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May 21, 1950 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-21

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MaryMarkley House To Be Closed
Friends, alumnae, and residents x ° k}{ r{ *i r w
of Mary Markley House, includ- ;.;:x ",
ing white-haired Mary Markley
herself, commemorated the passing
of their house from the University<:
scene last night in a banquet at :. ;:.:.. '
the Union.:
The Board of Regents has de-
cided to cease operating the aged
structure located in the triangle "
formed by Washtenaw, Geddes,
and Forest. The house has been
running in the red for the past
decade, according to Francis
Shiel, Business Manager of Resi-
dence Halls.
Extensive repairs would be need-
ed to maintain minimum Univer-
sity standards in the house, he
* * *

woman for whom the house was
named has always been keenly
interested in the house. Now in
her eighties, she still drops in for
Sunday dinner occasionally and
is an ex-officio member of the
Buard of Patronesses of the Alum-
nae Council under which the house
is operated.
Her husband, the late Prof.
Joseph Markley, was for many
years head of the mathematics
department at the University.
Mrs. Markley was one of the
first women to graduate from the
'University, receiving her degree
in 1892, and has long been active
.in numerous women's organisa-
tions in Ann Arbor.
first opened in 1917 when it was
known as Alumnae Hall and was
not operated by the University-
The original building was located
where Forest St. now intersects
Washtenaw. In 1926, however, it
was moved next door to the pre-
sent site when the first house was r
torn down to make way for the
construction of Forest St.
The 13 non-graduating resi-
dents of the house have been
given their choice of dormitory
accomodations for next year.
Five will go to Adelia Cheever,
three to Alice Lloyd Hal, two to
Martha Cook, two to League
Houses, and one to Henderson.
Five are graduating this June.
THE ALUMNAE Council has
definite plans for enlarging Hen-
derson House, another co-opera-
tive house, according to Assccite
Dean of Women Mary Bromage.
Thus there will be no actudl de-

-Daily-Ed Kozma
JUST REMINISCING-Mrs. Mary Markley recalls old memories
with Barbara Grimm, Mary Markely House president, and Miss
Davis, House Mother, at a banquet in honor of Mary Markley
women held at the Union last night. The old red brick structure
at 1219 Washtenaw, which housed 18 coeds on a semi-coopera-
tive basis, will close its doors to residents for the last time this

crease in the amount of co-opera-
tive housing open to coeds.
Still, Mary Markii coeds are
sorry to see their home fold. Many
house traditions have developed
during its 32 years. For instance,
Freshmen are given a formal "in-
itiation" in the Fall. Such affairs
as the Christmas and Senior
Breakfasts are eagerly anticipated

The house has always been
known for its outstanding aca-
demic record.
They have won the annual tro-
phy for highest scholastic average
amcng women's residences for the
last two years. In 1948-43, they
also won the activities cup, a uni-
que sweep of independant women's

'Gifts; Picks
' New Deants
(Continued from Page 1)
Pierre Dansereau, director of the
Biogeographical Service at the
University of Montreal, was nam-
ed assistant professor of botony
and a research associate in the
Botanical Gardens for a three-
year period.
Alan B. Macnee was appointed
assistant professor of electrical en-
gineering in the engineering col-
Herbert G. Ludlow, an instruc-
tor at Indiana University, was ap-
pointed assistant professor of edu-
cation in the education school. He
will devote two-thirds of his time
to Extension Service instruction.
These four appointments are all
effective with the start of the Uni-
versity year of 1950-51.
* * *
and Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt
were named to three-year terms,
expiring June 30, 1935, on the
executive committee of th Literary
College. They will replace Prof.
William Haber and Prof. Clarence
D. Thorpe.
Dean E. Blythe Stason and Har-
ry G. Gault, of Flint, were reap-
pointed to two-year terms, ending
June 30, 1952, on the Board of
Governors of the Lawyers Club.
A memoir outlining the 27-year
career of the late Prof. Ra-
leigh Schorling was adopted. Prof.
Schorling died on April 22.
Memoirs on the retirement of
two, faculty members were also
adopted by the Regents. The title
of professor emeritus of physics
was confered on George Allan
Lindsay, and the title of associate
professor emeritus of mechanical
engineering was confered on Har-
old Rhys Lloyd.
t p
t !
}1 y
' OAtsTY5 Un. EC i
"I guess you'd better stop chin-
ning yourself, Mr. Tweedle
and start eating at the ALLENEL
to build yourself upA"

0 C T U R ,E,



Hildegarde, * Milwaukee chan-
teuse, who sang "The Last Time
I Saw Paris" during war, walks
near Cathedral of Notre Dame,
Paris, during return engagement.

B E A U T Y A N D B E A R D S -- Newly-grown whiskers for Helldorado Week at Las Ve as,
Nev., give the local boys confidence as two of them greet Bebe Shopp, the "Miss America" of 1948.

