THE TE i DAILY Union - League Pro posal tz i I "Puip harder - This One's Going Down Too!" DA- hMiA\ [ I HE RECENT Union constitutional meet- ing which failed to attract a quorut ointed out one of the basic weaknesses of he Union set-up. The proposed constitutional amend- ments would have provided new means for electing a president and a secretary and would have raised the quorum for con- stitutional amending meetings. Bty since the suggested changes would really have made so little difference in the lives of campus males, it is not hard to under- stand why only a handful of men turned. up at the meeting.. For years the Union has been run as a nen's club and as a men's club it is very ice. Campus males can eat, relax and mix ocially at the Union. But the Union's actual ontribution to the campus is negligible. In act, the Union seems to expend most of its nergies keeping women from entering the 'ont door. Theoretically, r of activities a college union is the cen- on any campus. But at the there is little coordination be- tween the major groups. There is a division between men's and women's groups with women's organizations located at the Lea- gue and the men's at the Union. But even with a common meeting place, men's groups are not coordinated. The Union executive staff is separate from the Interfraternity Council, the Association of Independent Men and the Men's Glee Club, the most im- portant groups connected in any way with the Union. One suggested way to alleviate the blocks to cooperation and coordination between the groups is to combine all men's and women's groups into one common organiza- tion, an all student union, with representa- tives of all major campus groups, both men's and women's. With the Union planning a building ex- pansion there would be room for student groups to operate within one building. At the same time, offices for these groups could be provided at the Union. With stu- dent offices located in one building com- munication between the groups could be handled through personal contact, devel- oping a stronger feeling of cooperation among all groups. And office space would be made available for all major campus groups. Under the present system, the Student Legislature can- not get office space not only because of the limited number' of rooms but also because of the fact that both men'and women would use the office. This plan still leaves the problem of what to do with the League building. With the Union serving as a student offices building, the League could serve as an additional meeting place. And both the League and the Union would continue to provide the cafeteria, library and ball- room facilities. It is unfortunate that the system of two separate buildings for student activities exists at all. But even with the two build- ings, the system can be improved with an all student, union and student organization offices located under the same roof. -Janet Watts THEATER IN THE ROUND: A bill of one-act plays presented by the Speech Department at Lane Hall. IN THE Speech Department's bill of one- act plays two admirable events occured: the performance of the Greek tragedy "Electra," and the presentation of the plays in the experimental form of "theater in the round." "Theater in the round" consists of per- forming with a minimum of props, within a circle of spectators in order to achieve more fluid drama and establish greater intimacy between the actors and the audience. This experimental form demands exact- ing performances, and with the exception of Clytemunestra, whose role was played with- out any emotional feeling, the acting was good. An outstanding performance was turned in by Margaret Fell in the title role. The main shortcoming of "Electra," due to unimaginative directing, was the misuse of the Chorus. With the audience so closely involved in the action, the Chorus becomes unnecessary comment when enacted in the same area as the play itself. Had the Cho- rus been dispersed throughout the specta- tors, greater audience participation and as- sociation would have been achieved.' The other two plays on the program, though performed with great spirit, Were a mistake no matter what the lofty ideals of the Speech Department may be. "Villa for Sale" by Sacha Guitry, by far the better of the two, was sparked by the performance of Wiliam Branum in the role of Gaston. The final piece, "Doctor Knock" by Jules Romains was as pointless and dull a comedy as I have ever seen. The all-girl cast is to be commended for doing the most with poor material. My only desire is that the Speech De- partment should have performed the com- plete "Electfa" rather than include the two comedies. The evening would thus have been rewarding from a dramatic point of view as well as from an experimental one. -Leonard Greenbaum Y ""' ,, ; ' r. _ M:.; v. CIINIEN'A DEVIL IN THE FLESH, with Gerard Philipe and Micheline Presle. I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN C~) *f~.LOr4r... -'~.I ~ ~gr - THE TORTURE and beauty of an adoles- cent love affair is treated with famed French frankness in the cinema version of Raymond Radiguet's "Devil in the Flesh." Presenting a realistic concept of love, the film shows the sordidness as well as the