- THt MICHIGAN DAILY _- . . . Phoenix Scoresheet THERE HAS BEEN a lot of loose talk about the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Pro- ject. On one hand many around campus have said that the Project seems to have fizzled out, as they seldom hear any re- ports of it. Others complain that the under- taking must amount to nothing more than idealistic dreaming, as all they ever hear about it are stories of its origin and pur- pose. But b Rh of these groups are very wrong. The Phoenix Project was estab- lished to be a living memorial to the Uni- versity's war dead, and that is exactly what it has turned out to be. It is living and working now. To date the Phoenix Project has given grants totaling some $35,000 for research on peaceful uses of atomic energy. In addition departments and schools in the University have requested funds for expanded research activities when the project has collected ade- quate funds. The series of articles which begins in today's Daily will outline these proposed re- search programs in the various departments. It will attempt to explain exactly how the Phoenix Project will work with its funds. It is unfortunate, however, that such a series must be aimed at bolstering up faith in the Memorial in addition to its purely informative purpose. President Ruthven has called the Phoenix Project the biggest thing in the University's history. In truth, peaceful use of the atom can be the biggest thing in man's existence. Already proper use of atomic energy has saved more human lives than it has des-1 troyed. It would seem that mere announce- ment of the Phoenix Project would keep faith burning in anyone who has something to do with the Memorial. As it is, interest apparently must be kept alive with the new and the startling. During the national fund raising drive in the fall University people will not be given a chance to forget the Memorial. They will be kept informed of its every move. Now it is mostly in the planning stage, and will be for a time after the drive dies down. But if the Project is to be a success in the long run it will require a constant sup- port from University students, faculty and alumni - support founded on faith in the Project's ability to meet its aims. -Vernon Emerson Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DON McNEIL The Weekentd In Town DRAMA E VENTS OF INTEREST AROUND CAM- PUS. BORN YESTERDAY, Garson Kanin's po- lemical comedy about a junk dealer whose financial shenanigans are thwarted .by his "dumb blonde" mistress and a bright young New Republic writer. Second presentation of the Ann Arbor Drama Season. Today at Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theatre. MOVIES DEVIL IN THE FLESH, concerning two unremarkable adolescent lovers who are un- able to contend with the conventional cen- sure of middle-class morals. An unpreten- tious and delicate handling of young people, only half-prepared for life, rushing headlong into love. At 8 p.m. today in Hill Auditor- ium. A WOMAN OF DISTINCTION is a dis- appointment all the way around. It stars Rosalind Russell as the dean of a women's college and Ray Milland as a British lec- turer, but the film alternates between slap- stick and tedium. Today at the Michigan. * * * GUILTY OF TREASON turns every avail- able technique in the book to the task of scaring hell out of us concerning the already obvious danger of Communism. The picture probably has a percentage of truth in it about Russian methods, but when you see it keep on the alert for attempts to over- convince. Today at the State. * * * LADY EVE. "Mother Eve had nothing on her," the ads say But see review on this page.'Today and tomorrow at the Orpheum. THREE CAME HOME, Tomorrow at the State. * * * DAUGHTER OF ROSIE O'GRADY. To- morrow at the Michigan. * J* * DANCE BLUEBOOK BALL. Tonight at the Union. EXHIBITS THOMAS L. STOKES: Congressional Progress I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIJ I WASHINGTON. - To anyone who watch- ed Congress for many years and ob- served its relations with Presidents, it is somewhat of a miracle that President Tru- man won Congressional approval for 16 of the 21 plans thus far submitted for the reorganization of the executive branch of the government. That was the record when the 60-day deadline allowed for Congressional veto under the Reorganization Act expired the Lesinski Contrast WHEN somebody says that he once heard somebody else say that an employee in the federal government had a brother who at one time had a roommate who was al- leged to be a Communist, the Senate or the House is quick to subpoena everybody con- cerned in an attempt to pin down the facts. If a witness refuses to answer questions, he is cited for contempt. But when the House Labor Committee planned to inquire into whether John L. Lewis gave secret signals for his miners to disobey his back-to-work order last Feb- ruary, the chairman of the committee, Representative John Lesinslii (D., Mich.), took away its authority to subpena Lewis and other witnesses. Therefore, the facts of last winter's coal strike may never be known. Therefore, when a similar situation occurs again - as it will - Lewis has a tailor-made strategy for nullifying the power of a court to end a strike endangering the national welfare. Therefore, the same strategy will be adopt- ed by other labor leaders. "Plain political cowardice!" cried Repre- sentative Jacobs (D., Ind.) of Lesinski's ac- tion. It is not plain. It is fancy. But we'll bet Lesinski is as brave as a wolverine when it comes to Communists. -St. Louis Star Times CIINIEMA At The Orpheum .. THE LADY EVE, written and directed by Preston Sturges and starring Henry Fonda, Barbara Stanwyck, Charles Co- burn, Wililam Demarest, and Eugene Pal- lette. A HIT comedy in its day, "The Lady Eve," through its re-release, graphically points out the effects on public taste from an over- dose of formula movies. With perfect casting the picture is built on the unstable pillars of stereotyped characters. We have the "nouveau riche," the clean cut inexperienced scholar, the bad girl turned good, the card shark gam- bler with a heart of gold and on and on. The plot concerns itself with the love pangs of "Hopsy" Pike (Fonda), the heir to the fortune of "Pike's Ale, the Ale that won for Yale." Hopsy, returning from a snake hunting expedition in South America, is ensnared by a father-daughter duo of professional gamblers (Coburn and Stan- wyck). Barbara falls in love with "Hopsy" while setting him up for the pig killing but the untimely revelation of her profession wrecks the romance. She pursues him in the role of an English noble woman, marries him, and then tortures him into suing for divorce by relating a series of prefabricated and sordid love affairs. A passionate re- union is finally achieved on an ocean liner as they rush off to the stateroom. Using the age-old comic situation of disguised identity, the picture turns into a romanticized comedy. The love dialogue, written in a pseudo-poetic style, is de- livered with such seriousness, - scenic background and mood music to match - that one is not sure whether he should laugh or sigh. This is symptomatic of the failure of the picture. When it at- tempts to be humorous it is pure slap- stick and when it attempts to be serious it is ludicrous. Though the picture has become trite with age it still has the overall effect of pleasant diversion. The acting is good, and the situ- ations presented are the ones so many of us dream of so often: rich man pursued by woman, woman successfully pursuing rich man, and a card shark that can deal him- self five aces at will. -Leonard Greenbaum middle of this week. And some of the pro- posals adopted have long been controver- sial and have failed to stand previously. President Truman has submitted several other segments of the comprehensive, over- all reorganization plan prepared under the commission headed by Herbert Hoover, the fate of which will not be known until the 60-day deadline runs out on them some weeks hence. But what has been done already is quite an achievement, both for efficiency in a government and ultimately, it is expected, in savings to the taxpayer through removal of overlapping and duplication. * * * PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S experience with his reorganization program has been in sharp contrast to that of his predecessor. When Franklin D. Roosevelt submitted a government reorganization plan it came at the height of the emotional fever over his New Deal social and economic welfare pro- gram. Foes of the New Deal, looking for a target, seized upon the reorganization pro- gram and accused Mr. Roosevelt of seeking through it to become a "dictator." It was one of the most reckless and baseless on- slaughts ever made upon a President. That was perfectly clear to anyone here who knew anything about government and government procedures, but nevertheless most of his pro- gram was lost in that hysterical frenzy. President Truman's venture has been more successful for two reasons. One was his enlistment of Herbert Hoover, ex-President and Republican elder states- man, as the chief architect of government reorganization. That attracted Republican support from the outset. Chief responsibility became Mr. Hoover's and his own intimate knowledge of government served to inspire confidence in the recommendations that came out of his commission after thorough and exhaustive study. He won wide public support, including that of many influential newspapers. THE DIFFICULTIES encountered despite that indicate the troubled course always encountered by government reorganization schemes. This is due partly to the fact that members of Congress have their own ideas about government departments and agen- cies and how they should function - many of them have their own "pets" among them - and to the fact that government depart- ments and bureaus, themselves, naturally become active with their friends in Congress against any change which impinges on their prerogatives. The latter comprise a very effective lobby on their own behalf, as Mr. Hoover discovered and said so publicly. Government reorganization programs have been brought forward periodically. Mr. Hoover, himself, as Secretary of Com- merce in the early Twenties, was active in formulating one of