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June 01, 1950 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-06-01

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DISPROVING the doleful prophets, who
at the first issue of GENERATION, pre-
dicted the magazine could not again present
material up to the standards it set itself,
GENERATION'S second appearance is
marked by the same richness and general
excellence of content.
The magazine continues in its policy of
representing and inter-relating all the arts,
with the emphasis on individual arts vary-
ing, as it should, in the two issues. Architec-
ture and the theatre occupy the middle sec-
tion of GENERATION, with plans, sketches
and elevations of an experimental theatre
which attempt to integrate the architect's
and playwrite's functions. Prefaced by an
article on the social function of the theatre
by Strowan Robertson, the architectural sec-
tion has a fine interpretive text by William
C. Low.
Jack Corcoran, whose work highlights
the photography section opening the mag-
azine, has used an interesting new teh-
nique, the photogram, for GENERATION'S
cover. Specially worthy of note in the stu-
dent art section which follows are the
oils, "Young Girl," by Mita Markland,
"Rabbit in the Hollow," by Marion Bar-
ton, and "Portrait of a Young Woman,"
by Bill Massnick. Also included are etch-
ings and woodcuts characterized by fi-
delity of reproduction.
Harvey Gross's interpretive literary es-
say, "Everywhere, Everyman, The Outsider"
is the sort of writing one would like to see
more of in future issues of GENERATION.
Mr. Gross shows the position of the Jew in
contemporary literature and equates his
position in Christian society with "the ar-
tist's feelings about life in a dislocated
world." Other literary topics could be pro-
fitably treated to analysis in the pages of
a student magazine.
Of an almost consistently high calibre
is the fiction in GENERATION. Milton
Franks does a sustained piece of charac-
terization in "Love in the House," and
handles his theme expertly. "The Hour of
Truth," by Robert Armstrong, although
uneven in spots is a delicate and powerful
story of a crippled Mexican woodcarver
and the matadors and bulls he lovingly
creates with his hands,
Weak links in the artistic chain are poe-
try and drama as represented by a radio
play, "A Mythical Merry-Go-Round," by
Saul Gottlieb. However, Mr. Gottlieb's poem,
Portrait of a Young Semite," and Francis
E. Resta's, "A Thousand Birds Are Moving,"
rise well above the mediocrity of the rest
of the poetry.
* * 4
GENERATION closes with a section on
music containing the first movement of
George Wilson's "String Trio in F Major"
with a short explanatory note, and Lee
Eitzen's musical setting for Robert Frost's
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."
Louise L. Goss, sometime music eriti for
THE DAILY, furnishes an intelligent apol-
ogia for her onerous task in "The Role of
the Student Music Critic."
If the first issue of GENERATION was
exciting because of its novelty on campus,
the second satisfyingly proves that this kind
of novelty does not wear off.
-Fredrica Winters

"Gotcha Either Way"
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(Continued from Page 2)

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhichsare signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceedinga300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any treason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

® 1 1 I A l r il

WOne inside reason for Secretary John-
son's trip to Tokyo is army and navy op-
position to General MacArthur's idea of
making Japan the Switzerland of the Paci-
fic. MacArthur has been talking so much
about Japanese neutrality that the Japa-
nese people are beginning to dislike Wash-
ington's idea of using Japan as a potential
base against Siberia.
Inonu of Turkey is blistering mad at the
United States, especially Ambassador George
Wadsworth. He allowed Wadsworth to talk
Soviet S*atistics
APPARENTLY reacting to recent criti-
cism in this country, the Moscow maga-
zine New Times has attacked the United
Nations for allegedly concealing the "fact"
that Soviet and satellite industrial produc-
tion has grown far more rapidly than that
of the free world. At Lake Success, Stuart
A. Rice, American delegate to the U. N. Sta-
tistical Commission, has labeled this charge
as "mendacity" and pointed out that the
Russians have given the United Nations
only percentage data whose absolute equiv-
alents are unknown, so that their meaning
is obscure..
The issue thus joined is a serious one.
In recent years the Kremlin has made
much propaganda capital by attributing
to the U. N. figures on high percentage in-
creases in Soviet production which the
United Nations merely reproduced from
official Moscow statements. Now it appa-
rently hopes to pressure Lake Success
statisticians into publishing statistics
which would make even more blatant and
potent propaganda. But Moscow shows
not the slightest sign of publishing mean-
ingful absolute industrial production fig-
ures'or even of explaining more fully what
its vague percentages mean.
The effrontery of the Soviet demand is
heightened by the fact that the outside
world's ignorance of the meaning of the
Kremlin's data regarding gross industrial
production as a whole is now greater than
ever before in history. Before the Second
World War, this index was calculated in
terms of so-called 1926-27 prices, a prac-
tice which has been criticized as grossly in-
flationary for over a decade. Two years ago
the Cncil of Ministers imnlicitly rucog-

