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February 23, 1950 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-02-23

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TH I Cd A i__HI__N DAILY__ _ _

Dance To Be Presented





Medical Students To Hold
Caduceus Ball Tomorrow

The Union will be transformed
into "The Temples of Aescalapius"
when medical students and mem-
bers of the University Hospital
staff hold their annual Caduceus
Ball 'from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.
The ballroom will be flanked
with columns to create the effect
of an ancient temple. (Aescalapi-
us, incidentally, was the ancient
Greek and Roman god of healing.
Those who slept in his temples
were supposed to be cured of
their ills while they slept.)
,* *
ON EITHER SIDE of the stage
will stand figures of the daugh-
ters of Aescalapius. To further
carry out the classical mood, mem-
bers of Frank Tinker's orchestra,
who will provide music for the
dance, will be appropriately
dressed in togas.
Large posters bearing toga-
clad r caricatures of medical
school professors will decorate
The more timid dancers may be
somewhat startled by a skeleton
hanging from the center of the
ceiling and spotlighted by balcony
tertainment in the form of several
skits will be provided by members
of the Galens, honorary medical
Caduceus Ball (which takes
its name from the caduceus,
snake-entwined staff of Aesca-
lapius) is sponsored annually
by Galens members. Formerly
it was held on the night before
Washington's birthday, but re-
cently it has been held on the
Friday after the holiday.
THE ALL-CAMPUS semi-formal
dance is given especially for medi-
cal students and members of the
University Hospital staff.
Tickets for Caduceus Ball
may be purchased from Galens
members or at the Galens news-
stand on the first floor of Uni-
versity Hospital.
Women who attend the dance
will be granted 1:30 a.m. permis-
Members of the central commit-
tee for Caduceus Ball are: Lloyd
Chorus members of JGP will
meet at 4 p.m. tomorrow, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday in the
League. Scrubwomen in JGP will
meet at 4:20 p.m. today in the

Wiegerink and Bill Wilkinson, co-
chairmen; George Reynolds, pro-
grams and patrons; Leo Cunning-
ham, publicity; Howai'd Van
Oosten, tickets; Douglas Gillim
and Don Griffith, intermission en-
tertainment and Douglas Erickson
and John Zimmerman, decora-
Medical school professors and
heads of departments at Univer-
sity Hospital will be patrons.
Coeds Begin
A mass meeting for those
sophomore women interested in
holding junior League positions
next year, will be held at 4:30 p.m.
'today in the Hussey Room of the
During the meeting, this year's
junior representatives of all
League committees will briefly
describe the duties of their indi-
vidual committees and answer all
THE LIST of positions open for
petitioning includes: junior dance
class captains, junior assistants
on merit-tutorial committee and
secretry and social chairman for
the orientation committee.
Other positions open are: ju-
nior assistants for personnel
committee, junior assistants on
publicity committee, junior as-
sistant for the candy booth com-
mittee and all central commit-
tee positions for Junior Girls
also included are three junior
positions on judiciary committee
and three junior positions on, in-
terviewing committee.
* * *
tee will hold office hours to assist
petitioners in writing petitions
and to answer all questions about
the offices.
Additional information may
be obtained by contacting the
person now holding the office.
Petitions will be due at 5 p.m.
March 7 in the Undergraduate
Office. Fifteen minute interviews
will be held from March 8 to
March 17.
Shoe Colors"
Navy, brown, blondes, reds and
beiges will be popular colors for
spring shoes this year with many
multicolored shoes continuing in

