Attack on Liberals
See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
:43, a t 149
VOL. LX, No. 94
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LX a
Michigan League
Alters Constitution
} Sweeping changes in the constitution of the 50-year-old Michigan
League were announced yesterday by President Marjorie Flint, '50.
Miss Flint said that the constitution has been thoroughly revised
to place power over League affairs in the hands of directly elected
representatives of all women students. The revisions will go before
the Student Affairs Committee Tuesday for approval.
UNDER THE NEW SET-UP, a Board of Representatives made up
of -proportionally-chosen members from each women's residence
would wield major power in deciding policies.
The Board would elect the League president, vice-president,
- o
By The Associated Press
LONDON-British Socialism-
staunchly defended and bitterly
attacked for the past three
weeks-goes on trial before a jury
of 34,000,000 voters today.
It will be Britain's first general
parliamentary election since Prime
Minister Clement Attlee's Labor
* * *
secretary, treasurer, Women's
By Truman
WASHINGTON--() -- Presider
Truman yesterday took the occo
sion of Washington's birthdayt
deliver a stinging denunciation
Communism as an armed three
and "a modern tyranny far wore
than that of any ancient empire
If force is necessary, he sai
then we stand ready to use for
to combat the "deadly attack"
those who would destroy freedon
s DESCRIBING his message as
"straight from the shoulder" ta:
.n U.S. foreign policy, Mr. Truma
left no doubt that his remar
were aimed directly at Soviet Ru:
sia and her satellites.
"The great danger of Com-
munism does not lie in its false
promises," he said. "It lies in
the fact that it is an instrument
of an armed imperialism which
seeks to extend its influence by
Under gray drizzling skies, tb
President spoke at ceremonie
marking .the unveiling of a 17-fo
statue to the nation's first pres
dent at the George Washingto
National Masonic Memorial i
nearby Alexandria, Va.
* * *
COVERING a wide range
topics in his 2,200-word addres
Mr. Truman made these majo
1. "We in the United States ar
doing and will continue to do a
that lies within our power to pre
vent the horror of another war
2. "We are working for the re
duction of armaments and th
4 control of weapons of mass de
3. But-the United States wi
not accept any "sham agreement
that does not include a "workabl
y international system" for contr
of atomic weapons.
Paray Leads
Concert Today
Pittsburgh Symnphon3
To Perform at Hill
x The Pittsburgh Symphony Or
chestra under the baton of Pau
Paray will perform in the nint
Choral Union Concert at 8:30 p.m
today in Hill Auditorium.
The orchestra will play Mozart
"Overture to 'The Magic Flute'"
Schumann's "Symphony No. 4 i
T' D minor, Op. 120; Ravel's "Chor
eographic Poem, 'La Valse'
Faure's "Suite from 'Pelleas e
Melisande' "; and Dukas' "Th
Sorcerer's Apprentice."
Founded in 1927 the Pitts-
burgh Symphony was led by
Elias Breeskin and later Anonio
The French director, Paul Pa-
ray, will appear as guest conduc-
ter tonight.
Paray, whose fame is widesprea(
through Europe, has been gues
conductor of the Boston, Nev
York, Cincinnati and Pittsburgl
Symphony Orchestras.
Time Running Ou
Judiciary chairman, and all mem-
-o bers of the key Interviewing and
Nominating Committee.
Dormitories, league houses and
sororities would be entitled to
representatives on e Board in
proportion to the n mber of stu-
dents living in them. A dormitory
like Stockwell which houses 500
women could send 10 voting mem-
bers to the Board, including its
house president-one for each 50
women. Every women's residence
nt would send at least one represen-
1o If passed by the SAC, the revi-
of sions will go into effect this semes-
at ter.* * *
'' PATRICIA .REED, W'50, League
d, Interviewing chairman who head-
ce ed the task of revision, said that
of charges of undercover politicking
. that have been leveled against
League campaigns in the past
a would be eliminated.
lk She explained that the Board
n of Representatives would meet
ks to elect League officers without
s- previous kntwiedge of which
candidates have been selected by
the interviewing committee.
See "LEAGUE," page 2
Sleftist Tug
Qsuesi onfed y
n "If the desire to erradicate dis-
,rimination, protect academic free-
dom and preserve peace is 'leftist,'
Of then the Democracy In Education
s, Conference falls under that label,"
Dr Hayes McNutt, Grad., chairman of
the Conference steering commit-
re tee, declared yesterday.
L11 The Conference will bring 300
e- delegates from 10 state universi-
. ties and colleges to the Union Sat-
- urday to exchange ideas on dis-
e zrimination, academic freedom and
- peace.
