems strange that
Mr. M. did not discover consider-
able sentiment against such an
ignoble surrender to the interests
of big business or any other single
source of influence. He seems to
credit his fellow students with lit-
tle independence and still less in-
tegrity .. .
We find Mr. M. managing to tol-
erate the fact, as he admits, that it
is "true only in part" that the Med-
ical School discriminates against
minorities -- particularly since
such a policy would seem to re-
strict the "complete freedom of op-
portunity" which he so strongly
favors - elsewhere in his letter.
He is willing to tolerate the fact
not only because he doesn't care
to do anything about it, but he
also wishes to prevent others from
taking such action as seems ap-
propriate to them. His right to do
this is questionable.
We also find the name of the
Young Republicans glaringly ab-
sent from Mr. M.'s partial list of
"political pressure groups," though
he found leisure to include both
the campus Democrats and Pro-
gressives. I am sincere in hoping
that our Republicans will not be
flattered by this omission, and that
they will not appreciate being giv-
en a less prominent place in the
stream of Mr. M.'s abuse. Their
effective participation in CED
meetings and active campaigning
for their beliefs surely merit them
that place of honor.
Essentially, Mr. M.'s call is a
non-partisan invitation to inac-
tion and cowardice, at a time when
independent thought and resolute

To the Editor:
EVERY NOW AND then some-
one writes to The Daily telling
us about all the people who don't
see things or do things his way,
and he lumps the whole assort-
ment together as "radicals."
It's a free country. He can dis-
like any cast of thinking he
pleases.. It takes all kinds to make
a world - and a democracy. But
for the sake of logic, he ought to
find another word.
"Radical" (adj. L. radix) says
the unabridged Webster on any
University library table, is "pro-
ceeding from the root." It's syno-
nyms are: complete, constitution-
al, entire, essential, extreme, fun-
damental, ingrained, innate, na-
tive, natural, organic, going, total.,
Of 13 synonyms, only one has,
at the present time a negative con-
notation, and that one is "ex-
"Since the majority find super-
ficial treatment of any matter the
easiest and most comfortable," I
quote Webster, "radical measures
which strike at the root of evil or
need may be looked upon as ex-

action are needed literally for sur-
vival. I do not believe that the ma-
jority of students, for whom he
presumes to speak, will heed his
appeal. The young people of
America have, in their various
ways, a valuable contribution to
make to today's world. It would be
tragic were they to be deterred
by Mr. M.'s counsels of fear and


-Allan Silver
* * *
* * *


The antonyms of radical are:
conservative, inadequate, incom-
plete, .moderate, palliative, partial,
You can vote Republican, Demo-
cratic or Vegetarian, as far as I'm
concerned, but if you are using
"radical" to denounce your op-
ponents you will have to find a
stronger argument. Getting down
to the roots of a thing is no easy
matter, and those who do deserve
special respect and recognition.
Any thinking, man must take of f
his hat to a real radical, for he's
a mighty scarce item.
Of course, if you want to adopt
the mad logic of Alice in Wonder-
land you can always say im-
periously with Humpty-Dumpty,
"When I use a word, it means just
what I choose it to mean, neither
more nor less." But semantically
you'll be esoteric.
You can't have a logical argu-
ment without a definition of terms
which is generally accepted.
And we'll get absolutely nowhere
if I am informed "everyone knows
what a radical is," for the term
has been used to censure a great
diversity of unpopular behavior -
from smoking in an off-limits
campus john to defending some
form of national health insurance.
-E. Fitz-James
* * *
Stromboli ...
To the Editor:
WHAT happened on Stromboli
Was slightly less than holy
Yet our student Legislature
Went rushing back to nature
O say, did Walter falter?
Whence homage due to Bromage?
-Lou and Carol Orlin.