rapture of an illicit affair. Hemmed in by conventionality, Marthe and Francois, two weak young people, break away enough to snatch some happi- ness with each other, but do not have the strength to face up to the chain of events they have started in motion. When their situation becomes untenable, they can neither bear to separate nor can they bring themselves to accept the conse- quences of their actions. Gerrard Pl4ilipe as the schoolboy-lover trying desperately to achieve the stature of manhood, conveys a tremendous amount ofj emotion by his sensitvie facial expressions. His anomalous position is superbly pointed up by alternating scenes in which he appears through the eyes of his mistress, and as his family and friends know him. Marthe's conflict is between wanting to retain her respectable status as a married woman, and not being able to give up her lover . These unremarkable lovers move against backgrounds that reek of middle-class res- pectability. Try as they may to make their affair idyllip, the, two must contend with the ugly censure of middle class morals. The greatness of "Devil in the Flesh" lies in its unpretentious and delicate handling of young people, only half prepared for life rushing headlong into love. -Fredrica Winters Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: AL BLUMROSEN tettePJTO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. FEPC Petition /.\ \/ yrs s- -c ra -= c mo il l ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON INSIDE STORY of the arrest of Harry Gold on a charge of spying for the So- viet on atomic energy is that the tip came indirectly from Elizabeth Bentley, not from Dr. Klaus Fuchs in London. Actually the tireless FBI worked for weeks, hunting for a needle in a haystack in order to find Gold. And it was not un- til after Gold confessed that Dr. Fuchs admitted he had known the Philadelphia Chemist. Following Gold's confession, the FBI photographed his statement, flew it to Eng- land and showed it to Fuchs. It was then that the imprisoned German physicist ad- mitted he knew Gold. The story of Gold's espionage activity dates back to a meeting of the American Chemical Society in October 1940 at which time he met the late Jacob Golos, the most important Soviet-Cominform agent in CU1RREN It PMOVIES At The State... G U I L T Y OF TREASON, starring Charles Bickford, Bonita Granville, Paul Kelly and Richard Derr. MORAL responsibility probably isn't the kind of thing to talk about in con- nection with the movie industry, but when pictures are on the problem of international affairs, and have the emotional potentialities of the journalism which got us into the y Spanish-American War, there is cause to talk about it. In discussing such a subject as the threat of Communism, a responsible group can be expected to approach the problem cautious- ly, trying to present a factual picture of reality. When producing "Guilty of Treason," Hollywood, possibly afraid of the hundred and one investigating committees, threw caution to the wind. The producers turned every available technique in the book to the task of scaring hell out of us concerning the already ob- vious danger of Communism. In fact, the movie is so technically excellent that this cinemaviewer came out expecting to find Russians under the bed. The story evolves around the trial of Car- dinal Mindzenty (Charles Bickford) but ac- tually sublimates that interesting case to the love affair of a Hungarian girl (Bonita Granville) and a Russian Army colonel (Richard Derr), love being more emotional for Hollywood purposes than religion. Bith girl and lover are doomed to tragic deaths under the Communist system, but before they die Derr gives an unconvincing nnrtraif a~ a A. rv,a1 Rnvin+ wuhn. va,n when you see it, keep on the alert for the attempts to over convince you. Example : The opening scene in which newsreel shots of the Russian Army on parade are back- ed up with a Russian-accented dialogue to the effect that "The Soviet wants peace." Naturally, you're not supposed to believe this. -Don McNeil . * * * At The Micigan.. . A WOMAN OF DISTINCTION, starring Rosalind Russell, Ray Milland and Ed- mund Gwenn. BLAZONED forth in the advertisements as a "riotous comedy smash" this pic- ture was a disappointment all the way around. With Rosalind Russell as the dean of a women's college (the "woman of distinc- tion") and Ray Milland as a British astrono- mer lecture-touring the country, we were led to expect more than the sometimes bor- ing sometimes slap-stuck film this turned out to be. 