In answer to queries concern-
11 ing the "leftist aura" attached to
" the conference, McNutt said such
le a description depends on the
of meaning of the term. He admitted
that the Conference has acquired
"leftist" connotations chiefly from
its slate of speakers - O. John
Rogge; the Rev. Charles A. Hill of
Detroit and the Rev. Albert Kauff-
r man of Bancroft.
"The speakers have been chosen
because they are people who will
Y speak their minds," McNutt de-
"Furthermore they are 'special-
ists' in the field of academic free-
- dom and civil rights," he added.
al Rumors that the conference is
h strictly "leftist" have been circu-
. lated by those who are not inter-
ested in the work that the confer-
's ence plans to undertake, McNutt
; asserted.
n "Right now its the popular thing
- to apply labels," he said.
Party swept to power July 5, 1945,
replacing a wartime government
led by Conservative Winston
* * *
ALL 625 members of the Housel
of Commons will be elected in to-
day's voting. The party that wins
a majority in the island kingdom's
ruling lawmaking body will emerge
as masters of Britain.
A record total of 1,838 candi-
dates, supported by some 30 pol-
itical parties, are jostling for
the chance to occupy the pew-
like wooden benches in the
world's oldest democratic Parlia-
ment. Only the Conservatives
and Laborites are conceded a
chance to win control of this
Mild weather is expected to
draw a record breaking electorate
to the polls, which opened at 2
a.m. Ann Arbor time today. Vot-
ers will continue to record their
choices until 4 p.m.
* * *I
SHOULD LABOR repeat its 1945
triumph, Prime Minister Clement
Attlee will continue to head the
Wartime Prime Minister
Churchill is slated to replace Att-
lee if the Conservatives are re-
turned to power in the House of
Commons. Both Attlee and
Churchill are running for elec-
tion to Commons, each in a
single district his party regards
as safe.
Scant hours before the polls
were to open, Laborites and Con-
servatives were running close to-
gether, according to opinion
A FINAL Gallup Poll gave La-
bor a slight edge in the election.
It said that Labor was preferred
by 45 per cent and the Conserva-
tives by 431 per cent of the vot-
ers who have already made a de-
Britain's third party, the Lib-
* * *
erals, were credited with 10%,
per cent, and minor parties with
one per cent. This poll showed
nine per cent of the voters as
still undecided - enough to
swing the result either way.
A pro - Conservative London
newspaper, Lord Beaverbrook's
Daily Express, gave the Conserva-
tives 46 per cent of the decided
voters, Labor 441/2 and the Liber-
als nine. It said that 10 per cent
of the voters were still teetering.
* * *
WITH such a close race likely,
speculators were considering the
possibility of a coalition govern-
ment for Britain. This would be a
possibility should neither the La-
borites nor the Conservatives
emerge with definite control of
However, leading Laborites
look with disfavor on any coali-
tion with the Conservatives. De-
puty Prime Minister Herbert
Morrison said recently "A two-
party coalition (of Labor and
and Conservatives) would not
work, and Labor would never
agree to one."
A close election might leave the
Liberals in a balance of power
position. A Liberal-Conservative
coalition government would be a
possibility, should Labor fail to
win more seats in Commons than
the combined opposition, with
Churchill the probable Prime Min-
* * *
CHURCHILL, however, appar-
ently does not favor such a coali-
tion. He recently condemn'ed any
"coalition that is made up of a lot
of little petty deals between in-
terests and political forces."
When the old Parliament was
dissolved by King George VI on
Feb. 3, Labor had 390 members
in the House of Commons, while
Conservatives held only 201.
The Liberals had 10 seats.
Issues of the race are largely
domestic, with the Laborites fav-
oring further 'extension of the So-
cialism they introduced to Britain
in 1945. Conservatives are battling
for a return to reliance on free
Churchill and Deputy Prime
Minister Herbert Morrison both
issued last minute pleas to their
supporters to get out the vote in
what Churchill called a "mo-
mentous election."
National Phone
Strike Delayed
tion-wide telephone strike sched-
uled for Friday was postponed last
night for 60 days.
The CIO Communications,
Workers of America agreedto a
60-day truce proposal made by
President Truman, who said a
walkout would deal a severe blow
to the public welfare.
Joseph A. Beirne, union presi-
dent, issued a statement that the
union's Executive Board had
agreed to delay the strike call.
Beirne said:
"In accepting President Tru-
man's request for postponement
of the strike, we take one more
step in our continuing effort to
preserve industrial peace."I
Coal Strike Action
two days to go before the govern-
ment cracks the contempt of court
whip over striking miners, a move
started in Congress yesterday forI
federal seizure of pits.