(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Earl Grandstaff, Acting Minister
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
9:45 A.M.: Student Class.
10:50 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon Topic-
"Facing Suffering." Mrs. Rosa Page Welch,
Chicago, soloist for the service. (This service
will be broadcast over WHRV.)
(Nursery for children during the 'service.)
GUILD HOUSE: 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students
Jean Garee, Associate
Student Guild: 6:00 P.M. supper at this church.
7:00 P.M.: Rosa Page Welch of Chicago will sing
and interpret Negro Spirituals.
210 N. Fourth Ave.
Y.M.C.A. Auditorium
Carl York Smith, Minister
Telephone Numbers: 2-6007 and 2-7120
Sermon Topics-
A.M.: "God's New Creation."
P.M.: "Christ, The Great High Priest."
Guest Speaker, 0. P. McKendree.
No. Division at Catherine
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (followed by Stu-
dent Breakfast, Canterbury House).
9:45 A.M.: Church School, Grades 7, 8, & 9.
11:00 A.M.: Church School through Sixth Grade.
11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer and Holy Baptism.
Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis, S.T.D.
12 :15 P.M.: After-Service Fellowship.
5:30 P.M.: Canterbury Club Buffet Supper,
Canterbury House. Cabinet elections. Mr.
DeWitt Baldwin, Director of Lane Hall will
speak on "Summer Service Projects."
6:00 P.M.: High School Group, Page Hall.
8 :00 P.M.: Evening Prayer. Sermon by the
Rev. Ellsworth E. Koonz.
7:15 A.M. Wednesday: Holy Communion (fol-
lowed by Student Breakfast) .
10:15 A.M. Thursday: Holy Communion; 12:10
P.M. Student Lenten Lunch, Canterbury House;
12:30 P.M. Intercessions and Meditation in
the church; 6:30 P.M. Family Potluck Supper;
7:30 P.M. Study of the Bible.
12:10 P.M. Friday: Holy Communion followed by
Lenten Luncheon, Page Hall; 4:00 - 6:00
P.M. Open House, Canterbury House.
5:15 P.M. Daily (Mon. thru Fri.) : Evening
Prayer and Meditation.
310 S. State
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Service. Topic-"Today's
Challenges." Service will be conductd by youth
of Unity from Detroit.
1432 Washtenow Av.
W. P. Lemon and W. H. Henderson, Ministers
MaynardKlein, Director of Music
Mildred Beam, Church School Director
9:30 A.M.: Westminster Guild Bible Seminar.
Coffee and rolls at 9:00 A.M.
10:45 A.M: Morning Worship. Lenten sermon
by Dr. Lemon. Topic-"Donations for the
5:30 P.M.: Wstminster Guild supper followed by
an address by Mr. Henderson, "Ecclesiastical
Quirks that have changed American History."
.-_-_- . , 1.. _. _ A .

1511 Washtenaw Avenue-Phone 5560
(The LutheranChurch-Missouri Synod)
Rev. Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
9:30 A.M.: Bible Study, "Original Sin."
10:30 A.M.: Morning Service, with sermon by
the pastor, "My Missionary Efforts."
5:30 P.M.: Gamma Delta Supper. Program at
6:10, "How to answer objections to the Chris-
tian faith."
9:15 P.M. Tuesday: Social Hour.
7:30 P.M. Wednesday: Lenten Vespers, with
sermon subject, "Today shalt thou be with Me
in Paradise."
6:00 P.M.EFriday: Married Couples Dinner and-
Social Evening.
512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister and Student
Roger Williams Guild, 502 East Huron
10:00 A.M.: Bible Study. Amos.
11:00 -A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon, "God"
by Rev. C. H. Loucks.
6:00 P.M.: Guild Cost Supper and Program.
Rev. George Riday, Director of Christian Edu-
cation in Detroit, will speak on "The Bible-
The Basis of Christian Faith."
University Community Center
Willow Run Village
Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain
John R. Hertzberg, Director of Sacred Music
10:45 A.M.: Divine Worship.
Sermon, "Credo-Beyond Doubt."
Anthem, "Surely He Hath Borne our Grief"
10:45 A.M.: Church School and Nursery.
3:30 P.M.: Meeting of the World Christian
Action Committee.
4:30 P.M.: Study and Discussion Group.
Theme, "Jesus' Attitude Toward Religious
Tradition." Leader, Dale Maboll.
5:30 P.M.: Fellowship Supper.
8:00 P.M. Friday, March 3: Lenten Service.
1917 Washtenaw Avenue-Phone 2-0085
Rev. Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:00 A.M.: Adult Study Group on "Unitarian
Social Values."
11:00 A.M.: Sermon by Mr. -Redman: "Religion
for Mature Minds."
7:00 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group. Panel on
"Democracy in Education." Film, "Boundary
Lines." Refreshments.
6:15 P.M. Monday: Dinner a"#$1.00. Prof. Hideo
Kishimoto from University of Tokyo on "Jap-
anese Unitarianism."
National Lutheran Council
1304 Hill Street
Henry O. Yoder, D.D., Pastor
9:10 A.M.: Bible Class at the Center.
10:30 A.M,: Worship Services in Zion and Trinity
5:30 P.M.: L.S.A. Supper Meeting and Program
at Zion Parish Hall. Speaker-Prof. Paul
Kauper of the University Law Faculty.
7:30 P.M. Tuesday: Discussion Hour at the
Center-"What Do Lutherans Believe."
4:00 P.M. Wednesday: Tea and Coffee Hour
at the Center,
7:30 P.M.: Lenten Services in Zion and Trinity

Ile con fiden thappy, Well-beilu of
Christian Scientists comes from the in-
creased spiritual understanding which
they gain through their Church . .
Ccordially invites yo tto al/c Id services
i its leWv church eifiSce
I at
Sunday............................11:00 A.M.
Sunday School.....................11:00 A.M.
for children up to 6 years of age
Sunday School.....................9:15 A.M.
for children un to 20 years of age 4

race, nationality, religion, or poli- of lounges.

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for CASH

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