Gargoyle Folds Up Shop After
41 Years of CampusHumor

(Continued from Page 1)
GARGOYLE, which was found-
ed in 1909 just in time for the J-
Hop of that year, has outlasted
many . a . less hardy journalistic
All through the thirties as one
literary magazine after another
folded on the campus, Gargoyle
maintained a wrinkle-proof sol-
vency, relying on its formula of
humor, features and occasional
inroads on the literary field.
Only during the war years of
1943 and 1944 did the familiar cry
of "Get your Gargoyle before the
police arrive" fail to sound along
the diag.
* * *
IN 1945, the Gargoyle was re-
vived and a series of "Bloody
Pulps," "Red Gargs" and exposes
of the fraternity system and the
private lives of University deans,
flooded the campus.
Founded originally as a lit-
erary magazine, Gargoyle boast-
ed an impressive alumni list of
magazine editors, humorists and

as least, it was often amusing and'
frequently hilarious.
Zanies like Ray Shinn, '47, and
his flute band added to its luster
while making life; unbearable io:-
the Daily editors in the office
But past glories don't mean
present profits, and cartoonist Bill
Hampton's leering little man with
the horns and the turned-up nose
has plummeted to his death in a
downward spiral of circulation
cuts and student apathy.
Speeding from the scene of one
fire to another, a fire engine in
Ypsilanti yesterday sideswiped a
post office truck and sent it ca-
reening into a parked city bus.
Three firemen were injured in
the accident which occurred at
Washington St. and Michigan!

-Marjorie Edwards displays a
pair of enameled watches at the
Chicago Art Institute exhibition.
They were made for Chinese
trade in twin designs.

HOLDING THEM DOWNsOsN THE ROAD-Sidecar riders swing out from
their seats to balance competing motorcycles on a curve as the 1950 German motorcycle racing season
opens with a test for pairs of riders through the streets of Neuwied in the German Rhineland.

Report Dorm
Miss Ann Liggett, chief dieti-
tian at Helen Newberry Residence,
has reported to the Ann Arbor
police the theft of jewels and per-
fume valued at $100 from her
dormitory apartment.
Miss Liggett's apartment, locat-
ed about 20 feet from the back
door of the dormitory, was left
unlocked from 1:00 p.m. until her
return about 4:00 p.m. Thursday
afternoon. Miss Liggett believes
the robbery took place during her
three hour absence.
Miss Marjorie McCoy, house-
mother at the dormitory, noted the
proximity of the apartment to the
back door which "is unlocked all
day for the convenience of resi-
dents and delivery men."
Mrs. McCoy announced the theft
to the residents yesterday and
asked them to recall if they had
seen "any strangers enter the
building through the service door"
on the day of the theft.
ROTC To Parade
A military review and parade of
500 University ROTC students will
be held 7 p.m. Monday at Ferry
Army and Air Force units will
march in the parade, with the
ROTC band providing the music.

In its hey-day, Gargoyle carried
reams of advertising and sold for
as little as 15 cents. In retrospect
will cavort no longer
Next Week r
at Hill
-. . -. -- --

In Ann Arbor -
508 East William


The Genins
of Toscanini .. .

S U R V E Y ItN'G HER D O M A I N.-.Suzanne Alary,
20, inspects her kingdom from her charger on a carousel after she
was elected as Esmeralda 1950, Queen of the Fairgrounds of Paris.

Yours To Enjoy Again and Again on



moved from Cross in rehearsal for 1950 Passion Play opening May
21 at Oberammergau, Germany. Anton Preisinger plays Christ.

Recapture the glory of performance-in your home.
The same splendor of great music, the same excite-
ment of Toscanini's vitality and genius live again

Cun'ent eit e//ep.4
The Cardinal-Henry M. Robinson
The Wall-John Hersey
Jubilee Trail-Gwen ,Bristow
Star Money-Kathleen Winsor
The Egyptian-Mika Waltari

for you on RCA VictorF
& Healy and listen to
conducted performances
William Tell Overture (Ros-
sini) 3313 rpm LM 14, $4.45
Symphony No. 3, in E-fiat
"Eroica" (Beethoven). 78 rpm
DM-1375, $8.50. 45 rpm WDM-
1375, $6.51. 331/3 rpm LM-
1042, $5.45
Symphony No. 41, in C "Jupi-
ter" (Mozart). 78 rpm DM-
1080, $6.00. 45 rpm WDM-
1080, $4.51. 3313 rpm LM-
1030, $5.45
Romeo and Juliet Overture-
Fantasia (Tchaikovsky). 78
rpm DM-1178, $4.75. 45 rpm
WDM-1178, $3.51. 3313 rpm
LM-1019, $5.45

Records. Come in to Lyon
such matchless Toscanini-
by the NBC Symphony as
Grand Canyon Suite (Grofe).
78 rpm DM-1038, $6.00. 45
rpm WDM-1038. $4.51. 331/
rpm LM-1004, $5.45
Parsifal: Prelude and Good
Friday Spell (Wagner). 78,
DM-1376, $4.75. 45, WDM-
1376, $3.51. 331/3, LM-15, $4.45
Daphnis et Chloe Suite No. 2
(Ravel). 78 rpm DM-1374,
$3.50. 45 rpm WDM-1374,
$2.51. 33/ rpm LM-1043, $5.45
Symphony No. 101, in D
"Clock" (Haydn). 78 rpm DM-
1368, $6.00. 45 rpm WDM-
1368, $4.51. 33/3 rpm LM-
1038, $5.45.



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