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4f I
t r t tAn
Latest Deadline in the State
* * * *
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* * *
THalts Allegation
By The Associated Press
MANCHESTER, N.H.-Prosecution in the trial of Dr. Herman N.
Sander alleged yesterday that the husband of the woman Dr. Sander
is accused 'af killing "had nothing to do" with her death, but the
doctor's defense counsel succeeded in having the assertion stricken
from court records.
Dr. Sander is charged with the murder of Mrs. Abbie Borroto,
59. The state claims he killed the woman, who was suffering from
cancer, by administering four injections of air into her veins.
BUT TESTIMONY has been given that Sander acted upon the
insistence of Reginald Borroto, husband of the cancer-ridden woman
Find Corpse
Of Vogeler' s
N avy Friend, ..h
trackwalker found the body of
U.S. Naval Capt. Eugene Simon:
Karpe, a friend of the imprisonedJ
Robert A. Vogeler, in a railway
tupnel south of.Salzburg Thurs-
day. His passport was missing.(
The body was mutilated.
U.S. Army investigators and
Austrian police expressed belief'
he was the victim of an accident.
American officials in Washington r
said they were not eliminating the DR. HERMAN SANDER
possibility the officer was slain. * * *
Austrian police said Capt. Karpe, The testimony quoted Dr. Sander
enroute to the United States after as saying he yielded to Borroto's
three years as U.S. Naval attache pleadings to end Mrs. Borroto's
in Communist - ruled Romania, suffering even if it meant "eli-
evidently fell from a door of the minating her life." -
Arlberg-Orient express on a curve. Yesterday, however, Sheriff
He suffered from gout, which Thomas E. O'Brien startled the
made it difficult for him to stand courtroom by saying the prose-
erect. Despite the absence of the cutor had obtained from Borotto
passport, they insisted there was "a signed, sworn statement that
no indication of foul play. His he had nothing to do with Dr.
other papers were found in the Sander in this."
civilian clothing he wore. When defense counsel jumped
Capt. Karpe, 45 was sent to Roh up to protest, the court ordered
mania in 1946 as a naval mem-the sheriff's remark stricken. And
ber of the Allied Control Commis- a later attempt by the prosecution
sion. to have O'Brien testify to what
He was an Annapolis classmate he saw in the alleged statement
of Vogeler, an American business failed.
man sentenced by a Hungarian * * *
people's (Communist) court in CHIEF DEFENSE counsel Louis
Budapest Tuesday to 15 years in E. Wyman told newsmen during a
prison on charges of sabotage and court recess Borroto would be a
spying for the west. witness - probably called by the
defense if the prpsecution does
X ~1 "T1 h 1 ell AT not summon him.
Miners Face
Contempt of
Court Charge
Union Plea For
No TrialIgnored
WASHINGTON - (/P) - John
L. Lewis''Union yesterday was or-
dered to trial Monday on con-
tempt of court charges growing
out of the soft coal strike which is
daily bringing the nation closer to
economic paralysis.
Federal Judge Richmond B.
Keech wasn't convinced by the
United Mine Workers' argument
that the judge had illegally issued
the no-strike order which 372,000
miners scorned for two weeks.
LIKEWISE he brushed aside
the union's plea that there should
be no trial because each miner was
acting individually and disobeying
Lewis by not working.
The Government, through As-
sistant Attorney General H.
Graham Morison, drew a pic-
ture of growing desperation over
the nation and urged the court
to use its "full power and ma-
jesty" to get digging started
again if it finds the union
guilty. Previous contempt cases
have cost the UMW $2,130,000.
Meantime President Truman
talked coal in a "routine" way, as
Defense Secretary Johnson put it,
with his Cabinet at their weekly
* * *
BUT THE White House said
there would be no new move
there yesterday. If there was any
hope that mining would resume
Monday it lay in the negotiations
between the union and the soft
coal operators.
But this forlorn possibility
received a jolt at the close of the
day's talks when Cyrus Ching,
federal mediation chief, told re-
"The situation is exactly the
same as it was when these confer-
ences started."
* * *
WHETHER the sweeping impli-
cation of this statement meant
abajndonment of tentative sug-
gestions toward contract terms-
or simply that there had been no
agreements, was not clear at once.
Negotiators will try again to-
day for the tenth day. Judge
Keech has ordered them to bar-
gain and "in good faith."
Lewis wasn't present. He left for
Springfield, Ill., before the session
started when word came of the
fatal shooting of a brother, Thom-
as A. Lewis, 67. The coroner's of-
fice called it a suicide induced by
ill health.
-Daily-Wally Barth
A REAL LIVE REGENT-Roscoe Bonisteel (center) surrounded by students in the Union during the
"Meet Your Regents" session. Head directly behind Bonisteel belongs to University Vice-president
Marvin Niehuss.
* * *
LONDON - (P) - Britain's voters have returned the sociali
Labor party to power but probably with a minority of no more tha
10 seats in Parliament.
This means Labor will most likely be unable to establish workir
control of the House and so a new election may come soon.