him into holding new elections to illustrate
Turkish democracy. Actually the elections
weren't necessary, but on the Ambassador's
advice President Inonu held them. Now his
government is defeated, and Ambassador
Wadsworth is in the canine woodshed.
of State Acheson's talks in London will be
follewed by several moves to organize dem-
ocarcy into a hard-hitting team. A key
plan is now being discussed backstage where-
by the President will set up what amounts
to a Joint Chiefs of Staff for propaganda,
economic warfare, diplomacy, military stra-
tegy, and hush-hush behind-the-enemy-lines
State Department has gone so far to ap-
pease Republicans that the Democrats are
fuming. While Secretary of State Acheson
keeps RepublIcan Senators Informed on
foreign policy, Democratic Senators have
to read it in the papers. It has got so bad
that Democrats are now talking about in-
vestigating the Republicans in the State De-
partment - such as General MacArthur in
Japan, Commissioner McCloy in Germany,
ECA Administrator Paul Hoffman, United
Nations delegate Warren Austin, and Spe-
cial Advisors Dulles and Cooper, who seem
to have a bigger voice in foreign policy than
the Democrats.
GUIDED MISSILES - In its secret lab-
oratories, the Navy is way ahead of the
other services in a field more revolutionary
than the Atomic Bomb - the guided missile.
Naval discoveries are so hot that admirals
who chafed against B-36's are now saying
these guided missiles will relegate planes
to a minor place in aggressive warfare. The
Navy's guided missiles can follow a moving
target like a magnet.
PRESIDENT TRUMAN will veto the new
tax bill - if it decreases government
net revenue. That means no tax reduction
will become law this year ... An 11-year-old
youngster almost broke into tears when he
couldn't find any paper for Vice President
Barkley to autograph. But the kindly Veep
solved the problem by signing his name on
the white lining of the boy's necktie . .. Re-
marked Henry Wallace to a friend the
other day: "The Progressive Party will die
because it doesn't seem to be able to get rid
of the Communists." . . . Top government
economists estimate that if rent control is
removed there will be a 25 per cent increase



