r SPA( F' UR. rTHE MItHI(GA 6JVITY THUtRSDAY, FEBRUTARY'23;I 5 I- -_ _I - . I tV v a a . v _ Vfo V IV ' u'; t!s. Attack on Liberals A NEW ARGUMENT has been advanced against liberalism. In a recent letter to the editor, a student raised the cry that campus "political pres- sure groups" are robbing University students of future prestige in the non-academic world. He charged that these groups are black- ening, or rather pinkening, the reputation of the entire student body in the eyes of big business, from which, he said, most students will be seeking jobs. The picture he paints of American big business is one that would stand up well against that of any Communist propagan- dist. It is a picture of arch reactionaries re- fusing to hire anyone who has had the slightest contact with a progressive group. These enemies of the proletariat evidently keep little red books on all universities at which groups such as the Young Democrats, Young Progressives and Inter-Racial As- sociation thrive, and slam their doors in the faces of job seekers from those universities. "Big business does not like pinks, it does .not like extreme liberals, it wants men and women whom it can trust to further all of its interests," the letter states. What these "interests" are, is not made clear, but they evidently have nothing to do with profits. For profits are the result of progressive thinking - finding out what people need and providing them with it. Nobody ever built up a successful business by ignoring the flaws in his product and the demand of consumers for improvements. Those who close their eyes to the flaws in our society and oppose any measures to combat them, lack the foresight, the vi- sion, that is necessary in business as in politics. The so-called ultra-liberal campus poli- tical groups recognize that there is great room for improvement in this country. They may not all prescribe the right cure, but at least they recognize that a cure is needed. -Eva Simon By LEON JAROFF ONE OF THE things dearest to the hearts of The Daily's editors is criticism of their publication. A steady flow of criticism is our best indication of campus interest in our news stories and editorials. It is only when there are no complaints or suggestions that we begin to feel uneasy about our readership: Among all our critics, however, the most persistent are those who whine that The Daily hierarchy is composed of wild-eyed leftists, ranging politically from Socialists to (of course) Communists. The latest attack of this kind came in an editorial by one Steve DuBrul in the Monroe Street Journal, a publication edited by busi- ness administration students. DuBrul accused The Daily of seeking to "deter the college student from intelligent analysis," of denying traditions of free gov- ernment by "subtle innuendoes against the Constitution," in addition to propagating many other half-truths and untruths which were attacked yesterday in a City Editor's Note. JF DuBRUL and his ilk were the only ones to so believe, I would not dignify his edi- torial by an answer. But when similar views are held by an occasional highly-respected member of the faculty, the need for an ans- wer is obvious. Part of the answer can be provided by the results of a questionnaire which the mem- bers of The Daily senior and junior editor- ial staff filled out and returned, unsigned, to me. Part of the questionnaire, with the answers, is reprinted below: Question: For which presidential candi- date did you vote or would you have vot- 7 ( *.. , ,., "This'll Scare Hell Out Of 'Em" c' C ' 1'.~ - fill dl ON THE Washington Merry- Go -Round WITH DREW PEARSON i )5 L-- #}E I A WASHINGTON-Republicans will probab- ly wise-crack at this one, but since Russia's discovery of H-bomb and A-bomb secrets, it's likely that the President and Vice President of the United States will not again attend a Jackson Day dinner under the same roof. Regardless of the political party in pow- er, this is not a pleasant kind of internal security precaution to contemplate. - Nevertheless, after the Jackson-Jeffer- son Day dinner, someone began consider- ing the gruesome question as to what would have happened if an enemy had sent a surprise plane over the Arctic Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ,eA NIGHT EDITOR: ROMA LIPSKY r.a ART THE ANNUAL Children's Art Exhibition, on display this week and next at the mezannine galleries of the Rackham Build- ing, is a refreshing visual experience. Al- though children's painting is now a widely known art form, its vitality is a constant surprise to me. I have always considered Wordsworth's transcendentalism k lofty hodgepodge of nonsense, but there seems to be in many children an instinctive grasp of rhythm and design that civilization, with its need to discuss a vast store of empirical data, seems often to suppress. It is known beyond contradiction that children use line and color to express and to release their emotions, and somehow, almost mysteriously, they often grasp the principles of