'Edmund Gwenn was unable to add much to the empty character of Rosalind's father, a rich old man with cupid leanings. The seldom witty script stooped to using' such things as 'Say, Merle, this is Pearl" dialogues, with the few spots of comedy grounded mostly on slap-stick. A wild Ab- bott-and-Costelloish hotrod ride was Miss Russell's high point, and a ride on a disin- tegrating bicycle in similar style was Mil- land's Interesting deviations were few and far the United States. Golos was then looking for a chemist who could obtain technical information for the U.S.S.R., and arranged for Gold to become the intermediary. Golos died in 1943, thereby escaping prosecution. But the manner in which Golos' ramified and mysterious activities became known to the FBI was through Elizabeth Bentley, his girl friend. Miss Bentley testified that she was at- tracted by Golos' magnetic personality, be- came a courier for him, and picked up va- rious information in Washington which she turned over to Golos. After his death in 1943 she dropped out of Communist party ac- tivities. GOLOS WAS president and sole stockhold- er of World Tourist, Inc., the cover for getting Communists in and out of the United States. World Tourist recruited Americans for the Spanish Civil War, and, brought members of the Abraham Lincoln brigade back to the U.S. after the war. Finally, on March 3, 1940, Golos was indicted for failing to register as a for- eign agent, was fined 500 and placed on probation. His real name was Jacob Raisin; he was born in 1890 at Ekaterinoslaw, Russia, and was active in the early Russian revolutionary movement. Migrating to the U.S. in 1908 as J. Davis, he became executive secretary of the minority group in the Communist Par- ty of America, made trips to England, Ger- many, Latvia and Russia, lived largely in New York' and was naturalized December 1915. At that time he gave his occupation as clerk. After his naturalization, Golos re- turned to Russia, was active in the 1917 revolutionary movement, and returned to the United States in 1922 as the agent of the Communist international. HIS STORY is important because it shows the pattern of Communist activity in this country. Golos was the Gerhardt Eis- ler of that period. He did organization work in the midwest for the Communists, made frequent trips to Russia to get instructions, bringing information, and getting key peo- ple in and out of the United States. Golos has been described as one of the three members of the secret Communist Party Control Commission. The Control Commission maintained secret records on party members and agents for blackmailing purposes and arranged contacts with the Soviet secret police. William Remington in his testimony be- fore the Senate investigations subcommittee said: "Miss Bentley was introduced to me by Mr. Golbs, who was not known to me to be a Communist." Remington met Golos through Joe North, "the closest friend of my mother-in-law." Golos questioned Rem- ington in New York "for books and articles he was writing" on war production, per- sonalities, attitudes of men. To The Editor: THIS IS in regard to the article on the front page of The Daily on May 18 headlined "I.R.A. Peti- tion taken to Lansing Backing FEPC." Above the headline was the caption "Journey In Vain." As a member of the delegation which took the petition to Lan- sing, I strongly protest this false and misleading caption. The petition, which expressed strong student support for an end to discrimination in employment on account of one's race, creed, color or national origin was warmly received and praised by ex-Representative Doll, Senator Abloni and Governor William's legislative Secretary. All of the above stated that they thought the petition would have a favor- able effect in the lining up of support for the passage of an FEPC bill at the next legislative session. The passage of an FEPC bill is a long, hard struggle. This petition and its presentation to legislators in Lansing is an inte- gral part of that struggle. The students who signed this petition realize that such action is never in vain. On the contrary, it is only through such action by civic, church, labor, student and politi- cal groups that an FEPC bill will be enacted into law. The erroneous impression which the Daily's caption gave to the article is to be deplored. The more than one thousand students who signed the petition deserve an explanation of the Daily's ac- tion. Leon Soffin Vice-President Inter-Racial Association (EDITOR'S NOTE - The Cap- tion referred solely to the group's failure to present the petition to the Governor. The Daily apolo- Igizes for any other meaning con- strued from the caption.) * * * Michigras Receipts .,,. To the Editor: IN LIEU. OF taking up valuable news space with disjointed seg- ments of arguments on Winchell House reimbursement, here is the answer to the house president's charges--the ansvxer he should already know if the house booth chairman was compus mentis during the many Michigras booth meetings. Prior to 1950, participating or- ganizations have all been fully re- imbursed for booth costs because there was no set policy on the subject, and also because their ex- penses were so low that it was relatively easy to reimburse in full. In 1948, the lack of policy was strongly felt by the Central Committee, who, nevertheless, saw their way clear to refund in full: $1200. Acting on their advice, the 1950 Michigras Committee fixed a poli- cy which was: a budget of $1200 to be refunded on booths. Should the expenditure exceed t h i s amount, it was decided - and stated time and time again to all booth' representatives-that each house would be reimbursed both on the basis of their individual receipts and on the ratio of re- ceipts to expenses. Because of this system, Central >Booth Chairman Hal Sperlich made it abundantly clear that all houses must keep their expenses