the earlier ones as member of a joint commission including members of Congress. It got nowhere. He also initiated a program of his own when President, which made little headway. A second reason why Mr. Truman has made considerable headway goes to his own philosophy of government operation which fits in with the view held generally in Con- gress. As President he has done much to restore Cabinet government, delegating res- ponsibility to his department and agency heads. He relies upon them to handle their own jurisdictions rather than gathering au- thority into his own hands, which is the natural tendency of strong Presidents, such as his predecessor and a few others in our history who always provoked antagonism in Congress for that reason. One aim of th~e current reorganization program is to chan- nel the line of command from the White House down through departments and agen- cies in a precise and well-defined way, which comports with Harry Truman's idea of gov- ernment management. Fear of Finals IN MANY COURSES students find them- selves confronted with a final exam which will determine over 50 percent of the final grade. This often results in an unnecssary fear, since little depends on the actual work a student does throughout the semester, and much depends on three hours in a stuffy room and a few nights of cramming. Finals are a good method for sum- marizing courses and organizing the se- mester's work, but in many courses they are also used as the major factor in.the determining of final grades. Publication in The Daily Officialing; thesis: "Pre-ignition in Gas Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Switching Tubes and Related Rec- for the Bulletin should be sent in tifier Burnout Problems," Sat., typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 May 27, 2511 E. Engineering Bldg., Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. 9 a.m. Chairman, L. N. Holland. onthe day preceding publication 4t " THIS'LL SHow EM." /etteP/ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhich are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, -defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Daily Policy . .. To the Editor: THIS IS in a very real sense a letter to the Editors. We sub- mit far your careful analysis your statement of policy with regard to printing letters in The Daily. "The Daily welcomes commu- nications from its readers on mat- ters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are sign- ed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous let- ters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discre- tion of the editors." That is your policy. In it you establish, and it is well that you do, that material which meets the public eye should conform to cer- tain criteria, certain standards of decency. You, because someone must, set limits upon freedom of expression and distinguish be- tween liberty and license. You therefore determine, in a limited way, what people shall see and what they shall not see. Unfortunately, the producers and distributors of American mo- vies do not always exercise sucli commendable discretion with re- gard to the subject matter of films. This was particularly true of the producers and distributors of the obnoxious racist film, Birth of a Nation. Yet, the Daily Senior Editors militantly demanded that this int vie, the contet of whic' would be sufficient to dIsquaiify it from being printed in te Letters to the Editor column Jf it were written material, be shown on campus. You have accused members of the student-faculty protest group of being, among other things, "in- consitent." On this point of con- sistency we should like to pose the following question. Is it consistent to establish and to abide by a pol- icy restricting the publication of defamatory and libelous letters and at the same time advocate the showing of a movie which insults, defames, slanders and attempts to "create a feeling of abhorrence in white people toward colored men." As enthusiastic readers of the Letters to the Editor, we are very much aware of the fact that racist ideology has not been allowed to permeate these columns. We are also aware of the fact that Com- munist viewpoints have been print- ed. Is this accidental, or is it the result of your correct recognition of the distinction between a noli- tical, economic and social philo- sophy and an attack aimed t a particular racial or religious group? We should like to point out that it ishparticularly inappropriate that the Senior Editors should ac- cuse the student-faculty commit- tee of inconsistency. "How canst thou say to thy brother, 'Brother, let me strike the mote from thine eye,' when thou canst not see the beam that is in thine own eye?" -Tom Beyers, Vice Chair- man Student-Faculty * Committee to Protest the Showing of "Birth of a Nation." Brannan Plan . . To the ditors: WITH REFERENCE to Jim ' Schutz's letter in yesterday's Daily, I wish to commentrbriefly. He says, "about the only real ob- jection to the plan (Brannan Farm Plan) is that many persons would be better fed;" and con- cludes with the promising state- ment "All in all the plan looks pretty good." While