FACULTY EVALUATION i See page 4 4tIt Latest Deadline in the State A6F a I ttiq CLOUDY, THUNDERSHOWERS VOL. LX, No. 163 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1950 LSA Faculty Ratings To Begin Today 65,000 Blanks To Be Distributed A By LARRY ROTHMAN Literary college students will turn the tables on the faculty to- day and tomorrow when they fill out blanks evaluating-their courses and their instructors. According to Hugh Greenberg, '51, Student Legislature member a in charge of the Faculty Evalua- tion Program, the questionnaires that will be used this year are an improvement over those used last year, when the system was initiat- ' ed. "SOME of the questions used "last year were criticized for being too ambiguous," Greenberg said, "and these have been revised." He " also emphasized two points: 1. Students do not sign their y names' to the blanks. 2. The blanks will not be re- turned to the instructors this semester. Greenberg explained that the instructor in each class will allow a half hour for the filling out of the blanks. "Each teacher will ap- point a student monitor to hand out the questionnaires, for the instructors are requested to leave the room," Greenberg said. THREE stations, one, at 1014 Na- i tural Science Building, a second in University Hall, and a third in the lobby of Angell Hall, have been set up, and the monitors will bring the questionnaires from each class to one of these stations. Dean Hayward Keniston of the literary college declared that "the evaluation program has been very enlightening to many members of the faculty 'and to the administration, es- pecially in pointing out those teachers who the students feel are either superior or poor." One attribute of the system, -' ean Keniston added, is that it -, has a cumulative effect, for the importance of the evaluations in- creases with each succeeding year. "The interesting point is that ! the opinions which are revealed in the student questionnaires usually correspond quite closely with those found by administra- tive personnel when they rate the faculty," he added. "THE interesting point is that able nature. 'Charles H. Peake, assistant dean of the literary college, said that 65,000 blanks will be distributed in the two day period. He also encouraged students to make as many additional comments on the questionnaires as they wished - either of a favorable or unfavor- able nature. British Hero, Wavell, Dies LONDON-(P)-Field Marshal Earl Wavell, desert warrior who won the first allied land victories in the second world war, died in a Th*e one-eyed British soldier who smashed Marshal Rudolfo Graziani's Italian army in north Africa in the dark days of 1940 and 1941 and won grudging Ger- man admiration, underwent a severe abdominal operation on his 67th birthday, May 5. He long had suffered from jaundice. As Gen. Sir Archibald P. Wa- vell he commanded the British and Australian army of "desert rats" in north Africa when allied fortunes elsewhere were at their lowest ebb after the fall of France, the Balkans and Greece. Recalled by the Labor govern- ment from his post as viceroy in India early in 1947 because he dis- agreed with the policy of giving India immediate independence, Wavell spent the last years of his life indulging a taste for music and poetry. Announcements To Be Distributed S e n i o r commencement an- nouncements and personalized cards will be distributed from 1 to 5 p.m. today in the Adminis- vin, Asks e .d ina Entry int * * * -s-O,4e * * O New SL Ch ief Reifel, Ball Also Elected I i .. * * * * * * -Daily-Roger Reinke FLAMES GUT WAREHOUSE-A fire of undetermined origin swept through the fourth floor of the Montgomery Ward Co.'s farm store shortly after noon yesterday, causing damage estir mated at $250,000. A crowd estimated at 3,000 persons watched firemen battle the blaze. Flames, Water Damag"e Montgomery Ward Co. Flames of undetermined origin gutted the fourth floor of the Montgomery Ward Co.'s farm store here early yesterday afternoon, causing damage of thousands of dollars. The fire is believed to have started in the elevator shaft of the four-story building shortly after noon, according to L. 0. Quecken- bush, manager of the store. It was first discovered by Frank Palmer, salesman at the store, as he was driving his car back from lunch. THE 65-YEAR-OLD brick structure, located at the corner of S. ToCabinet George Roumell, a junior from Detroit, defeated Ed Reifel, '51, in the race for the Student