The proposal, which will turn
mine profits over to the treasury
was made as the nation's fourth1
largest steel producer began to+
shut down mills.J
Board of Regents Will
Meet Student Leaders
-Daily-Wally Barth
THIS THE ARBORETUM?-Ann Arbor's heaviest snow this
winter brought misery to everyone but students like the two
above, who joined a host of skiers to try their luck at a winter
wonderland at the Arboretum. Paula Harrington, '51L, helps
Ruth Wannamaker, '50L, up from one of the falls of yesterday
* *I * *
Student Skiers Swvarm
To ShowtIV Snolw Skills
Members of the University
Board of Regents will meet with
more than 75student leaders in a
modified version of last year's
highly controversial "Meet Your
Regents" program at 5:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union Terrace
'thneater CGuild
Members of the Theater Guild
voted last night to change their
spring production from "Cyrano
de Bergerac" to "Ten Nights in a
Even this choice, however is ten-
tative, hinging on whether the
group can obtain University High
for the performance.
Their original April 28 and 29
reservation for Pattengill Audi-
torium has been cancelled, because
of a change in the schedule of a
high school play,
It would be both financially and
technically impossible to perform
Cyrano at University High, be-
cause of the small seating capacity
and stage area, according to Mark
Harris, Guild Chairman.
The coffee hour, sponsored by
the Union student offices, is de-
signed to enable students to per-
sonally meet the Regents and dis-
cuss mutual problems with them,
according to Union Councilman
Bob Bristor, '50.
Invitations to attend the coffee
hour have been mailed to Stu-
dent Legislature cabinet members,
League Council officers, University
dormitory officials, The Daily edi-
tors and leaders of other major
campus organizations.
THE MEETING is an outgrowth
of Student Legislature's unsuccess-
ful "Meet Your Regents" program
launched a year ago last Decem-
At that time, with the storm of
student protest over the Regents-
imposed political speakers ban rid-
ing a new crest, SL members vot-
ed to invite the Regents to attend
an open meeting with the student
body to discuss their "projected
The proposal was doomed to
failure, however, when the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee denied
the use of Rackham Lecture Hall
for the meeting because it would
tend to put the Regents "on dis-
play" and would be "inappro-
priate" in view of the coming
spring election, in which two of
the Regents were standing for
The SAC's Lecture Committee
lalso ruled that all incumbent
members of the Board could at-
tend, but that challenging candi-
dates could not attend an open
meeting because of the political
speakers ban.
Later the Board of Regents
requested a meeting with "a repre-
sentative group of students at any
convenient time," although they
declined to attend an open meet-
ing because "a public meeting'
would not serve the purpose of
helping the students and the
Board of Regents to get better ac-
Yesterday's huge snowfall
brought nothing but joy to one
group of students and towns-
people-the ski fans.
By late yesterday afternoon a
stream f winter sports-lovers was
flowing toward Nichols Arbore-
tum, which began to resemble a
miniature Sun Valley.
Amend UN
Says Slosson
The United States should at-
tempt to amend the UN into an
effective body if we are to avert
war, and if Russia slould prevent
such amendment, peace could still
be preserved by expanding the
present Atlantic Union, Prof. Pres-
ton Slossen told an United World
Federalist audience last night.
"We would have to chance the
dangers of living in a world di-
vided in two under an expanded
Atlantic Union, if Russia blocked
all other attempts at negotiation
through UN machinery," Prof.
Slossen asserted.
All the nations in the world
would be invited to join this new
body in which there would be no
procedural obstacles such as an
unrestricted veto. War would
be forbidden and all disputes
among member nations would be
settled by the international or-
ganization, Prof. Slossen added.
Membership in this body would
include the obligation to go to
war if any participating state were
attacked, he said.
THE ARB'S ski trails, such as
they are, were not limited to mas-
culine usage. A sizeable percent-
age of yesterday skiers were wo-
A whole range of skills was
represented by the athletes and
would-be athletes who slid on
local slopes yesterday. Skilled
skiers glided with apparent
effortlessness between bushes
and trees on the more difficult
At Ypsilanti, the U.S. Weather
Bureau reported that three inches
of snow had fallen by yesterday
noon, and that a total of five inch-
es was expected before the snow
began to cease falling at mid-
* * *
GOOD SKIING should continue
around here for a few days, for
the weather bureau predicted more
snow flurries) again today.