harmony as well. Why has Jeanette Godding (age 9) placed a small quarter circle of violent orange in the upper right corner of her picture, and a large quarter circle of rather dull green in the upper left? An accident, perhaps. But why does this sort of thing happen over and over, year after year. Why has Pam Jean Leaderle (age 8) given violent saw-tooth backs to her green alliga- tors? Why does she put contorted red stripes along their sides? Why do these ferocious creatures twist in muddy black water? I do not know the psychologist's answer, nor do I care. These creatures do not look like any alligators that ever lived. But they give me more feeling of what an alligator means than any picture I have seen or expect to see. T HESHOW OF Eugene Atget's photogra- phy, which will be displayed at the Uni-. versity Art Museum in Alumni Memorial Hall until March 15, gives us a remarkable record of tranquil skill. Atget, working in the latter part of the nineteenth century, and the opening years of the twentieth, was a real pioneer who did much to raise pho- tography from a mechanical record to an art. Almost with the eye of Cezanne, he' sought the basic realities of form and shape that underlie the seemingly un- patterned bustle of everyday life. Yet clearly, and without tricks of virtuosity, he recorded the life of Paris and its suc- rounding countryside, its shops, its courts, its palaces, its slums. Here is a rich literary store-room for the past, reflecting the erosion of human life,j and yet arresting it so as to carry it to us' as a story and a legacy.4 -Robert Enggass Circle on February 16 and dropped an A-bomb on Washington. Not only were the President and Vice President under the same roof, but also every member of the cabinet, the Demo- cratic governors of 10 states and a good part of the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives. The Speaker was also present, and if such a catastrophe had occurred, it would have been up to a speaker pro-tem to convene the House, while Senator Mc- Kellar would have had the power to convene the Senate. Whether Congress would have then called for special elections, or whether the Republicans would have taken over the administration is a debatable question. Undoubtedly, however, the Republicans would have had to take over for the time being, since few Democratic leaders would have been left, and since three to six months would have been necessary to make nomina- tions and conduct the final balloting. There would also be the question of who would declare iwar with part of Congress gone, and who would make the vital deci- sions necessary to carry on a war. These are just a few of the problems which aren't pleasant to think about but which have to be considered in view of the now definite fact that Russia has all our atomic secrets. This is also why the administration, after inexcusably long delays, is finally and al- most frantically working on civil defense, including an alternate capital of the United States. For, should a bomb be dropped on Washington, it would mean the destruction of all FBI fingerprints, all civil service rec- ords, all veterans insurance and pension records, all military defense plans, income- tax records, the Library of Congress and the government archives dating back to the beginning of the republic. * * * - "DICTATOR" McCARRAN Dictator Franco's friend, Sen. Pat Mc- Carran of Nevada, has been using Dictator Franco's methods inside the Senate Judi- ciary Committee. In order to smear the Displaced Persons Commission, McCarran held secret hear- ings without notifying other committee members. It was a virtual Star-Chamber proceeding. On the other hand, lie refused to grant the Displaced Persons Commission a hearing to defend itself. He also railroaded his own displaced per- sons bill through the committee, allowing only 15 minutes for the committee to consi- der a substitute. And as committee chair- man, McCarran made his staff director, Richard Arens, more powerful than the Sen- ators who belong to the committee. The si- tuation has become so bad that the Senators and Congressmen, who are forced to deal with Arens, have nicknamed him "Super Senator." But worst of all, McCarran has hidden out a pro-Nazi on his staff. This man is Otto Dekom, who was kicked out of the Army Signal Corps in 1942 for being pro-Nazi. He was also fired from the Pennsylvania Central Airlines in 1944 for the same reason. After the war, he was turned down as an investigator for the House Un-American Activities Committee upon the recommendation of the Army. But in spite of all this, McCarran hired Otto Dekom and assigned him to a trusted job in the Judiciary Committee. Again applying the tactics of Dictator Franco, McCarran tries to handpick new committee members. While he was visiting Dictator Franco in Spain last summer, Sen- ator Kefauvpr of Tennessee was assigned to \{cCarrans Judiciary Committee, and, when 'e returned, the gentleman from Nevada hit the ceiling. (copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ed in 1948? Answers: Truman ....... Dewey ......... Thomas ........ Wallace ........ Question: Who dent in 1952? Answers: Truman...... ...... . .12 4 .......... 2 .......... 1 is your choice Hospital Affair . . To the Editor: for presi- William O. Douglas .......6 Dewey..................2 Eisenhower..............2 Lodge..................1 Undecided ...............1 Question: What are your family's politics? Answers: Democratic .............11 Republican .............. 8 Question: What is your family's annual income? Answers: $15,000 ..................1 10,000 ..................7 8,000.................4 6,000.................4 4,000 ..................2 Under $4,000 .............1 These are hardly the answers that would be given by malcontented radicals disgusted with the American "way of life." But then, of course, these figures may have been faked. Communists have a way of doing that, you know. What other way, then, is there to indicate the political leanings of The Daily hier- archy? The editorial page, of course. IT IS OVER some of the material on The Daily's editorial page that our critics have their greatest field day. "The edi- torial page proves it-they're a bunch of Commies," is not an uncommon statement on campus. Because of the editorial page, The Daily has been called a mouthpiece for loud political minorities; it undoubtedly causes certain elements among the faculty and students to do a slow burn over their breakfast tables. But what have Daily editorials advocated: A search of the files of last semester's Daily uncovered editorials supporting fed- eral health insurance, a civil rights pro- gram, an increase in social security rates, pensions in the steel industry, the amend- ing or repeal of the Taft-Hartley law, and attempts to lessen discrimination at the University-to name the most radical. If The Daily's political critics study fur- ther, they will discover that the most of the reforms and laws advocated in The Daily have received the support of the majority of the American voters for the past 20 years as indicated by national election results. WHICH ALL LEADS to a very interesting conclusion. It appears that the staff of The Daily, long described as "Communist", "unrepresentative," and "wild-eyed," is much more representative of the American public than the critics who employ those terms. And, even more startling, the "100 per cent Americans" like DuBrul, and his old- er counterparts still living with their com- fortable memories of the 1920's, are a rapidly diminishing minority. So, the next time the cry of "welfare state" is raised when a public housiig pro- ject is built, and the next time someone is called a "Communist" for defending the rights of a Negro, shrug it off lightly. It is certain to be someone from the Mon- roe Street lunatic fringe, waving high his banner of Status Quo, and marching tri- umphantly backward into well-deserved ob- livion. D URING THE past week The Daily has c*ried numerous stories in its news and editorial pages concerning an incident in- volving Dr. Neil Sullenberger, a graduate student in surgery in the University, and a hospital elevator operator. Various groups have "rallied to the support" of Mrs. Philpot, the employee, and the incident has become strongly col- ored by emotionalism. Very little has been said on behalf of Dr. Sul- lenberger. Dr. Sullenberger, provoked by incidents not unique to his experi- ence alone, did apparently lose his temper and become. embroiled in a regrettable altercation. The in- cident was fairly and thoroughly investigated at the time by com- petent hospital authorities, whose responsibility it was. Certain dis- positions were made which were apparently unsatisfactory to Mrs. Philpot and her advisers. She has since chosen to bring court action against Dr. Sullenberger, which is her constitutional right. Vari- ous groups and individuals have chosen to utilize the incident as a vehicle to advance their own aims, and have succeeded in magnifying its significance before the public. Mrs. Philpot's accusations are now before the courts, where they justly belong if she has continued grievances. The case will, let us hope, be tried upon its true mer- its. The thoughtful Daily reader will do well to base his opinions on the facts as they are presented and not upon the emotional asser- tions of prejudiced groups or in- dividuals seeking advancement. No matter what the outcome, Dr. Sullenberger will continue to administer to the needs of the ill regardless of race or creed as he did during five years of service in the Army Medical Corps. He is perfectly capable of looking after his own affairs and needs no "sup- port." He does, however, carry with him throughout his diffi- culties the continued good will of his professional colleagues and many friends within the Univer- sity Hospital. -Marion S. DeWeese, M.D. ettep'd TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. (*. sured that they will receive the de- gree at the end of the semester. Doctoral Examination for Elliott Irving Organick, Chemical Engi- neering; thesis: "Hydrocarbon Va- por-Liquid Equilibria," Fri., Feb. 24,. 