FRID AY, JUNE 2,,_1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .... . ... .... Koces ki To upta in "'it, Ne in _. _- his Name Track 'M' Winners; Two To Run in NCAA Meet Twenty men were awarded var- sity letters in track and six more received reserve emblems, Although the regular season ended with the Western Confer- ence Championships last week- end, Canham plans to enter dis- tance .star Don McEwen and hurdler Don Hoover in the NCAA meet June 17. The award winners: Varsity 'M' - James Ackerman, Lakewood, Ohio; Walter Atchi- son, North Olmsted, Ohio; Peter Dendrinos, Muskegon Heights, Michigan; Thomas Elmblad, Lanse, Michigan; Robert Fancett, Grand Rapids, Michigan; Charles Fonville, Detroit, Michigan; Aaron Gordon, Detroit, Michigan; Ar- thur Henrie, Jr., Milleville, Pa.; Donald Hoover, Oak Park, Illinois; George Jacobi, Winnetka, Illinois. OTHER 'M' WINNERS include: Garth Kirkendall, Mount Clemens, Michigan; William Konrad, Oak Park, Illinois; Erki Koutonen, Fitchburg, Mass.; Donald Mc- Ewen, Ottawa, Canada; James Mitchell, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Robert Sexton, Glendale, Arizona; Edward Ulvestad, River Forest, Illinois; Roderick Warren, Detroit, Michigan; Charles Whiteaker, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Justin Wil- liams, Oak Park, Illinois. Receiving reserve awards were: Bruno Boelstler, Detroit, Michi- gan; Sheldon Capp, Detroit, Mich- igan; Horace Coleman, Chicago, Illinois; William Hickman, Bir- mingham, Michigan; Doug Parks, Alpena, Michigan; Ronald Soble. Alumni Tilt Ten men will be making their final appearance in Michigan uniforms and many more will be making a return trip to Fer- ry Field when the Alumni base- ball team clashes with the Var- sity in a special exhibition con- test Saturday afternoon. Southpaw Dick Smith, a starting hurler in 1949, and El- roy Hirsch, of football fame, are expected to share mound duties for the alums with Freshman Track Coach Elmer Swanson slated to catch. Michi gan Tars In LA Regatta With the Mid-Western cham- pionship under their belts, Mich- igan's Sailing club now heads west for the Nationals at Los Angeles. Undefeated in every regatta this season, the Michigan Tars will face stiff competition on June 19, 20, and 21 from both the top Eastern and far Western schools in this the 14th Annual National Cham- pionship of thesInter-Collegiate Yacht Racing Association. * * * STICKING with their winning teams, the club is sending Commo- dore Jim Johns and Gene O'Con- nor as skippers, along with Tina Lawrence and Bob Allen as crew. , Leo Koceski was elected to cap- tain the 1950 Michigan baseball team at an election conducted re- cently among this year's letter- men. The election capped a brilliant season for the junior from Can- onsburg, Pa. who first came into prominence in the sports world as wingback on the National Cham- pionship Wolverine eleven in 1948. : x * KOCESKI, batting in the num- ber two position for this year's diamond squad, had a fine sea- son at the plate hitting confer- ence pitching for a .333 mark. Included among his 18 hits were one double, two triples, and All lockers at the I-M Build- ing must be vacated by tomor- row, June 3. -Earl Riskey. three homeruns. His hit total topped the Michigan club and he is currently leading the league in runs with 14. Not only did Koceski prove po- tent with the bat, he also dis- played tremendous improvement afield and contributed one of the most spectacular catches ever made in Big Ten play in the Pur- Outfielder's Hitting Sparks 1950 Big Ten Title Chase *' * * -Daily-Ralph Clark LEO KOCESKI elected captain due game when he made a circus catch with the bases loaded. HIE EARNED his letter in 1949 although he was used mostly in a reserve role. The 1949 campaign was the first for Koceski in any organized baseball competition, as he had never played in high