Library Efficiency. .
To the Editor:
RECENTLY The Daily reported
that new system had been
inaugurated at the main library
to limit to ten minutes the time
spent waiting for a book from the
stacks. Apparently something has
misfired, for conditions seem no
better than they were before.
First, on turning in three call
slips Wednesday, I received two
"not-on-shelf" reports, a common
and altogether frustrating ex-
perience. But then, after waiting
fifteen minutes for the third (by
no means a record time), I was
told on making an inquiry to fill
out another slip and try my luck
If this were an isolated inci-
dent, it should of course be over-
looked. But I have reason to be-
lieve the experience is universal
among Michigan students.
Isn't there something that can
be feasibly done to improve the
efficiency of the library?
--James Clark '52.
'Ensian Errors .. .
To the Editor:
AFTER READINGuthed1950kMi-
chiganensian I would like to
offer a personal protest against
the numerous unnecessary errors
present in this edition. I am re-
ferring primarily to those pages
dedicated to activities of the men
in the School of Forestry and Con-
servation, as I am not qualified to
judge the accuracy of entries about
the students in other schools.
Here are the errors that I found
in a rapid check:
First: Out of 49 Forestry and
Wood Technology seniors only 20
were credited with the correct DE-
GREE. Apparently the editors of
the 'Ensian did not know that only
four degrees are given by the
School-Bachelor of Science in
Forestry (B.S.F.), Bachelor of Sci-
ence in Wood Technology (B.S.-
W.T.), Master of Forestry (M.F.),
and Master of Wood Technology
Second: Two names were mis-
spelled on page 43-Bolz and Roth.
Third: Five names were mis-
spelled on page 185 in the list of
Foresters' Club members.
I suggest that in future years
the 'Ensian staff should contact
the editor-in-chief of THE MICH-
IGAN FORESTER in order to in-
crease the authenticity of their
publication, at least with regard
to names and events concerning
Michigan Foresters.
Ifganyone is interested in seeing
an accurate annual, copies of THE
are now available.
-Thomas E. Greathouse
Editor, 1950 Michigan Forester
Enlightenment .
To the Editor:
HE FBI reported 1,763,290 ser-
ious crimes for 1949 in the
U.S.A. A major crime was com-
mitted every 17.9 seconds, a mur-
der every 44.3 seconds, a burglary
every 1.28 minutes, a robbery ev-*
ery 8.9 minutes, and an auto theft
every 3.22 minutes. World Wars I
and II cost 1800 billion dollars

(of which 1384 billion are ascribed
to World War ID and killed sixty
million people, of which twenty
million died of actual wounds. Fu-.
ture generations will regard our
era as the darkest of the dark 2
in spite of our technical miracles
such as airplanes and television.
As Chief of Staff, General o. N.
Bradley pointed out, "Ours is a
world of nuclear giants and ethi-
cal infants." Aldous Huxley's ac-
cusation that "Twentieth century
educators have ceased to be con-
cerned with questions of ultimate
truth or meaning . . . and are in-
terested solely in . . . the solemn
foolery of scholarship for scholar-
ship's sake" is clarified by Count
Tolstoy's definitions: "A learned
man is a man who knows very
many things out of all sorts of
books. An educated man is he who
knows why he lives and what he
ought to do. Do not try to be
either learned or educated, but
strive to become enlightened."
Nothing is as much neglected in
our dark era as enlightenment.
Professor R. B. Perry of Harvard
declared in a guest lecture on this
campus, "The Science of Morals
is the most neglected and at the
same time the most necessary
science of all those known to the
modern world" and Professor Ed-
gar Dale, Director of the Bureau
of Educational Research of Ohio
State University warns, "In a
world which has suddenly learned
how to blow itself to bits through
atomic bombs, goodness must be
more directly sought. Those who
say that goodness can't be taught
are talking dangerous nonsense."
Four years ago the undersigned
- sharing above convictions -
Gtarted compiling the gems of en-
lightenment of 500 of the world's
greatest thinkers of various eras.
This manuscript - now nearing
now nearing completion - reveals
that, in spite of the disagreements
among philosophers and religion-
ists that baffle modern man, there
exists a common care on- which
all of goodwill can agree, the Gol-
den Rule and the Golden Mean
are notable examples. In 1940 re-
search on Happiness was being
carried on at Chicago University,
Columbia, Duke, and Stanford as
described in Professor H. Hart's
book, "Chart for Happiness." The
findings of this research as well
as those of "Life" Magazine's 1948
Roundtable on the Pursuit of Hap-
oiness and the Ladies Home Jour-
nal Poll of 1946 are in full agree-
ment with the condensed insight
of the 500 thinkers quoted in my
manuscript: apparently a new
science isemerging.
I am greatly indebted to Profes-
sors Dean B. McLaughlin, E. F.
Barker, A. Lobanov-Rostovsky, and
Assistant Dean J. H. Robertson
for valuable assistance in some
of the sections of the manuscript
written by me. For its final editing
I would welcome the collaboration
from any readers of this letter who
sympathize with its aims. Faculty
men could help with advice con-
cerning the text; students could
help in preparing indexes, etc.
Those who wish to volunteer such
assistance, are requested to con-
tact me evenings or weekends.
-Dr. Francis Skillman
Onderdonk, 1331 Geddes
Ave. Telephone 2-1751.