Notable Woman
On 'U'Campus
Vicountess Takako Shibusawa
left this week after visiting in
Ann Arbor for several days.
Mrs. Shibusawa, one of Japan's
most notable women in the field
of social work has been studying
sociology and social wrk at the
University of Houston for the past
She also visited several other
mid-western colleges so that she
would have first hand information
concerning the schools to report
to the Takara Club, which she
founded. The 'club is planning to
provide scholarships for students
to study here in Ameriftn col-
While in Ann Arbor, Mrs. Shibu-
sawa was entertained at luncheon
by Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Yama-
giva and at dinner by Prof. and
Mrs. Preston Slosson. William H.
McKenzie, professor of English
literature at the University of
Houston, who is now completing
his PhD at the University, was
host at a cocktail party honoring
Mrs. Shibusawa and was her es-
cort during her visit.
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Gerald J.
Heatherington also entertained the
vicountess at a formal dinner and
dance at the Detroit Athletic Club.
Mrs. Shibusawa described her
visit as being "thrilling." "I love
Michigan and her gracious peo-
ple," she said.
Hinsdale House
Presents Dance
"The Mid-Century Shuffle" is
to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight
Saturday at Hinsdale House in
East Quadrangle.
A flapper theme will pervade
the dance, the couples wearing
costumessuggesting the spirit of
the years from 1900-1930. Roger
Wellington and his Orchestra will
provide the music for the affair.
The orchestra will be found in
the "speak-easy." However, should
the guests tire of dancing, they
may move into the gambling room,
that favorite hangout of the
During the evening, the men of
Hinsdjale House will present a
floorshow of the vaudeville vari-
ety. Refreshments will be served
to those attending the dance.
"The Mid-Century Shuffle" is
being presented by the residents
of Hinsdale House as their an-
nual dance. The title of last year's
event was "Slaughter in the Rec

Now Offers
Tutoring Jobs
Courses seem to be the bane of
existence of many a student on
campus, and for this reason, great
is the number who -frequent the
Merit-Tutorial Office of the Lea-
gue seeking rescue from the sud-
den onrush of finals.
Originating as a League service
in 1939, the office was first opened
for the aid of freshmen women
who seemed to have trouble ori-
enting themselves to the new
world of books in which they found
themselves suddenly submerged.
IN THE PAST years, the ser-
vice has been expanded to include
both men and women students,
from freshmen to seniors.
Pat Lewis, chairman of the
committee, has issued an invita-
tion for all students to sign up
in the committee office both for
tutors and for work as the same.
Tutors are needed for all sub-
jects, particularly courses in busi-
ness administration. If the subject
is the tutor's major, a "B" aver-
age is required, otherwise a grade
of "A" is necessary. Those signing
up for work as tutors must present
their eligibility card.
THOSE WISHING to obtain the
services of a tutor, are required to
have no further requirements,
other than the desire for aid in
a subject.


Couples Reveal Engagements

Mrs. Herbert C. Guthals of Day-
ton, Ohio, has announced the en-
gagement of her daughter, Jane4
to H. Donald Hawkins, Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hawkins also
of Dayton.
Miss Guthals is a junior at Mi-
ami University, Oxford, Ohio. She
is a member of Delta Gamma sor-
ority and secretary of the Student
Faculty Council.
Mr. Hawkins is a senior at the
University of Michigan and is af-
filiated with Sigma Pi. He is grad-
uating in June and plans to enter
law school next fall.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Eagle of Ben-
ton Harbor, Michigan, have an-

nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Charlotte Ann, to Wil-
liam F. McLean of Wyandotte,
Miss Eagle is a senior in the lit-
erary college and is planning to re-
ceive her degree in history in
Mr. McLean has received a ba-
chelor degree in journalism and
one in geology from the University
of Michigan. At present he is a
special student in geology.
The wedding will take place
April 6 in the chapel of the Wo-
men's League.
Fur Suits
Something new in the use of
fur is demonstrated in suits and
skirts made of white and ebony

Tutoring service is discontin-
ued two weeks before the end of
each semester due to the diffi-
culty of teaching a whole course
in a limited amount of time.
The office is open from 1 to 5
p.m. every day from Monday to
Friday, and those wishing work as
a tutor or the services of the same,
may apply at the office in person
or contact them by phone.
Workers on the merit division of
the committee keep all records of
the activities participated in by
the women on campus.


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