down and be positive, before spen- ding money, that their booths would attract enough customers to justify costs. This situation was stated at several meetings and also printed on instruction sheets. Fortunately, most houses heeded the advice. The $1200 was intended to cov- er completely the cost of booths (which were fewer in number than in '48). But the houses succeeded in running up a cost n e a r 1 y double the expected amount. For this free-spending which many of the houses ex- hibited, there is no one to blame but themselves. College students ought to have found out by this time that you can't make up in lavish production what you lack in genuine amusement value. Nevertheless, the Committee thought that it should try to patch up the difference, as the carnival had been so successful. Therefore, the total reimburse- ment figure was finally upped 50%, to $1800. On the basis of this increase, we were able to reimburse fully tv o-thirds of the participat ing houses, and only four groups took more than an inconsequential loss, again, their own fault. In contrast, booths which spent more than the $98 outlay of Win- chell House were nevertheless fully reimbursed, on the basis of higher receipts. As it came out, most of the or- ganizations were satisfied, and if they weren't, they realized 'that their failure was by their own hands. The Central Committee, taking the majority situation in- to account, believes that Winchell House is unjustified in expecting exceptions to be made for them when they didn't even see fit to follow the instruction given them. We sincerely regret that the four houses did take a loss on Michigras, which o t h e r w i s e brought to the campus and par- ticipating groups a full week-end of enjoyment, and gave much- needed funds to three top student projects: the women's swimming pool, the Fresh Air Camp, and the Phoenix Memorial. Michigras Central Committee Bill Peterson, Chairman We trust that Clare Boothe Luce will permit us to join in her compliment to Mrs. Roosevelt as "the best loved woman in the world." We trust that she will allow us to echo her declaration that "Mrs. Roosevelt has done more good deeds, on a bigger scale, for a longer time, than any woman who ever appeared on our public scene." We trust that Mrs. Luce will not take it amiss if we privately recall these words in case she makes another one of those speeches of hers at a political con- vention. And we hope that those who have said nastier things about Mrs. Roosevelt than Mrs. Luce ever dreamed of saying about anybody will increase their own stature by recognizing how well- earned was Mrs. Luce's tribute. -St. Louis Post Dispatch (Continued from. Page 3) Employment: Carman Adams, representatives of the Edwin L. Wiegand Com- pany, are interested in receiving applications from mechanical and electrical' engineers interested in sales. Men selected would be given a cadet training program at the Wiegand Company. The Michigan Architect and En- gineer, a technical journal in ar- chitecture and engineering, desires to employ a journalism graduate or an English major with writing ability for their space sales force. Men with an interest in photo- graphy will be given first prefer- ence. Qualified candidates will be offered an excellent salary. The Associated Reciprocal Ex- changes of'New York City are in- terested in receiving applications from June graduates. They will ac- cept applications from mechanical, civil, chemical, and electrical en- gineers as well as business admin- istration and economic majors. Post Cereals Division of Gener- al Foods located in Battle Creek, Michigan is interested in hiring a June 1950 graduate with a degree in physical or organic chemistry. They prefer B.S. candidates with an interest in control work who will graduate in the upper 50% of the class.' The Semmler Wholesale Supply Company of Detroit, Michigan is interested in employing two men for executive training in their or- ganization. They are interested in a mechanical engineer for sales and a business administration graduate for their accounting de- partment. These positions are in Detroit. For further information call at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building. Employment Interviews: Baker Brothers, Inc of Toledo, Ohio, will be in the office Wed., May 31, to interview men for sales work. They are interested primar- ily but not exclusively in engineers, to sell a power metal shear. At the present time they want two men, for the West Coast and the Texas areas The work will involve tra- veling about with demonstrator equipment, calling on industrial companies. A representative of Bowser, Inc., of Fort Wayne, Indiana will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Thurs.; June 1, to interview June 1950 graduates in chemical engi- neering, mechanical engineering, and business administration for their sales training program. Bow- ser, Inc. manufacture liquid con- trol specialities. The Fort Wayne Corrugated Pa- per Company of Fort Wayne, In- diana will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Wed., May 31 to interview June 1950 graduates for their managerial development pro- gram. They are not interested in students with any specific