Leg- islature 's presidency with a vote of 34 to 14 with one abstention last night. Reifel bounced back from the defeat, however, to win the vice- presidency with an easy 32 to 15 vote. Hugh Greenberg, '51, was his victim, * k * * CORRESPO JDING. secretary Nancy Watkins, '52, was unani- mously re-elected to her post in the only uncontested election of the evening. Pris Ball, '51, was re-elected recording secretary, over Sally (Gresham) Hughes, '52A&D, with a safe majority. In a hotly contested campaign for treasurer, Leonard Wilcox, '52, edged Irv Stenn, '52, on a 24 to 21 count. Stenn and Dave Belin, '51, were elected members-at-large in the cabinet to end the night's ballot- ing. ROUMELL, at present chairman of the men's dorm committee of Phoenix Project, has been past president of Michigan House and West Quad Council. He served as chairman of the SL's Campus Ac- tion Committee. Vice-president elect Reifel, of Ann Arobr, is president of Phi Delta Theta and former mem- ber-at-large in the SL cabinet. Miss Watkins, also of Ann Ar- bor, is affiliated with Kappa Kap- pa Gamma. Besides her past sec- retaryship, she has worked on WSSF, sung in the Women's Glee Club, and has served on the Lea- gue Interviewing Council. * * * PHILADELPHIA'S contribution to the cabinet, Miss Ball has been on Women's Athletic Association Board for two years and~ is af- filiated with Collegiate Sorosis. Wilcox, president of Phi Kappa Tau, is a former chairman of the EL's public relations committee. -Daily-Burt Sapowitch SL OFFICERS-Newly elected officers of your student government are: (left to right) Ed Riefel, '51, vice-president, Irv Stenn, '52, cabinet member-at-large, Nancy Watkins, '52, corresponding secre- tary, George Roumell, '51, president, Pris Ball, '51, recording secretary, Dave Belin, '51, cabinet member-at-large, Leonard Wilcox, '52, treasurer. REQUISITES REMAIN: New System Eliminates Use of Eligibility Cards By RICH THOMAS First and W. Washington Sts. is Local Tavern Owner Freed In Bias Case Ben Sekaros, proprietor of a Huron Street tavern, was acquit- ted yesterday at the Ann Arbor Municipal Court of charges that he had violated state anti-dis- crimination statutes. The all-male jury reached their decision after deliberating for ap- proximately an hour. * , ,., ALBERT CHAPMAN, complain- ing witness, had charged that Se- karos refused to serve Mrs. Laura Thompson, a Negro, because of her race.- Sekaros took the witness stand yesterday and declared that he had not given Mrs. Thompson any intoxicantsbecause she "had had too much to drink." He decided this, he testified, be- cause her eyes were "red" and her face was "twisted up." Both Mrs. Thompson and Chap- man stated Tuesday, under oath, that they had not had any intoxi- cants previous to entering the ta- vern the day of the episode. John DeVine served as prose- cuting attorney, Carl Stuhrberg was the defense attorney, and Judge Francis O'Brien presided over the trial. owned by Carroll A. Benz, local hreal estate agent. Benz estimated the total damagO to the building and the property within it at about $250,000. Although firemen were re- ported to have had the blaze under control by 1:10 p.m. and were able to enter the fourth floor, flames and smoke con- tinued to gust up from the shaft in the corner of the building un- til abqut 1:30. * * * FIREMAN Louis N. Jeffreys was injured by a whipping fire hose after being knocked off balance Eligibility cards are gone. Under revised procedure announced by the Student Affairs Com- mittee yesterday students wishing to enter extra-curricular activities will no longer have to apply to the Office of Students Affairs for an eligibility card. Instead, since a student can figure out his grade point average as well as any one else, the SAC has turned over the responsibility for non-participation in activities to the' ineligible student himself. * * * THE REVISIONS, which do not effect eligibility requirements but only procedures envolved in getting eligiblity recognized, will go into effect next fall. With such a set up, if a student lose his eligibility, he will by a falling steel plate. He was His home is in Detroit. taken immediately to St. Joseph's past chairman of the Better Mercy Hospital, suffering from a B0,1 inac B i CStcnn n Chi cerebral concussion. His condition} is reported to be good. Several cases of shotgun and rifle ammunition, ignited by, the great heat, popped furiously for a few minutes, endangering further the firemen working nearby. Flames apparently swept through the southwest corner of the top floor, then worked back into tY building. Water from the gutted fourth floor cascaded all the way down to the ground floor. Damages from the water are ex- pected to be the greatest. Smoke billowing high into the air attracted an estimated crowd of 3,000 people to the area to watch the blaze. Traffic was snarled for blocks as police worked to keep back the crowds and reroute ve- hicles. zusness nureau, 5enn, .a unca- go sophomore, is affiliated with Zeta Beta Tau. Belin is president of AIM, chairman of the Big Ten Young Republicans and has chaired the Citizenship Commit- tee. He comes from Sioux City, Iowa. World Newl s Roundup WASHINGTON-(OP-New ar- rests in the Anglo-American atom- ic spy case were predicted on Capitol Hill yesterday as offi- cials disclosed that the FBI sifted through a list of 1,200 persons to bring about the arrest of Harry Gold. Gold, 39 years old, a $4,600-a- year hospital bio-chemist, is be- ing held under heavy guard in Philadelphia in default of $100,- 000 bail. * * * WASHINGTON-(M)-An in- vestigation of sexual perverts in all Federal, agencies was un- animously approved by the Sen- ate Expenditures Committee yesterday. * * * WASHINGTON - (PYA-Repub- lican Senator McCarthy yesterday accused the State Department of trying to sell the American people a "deliberate fr'aud and decep- tion" in the case of Owen Latti- more. The Wisconsin legislator said he will "expose" the alleged de- ception in a speech tonight before automatically withdraw himself ' from whatever activities he is then in. Any student in doubt about his eligibility should inquire at the Office of Student Affairs at the beginning of each semester. * * * THE UNCHANGED require- ments for eligibility are as fol- lows: A student must have an over- all grade average of C or above, and must have gotten a C ave- rage or better the preceding se- mester. Students on academic disci- pline and first semester freshmen are prohibited from participating in extra-curricular activities. A LIST of all students partici- pating in an activity will be sent to the Office of Student Affairs by the student head of the activi- ty as before. This list will be checked against a list of ineligible stu- dents which the Student Af- fairs has on file. If a student is found to be il- legally participating in an activi- ty, he will be subject to disciplin- ary action. Disciplining in such cases will be handled by a Joint Judiciary Council, which was also approved by SAC. Board Accepts New Mimes Constitution The Michigan Union Board of Directors approved the constitu- tion of Mimes of the.University of Michigan Union last night, making the revival of this an- cient Union Opera society an ac- complished fact. The Mimes constitution was ap- proved by the Student Activities Committee Tuesday. The group consists of men who have participated in Union Op- eras and are interested in preserv- ing the Opera's spirit. It has been disbanded since the last Opera in the 1920's. "The alumni Mimes members have shown a great interest in the revival, and we feel that their co- operation in the future will aid materially to the continued suc- cess of Union Operas," Jim Eber- sole, '50, general manager of this year's opera said. The new Mimes are scheduled to meet with alumni members of Mimes tomorrow to discuss final plans for reactivation. * * * House Votes .T" Extension of Draft Law WASHINGTON-(P)-A "draft- less draft" bill, providing a two- year extension of the Selective Service, law but barring induc- tions unless Congress gives the word, passed the House late yes- terday and went to the Senate. The House approved the legis- lation by a standing vote of 216 to 11, with individual lawmakers not recorded by name. * * * - IT WOULD extend selective service, on a stand-by-basis, for two years beyond the expiration date of the present law, next June 24. Youths attaining their 18th birthdays would be required to register with their local draft boards, as at present, but they could not be ordered into uni- form unless Congress declared the existence of a national emer- gency requiring expansion of the armed forces. The official title of the bill was changed to the "Manpower Registration Act," to conform to the stand-by character of the project. Before finally approving the measure, the House knocked down four amendments intended to pre- vent segregation and racial dis- crimination in the military ser- vices. These were offered by Reps. Powell (D-NY) and Javits (D- Lib, NY). * * * THE HOUSE also shouted down a motion by Rep. Hoffman (R- Mich) to shelve the draft exten- sion proposal. Rep. Miller (R- Neb) proposed postponement of the bill for six months as a "peace move," but that also was swamped. The new Manpower Registra- tion Act would continue registra- tion and classification of youths between 18 and 26 until June 24, 1952. 1 i 1 EIGHT PAGES U.S., France Will Submit To Majority Lie Sees Possible End of 'Cold War' LONDON -(A)- Britain's La- bor government came out yester- day for admission of Red China to the United Nations. The announcement was made by Foreign Secretary Ernest Bev- in almost simultaneously with a cautiously worded statement from U.N. Secretary-General Trygve Lie saying there is hope of ending the cold war by careful negotia- tion. DIPLOMATIC sources in Paris said France will not stand in the way of admitting China Com- munists to the U.N. The American position,-about the same as the French, is that the United States will not sponsor Red China but will agree to any majority decision. Russia has boycotted U.N. meet- ings since last Jan. 10 because of the presence of Chiang Kai- Shek's Nationalist delegates, con- tending their big power seats now belong to M'ao Tze-Tung's Reds. OBSERVERS speculated that the China diplomatic develop- ments sprang partly at least from Lie's current save-the-U.N. mis- sion. It has taken him in a month to the four big power capitals- Washington, London, Paris, and Moscw-and part of the way back on a second round. Since leaving Moscow, where he had a 90-minute talk last week with Prime Minister Jo- seph Stalin, Lie revisited the top officials of France and Bri- tamn and expects to see Presi- dent Truman and Secretary of State Acheson in Washington again next week. Lie talked with Truman and Acheson before sailing for Europe April 22. After his second round Wash- ington conference, Lie may re- turn to Europe within the next two months with some specific proposals, it was reported. INFORMED sources said there may be a special meeting of the U.N. Security Council in Europe, possibly Geneva, this summer with foreign ministers or even government heads sitting in. They said Lie left popies of his 10-point, 20-year peace pro- gram in each of the four capi- tals he visited. Lie has campaigned openly for several weeks for seating Red China in the U.N. as a "common sense" means of getting Russia back and in recognition of Mao's actual rule over the China main- land and its 470,000,000 people. * * * BEFORE departing by plane last night at the end of his Euro- pean tour, Lie made a formal statement saying a basis exists for constructive negotiations to reduce the tensions of the cold war. Tug-Week Job Interviews Today Any student interested in tug- week may be interviewed for six committee chairmanships from 3 to 5 p.m. today in Rm. 3G of the Union. Those committee chairmanships which are open consist of pub- licity, tickets, tug-of-war, rallies and soph satire committees. Tug-week is planned for Oc- tober 28 and will consist of ral- lies, which will be followed by the soph satire and the annual tug- of-war across the Huron River. The six chairmen will compose the central committee of tug- week. All students who will be here for the fall semester may apply for a post. DESTRUCTIVE RETURN: .Penu Quake Reappears After 300 Year Absence K~~' . By LILA FERRANCE Lightning may never strike twice in the same place, but earth- quakes apparently do-after a 300 year interlude. At least that's what happened in the ancient Peruvian city of Cuzco, Monday when it was struck by a disaster which claimed 60 lives, according to Prof. Har- tury Spanish colonial architec- ture in the New World." He compared it to more mo- dern cities like Lima which have been ruined many times by earth- quakes and a result have become modernized through rebuildings. The city, located high in the Andes of Southern Peru, was re- built after the first disaster en- tirely on the Spanish lines of LIGHTED 'LA CE IT UP': Overbeck Named Union- Opera Head * * * Gene Overbeck,'51,hwas selected last night to guide the course of the 1951 Union Opera as general chairman by the Union Board of Directors. Overbeck, an English major line of June 1, so that there will be a wide selection to choose from. He plans to work on Opera preparations all summer, and have things pretty well worked out by next fall.