3201 E. Engineering Bldg., at 1 p.m. Chairman, G. G. Brown. The University Extension Serv- ice announces that enrollments are still open in the following course, which began last week: Modern Dance. Rhythmic body mechanics, including stretching, limbering, and techniques of mod- ern dance are part of this course. Movement exercises can be prac- ticed at home and should gradual- ly result in a well-conditioned body. Appreciation and under- standing of the dance will be de- veloped to musical accompaniment if the group wishes. Noncredit course, eight week, $5.00. Valerie B. Moffett, instructor. Fri., 7 p.m. Dance Studio, Barbour Gymna- sium. English 31, Section 17 (Fletch- er) will meet in 225 A.H. begin- ning Fri., Feb. 24. Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., Feb. 24, 4:15 p.m., Observatory. Speaker: Dr. Lawrence H. Aller, associate professor, department of astronomy. Subject: 'Recent Work at Mt. Wilson Observatory." Wildlife Management Seminar: First meeting will be held Fri., Feb. 24, 7:30 p.m., in the home of Prof. Warren W. Chase, 500 Hunt- ingfon Drive, Ann Arbor. Speak- er: Horace Quick. He will show and explain some of the equipment used for trapping, camping, and traveling in the Arctic. All wildlife management majors invited. Transfinite Numbers Seminar: Thurs., Feb. 23, 2 p.m., 3231 Angell Hall. Mr. G. Prins will start dis- cussing the Zermelo set axioms. Bacteriology Seminar: Thurs., Feb. 23, 9 a.m., Rm. 1520 E. Medi- cal Bldg. Speaker: Mr. Donald Ward Smith. Subject: Applica- tions of Infrared Spectrum. Anal- ysis and Chromatography to Problems in Bacteriology. Political Science 1 and 2: A make-up final examination will be given Sat., March 4 from 9-12 a.m. in 304 South Wing. Mathematics Colloquium: Thurs., Feb. 23, 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Prof. J. W. T. Youngs, of Indiana University, will talk on "The Representation Problem for Surfaces." Mathematics Orientation Sem- inar: Anyone interested in the mathematics orientation seminar please see Prof. Rainich, 3001 A.H., or call Herbert Guy, 2-1617 before Friday noon so that a convenient meeting time may be arranged. Concerts Student Recital: Suzanne Hen- drian, soprano, will present a reci- tal at 4:15 Thur., Feb. 23 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Miss Hendrian is a pupil of Philip Duey and her program will be op- en to the public. Student Recital: Carlo Cartai- no,, flutist, will present a program at -4:15 p.m., Fri., Feb. 24, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. A pupil of Nelson Hauenstein, Mr. Cartaino will be assisted by Dor- othy Danko, pianist, Lois Utzinger, violinist, Donald Sandford, violist, and David Baumgartner, cellist. Open to the general public. Student Recital Postponed: The recital by Robert Dumm, previous- ly announced for Sat., Feb. 25, has been postponed until 4:15, Sat., March 18. Exhibitions Exhibition of Student Work in the College of Architecture and Design; through February 25, 1st floor lobby, Architecture Bldg. Events Today Undergraduate P s y c hological Society, Discussion Group on Clin- ical Psychology-There will be. a meeting at 8 p.m., in 3121 N.S. to begin the evaluation of the mater- ial thus far received. U. of M. Hostel Club: Tonight's meeting will start at 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Slides on hosteling in Europe. New members welcome. ADA-Meeting: 7:30 p.m., Lea- gue. All members urged to come. Michigan Crib's first meeting of the spring semester, Rm. 3A, Un- ion, 8 p.m. Mr. George J. Burce<, Jr., prominent Ann Arbor attor- ney, will discuss the one man grand jury system. The Polonia Club: Weekly meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., International Cent- er. Members and those interested are invited. Refreshments. Graduate School Record Con- cert: Thurs., 7:45 p.m., E. Lounge, Rackham. Purcell: 4 Fantasias; International Quartet. Mozart: Concerto No. 1 in G; Moyse, flute, Symphony Orch., cond. by Bigot. Brahms: Quintet No. 2, in G, Op. 11; Budapest, Mahlke 2nd viola. Beethoven: Quintet in C, Op 29; Budapest, Katims 2nd viola. All graduate students invited; silence. requested. Repertory Orchestra Rehearsal, 7 to 8:15 tonight, Harris Hall Paul Bryan. International Center Weekly Tea: 4:30-6 p.m., for all foreign students and American friends. AOA Meeting: Mr. W. P. Hill will speak on .the subject, "Why Do It Like Grandfather." Also film. 7:30 p.m., Rm,'3S, Michigan Union. Gilbert and Sullivan- Society re- hearsal, 7:15 p.m., Union. U. of M. Sailing Club: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engine. Modern Poetry Club, a discus- sion group open to everyone in- terested in poetry. First meeting of this semester, 7:30. Garden Room, Michigan League. Bring the Oscar Williams Anthology. Book Display Committee for Re- ligion and Life Week, 5-6 p.m., Lane