there is some truth in these statements, I don't belive they take cognizance of the whole problem. The primary objection to this plan and the previous farm plans of the administration is: not one feature of any of these programs attempts to solve the basic farm problem: too great a supply for the demand, further complicated by the inelastic long run demand for farm products. To intelligently solve the farm problem the gov- ernment must prepare a realistic long run program to induce farm- ers to leave the profession and en- ter other fields where their ser- vices are more needed. The Brannan Plan not only I self-perpetuates the present mal- adjusted supply-demand situation but provides for the payment of exhorbitant subsidies out of tax money. Since the products can be dumped on the market for anything they will bring, the gov- ernment will pay the difference between this price and the pari- ty price calculated on a 1939-49 price base - the highest in the history of the United States both in money and real terms. While it may be necessary to subsidize farm products while we are in a transition period, the essential problem is to- adjust de- mand and supply by inducing farmers to abandon farming and enter other professions. The Bran- nan Plan is, indeed, a poor method of effecting the solution to the problem. -Edward Lindsley '51 *M* * Education . . To the Editor: Does education exist at Michi- gan? If the primary function of education is to prepare the stu- dent for future education, as Dew- ey asserts; the answer is not clear. The Class of 1950 is now well- browned and ready to be with- drawn from the oven; how much future intellectual basting are they equipped to receive? If they follow in the wake of previous classes, the answer is very little. Available data indicates that outside the circle of family and friends, extra-occupational cul- tivation rarely rises above the lev- el of Time and Esquire. The student is the actor rather than the producer of his own tra- gedy. In part he is a product of an educational system grown hidebound, rigid, bureaucratic, and provincial. Dean Harry J. Carman of Columbia struck the right note when he stated that too few college faculty members know how to teach..Reflecting on his 34 years in college faculties, he observed that "college staffs are weighted with dull and rou- tine people:" If this University desires to educate, as I think it does, it must strive for increased inter-depart- (11:VU a.m. aturdas). SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 165 - Notices The General Library and all the Divisional Libraries will be closed Tues. May 30, Memorial Day, a University holiday. Hopwood Contests: All students who have won prizes in the Hop- wood contests this spring will be notified before noon on May 31. Mens' Glee Club Award Fund. Applications will be accepted un- til June 1 for financial aid awards from the Men's Glee Club Award Fund.'All male students on cam- pus are eligible for this award. It is based upon need and participa- tion in:any extra-curricular activi- ties. Interested prsons must sub- mit a letter before June 1 to W. B. Rea, 1020 Administration Building, giving their qualifications and needs. Union Life membership cards may be picked up at the Union Business Office. Eight semesters at the University are necessary for eligibility. Orientation Group Leaders: Will the Orientation Group Leaders for Women's Groups, who attended the Orientation Meeting on May 16, come to the Social Director's Office and fill out the cards that we neglected to bring to that meeting. Academic Notices Final Examination for Dr. Alli- son Davis' Sociology 162: Tues., June 6, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Rm. C, Haven Hall. Doctoral Examination for Jer- ome Wiesner, Electrical Engineer- mental integration as well as in- tra-departmental integration be- tween student and professor. Pro- gress in this direction could be made if a new president could be found, a younger man, possessing enough imagination to leave pa- per work to the dukes, counts, and ladies in waiting who inhabit the State Street Palace, while he moves unobtrusively into class- rooms and laboratories to arouse well-meaning but dreary profes- sors to the implications of their task. -Allen Hurd * * * Music Criticism .. . To the Editor: BEING ardently enthusiastic about music of all times, I may be overly critical when I sense certain reservations in Har- vey -Gross' review of last Sunday's "Collegium Musicum" program. However, although he is obvious- ly for the aims of the "Collegium," his phrasing at one point seems to give a false impression. "The music performed Sunday night, however, was not merely of his- toric interest . . . " suggests that there- are times when portions of the programs presented by the "Collegium" are only that. I have never_ heard such programs. The power, vitality, and sensitivity of the best Western music from the beginning of Christian times to the present becomes readily ap- parent to anyone who is willing to spend the time and to listen with an open mind to music of all times and in all media. One other bone of contention