THE MICHIGAN DAILY T~kSDA~F1~V '~T9W~77 ___________________________________ __ ______________ .r.r.mmw acult Ei ODAY AND tomorrow students will have the opportunity to evaluate not only the courses they are taking but their in- structors as well. As most students realize, this reversal of form is a fairly recent, and important, addition to college life. For, through this program, the Student Legisla- ture has provided the means for students to a exercise greater voice in matters pertaining to their own education. Last year, Michigan was one of the first' large universities to employ a system of fac-l ailty evaluation by students., Other schools soon adopted the idea, in part because of the success that it met with here. Whether this type of program is successful or not, of course, depends entirely on the student body. If the students are not willing to accept this responsibility in a serious vein, then there is little purpose in conducting the program. For the most part, though, student re- action to this program has been quite fa- vorable. Those in charge of the program last year - and especially, the faculty members, who stand to gain much by a careful analysis of the results - claimed Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: NANCY BYLAN valzation that the survey was highly informative. Most- faculty members thought the com- ments added at the end, in particular, were very helpful and worth considera- tion. Regarding this week's program, however, it might be well for students to keep in mind the spirit in which this survey is being car- ried on. For although the program does not officially start until today, some sections which do not meet on Thursday or Friday have already completed their questionnaires. And again, in the main, students assumed the responsibility seriously. In some classes, however, a few indivi- duals have been rather flippant, about the whole matter. Although these instances are the ex- ception rather than the rule, there is no excuse for any student to be lax in filling these blanks out. A half hour has been alotted in each class for the specific pur- pose of completing the questionnaires. It follows, therefore, that the more students who participate sincerely in a program which the University has supported so strongly, the more value it will have. It rests with the student body, therefore, to utilize this opportunity: for the main purpose of the program is to make the class period a more meaningful and profitable one for each individual. -Larry Rothman IT SO HAPPENS. 4 Tap pin' Oak Initiation .Statistics . UNDERNEATH the oak of Tappan, ONE OF our enterprising reporters, always At the scene of bloody murder, on the look-out for the "facts" has come iesa e see ofo durdas e rup with the news that there are exactly 138 Lies a mess of wood and ashes steps from the street in front to the roof That is scarcely to our credit, of Angell Hall. * * * He challenges anyone doubting his sta- tistics to count for hunself. LET us build' a fence around it- * * , Souvenir of Our Best People- And allow slow oxidation In Spring . . To return it to its atoms. WE WERE made suddenly aware yester- day of the disasterous effects on per- * *ennial spring romances that the approach RCHELOGISTS will find there of final exams can wrought. Strolling hand in hand with the boy Nascopie, friend, a coed suddenly broke her hold and Cherokee, or Magdalenian, challenged him indignantly, "Eddie, I'm And will run a correlation flunking that course, and you don't seem With the ashes at Pompeii. to care." Twelve Nation Fighting Force IN A MOMENTOUS and unprecedented de- cision, the Western Foreign Ministers have agreed to merge their nations' military re- sources into a 12-power fighting force. The obvious and immediate purpose of this iP ternational military machine will be to pro- vide defense against Russian aggression But its potentialities extend far into the future. The Foreign Ministers' new plan for collective defense is a direct outgrowth of the Atlantic Pact, in which the same 12 nations agreed "that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an at-' tack against them all." The signers are the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Lux- embourg, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Italy and Iceland. The total power of the 12 Western Na- tions is roughly equal to that of Russia and her satellites, excluding Red China. We maintain armies of 2,008,000 men, whereas the Soviet bloc has about 3,718,000. However, the Western Nations are vastly superior in naval power, and are stronger in numbers of aircraft and in aviation skills. We have 5,852,000 tons of shipping, as compared to only 453,000 for the Communists. Our air- craft outnumber theirs by 37,380 to 25,715. In the atomic arms race, it is believed that the United States is ahead of Russia. So far, however, the Western Nations have been severely handicapped in two ways. First, our strength is not concen- trated. Much of our military, industrial and financial power is in the United States, 3,000 miles from Europe. Second, our military systems are organized on an individual basis. The cost of maintaining these separate establishments is much greater than