THE ONLY WAY to forestall another election would be for tw
or more parties to get together in a coalition government. Both majc
parties have been outspoken against working together in a peacetir
Returns from 619 of the country's 625 districts show:
Labor, 314 seats
* * *
* *
Students, Regents ConferOver Coffee
(Daily City Editor)
It took a long time, but a select
few students finally "Met their
Regents" over coffee yesterday in
the Union.
And both Regents and students
seemed to like the meeting. The
Regents drifted into the long, red
stone room on the Union second
Name Student
Participants in
Forum Debate
Four students have been named
to square off in a verbal battle ov-
er the highly controversial inde-
pendent-affiliated issue on the
Michigan Forum's initial debate
program at 7:30 p.m., March 8,
at the Architecture Auditorium.
The students, who were chosen
by Student Legislature's Michigan
Forum committee on the recom-
mendation of leaders of major
campus organizations, will debate
the issue "Affiliated or Indepen-
dent: Their Opposing Points of
* * *
NICK DATSKO, '50, president
of the Inter-Cooperative Council,
and Nancy Holman, '51, president
of Stockwell Hall, will speak for
the independents. The affiliated
standards will be carried by Sen-
ior Class President Wally Teninga
and Joyce Atchison, '50.
floor with a strict "no business'
policy to student questions. As
Mrs. Vera Baits put it, "I just
want to get to know you people."
* *.*
BUT BY the time the session
was well underway, the liquor ban,
the closed meeting policy of the
Regents and the now defunct po-
litical speakers ban had been
thoroughly hashed over.
Students clustered in groups
around individual regents and
drifted from group to group. On
hand to grease smooth the pro-
ceedings was Arther L. Brandon,
public relations chief for the
Also present were the forward
wall of the administration with
the exception of President Ruth-
* * *
Presidents Marvin Niehuss and
Robert Briggs, and Secretary Her-
bert G. Watkins drifted about, in
Daily Staffers
Get New Jobs
Wally Barth, '50E, Birmingham,
Mich., was appointed Daily pho-
tography editor yesterday by the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
John Davies, '51, West Los An-
geles, Calif., was appointed night
editor and Vernon Emerson, '52,
Detroit, assistant night editor.
dual capacities of hosts and
Top subject of conversation
was, naturally enough, t h e
drinking ban. Former. SL Presi-
dent John Ryder and .some co-
horts cornered Regent Alfred
Connable and kept at the ques-
tion for half an hour. Former
AIM head Walt Hanson hashed
over the same issue with Regent
J. Joseph Herbert.
All the familiar bull-session ar-
guments over drinking were hash-
ed over, and that was that.
A SPOT CHECK of the Regents
revealed that they thought that
meeting with students was "a fine
idea." As Dr. Charles S.Kennedy
put it, "This was a good time for
the students to find out that we
don't have horns, and for us to
find out that students don't
Generally, students present
enjoyed the meeting too, but
some of them were disappointed
because some of the Regents
wanted to get to know them as
persons rather than discuss
"the issues."
No definite plans were made
for another meeting, but every-
one seemed to want one.
* * *
. REGENTS present were Mrs.
Baits, Kennedy, Roscoe Bonisteel,
Connable, Herbert, Otto Eckert
and Ralph Hayward.
Student representatives were on
hand from many student activi-
ties and residence units.
Conservative, 294
Liberals, 8
Irish Nationalists, 2
Neutral speaker, 1.
Of the six districts still to be
heard from, three are normally
Five of the districts are in Scot-
andl and will not report until
Monday; one is in Manchester
and will not vote until next month
because of the death of one of the.
THE FIGHT for power between
Prime Minister Clement Attlee's
Laborites and Winston Churchill's
Conservatives brought out a recorda
28,582,901 votes - 84 per cent of.
those eligible - in 617 constituen-
cies which have reported. There
was no contest in two of the con-
Of these Labor got 13,209,400;
the Conservatives, 12,408,808;
Liberals, 2,610,276; Communists,
91,746; Independent Labor,
4,112; Independents, 58,856;
Scottish Nationalist, 9,708;
Welsh Nationalist, 17,580; Irish.
Nationalist, 69,458; Sinn Fein,
The percentages of the total
popular vote for the leading par-
Labor, 46
Conservative, 43
Liberals, 9
Communist, one third of one
per cent.
Figures in the 1945 election
were Labor, 11,922,292; Conserva-
tive, 9,058,020; Liberal, 2,596,058;
Communists, 102,780.
Rights Forum
Students, faculty members and
University administrators for the
first time will attempt to reach
agreement on what rights and res-
ponsibilities inherently belong to
students at today's Student Leg-
islature-sponsored Bill of Rights
Forum from 1 to 5 p.m. at Lane
Moderated by SL president
Quent Nesbitt, the forum will fea-
ture talks by Associate Dean of
Students Walter B. Rea and Prof.
Frank Huntley of the English De-
partment, chairman of the com-
mittee on academic freedom of the
local chapter of the American As-
sociation of University Professors.
Other speakers will include Rev.