Other areas of the nation suf-
fered heavily from the unusually
hard snows. Ice and snow
threatened to paralyze highway
traffic in a broad belt from New
England to Missouri.
Here in Ann Arbor, non-skiing
students were left with nothing to
do but don boots and try to get
from where they were to where
they wanted to be.
More Work on
February graduates of the Uni-
versity will not receive their hard-
won diplomas for some time yet,
Veto Motion
To Adj ouri
Southerners Set
For Filibuster
first hint of a break in Southern
Democratic opposition to the
FEPC Bill came shortly before
The Daily went to press at 2 a.m.
House Democratic Leader Mc-
-Cormack won an agreement to
vote at 2:30 am. on several sub-
stitute bills, The substitutes pro-
vide for voluntary, rather than
compulsory, handling of the dis-
crimination problem.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The house re-
fused early today to adjourn and
drove ahead with consideration
of a fair employment practice
(FEPC) bill, despite a desperate
filibuster by southern opponents.
After having temporarily lost
control, supporters of the FEPC
bill regained the upper hand and
beat down, 239 to 165, a ,Southern
Democratic motion to end the ses-
sion, which started at noon yes-
Had the motion carried, the bill
would have been shelved indefi-
* * *
SOUTHERNS said they were
ready to sit around another 12
hours or longer if necessary to
beat the bill. Proponents were
equally determined to force a final
Early this morning the house
hadn't acted on a single amend-
ment, although scores of them
were pending. Early efforts to
limit debate were rebuffed.
Old-timers who pored tirough
the records said the house set a
new record for this century When
it remained in session beyond
IMMEDIATELY after the ad-
journment vote was announced,
the filibuster started anew and the
house ordered a roll-call to deter-
mine whether it would again con-
sider the FEPC bill.
Southerners' opposing the bill
had grabbed control of the pro-
ceedings temporarily shortly
after midnight. They got the
house to lay aside the FEPC
bill temporarily. That move car-
ried on a 172 to 165 vote, clear-
ing the way for the adjourn-
ment motion.
The Southerners' chief and
practically only weapon was de-
lay. It is generally conceded
that the bill would command a
majority if it came to a record
Administration forces behind
the controversial measure were
prepared to hold the house in ses-
sion throughout the night to reach
a vote.
* * *
THE BILL proposes the estab-
lishment of a Fair Employment
Practices Commission with power...
to enforce rules against discrimin-
ation in the hiring or firing of
workers because of their race,
color or creed.
The men insisting on its pas-
sage say it is a necessary step
to implement the emancipation
Southern opponents call it a
vicious attempt to stir up racial.
strife. One of them compared it
with the punitive legislation im-
posed on the south in reconstruc-
tion days.
Adams Offers
Aid toFerris
Provost James P. Adams pledged
the University to give whatever
aid it could to Ferris Institute, the
small trade and business college
in Big Rapids, Michigan, which
had nearly half its physical plant
destroyed in a fire Tuesday.
He said that Ferris might trans-
fer its pharmacy classes to the
University until other arrange-
ments could be made.
Cyclotron Bi
18,000,000-volt cyclotre
helped make the atomk
virtually destroyed by a
The cause of the sm
born fire inside Princeto
sity's $400,000 atom -
machine could not imme
determined. Dr. Milto
professors of physics,
only the magnets coul
-- according to Herbert G. Watkins,
r ed assistant vice-president of the
(IP) -The Before diplomas can be mailed,
n which the list of 1,515 prospective grad-
bomb was uates must be approved . at the
in oil fire Board of Regents meeting tais
week-end, he said.
oky, stub- Then the sheepskins have to be
n Univer- embossed and signed, all 1,515 of
smashing them.
diately be Once the diplomas are ready,
n White, postcards will be sent to all grad-
said that uates in the Ann Arbor area to
d be sal- come in and claim them. The rest
will be mailed.
Walsh Urges Turnout
A t Bill of Rights ForumI
Citing the right of every stu-
dent to "a clear and concise
statement of his contractual
rights and obligations upon en-
tering college," Student Legisla-
tor Tom Walsh yesterday urged
all students and faculty members
to attend Saturday's Bill of
While University students do
possess such freedom here, there
is still the question of what cri-
teria will be used by the Uni-
versity in recognizing such or-
Other student rights which will
be considered at the forum are
the questions of joint student-
You Live in AnntADo You?
Ann Arbor is your home town.
The United States Census Bu-
reau. apparently guided by the
pay the full non-resident tuition.
University Cashier Gordon B.
Jory had this to say yesterday:
its municipal status can't vary
with a change in population.
University students will not
I% rhn nv~ n s&%" e.