Nursing-Front part of Column
No. 4.
Law-Column No. 4 (behind
Pharmacy-Column No. 4 (be-
hind Law).
Dental- Surgery-Column No. 4
(behind -Dental Surgery).
Business Administration - Col-
umn No. 4 (behind Dental Sur-
Forestry and Conservation -
Rear of Column No. 4.
Music-Front of Column No. 5
(South Column).
Public Health-Column No. 5
(behind Music).
Graduate-Rear of Column No.
5 (Candidates for Doctor's Degree
in front).
March into Stadium-4:30 p.m.
In case of rainy weather, the
University fire siren will be blown
between 3:30 p.m. and 3:40 p.m.
indicating the exercises in the
Stadium will be abandoned. Mem-
bers of the Faculties, Regents,
Deans,, etc. will assemble at the
same places as for the fair weath-
er program. Graduates will go di-
rect to Yost Field House at 4:30
p.m. and enter by the South door.
Faculty Members, Students and
Employees leaving the University
at tlie end of the semester should
return University keys to the Key
Office, Plant Service Building.
Key offices open, 8-12 noon and
1-5 p.m.,. Monday through Friday.
College of Engineering, Regis-
tration Material: Students enrolled
for the current semester should
call for Summer Registration ma-
terial at.244 W. Engineering Build-
ing, beginning Monday, June 5,
thru. Friday, June 9. Hours 8 to
12 and 1:0 to 4:30.
Commencement Announcements
will be distributed in the lobby of
the Administration Building today
from- 1 pm. to 5 p.m. for all
schools except Law, Medicine and
Dentistry.,This will be the last op-
portunity seniors will have to pick
up their orders.
All Student Loan Prints -are to
be returned to 510 basement, Ad-
ministfatioh Building today and
Friday; -June 2. A fine of 5 cents
will be charged for each day the
picture is overdue after June 2.
The student loan prints will be
on exhibit in the Museum of Art
the week of June 20. The prints
will be reassigned to the students
for 'the summer session June 26
through June 28.
Student Loans for Men: Stu-
dents unable to pay, in full, loans
which are now due should see
Miss McKenzie, 1020 Administra-
tion Building, immediately. No
new loans will be issued after to-
day until the opening of the sum-
mer session.
Presidents of fraternities and
sororities are reminded that
monthly reports for May must be
filed in the Office of Student Af-
fairs not later than June 5.
Women's Dormitories, Sorority
Houses, and League Houses: Be-
ginning Fri., June 2, those that
wish to do so may receive callers
beginning at 1 p.m. Monday
through Thursday. Saturday and
Sunday calling hours are decided
by tihe individual houses.
-Women's Judiciary Council
Women students who may need
to borrow funds in connection with
Summer Session enrollment may
not file applications after June 15,
Women students who may wish
to borrow funds for the fall se-
mester are notified that loans for
that period will not be accepted

after September 11, 1950.
-Dean of Women's Office
Closing Hours for Women's Resi-1
1. Woien students wishing to
be out of their houses overnight!
during the final examination per-
iod may arrange permission with
their house directors. Late permis-
sions, as distinguished from over-
night permission, will be handled
by the,,Dean of Women's Office
and will be granted only under
very unusual circumstances.
2. Women students other than
graduating seniors are expected to
be out of their houses not later
than 24 hours after their last ex-
aminations. Graduating seniors
are expected to leave by noon of
Sunday, June 18.
3. There will be no changes in
the closing hours for women's
houses with this exception:
Thurs., June 15, 12:30 a.m.
To All University Employees:

On Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays through June 9, special
noon-time showings of the Michi-
gan Memorial-Phoenix Project
slide film, 12:30 to 1 p.m., 4051 Ad'
ministration Building. This is to
acquaint you With the facts be-
hind your University's atomic re-
search center. There will be no
solicitation of funds. You are urge
ed to attend.
Job Consultations: Mr. T. Luth
er Purdom, Director, Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational
Information, will be in Rm. 3,
Union, 10-12 noon on June 7 to
talk with those people who do fot
have teaching jobs; he will be in
Rm. 30, Union, 10 to 12 noon onx
June 8 to talk with other-than-
teaching students who do not have
Students Registered with Bureau
of Appointments: All students are
reminded to stop in at the Bureau
of Appointments and give their
address changes before they leave
campus (this applies to both the
general and teaching divisions),
also the date they expect to leave.
If they are going to Summer
School, they should come in and
give us their courses so we may
keep their records up to date.
Young American Indian Woman
preferably with a major in &l-
cation to lecture to primary and
intermediate grade children in
matters of personal health for the
University of Havana, Cuba, has
an opening for a lecturer with a
Masters or Doctorate degree to
teach English or American Litera-
ture. It is necessary that. they
speak Spanish. A man is preferred
for the position.
For further information call the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, ext. 489.
Job Opportunities:
The Detroit office of the Inter-
national Business Machines Cor-
poration has an opening in their
sales organization for a June grad-
uate. Applicants can be candidates
for a degree from any department-
of the University.
The Air King Products Com-
pany, Inc., of Brooklyn, New York
is interested in receiving, applica-
tions from June graduates expect-
ing degrees in electrical and 'me-
chanical engineering, They have a
training program for development
engineers, sales engineers, and
field service representatives.
The Office of the Civiilan Rer-
sonnel Officer, Vnited States Mili-
tary Academy, West Point, New
York has announced a vacancy in
the following position: ADMINIS-
Applicants must have three
years of progressively responsible
experience, or they may substitute
successfully completed education
in a resident institution above the
high school level for experience at
(Continued on Page 6)






THE WINSLOW BOY. By Terence Rat-
tigan. With Basil Rathbone, Meg Mundy,
and Cohn Keith-Johnston, Presented by
the Ann Arbor Drama Season. At the Ly-
dia Mendelssohn.
TUESDAY night's presentation'of Terence
Rattigan's The Winslow Boy is probably
as likely a case as you'll find in some time
of what happens when you put together a
sound story, a competent cast, anct intelli-
gent direction. You get a good production.
This may sound like faint praise. It isn't.
Sound stories are difficult enough come
by, actors become competent only after
hard work, and not all directors direct with
intelligence. And a consistently good pro-
duction is to be infinitely admired in a
time when consistency in the theater is a
seldom thing. There was nothing brilliant
about Tuesday's performance; there was
nothing much wrong with it, either.
Basil Rathbone, who was here last year
as Dr. Sloper in The Heiress, played the jurist
Morton with his customary urbanity -
which is not at all to be confused with in-
difference. One has the feeling, in watching
Rathbone, that he acquires that polish only
after considerable attention to details. He
will, I hope, be back next season.
Coln Keith-Johnston, who did the elder
Winslow is, like Rathbone, an actor who
has been about for a good while. He is not
an impressive performer: apparently he aims
at something more substantial than mere
impressiveness. Unhappily this reticence
amounted at times the other night to some-
thing closer to inaudibility.
Rathbone and Keith-Johnston were 'sup-
ported by Meg Mundy as Kate Winslow,
Pamela Simpson as Mrs. Winslow, and Don-
ald Rns a'T'hc Caue nft All- T faan hi+

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under'the
authority of the Board in Control 09
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff..........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen ..............City Editor
Philip Dawson......Editorial Directo
Don McNeil .........:...Feature FEditor
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner......... ...Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate NdIOW'
Wally Barth.......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes....... Sorts Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.... Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Eiltor
Barbara Smith..Associate Womena Ed.
Business Staff
Roger Wellington..Business Mandget
Dee Nelson, Associate Business Manage
Jim Dangl........ Advertising Ma.get
Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager
Bob Daniels.......Circulation Managet
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republlication~
of all news dispatches cerditecito it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Annu
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mil
Subscription during regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mal, $6.00.


Yoiur Fairv TGod~fahejr hanotn~hina



Trhis man wants a ridiculous sum

Come in the house-


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