that of a single armed force like Russia's. It is to overcome these handicaps that the Foreign Ministers have taken three rad- ical steps toward collective defense. They created a permanent 12-nation Strategy Board of deputy 'foreign ministers to steer the entire program; proposed a single 12- nation military force to replace the old sys- tem of individual national forces; took mea- sures to reduce the cost of the defense pro- gram. The Strategy Board will be located in London, and will be responsible forcarry- ing out policies of the Council of Foreign Ministers when that group is not meeting. The board is intended to speed up defense planning. The basis of the combined military force plan is a belief that much wasteful dupli- cation and confusion results when each nation maintains its own army, navy and air force. Under the new international plan, the Atlantic Countries are to agree on a "division of function" by which each coun- try will contribute to Western defense in the ways in which it is most suited to do so. Because Western Europe is struggling to regain a sound financial status after the economicdisaster of the last war, the cost of the international defense plan is a vital matter. The Foreign Ministers agreed that, if the plan is properly caried through, it can be successful without overburdening any country. The 12 nations will split the cost according to their individual resources. The plan faces a number of difficulties. It will require some abridgement of each nation's sovereignty. And many military leaders will probably resist having their commands dissolved or placed in inferior positions. It remains for each nation to give its con- sent to the decisions of the Foreign Minis- ters. Because of the critical world situation, it is likely that the necessary content will be given by all 12 countries. The prospect of an international armed force isboth frightening and reassuring. It points up, more dramatically than ever, the widening fissure between Russia and the Western Powers. It is likely to spur Rus- sia in her own military preparations. And it puts on the United States a tremendous responsibility, for the Atlantic Powers na- turally expect us to assume the leadership in this gigantic military pool, because of our superior strength and wealth. For in- stance, it is taken for granted that the head of the strategy board will be an American. On the hopeful side, it is likely that only a quick show of armed might can prevent Russia from the aggressive expansion which Hitler was allowed to continue be- cause of Allied weakness and division. Furthermore, should war come, a skilfully integrated fighting force will be our best defense. And lastly, the new unification of the Western Nations is an admission that the common welfare is best served when coun- tries work together. . It is unfortunate that this new unity only extends to half the world. It is doubly unfortunate that it is caused by a threat to the safety of the nations involved. But it is, nevertheless, a step in the direction of international cooperation. l l U' Xetei/ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 wards in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. "Never Mind The Atoms. Will They Put This Through?" EDITOR'S NOTE-With the pub- lication of the following letters discussing the showing of "Birth of a Nation" in today's column, The Daily will close correspnndence on this topic. By now, all sides of the issue have been presented, and additional letters would only be repetitious. Exception to this will be made only in the case of corre- spondence expressing a new view- point on the subject. * * * Ca THOMAS L. STOKES: Progressive Re publicans WASHINGTON. - A Jim Duff in Penn- sylvania and a Wayne Morse in Oregon do not, of course, mean a new Republican party all of a sudden. But there is more than mere encour- agement to the modern and moderate ele- ment of the party in the successive vic- tories within a week of Governor James H. Duff, who won the Republican Sena- torial nomination over the long-entrench- ed Joe Grundy machine with its high- tariff, business-domination-of-government philosophy, and of Senator Morse who was renominated over GOP Old Guard elements within his state. There is, in fact, real sustenance for those who are seeking to rejuvenate the party. Their overwhelming triumphs in two widely separated states that offer a good cross-section of rank and file Republicans seem to indicate that many Republicans are seeking to cast off the old smug crustiness and are searching for a new and more flexi- ble party code and, if inferences may be drawn, new types of leadership. * * * GOVERNOR Duff is of more conservative mould on national issues than Repub- licans such as Senators Morse, Aiken of Vermont and Tobey of New Hampshire. But he. recognizes the trend and needs of the times. He performed a notable service for his party by smacking down Grundyism which, though it should have disappeared a long time ago, has risen every four years to intrude into the high councils on Repub- lican party policy at national conventions which select candidates and write platforms. His victory means that the frontier of moderate Republicanism has been pushed