Hall. * * * Social Ethics Forum, 7:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Dean William Hawley of the Divinity School at the Uni- versity of Chicago will speak. Coming Events Recreational Swimming - Wo- men Students: There will be re- creational swimming at the Union Pool every Saturday, 9 to 10 a.m. I.Z.F.A. - Executive council meeting Fri., Feb. 24, 4:15 p.m., Union. Hawaii Club: Business meeting, Fri., Feb. 24, 7:30 p.m. Rooms K, L, M, N, Union. Refreshments! German Coffee Hour: Fri., 3-15 to 4:30 p.m. Michigan League Cafeteria. All students and faculty members are invited. The University Museums will feature American Indian cultures in their Friday Evening Program, Feb. 24, 7 to 9 p.m. Moving pic- tures entitled "Apache Indians," "Navajo Indians," and "Navajo Children" will be shown in Rm. 3024 at 7:30 and again at 8:15 p.m. "Invertebrate Life of the Al- Pena Region, Michigan, three hundredmillion years ago" is on exhibit in the rotunda of the Uni- versity Museums Bldg. Air4tgaln :kily r /: ,/ If . .. 1 r, I- T DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I i (Continued from Page 3) For further information please contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Mr. Alan McGregor of the Mar- athon Paper Co., Menasha, Wisc., will be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments on Wed., March 1, to inter- view June graduates in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering for productioncontrol, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for training in the paper industry and sales trainees (age 24-27) for a sales training program. The sales train- ees can be students from any col- lege in the University. For inter- views call the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg. The Wayne County Civil Service Commission announces openings for Psychologist 1, $3,960 to $4,440 per year. Applicants must have a master's degree in psychology from an accredited college and at least one year of experience in clinical psychology or equivalent experience and training. Recreation job opportunities with the Army overseas are announced for Recreation Director, Music- Entertainment Director, Librarian, and Arts and Crafts Directors. All openings are for females except Arts and Crafts Directors which will accept both male and female applicants. Age for Librarian ap- plicants, 21-40, Recreation Direc- tor, Music-Entertainment Direc- tor age 24-35. Arts and Crafts Di- rectors age for women 25-40, age for men 25-50. For additional information on the above announcements please call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Lectures American Chemical Society Lce- ture: Fri., Feb. 24, 8 p.m., Rm. 1300 Chemistry. Prof. Avery A. Morton of Massachusetts Institute of Technology will discuss, "Or- ganosodium Reagents as New Tools for the Chemist." Everyonej invited. University Lecture. "The Rhet- oric of Hierarchy." Kenneth Bur- ke, literary critic, New York City; auspices of the Department of English. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Feb. 24, Rackham Amphitheater. University Lecture: "Aboriginal Australia" (illustrated with color- ed film from the National Geo- graphic Society). Frank M. Setz- ler, chief curator, division of an- thropology, United States Nation- al Museum; auspices of the Mu- seum of Anthropology. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 23, Rackham Amphi- theatre. Academic Notices Chairmen of Departments: Re- commendations for' the Graduate School Fellowships are due March 3 in the Graduate School Offices rather than Feb. 27 with the ex- ception of recommendations for Rackham Predoctoral Fellowships. Recommendations for Predoctoral Fellowships are due, with support- ing material, on Feb. 27 as an- nounced. Students in Doctoral Program in Social-Psychology: There will be a meeting on Thurs., Feb. 23, 8 p.m., 306 Mason Hall. Doctoral Students: Dissertations of students expecting to receive the doctor's degree in June must be filed with the Recorder of the Graduate School by April 17. Stu- dents who submit their disserta- tions after this date cannot be as- 41 4r _y Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.......... Managing Editor Al Blumrosen.............City Editor Philip Dawson......-Editorial Director Mary Stein............Associate Editor Jo Misner ...........Associate Editor George Walker ........ Associate Editor Don McNeil ........... Associate Editor Wally Barth......Photography Editor Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin: .,... .Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz.. . .Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach ....... Women's Editor BarbaraSmith...Associate Women's Ed. Allan Camage...... .....Librarian Joyce Clark........Assistant Librarian Business Staf Roger Wellington....Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann; Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00. f - I .. 1 BARNABY M1k :I t I I X 1 _ . tI I, ... I - - - - -- Lm-. q: