THE MICHIGAN IAIL FIWEI)NESDA Y, FEBPTJARY 22, 19nO _.. The City Editor's By AL BLUMROSEN EVERY MORNING DURING the week, I run through the mail that comes ad- dressed to The Daily in hopes of picking out something that might make a news story. Yesterday morning I picked up something unusual. It was a three-page dittoed sheet en- titled the "Monroe Street Journal" and the mast head said it was a "Monday Morning Publication edited by Bus. Ad. Students." The name of the editor was given as Steve DuBrul. For the most part, the paper dealt with business school announcements, a review of a book by Peter Drucker outlining some disadvantages of old age pensions and an article by one Tom Dempsey on the need for an integrated education against a specializ- ed one. The paper also includes a filler from the Wall Street Journal. THAT'S ABOUT ALL, except for an edi- torial by Mr. DuBrul on "Objectivity and The Daily Editorials." He manages to squeeze most of the ex- isting misconceptions about The Daily into that one editorial. It is a good job. He says things that a regular newspaper would hesitate to say and perhaps that in itself is commendable. For instance,, We, The Daily Senior Staff are "muddleheaded, pontificating seniors," "word peddlers," and masters of mental rot." From these phrases it would seem that Mr. DuBrul does not like us. He "analyses" the "use" that The Daily made of Jim Gregory's conservative edi- torials and hints that we printed it on pur- pose to deter people from the conservative line by making it look "reactionary." I'm sure Jim Gregory would not like this. Nor does the comment that "This group on The Daily are most skillful and subtle propagandists" set so well in these circum- stances. (The extent of our propagandistic efforts was typified last week when two "feature" stories netted more than 100 try- outs.) * * * THIS IS ONLY PART of what Mr. DuBrul has to say. His own views do "not deny reform, but (demand) intelligent consider- ation of its many complicated factors." Mr. DuBrul neglected the essential point of writing any item for a newspaper. He didn't check his facts. He did not come to The Daily office to find out how we operate. He did not find out whether Jim Greg- ory wrote that editorial because he be- lieved it, or because some "muddleheaded mastermind" in the Senior Editors' office told him to. SIn short, he knows little or nothing about the functioning of The Daily, yet he at- tempts to judge it. This is very much the same technique that he accuses The Daily of using. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN DAVIES THOMAS L. STOKES: Crowned Uneasiness WASHINGTON-Uneasy today, indeed, is the head that wears a crown and un- easy, too, are the hundreds of millions of their subjects. Crown, figuratively, for the old kings are shadows against some mouldy wall of antiquity. But those that wear the crowns today - Harry Truman, the plain man from Missouri, and Josef Stalin, the Geor- gian peasant -- possess more power in their own domains and the world than ever was bestowed on any hereditary king of old. They possess more power not only because of the vast extent and wealth of the realms over which they rule, compared with which the Roman Empire was but a tiny province. T4ointted es IT'S NICE to have a variety of cultural en- tertainment to choose from for a weekend date but student organizations stand a chance of going broke as a result of the con- fused system we have now of arranging the programs. What with two movies, a choral Union concert and a play, competing with two hockey games, a swimming meet and fra- ternity-sorority rushing this weekend, all of them must have suffered from the traffic jam. Just less than a year ago, the same cir- cumstances were present and several stu- dent organizations reported losses on their plays and programs. And on another occas- sion two dances were scheduled for the same weekend resulting in losses to both of them. This year, the Student Players report that their production of "Golden Boy" did not have the attendance expected. Pro- ducer Bert Sapuwich says that the organ- ization expects to just break even on the production. Personally, I'd like to see "Golden Boy". I also would be attracted by the fascinating Bergman in "Joan of Arc", not to mention the very interesting athletic events and the performance of Maryla Jonas Friday night. But no one can be three or even two places at once, and unless the student groups spon- soring these events make money they are not going to be able to sponsor future ones, no matter how altruistic their motives are. On each such occasion in the past, we have had speeches and promises in the Student Legislature that something would be worked out. This weekend proved that nothing effective has been done. Is it too difficult a problem to work out a clearing system by which the various groups could know what was coming off on a certain weekend? It would then be up to them to decide whether or not they want to perform in the face of too much social com- petition. The Student Legislature sponsored a movie itself, this past weekend. Perhaps now, they will recognize the immediate need for a coordinating committee among campus groups sponsoring events that are produced to make money. -Don McNeil They possess it far more because of the military weapons that they can let loose, lit- erally at their will. Mere possession, of it- self, gives them almost arbitrary power over their own citizens, as we are just beginning to realize here as regards ourselves, and through it, likewise, they hold in their hands the destiny of other millions in many other lands, for millions can be destroyed at their will. They are lonely Joves with their thunderbolts, sitting in lonely majesty. * * * AS UNEASY AS the crown that Harry Truman wears today - and we know that it is uneasy and know that he knows that it is uneasy - must be, also, the crown that Josef Stalin wears, for he is a mere man, too. They sit glaring at each other across' oceans and nations, and the rest of us sit watching anxiously. But there are restless stirrings among us today, meaning those whom our politicians speak of as "the people" - here and all over the world. They know that, man to man, American, British, French, Dutch, Chinese and the rest, they could sit down and get along with the Russians, man to man, and that the Russians could get along with them, and want to know why their leaders can't do the same. * * * THIS RESTLESSNESS among the people is far more meaningful than our leaders seem to realize. It means that this is the hour, this is the hour to be seized - or it may forever be lost. Our dependence here is upon the man who is nearest to us and represents us, Harry Truman. For a man so close to the people, he seems somehow in this great hour to have lost the common touch. He does not seem conscious of the tremendous power for peace that he has simply for the reason that he speaks for us, a great free people. He clings to the old forms of diplomacy and seems to carry a chip on his shoulder. * * * T1RAGIC AND DISTURBING as have been developments of recent weeks, they also have been most heartening because of the stirring among the people of the world. We are, it seems, just on the edge of some mo- mentous turn of events, if someone only will take the lead. For everywhere people are ready to follow. All around the voices are being raised, voices of men who are of the old tradi- tion, but are ready to break with it, and they are pointing out paths that we might follow. Winston Churchill, who once roared from the English beaches to rally an empire, wants the men who are fingering the thun- derbolts to sit down and reason with one another. It detracts nothing that he speaks in an election campaign, for that means he recognizes the aspirations of his people. Here we have Senator Brien McMahon, who sits-literally beside the Pandora box of the bombs as Chairman of the Joint Con- gressional Atomic Energy Committee. He warns us that our democracy will be eaten away by the wild arms race and tells us how we could use, the billions that we are spending for a possible war to better the lives of all people everywhere. Here, too, we have Senator Millard Tydings, who tells us the same thing and repeats it for em- phasis, and wants President Truman to call a world disarmament conference. He sits at the fountain of information about arms as Chairman of the Armed Forces Commit- tee and knows the utter futility of arms races. Over the weekend came the voice of Harold Stassen, a Republican with a large following, who wants the top men of our country and Russia to get together, and says very accurately, "Let me emphasize that it is never a sign of weakness to seek an honorable lasting peace." When is Harry Truman going to speak out for us? , (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) lines while his troops - and friends - were necessary casualties in battle. * * * LEWIS CONCEDES IT DIDN'T LEAK OUT, but John L. Lewis made two concessions to coal mine oper- ators at bargaining sessions last week. He backed down on his demand for paid holidays for the coal miners. Also, he agreed to rewrite the controversial "will- ing and able" clause in the miners' work contract so as to greatly limit his power to call a national strike. However, Lewis held fast to his demand for a straight $15 daily wage for the miners, plus a boost in operator payments into the miners pension-welfare fund to 35 cents for each ton of coal produced. When the operator spokesmen refused to meet these pay demands, Lewis promptly withdrew his concessions on holiday com- pensation and the "willing and able" clause. The operators' top offer to Lewis was a $1 a day package increase in wages and welfare payments. Lewis angrily turned this down - and that's where his negotiations with the mine owners stand at this writing. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) "Wait-Let's Not Do Anything Sensible!" FOU NTOM Ii I\ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 37 (Continued from Page 3) etteP TO.THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. ON THE Washington Merry -Go -Round WITH DREW PEARSON_ 14 BIT - OPPORTUNITY - doe To the Editor: THE ADVOCATES of Socialism for Free Enterprise because it provides more efficient use of re- sources would do well to study the situation in the West Quad din- ing hallt. Here the planners have a simple task of feeding a thou- sand or so diners three times a day at specific tmes they elect. However the average diner wastes at least 15 minutes everyday wait- ing for his meals. Educated planners are hired to arrange a variety of attractive, tasty, and nutritious meals. The actual result turns out to be a monotonous array of garbage. Af- ter taking one bite the average diner is unable to eat more, this incurs great waste. This is my fourth year in the Quad and many may wonder why I still live there. Everytime I make plans to live in a private residence, the University tears it down and erects a dorm. The moral - don't give Social- ism a start - it can't be stopped once it gets started. In a couple of years it could eradicate all the great progress made under free enterprise. A solution to the Quad problems - The University should lease all the residence halls to private hos- telers. The residence halls, op- erating with a profit motive and in competition with one another will result, like all the results un- der Free Enterprise, in better liv- ing at lower cost. -Nistor Potcova * * * Hospital Affair . . To the Editors: THE MICHIGAN DAILY is to be commended upon its handling of the 'U' Hospital affair. Al- though the story was already 10 days old with the first edition of The Daily (due to intercession), our campus newspaper scooped not only the Detroit newspapers, but the Ann Arbor News as well. A conspiracy of silence was in existence to suppress the truth. The link-up between town busi- nesses and municipal government with the administration has long ago been well established. But after The Daily's article appeared, even the following issue of the Ann Arbor News carried no information about the incident. The Detroit News and Free Press, however, saw fit to print the anti- Negro affair. May The Daily have the courage in the future to again present news which is of vital interest. Although we respect and admire our administration, we must not let its control inhibit the free ex- change of ideas and factsi n an intellectual community. It is un- fortunate that the Ann Arbor News appears to be under such domination. The incident at our hospital was regrettable, but the full facts must be published. -Gordon MacDougall Bergman s Baby... To the Editor: SHOULD like to compliment Rich Thomas for his very prac- tical outlook on the Ingrid Berg- man affair. I particularly appre- ciated his closing remark, "Any- how, I like kids," for it seems to Imply a sympathetic humanity that somehow seems to be going out of style in a sophisticated University community such as our own. Mr. Thomas' article amply presented the practical objections to both the well-intentioned mor- alists and the religious and cen- sorial organizations. However, I wonder whether these are the true factors keeping the focus of the public gaze on Bergman and Ros- sellini. I wonder whether it is these, or the insidious snide snick- erers who consider the Bergman affair a wonderful new source of subject matter for the exploita- tion of their masterly developed sophisticated wit. For example, last night as I en- tered the West Quad concourse and waited for the evening meal, my attention was drawn to a fig- ure strutting up and down before a poster advertising the SL pro- duction of the Bergman movie, Joan of Arc. This figure, I have been told, is a member of our own body of student legislators. This person was attempting to sell his tickets according to what seems to be the best of advertis- ing principles: the more sensa- tional, the better. His terms as he often gestured toward the poster were "adulteress," "passion," "sul- try," "sin," etc. And all these were used in that very subtle brand of humor that makes use of a straight face and a knowing look. Now I do not intend to concern myself with judgments of Ingrid Bergman's actions. The facts are sufficient unto themselves and they will remain so regardless of how many opinions are stacked upon them. That both Miss Berg- man and Rossellini have suffered extraordinary mental anguish over the results of their action, is cer- tain in my mind . . . Then, there is the added responsibility of the child. I cannot conceive of either of the parents considering the effect that all this publicity might have on the life of their child with anything like composure. In view of these considerations, I cannot see how any moralist, no matter how rigid and narrow his outlook, can be content with say- ing that this "sin" must still be punished by the voice of the people. But it seems to me that the cheap, juvenile remarks of some petty individual, who in or- der to sell his quota of tickets to an SL movie capitalizes on the sensational publicity that the American press and magazines have given to this affair, is far more responsible for keeping it in the eyes of the public than the superficial and dogmatic conten- tions of "well-intentioned moral- ists." -Bob Farnsworth "George," said his father, "do you know who killed that beauti". ful. little cherry tree yonder in the garden?" Looking at his father with the sweet face of youth brightened with the inexpressible charm of all conquering truth, he bravely cried out, "I can't tell a lie, Pa . . . I did cut it with my hatchet." -Mason Locke Weems Miss Hendrian is a pupil of Philip Duey and her program will be op- en to the public. Exhibitions Exhibition of Advertising Design by Lester Beall of New York. Pre- liminary sketches through final presentation. East Galleries, Rack- ham Bldg.; Feb. 21-March 11. Sponsored by College of Architec- ture and Design. 4 Events Today Weekly "Chat and Tea at the Baptist Guild House", 502 E. Hur- on, 4:30 to 6. Kindai Nihon Kenkyukai: Gen- eral meeting, 8 p.m., East Confer- ence Room, Rackham Bldg. Sem- ester dues will be accepted. Movies taken in post-war Japan will be shown. All interested persons in- vited. Alpha Kappa Psi, professional Business Administration frater- nity, invites all interested Busi- ness Administration and Econom- ics majors to attend a rushing smoker, chapter house, 1325 Wash- tenaw, at 7:30 p.m. U. of M. Rifle Club. Shoulder to Shoulder Match with ROTC Team, 8 p.m., at ROTC Range. Practice Hours for Club, Mon. and Fri., 1-3, Tues. and Thurs., 11, and Wed. and Fri. evenings in ROTC range. Rifles and Coaching avail- able. Ullr Ski Club: Meeting, 1035 An- gell Hall, 7:30 p.m., to plan a trip and enter the meet at Boyne Mountain this weekend. ASCE Student Chapter presents Dr. Bruce G. Johnston, Director of Fritz Engineering Laboratory, Le- high University, speaking on "Semi-rigid Building Connec- tions," sponsored jointly by ASCE Student Chapter and the Civil Engineering Department, 7:30 p.- m., Michigan Union, Room 3-KL- MN. Refreshments. I.A.S. Meeting: 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1042 E.E. Film: Target: Peace (by Consolidated) also Election of Of- ficers. Pre-Medical Society: Dean Gor- don H. Scott of Wayne University will address Pre-medics on the topics: Medical School Admissions and What is Expected of the Fu- ture Physician. Also, March o Time movies on "Frontiers of Mo- dern Medicine" and "Heart Di- sease," 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1400 Chem. Bldg. New members invited. U. of M. Theatre Guild: Gener- al meeting, 7:30, League. Film Program for students, fa- culty, and general public. Great Figures of American Literature: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Washington Irving. 4:10 p.m., Kel- logg Auditorium (entrance on Fletcher). Sponsored by the Au- dio-Visual Education Center and the University Extension Service. No admission charge. Sociedad Hispanica: The first meeting of this semester will be held at 8 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theater. Political Science 52. The British motion picture, "General Elec- tion," will be shown tonight at 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1025, Angell Hall. Students other than those enroll- ed in 52 are welcome. Smoker, 7:30 to 9:30 in the Lane Hall Lounge, Wed. and Fri. eve- nings. Dean William Hawley of the Divinity School at the University of Chicago will be special guest. UWF: First meeting of this se- mester, 7:30, Room 3B, Union. Prof. Slosson of the History Dept. will address the group. Modern Dance Club: Meeting at 7:15 p.m., Dance Studio of Bar- bour Gym. All students interested are invited. Come prepared to dance. Ballet Club: All members should be present tonight at 7:30 in the Dance Studio to have Ensian pic- ture taken. Wear practice clothes. W8ZSQ, West Quad Radio Club: Meeting at 7 p.m. in the "shack," fifth floor of Williams House. All prospective members are invited. This includes any men interested in the operation of a Quad-wide radio broadcasting station. Michigan Christian Fellowship Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. in the upper Room of Lane Hall. Topic of discussion will be lesson three in the booklet "Therefore Go." Sigma Gamma Epsilon. Will meet in Rm. 3054 Natural Science, 12:15 p.m. Business meeting with a discussion of this semesters ac- tivities. Phi Lambda Upsilon meets at. 7:30 p.m., W. Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg. Prof. James B. Wallace will discuss "Relationships of Music to The Other Arts and to Science." Romance Journal Club. 4:15 p.m., E. Conference Rm., Rack- ham Bldg. Prof. Marc Denkinger and M. Georges Levin will speak on contemporary France. Guests invited. The Women of the University Faculty will meet for dinner in the Hussey Room of the Michigan League at 6:15 .p.m. Dr. George G. Cameron, Professor of Near East- ern Cultures, will speak on his 19- 48 expedition to Iran. Young Progressives of America: First meeting of semester, 7:30 p.- m., Michigan Union. Bring your friends and ideas for action. Bridge Tournament - The sec- ond and concluding intercollegiate tryout session will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. Everyone is cor- dially invited. W.S.S.F. Open Council Meeting, 4:30, Wed., Lane Hall. Wesleyan Guild: 4-5:30 p.m. Do-Drop-In Tea in the Lounge. 6:00 p.m. Pot Luck Supper fol- lowed by singing and devotions in the Social Hall. 7:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday' Com- munion Service in the Sanctuary. All students are invited to attend. Michigan Arts Chorale: Regular rehearsal at 7 p.m., Rm. B, H.H. New members welcome. Coming Events International Center Weekly Tea: 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 23, for all foreign students and Amer- ican friends. Michigan Crib's first meeting of the spring semester, Thurs., Feb. 23, Rm. 3A, Union, 8 p.m. Mr. George J. Burke, Jr., prominent Ann Arbor attorney, will discuss the one man grand jury system. AOA Meeting: Mr. W. P. Hill will speak on the subject, "Why Do It Like Grandfather." Also film. Thurs., Feb. 23, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 38, Michigan Union. U. of M. Hostel Club. Square dancing at Jones School, Sat., Feb. 25, 8:15-11 p.m. Everyone invited. U. of M. Sailing Club: Open (Continued on Page 5) f~i 61ga t t I. /; I t y ,, i 11 .9 WASHINGTON-Secretary Acheson's re- fusal to "turn his back" on Alger Hiss is now criticized not only by GOP Senators but by dictator Franco's official radio. The Madrid broadcast is significant. Be- cause like Moscow, the "Voice of the Fa- lange" radio station operates for and by the Spanish Government. What it says represents the official view of the dictator. It may also be significant that the Span- ish attack on Acheson and the State De- partment came shortly after Acheson had quit "turning his back on Franco" and had indicated that he was willing to extend him full recognition. Vicious Circle DR. NORBERT WIENER of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology is quite right when he says machines, including "mechanical brains," pose a great problem. Those machines, as he points out, have be- come so highly developed they could take over assembly lines and cause disastrous un- cmployment. Maybe the only answer is to yet the mechanical brains to work to think up a solution to the problem that wouldn't exist if there weren't any mechanical brains in the first place. St. Louis Star-Times Despite this, the Voice of the Falange blared forth on Feb. 13: "Well-known Communists have been lo- cated in the U.S. State Department. This has been stated by a Republican Senator (McCarthy of Wisconsin) who added that these men held quite important positions in this ministry. It is not merely a question of Hiss, who has been convicted of perjury and to whom Acheson has promised his con- tinued friendship. We are not surprised by this announcement any more than we were surprised by the news that there was every type of undesirable among the advisers to the late President." AARON BURR AND HISS A CHESON'S DEFENSE OF Hiss has a lot of interesting precedents in U.S. history. They include: Andrew Jackson's defense of Aaron Burr; Charles Evans nIughes' defense of Senator Newberry; Taft's early defense of Richard Ballinger - later silenced; and Harry Truman's defense of boss Tom Pend- ergast. The late Franklin Roosevelt undoubted- ly would have used a different strategy from Acheson's. He operated on the theory that such high office as Secretary of State or President must be kept clear of embarrassing friendships, that a good field commander must remain behind the Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen............City Editor Philip Dawson....... Editorial Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner...........Associate Editor GeorgeWalker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil........ .Associate Editor Wally Barth....... Photography Editor Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin...... .. .Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz. Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor Barbara Smith. . .Associate Women's $d. Allan Clamage.............. Librarian Joyce Clark........Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington.. .. Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl........ Advertising Manager, Bernie Aidinoff.......Finance Manager Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispAtches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of'°all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00.