Test of Truth W HENMEN have realized that time has upset many fighting faiths, they may come to believe even more than they believe the very foundations of their own conduct that the ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas - that the best test of truth is the power of the thought tn iort itslf aecented in the comoetition of forwarda bit further. It plainly strength- ens that party element embraced general- ly in the East, New England, the North- west and the Pacific Coast in the con- tinual battle with the more conservative, more nationalistic Middle West. Pennsylvania, with its 70 convention votes, now is added in this inter-party struggle to New York, where Governor Thomas E. De- wey exemplifies a progressive viewpoint; New Jersey, where Governor Alfred E. Dris- coll's re-election last year was a victory for Republican progressivism, and to New Eng-' land, with Senators Lodge and Saltonstall of Massachusetts; Aiken and Flanders of Vermont, Tobey of New Hampshire, and Mrs. Margaret Smith of Maine. * * * SENATOR Morse's victory, likewise, is an index of the continued hold of progres- sivism along the West Coast as exemplified regionally in Governor Earl Warren of Cal- ifornia, and in the Middle Northwest fron- tier there are Governors Luther Youngdahl of Minnesota and Fred G. Aandahl of North Dakota among its symbols. In recent years, this element of the party has been generally successful in national conventions on candidates and platforms, though always with com- promises; but the Midwest conservatives have held the upper hand in Congress where the party record is made. This con- trol in Congress is due in large part to operation of the seniority rule, which favors those from the normally Republi- can Midwest where succession in office is more certain, just as it favors Southerners in the Democratic party. Strengthening of the progressive element should make compromise less necessary hereafter at national conventions and give the party a more solid progressive front. Re- cent compromises include Governor Dewey's acceptance in 1944 of then Governor John W. Bricker of Ohio, now Senator, as his running mate and, in 1948, his alliance with Joe Grundy that netted a batch of dele- gates to start his bandwagon rolling. Revitalizing of the party along more pro- gressive lines might very well have another effect relating to candidates. It might start a search for some new figure who might "Birth of a Nation" .. . To the Editor: THE MAY 19 editorial on "Birth of a Nation" stated, "it is commonly accepted fact that (the movie) is filled with racism and anti-Negro bias in its most des- picable and insulting form." How then can the showing of this film be notonly condoned but des- cribed as an act of courage? The confusion centers on the concept of "free speech." It is a little too simple to regard freedom ideally and without further anal- ysis, for freedoms are not always compatible. Protection of people from blackmail is, after all, an in- fringement on the freedom of blackmailers; prohibition of slav- ery is a denial of the "right" to own slaves. In this case advocating the showing of a film which dis- torts history for the malicious pur- pose of villifying fifteen million Americans means denying to the Negro people their right to be free from slander, humiliation and out- rage,.; Ifwe look beyond vague words about liberalism and ask: since the excercise of freedom re- quires -a choice, with whose free- dom must we be concerned, there can be little doubt as to the over- whelming feeling of the campus community. Norman and Courtney Cazden "Birth of a Nation" .. . To the Editor: AM DEEPLY saddened. In the course of the last week, the academic world has witnessed a' most grotesque and perverted in- terpretation of the meaning of freedom. We have once again tasted the sterilefruits of intel- lectual self-glorification. We have seen in our midst the product of an educational system that is all too remote from the brutal reali- ties of society. Some well inten- tioned liberals have, once again thrown in their lot with the enemy and have unwittingly assured the perpetuation of the very anti-lib- eral force that would destroy them and their beloved ideals. This is nothing less than naked tragedy. It has been admitted by all that the film, "Birth of a Nation" is a distortation, a libel and a posi- tive force for evil in this country. We have only to read the history of this film to see the rottenness and filth that it presents. We know that the film is being re- leased nationally as well as on an academic level. We are also aware from our study of history that the film has been and is a powerful propaganda weapon for racism. We have been told in Social Psy- chology that none of us in Amer- ica is immune to racial prejudice, intellectuals included. We know all these facts and still some of us have the crudeness to suggest that, in spite of the nation-wide danger of this film; in spite of the "possible injury to the feel- ings of individual students"; in spite of the doubt we have in our minds as to the effect of this film "even" on this campus; in spite of all these considerations, some suggest that there is an ideal in- volved in insisting upon the film's being shown. We demolish and ignore the ideals of human decency, sensitiv- ity and compassion in the name of "Freedom of Expression." And what "is" this expression that they are defending? What is it that motivates such an unexpected stand on the part of one-third of the SL; the Senior Daily Staff and Allen Silver? Lies and trash! Lib- erals have actually defended Klan propaganda beneath the banner of Education and Enlightenment. The Ann Arbor Negro community will just have to endure the pain and disgrace of seeing their mortal enemy glorified in the esoteric circles of white intellectuals. The southern Negro will have to bolt his door against the hooded terror without one thought of considera- tion from our Absolute Liberal. When presented with the oppor- tunity of taking an active part in the now rising movement to. stop the public showing of the "Birth of a Nation" once and for all, some liberals have decided that they are intellectuals first and citizens last. "The "ideal" must be preserved - at any cost!, The ironic fact remains that aid and comfort has been given to the ene- my of freedom itself - by default. I am hurt and shocked. I am deeply fearful for America's fu- ture if this is what our liberal youth does when confronted with a moral problem. The heart has become numb, the senses dulled and the mentality, confused. What form of irresponsible mockery is this? I only thank God that some of us are not too obsessed with our own self-righteousness to see evil as it is; recognize -ideals in their concrete reality, and will fight the enemy squarely, honest- ly and with deep moral indigna- tion. -Arthur K. Buchbinder, '51 * * * "Birth of a Nation" *. * To the Editor: "THE BIRTH OF A NATION" must not be shown on the University campus. This racist film degrades and slanders the Negro people and is a hideous dis- tortion of American history. For over thirty years the NAACP and many other groups have protested against this vile film. Even at this very moment the NAACP and others are picketing the movie which is being shown in New York City. How is it that a group of sup- posedly intelligent students, in the name of "free speech" or under the guise of "objectivity," can supportthe showing of a fascist movie? Did they know that this movie, during one of its early per- formances, resulted in a riot which caused the death of three Negroes? This movie, which glorified the KKK as heroes, adds to the in- creasing white supremacist at- tacks against the Negro people, all in support of the war drive ofI American; remtion.i "The i1rt1h of a Nation" ad-I vances th fascist poison of "ra- cial inferiority." To consider this facist theory debatable is to com-t pletely ignore history, manifested in the anti-fascist struggle of mil-I lions of people for their freedom. This theory has no foundation sci- entifically and: higtoriclly has resulted - not in The Birth of a Nation - but in the degradation and death of nations (e.g. fascist Germany, Italy and Japan.) The YPA calls on all students to voice their protest against this! movie. The decision of the Student Legislature must be reversed! The movie must not only be bannedt from this campus but must be com- pletely destroyed, once and for all. -Michigan State Staff, YPA; Stephen Perry, Chairman; Calvin Lippit, Exec. Sec.; Mayme Dunnigan, Member- ship director; Al Fishiman,1 Student director; Fran Bar-j rett, Teen-age director. "Birthof a Nation" . To the Editor: HAVE NOTICED one character- istic of all individuals who fa- vor banning books, movies, lec- turers, debates, etc. It is not that they fear:the consequences of such things for their own sakes, but rather for their effects on others. They will never admit that they could belong to the class of people who "need"protection and whom they are trying to shelter and screen fromundesirable intellec- tual and erniotional influences. Us- ually they characterize the "rest of the people" as not having been properly educated, as being mere masses, (uiOally engineers when the discussed on cam- pus), orthdey are too young, or too old, orsome other equally feeble excse. I have never yet met or heard of an individual who would adiit that he himself was not fully prepared to defend him- self against Communists, or what have you,: I might include that my observations range from Lecture Committees and self styled Purity Legions to the "commonest" sort of day-laborers. I think it is an unwarranted as- sumption of virtue for any group therefore t o make decisions for other people as to what movies they may attend, lectures they may hear and books they may read, except where the legal merits of such a position have been clearly demonstrated in a court of law. Think it over: Do you believe that you are capable of protecting yourself from false ideologies and plays on your emotions? Do you believe that you are capable of sifting the truth from the lie? If you do, perhaps you will agree that others have the same idea, and that at least in an academic com- munity, they shouldbe given the opportunity to do so. And if they can't learn here, I'm sure I don't know where they will. -Carter Zeleznik "Birth of a Nation" . . To the Editor: IDIOTS and infants have been flooding the