concerns the physical conditions under which the program was presented. Mr. Gross seems to neglect these when he says of Vecchi's "L'Ampfiparnasso" that "the polyphonic noture of the madrigal effectively smothers the words so that it becomes impos- sible to follow the dramatic ac- tion." Also, when speaking of the Tudor Singers, he says that "if anything, they were t o o smooth, and an expressive rough- ness here and there might have given more variety to the perf or- mance."It is practically impos- sible to give a reasonable evalua- tion of these points using Sun- day night's performance as the sole basis for judgement, as the room resonance was rather ex- cessive, and hence effectively ob- scured both the polyphonic lines and any possible roughness in ex- pression which may have oc- curred. As for the rest of Mr. Gross' comments, may I add a fervent "Amen." Jim Gibbs Doctoral Examination for Harry Raphael Gafvin, English Lang.& Lit.; thesis: "Gertrude Stein: A Study of Her Theory and Prac- tice," Sat.,- May 27, West Council, Room, Rackham Bldg., 10 a.m. Chairman, A. L. Bader. Doctoral Examination for Rich- ard Grayson Fleddermann, Aero- nautical Engineering; thesis: "The Influences of Turbulence upon the Rate of Evaporation of Dynamic Spray," Sat., May 27, 1508 E. Engi- neering Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman, A. M. Kuethe. Doctoral Examination for Wil- linda Hortense Savage, Education; thesis: "The Evolution of John Dewey's Philosophy of Experimen- talism as Developed at the Uni- versity of Michigan," Mon., May 29, South Alcove of Men's Lounge, Rackham Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman, W. C. Trow. Events Today Saturday Luncheon:Discussion Group: Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Annual Awards Tea, 4 p.m. Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 1 p- m., 500 BMT. Coming Events Naval Research Reserve: Mon., May 29, 7:30 p.m., 18 Angell Hall. Dr. James C. Peskin; "Factors which Determine the Visual Pro- cess." All naval reserve officers and enlisted personnel engaged in advanced work in the sciences and engineering are eligible for mem- bership in the Research Reserve. Interested reservists (including Waves) are invited to attend a regular meeting of the Unit to dis- cuss membership application with the Executive Officer. Hostel Club: Tues., May 30, Family Hike to Pony Farm. Meet at John Amnous homein Pitts- field Village at 11 a.m. with lunch, camera, sketch pad, and comfort- able walking shoes to hike to river for picnic lunch and then to visit Prof. Frank Smith's farm on Hogs- back Road. Call John, 250075, by Mon., May 29. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Annual United Jewish Appeal Car- nival at the- Foundation Sunday evening 7-10 p.m. Everyone invit- ed. All Generation staff members may check the sales schedule in Mr. Felheim's office from 2 to 4 p.m., Mon., May 29. Publication day is Wed., June 1.' Phi Sigma Picnic: Sun., May 28, 2-9 p.m. at the Fresh Air Camp. #MI .," < : A, ) :. I. 4. , A. A Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor Al Blumrosen............. City Editor Philip Dawson........Editorial Director Don McNeil..............Feature Editor Mary Stein......... Associate Editor Jo Misner...........Associate Editor George walker..........Associate Editor Wally Barth......Photography Editor Pres Holmes......Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin..........S.Sports Co-Editor Roger Goez.... Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach....... Women's Editor Barbara Smith.. Associate Women's Ed. Business Staff Roger Wellington..Business'Manager Dee Nelson, Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi........Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff ....... Finance Manager Bob Daniels.......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitledto the use for republication of all news dispatches cerdited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All :rights of. republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier. $5.00, by mail, $6.00. I/ '' IT SO HAPPENS " Evaluation Quips Balloting.. . ONE OF our favorite Geography profes- sors gave a little speech the other day just before handing out the faculty eval- uation sheets. "I'm going to appoint two monitors," he said, "to take complete charge of distribu- ting, collecting and delivering these to the t " This is the lazy man's way through a course, the only prerequisite being the ability to cram and retain the facts for just the examination. It also means that students who have two or three exams in a row are put at a decided disadvantage, by having less time to cram. The Engineering Council's proposals for a "dead week" and optional exemption from finals are just beating around the main problem of the fear which accompanies fi- nals. Having the week before finals free from bluebooks and outside papers gives the student who does not have the ability to crm.aloertie o rz.ie hese *& BAR NABY Think what the new O'Malley Express Highway will mean to all the Pixies! I fY;-5 Naturally!Yo Godfather w Du don't think your Fairy ould overlook this chance ( 1 I i