formal background, but rather want men who are good, all around students, well balanced and who have dis- played leadership and have ability to get along with people. The scope of the program is very broad, in- cluding activity to develop a sound knowledge of materials, product design, cost accounting, produc- tion planning, production stan- dards, quality control, equipment maintenance, manufacturing op- eration, plant and departmental supervision, overall plant adminis- tration, and sales service. For further information and ap- pointments for interviews call at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building. Employment Interviews: A representative of Snap-Out- Forms Company (Detroit office) will be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments on Mon., May 29 to inter- view men for their sales training program. They prefer business ad- ministration students who have had at least one year of account- ing. The company sells supplies, forms and records to business in- dustrial firms. The position does not involve any travel. A representative of the Pitts- burgh Plate Glass Company (De- troit office) will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Thurs., June 1 to interview men for their sales training program. For further information and to make appointments for interview, please call the Bureau of Appoint- ments, Ext. 371. Academic Notices Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., May 26, 4:15 p.m. at the Obser- vatory. Speaker: Dr: Orren C. Mohler, McMath-Hulbert Observa- tory. Subject: Solar Magnetic Measurements. Final Examination for Dr. Alli- Sson Davis' Sociology 162: Tues., June 6, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Rm. C, Haven Hall, Doctoral examination for Ro- bert Beattle Skelton, Romance Lang. & Lit.; thesis: "A Spectro- graphic Analysis of Spanish Vow- el Sounds", Fri., May 26, East Council Room, RackdhamBldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, L. B. Kiddle. Doctoral Examination for Leon- hard W. Holmboe, Electrical Engi- neering; thesis: "A Traveling Wave Amplifier Design Using, as a Transmission Line, a Folded Wave Guide Outside the Vacuum Envelope", Fri., May 26, 3521 E. Engineering Bldg., 2 p.m., Chair- man, W. G. Dow. Doctoral Examination for Jer- ome Wiesner, Electrical Engineer- ing; thesis: "Pre-ignition in Gas Switching Tubes and Related Rec- tifier Burnout Problems," Sat., May 27, 2511 E. Engineering Bldg., 9 a.m. Chairman, L. N. Holland. Doctoral Examination for Harry Raphael Garvin, English Lang. & Lit.; thesis: "Gertrude Stein: A Study of Her Theory and Prac- tice," Sat., May 27, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 10 a.m. Chairman, A. L. Bader. Doctoral Examination for Rich- ard Grayson Fleddermann, Aero- nautical Engineering; thesis: "The Influences of Turbulence upon the Rate of Evaporation of Dynamic Spray," Sat., May 27, 1508 E. Engi- neering Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman, A. M. Kuethe. Concerts. Student Recital: Nancy Joan Lewis, student of organ with Ro- bert Noehren, will present a pro- gram at 4:15 p.m., Sun., May 28, Hill Aditorium, as partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. Pro- gram: works by Buxtehude, Cler- ambault, Bach, Franck and Alain. Open to the public. Student Recital: William Mac- Gowan, organist, will be heard at 8:30 p.m., Sun., May 28, Hill Au- ditorium, in a program of compo- sitions by Bach, Franck, Brahms and Durufle. Played in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, the recital will be open to the public. Mr. MacGowan is a pupil of Ro- brt Noehren. Student Recital: John Crawford, student of clarinet with Albert Lu- coni, will play a program at 8:30 p.m., Sun., May 28, Architecture Auditorium, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bache- lor of Music degree. He will be assisted by Alexander Popp, piano, Florence Lazarski, oboe, Robert Pfeuffer, bassoon, and Sheldon Henry, French horn, in works by (Continued on Page 6) 4b 4.- 4 a.. I A A 4. S 41 Fifty-Ninth Year Edtdand managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen.............City Editor Philip Dawson ....... Editorial Director Don McNeil..............Feature Editor Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner............Associate Editor George walker........Associate Editor wally Barth......Photography Editor Pres Holmes..........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz .... Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach......women's Editor Barbara Smith. .Associate Women's Ed. Business Staff Roger Wellington.....Business Manager Dee Nelson, Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl........ Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager Bob Daniels.......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches cerdited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters hereinare also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ante Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier. $5.00, by mail, $6.00, .7' A BARNABY Let us assume this square represents 1 I -,- - -1 A -1 Now I've Indicated the woods ..i_, i 1 J86Km r/ey, Now Your Fairy Godfather's roufe f,...--,.-_... I i I