letter-column of the Daily for many years (doubt- less some will consider us among them!). But few have been as dan- gerous and acutely symptomatic as those currently writing about "Birth of a Nation." There is 'a vast difference be- tween Professor Phillips and "Birth of a Nation." Phillips is a presumably intelligent man, a for mer univerty professor, wishing to expound a political idealogy, a social system, in which he appa- rently beliies. He is known neither as a rabb.lef-ouser, like Gerald L. K. Smith, nor as a slanderer like "Birth of a Nation." There is cer- tainly a chasm of reason separat- ing an honest exposition, on the one han,aid a vicious vilifica- tion of our country's minorities, on the other. Few of us have any real know- ledge of "what Phillips intended to say; and all but a few could have somehow profited by listening to him, whatever our political and so- cial contentions. But enough peo- ple have attested to the content of "Birth of a Nation" as pro- pounding values which we will all admit, tacitly or otherwise, are a major human evil. Furthermore, the present plan is to show the movie as a public performance, with a standard ad- mission charge and appropriate advertisement. This is quite a far cry from showing it to a speech class as a didactic instrument, and necessarily admitsmof rather dif- ferent intentions. And finally, those who argue that would-be banners of "Birth of a Nation" would soon and in- evitably be rent asunder by a pol- itical-ethical boomerang, and find their owrr freedoms curtailed, be- sides arguing something that is logically quite beside the point, are ignoring considerably important points: there cannot ever, be a complete and universal freedom. You cannot give some men free- dom to hold slaves without limit- ing the freedom of the slaves. Every law is in actuality a curbing of freedoms. And courts are every day* upholding libel suits. These are operations based on very fun- damental moral concepts. And the attempts to bae "Birth of a Na- tion" are of exactly the same gen- us. You certainly can ,with com- plete moral justification, forbid the public showing of a film like the "Birth of a Nation," and at the same time insist on an au- dience for speakers like Phillips. We have to decide what we will consider a basically undesirable human evil, what must be con- strained; and we must avoid the gigantic danger of recklessly con- fusing such ideals and such mo- tives with those which legitimate- ly merit the protection and fer- tilization of freedom. -Gloria and Arthur Ross "Birth of a Nation" To the Editor: HE CRITIC'S of SL's decision to show "Birth of a Nation" are missing one point which is to be expected because it has been badly played down in news cover- age thus far. Michigan Forum members I talked with assured me that the film will not only be preceeded by a discussion by a social scien- tist of the techniques of dispens- ing bigotry used but that it would be followed by an audience dis- cussion and evaluation of the film and its discriminatory tech- niques. The basic question here then be- comes, how do you best fight prop- aganda of the nature of this film. Many of us who are democrats with small d's believe that expos- ing Michigan students to the prop- aganda clearly labeled as such so that they can understand and rec- ognize these tactics which, I ven- ture to suggest, they will run into in community life. I voted for the SL showing of the film because I believe that showing it in the setting suggest- ed above is the most constructive method of combating this type of propaganda. This issue, I suggest, is whether we have faith in the intelligence and critical judgment of Michigan students. --Tom Walsh SL Member "Birth of a Nation". To the Editor: WE HEAR with dismay of the recent Student Legislature decision to show "Birth of a Na- tion." The Legislators have evi- dently taken the protests against the earlier proposed showings as a kind of censorship - a denial of the rights of free assembly and free speech. There is a grave misunderstand- ing and misinterpretation here. Free speech has never meant the (Continued on Page 5) lRidyiguu DMilo 'a A:, jA } 4' y, :a .7 'a. ,s j i S. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen................City Editot Philip Dawson....... Editorial Director Don McNeil............Feature Editor Mary Stein...........Associate Editor Jo Misner............Associate Editor George Walker.........Associate Editot Wally Barth.......Photography Editor Pres Holmes .......... Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor Roger -.... .Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach ....... Women's Editor Barbara Smith.. Associate Women's Ed. Business Staf Roger Wellington..Business Manager Dee Nelson, Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff.......Finance Manager Bob Daniels.......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches cerdited to it of otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. a I- s 4' BARNABY Mom, my Fairy Godfather wout I tike a targe piece of wrapping --Why you have to pretend thot non-existent Mr O'Moley is C It't lust cs well they think I'm noii.t f~fe. I'll be operating behind the scene-'he