Fr. Frank McPhillips of St. Mary's
Chapel, a member of the Univer-
sity's Board of Religious Counsel-
ors, and Tom Walsh, 51L, chair-
man of the forum planning com-
New Ferris
Board Set
By Wiliams
LANSING-(P)-In an effort to
speed the rebuilding of fire-ravag-
ed Ferris Institute, Governor Wil-
liams appointed members of the
board of control for the school four
months early yesterday.
The Governor named seven
members, five of them alumni of
the college. An eighth member will
be appointed for a four-year term.
Williams said he would call the
board together soon, probably
within a week, to consider at once
plans for rebuilding the school.
"Michigan's educational system
has a definite need and place for
this 'opportunity school' riwfl
has stood so long as a monument
to a great governor, Woodbridge'
N. Ferris," Williams said.
"The best agency to consider re-
building Ferris Institute is the
State Board of Control, wlch
takes office July 1," the governor
said. "So I am appointing seven
of the eight members of the board
ahead of time.
"I will ask them to get to work
immediately on a study of future'
plans for Ferris Institute."
The appointees are Federal
Judge Raymond W. Starr of Grand
Rapids, Lawrence W. Prakken of
Ann Arbor, Eugene A. Ward of
Big Rapids, Casey C. Wiggins of
Marquette, Dr. Russell B. Nye of
Michigan State College, Roy C.
Vandercook of East Lansing, Mrs.
Bess E. Fishman of Grand Rapids.
Ferris To Get
Aid From 'U'T
The University is making an in-
ventory of surplus supplies and
equipment in an effort to help
Ferris Institute resume school ac-
tivities after its big fire of last
Ferris Institute is also receiving
aid from Michigan State College,
Michigan State Normal, and Cen-
tral Michigan College.
Ferris has already received
blackboards, tables and approxi-
mately 170,chairs from the Uni
Second School
Hit byRevival
WILMORE, Ky., - (A') - A dis-
play of religious fervor that swept
tiny Asbury College here went on
unabated yesterday.
Hundreds of students and
townspeople jammed Hughes Me-
morial Auditorium on the campus
for the services which have been
held without a break since 9 a.m.
The revival paralleled a Whea-
ton (Ill.) College prayer meeting
which began Feb. 8 and continued
I'ew ii
Cards Wille
Certificates of eligibility for the
spring semester may be obtained
from 1-4:30 p.m. Monday, in the
main floor lobby of the Adminis-
tration Building, according to
Mrs. Ruth Callahan of the Office
of Student Affairs.
The office will be open until
March 10. Students must bring
their transcripts when applying
for the cards.
Thecertificates are required for
participation in a multitude of
campus activities, ranging from
drama groups to publications and
student government. she pointed
According to University regula--
tions, to be eligible for extra-cur-I
ricular activity sophomores, jun-
iors and seniors must have com-
pieted a minimum of 11 hours of
credit the preceding semester with
an average of at least "C", and
Attorney General William L.
Phinney on learning of Wy-
"man's statement said "I may
save him the trouble."
Borroto has held Sander blame-
less for his wife's death and called
the small town doctor "a wonder-
ful man."
Earlier, the 13-man jury was
told that the 41-year-old defen-
dant doctor anticipated only a
"reprimand" in the so-called mer-
cy killing.
A hospital librarian, Miss Jo-
sephine Connor, said Sander told
the county medical referee "he
(Sander) assumed the medical as-
sociation probably would repri-
mand him for it; tell him not to
do it again."
Delegates Will
Confer Today
The Democracy in Education
Conference will open at noon to-
day in the Assembly Room of the
Union as three hundred delegates
from ten state colleges and uni-
U' Grad Lashes Out at 'Greeks'
n New Novel
"Take Care of My Little Girl,"
an anti-sorority novel by a Uni-
versity graduate, is causing a
sizable stir among affiliated wo-
men on campus--especially be-
cause it comes at the height of
Written by Peggy Goodin, '45,
a former member of the local Chi
Omega, denied that the Queens
are really the Chi Omegas. She
said, "I've read the book and
I've lived in the house. Believe
me, the Queens sorority isn't
the exact replica of Chi Omega
and Midwestern isn't an exact
replica of the University of Mi-
* * *
ter was Peggy Goodin's writing in-
structor at the University. Her
first novel, "Clementine," a Hop-
wood award winner, is dedicated
to him.
* * *
DEAN WALTER said that her
new book "is probably a fair pre-
sentation of the subject of sor-
ority living, realistically drawn. In!
passages, they would have im-
pressed me as forming a more
integral part of the story."
The pages in question deal with
the Queens' racial and religious
views as related to their choice of
members: "The Queens stood for
the Average American Girl, and
while it was undoubtedly true that
Roman Catholics were Christian,
propagandist. She arrives at her
decision in an honest fashion
and is not pushed to it by any-
one but herself unless it might
be through her mother's exag-
gerated emphasis upon the val-
ue of sorority life."
He concluded, "With the excep-
tion of Liz, I do not find in this