school and saw very little action in sandlot play. TAKE THE SIMMER .r. ' - "0~ OUT OF SUMMER WITH Lihtweigt - " Shirts and Sports Shirts by Arrow: S f ~9* 1 $3.65 P You'll stay more comfortable on the hottest days in our new "air conditioned" Arrow shirts! Besides coolness, these shirts have Arrow's smart collar styling and fine tailoring! In whites and colors--long and short sleeves. See your Arrow dealer today! ARR WSHIR TS & TIES UNDERWEAR " HANDKERCHIEFS * SPORTS SHIRTS DAILY OFFICIAL BULLE TIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notioe to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 169 Notices PLANS FOR COMMENCEMENT Commencement: Saturday, June 17, 5:00 p.m. WEATHER FAIR Time of Assembly: 4:15 p.m. (except noted) Places of Assembly Members of the Faculties at 3 :45 p.m. in Angell Hall, Room 1223,1 Rhetoric Library, where they may robe. (Transportation to Stadium or Field House will be provided.) Regents, Ex-Regents, and Deans at 3:45 p.m. in Administration Building, Room 2549, where they may robe. (Transportation to Sta- dium or Field House will be pro- vided.) Students of the various Schools and Colleges, on paved roadway East of East Gate (Gate 1-Tun- nel) to Stadium in five columns of twos in the following order: Literature, Science and the Arts -Column No. 1 (North Column) and front two-thirds of Column 2. Education-Rear third of Col- umn No. 2. Engineering-Front half of Col- umn No. 3 (middle Column). Architecture-Column No. 3 (be- hind Engineers). Medicine--Column No. 3 (be- hind Architecture). Nursing-Front part of Column No. 4. Law-Column No. 4 (behind Nurses). Pharmacy-Column No. hind Law). 4 (be- I L w ;W >~b Dental Surgery-Column No. 4h (behind Pharmacy). Business Administration - Col- umn No. 4 (behind Dental Sur- gery). Forestry and Conservation - Rear of Column No. 4. Music-Front of Column No. 5 (South Column). Public Health-Column No. 5 (behind Music). Graduate-Rear of Column No. 5 (Candidates for Doctor's Degree in front). March into Stadium-4:30 p.m. WEATHER RAINY In case of rainy weather, the University fire siren will be blown between 3:30 p.m. and 3:40 p.m. indicating the exercises in the Stadium will be abandoned. Mem- bers of the Faculties, Regents, Deans, etc. will assemble at the same places as for the fair weath- er program. Graduates will go di- rect to Yost Field House at 4:30 p.m. and enter by the South door. Instructions to Faculty Mem- bers for Commencement Exercises: Convene at 3:45 p.m. in Rhetoric Library, 1223 Angell Hall; buses will be provided to take you to the Stadium or to Yost Field House, depending on the weather; on reaching Stadium or Yost Field House, join procession and take place assigned to you on stage, as directed by Marshals; at the end of the exercises, buses will be ready in driveway east of the Stadium or at west side of Field House to bring you back toyparking space at rear of University Hall. The University Musical Society reminds students that orders for season tickets for next season's Choral Union and Extra Concert Series are being accepted at this time, and filed in sequence; at the offices of the Society in Burton Memorial Tower. The Society also reminds mem- bers of the University Choral Un- ion who desire to retain their membership that they should en- roll during orientation week. New candidates applying for member- ship to fill vacancies should make appointments for auditions during the same period. Faculty Members, Students and Employees leaving the University at the end of the semester should return University keys to the Key Office, Plant Service Building. (Continued on Page 4) MES H WEAVE FABRIC= LETS THE BREEZE IN! Arrow "Lightweight Living" Shirts and Sports Shirts Want to smile even though the temperature keeps climbing? Slip on one of Rabideau-Harris' breeze- invinn Trn-ni.rr ,iitc ni'll fl i -k 4he fe lof th