__ _ _ __HVICHIGrAN DAILY SUDA U t J.S. Policy in Southeastern Asia I F BOOKS (EDITOR'S NOTE - This the last in a series of three editorials on the present-day situation in Southeastern Asia, and the policies of Russia and the United States in that area.) FALTERING AMERICAN policy toward -the battle against Communism in South- eastern Asia must be changed immediately if this area is to stay on our side of the iron curtain. The change in attitude toward this critical territory must be made on the part of the American people as well as the national legislative and executive branches of government. It must include: 1. The start of a new interest on the part of the public in the whole of the Oriental area. 2. Immediate financial and military aid a the states of Southeastern Asia. 3. Immediate plans for a long range pro- gram of financial aid to set these lands on their feet economically as proposed in the President's Point Four program. A big factor in the lethargy of the govern- ment in developing a firm policy toward Southeast Asian countries has been public disinterest in the situation there. The gov- ernment has felt little pressure from the American people to take a positive stand on the questions of European colonial poli- cy, economic aid for the peoples of the area, or the threat of Communism. - The Far Easthas been a place of mys- terious wonder for Americans. We have been content to wonder at the quaintness of these peoples rather than at realities of their liv- ing conditions. People in the United States can freely and somewhat intelligently dis- cuss European affairs. But when it comes to the East and its strange customs and languages, they are silent. It will not be an easy matter to stir up interest that the public has never before possesed. But successful operation of our Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: LEON JAROFF policy in Southeast Asia will depend on understanding and interest on the part of the public. Public interest could perhaps be some- what stirred up if the government were to form a definite policy in Southeastern Asia. The administration has faltered because of its desire to end European colonial systems in this region and yet lend aid to colonial powers to fight off Communism. It has adopted a half-hearted aid program to Indo- China now. But if the United States hopes to gain friendship in areas that it must aid, it should make clear to the colonial powers that they are as much a threat to the de- velopment of these lands as is Russia. It must be explicitly clear that we do not want their outmoded reign in Southeast Asia any longer. And it is up to Congress to give its com- plete cooperation to the administration in carrying out a new policy in Southeastern Asia. As it is now, Congress is widely split on aid to this area. Economy wise Republi- cans and isolationist elements have long op- posed foreign aid programs, particularly those aimed at the Far East. Other members of Congress hit any program that the ad- ministration proposes on purely political grounds. Congressmen must realize that, if they are sincere in their opposition to Commu- nism, they must take part in a true non- partisan union to support aid to Southeast- ern Asia. Finally a long range scheme of aiding the states of Southeast Asia to develop technologically along the lines of the President's Point Four program must be approved in a substantial way. If we are to defend the freedom of these people against Russia and European colonialism, it becomes our responsibility to defend them from their own backwardness. Unless the American people and their gov- ernment adopt a strong policy of aid to the lands of Southeastern Asia, we will see present Communist leaders there in control of the whole area in place of any government friendly to the West. -Vernon Emerson ON THE Washington Merry- Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON. - Admiral Forrest Sher- man has received a highly important intelligence report on the strength of the Russian navy that has him worried. It shows the Russians already have 220 modern sub- marines with,120 more under construction- three times as many as the U.S.A. He also ironclad evidence that three 40,000-ton battleships are being construc- ted at the Schdanow yards in Leningrad, that three former heavy German cruisers are being modernized at East German ports and that a total of 40 new destroyers, specially equipped with rocket batteries, also are being built. As a result, the Navy may ask congress for permission to de-mothball some of the American fleet. rVHE National Securities Resources Board is slowly being unraveled by Stuart Synington, former Secretary of Air. Symington is one of those handsome, smooth, soft-spoken persons who remind you of a society matron's dream of a dinner companion and a maiden's dream of a danc- ing partner - all rolled into one. However, he is the exact opposite of his looks. Ac- D Nisl C= tually, he is a tough, hard-hitting executive who makes decisions, drives people hard and makes them like it. Symington's biggest job is going to be civilian defense against an atom-bomb attack; and his first report on the prob- lem will be out Sept. 1 When it's pub- lished the nation will be aghast at they number of casualties to be expected from one atom bomb, the number of ambu- lances, fire engines, etc., required to fight it. The job of A-bomb defense, Symington believes, will require more cooperation be- tween the 48 states and the federal govern- ment that we have ever dreamed possible. One point along is fire hoses. Those used by different states must be standardized, since hundreds of fire companies from neighboring states may be necessary to com- bat one A-bomb explosion. The British trained for five years before the last war to be ready for the Nazi blitz, Symington points out, and it will take a lot of community cooperation by the U.S.A. to catch up with the British. However, Ameri- can cities which understand community co- operation, he believes, are much better qualified to handle this than the American army. NOTE - On Dec. 21, long before Syming- ton was even thought of for the National Re- sources-Civilian Defense Post, the President signed an order giving the chairman chief power on the board of cabinet members. Now some jealous cabinet officers would like to clip his wings. * * * SOMETHING strange is happening inside the Federal Trade Commission regard- ing the famed book, the Encyclopedia Bri- tannica, of which Sen. William Benton of Connecticut is chairman. After about two years of probing alleged unfair trade practices and amassing stacks of evidence, FTC trial-examiner Wiliam L. Pack has recommended that the case against the encyclopedia be dismissed. However, John M. Russell, the FTC attor- ney who took the evidence in the case, is filing vigorous exceptions and has privately indicated that Lowell Mason, chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, wanted to drop the Britannica case. Mason once was attorney for Americana, a competing ency- clopedia, and is understood to be embar- rassed by the suspicion that he might be prosecuting a client's competitor. Meanwhile, the two years' evidence taken against the Encyclopedia Britan- nica shows that book agents worked out deals with local school principals where- by for every 15 sets of books sold in the community, the school got a free set. But the gimmick in this was that the school principal gave the book-salesman a list of the school's students, and the sales- man in.ta.n n.ael -n - hih a. -- -.- THE OLD MAN OF THE MOUNTAIN and 17 other stories by Allan Seager. Si- mon and Schuster, New York. 278 pages. $3.00. THE MOST conspicuous feature of this book is the great variety of subject, setting and style found in its pages. Yet what is really significant about the stories is not their diversity, but their kinship to each other. For they all reveal a high de- gree of technical excellence, and a persis- tent humanity runs through the lot. Whether he writes of Rio and its en- virons, of an English village, or of the Missouri back country, one feels at all times that Seager is completely aware of his settings and people and all their pi tentialities. "This Town and Salamanca" is already familiar to many readers, but can never grow stale with rereading. It poises a small town against the background of the world as seen by a young man in whom others have entrusted their youth. As the young man tells his friends of what he has. seen and done in the world outside their small town, and as he himself finally settles into the life of the town, both the town and the world are seen in a new perspective. SEAGER TAPS a rich comic vein with "Kobold," in which we meet Brother, a highly unusual tosspot, who has "the keen- est legal mind in the country" but would rather get soused on almond extract than practice law. And Brother's brother tells some exciting but highly implausible yarns of Texas and spirits (not the kind 'Brother drinks). "The Bang on the Head" and "All Prob- lems Are Simple" should be especially in- teresting to college students and faculty members, for they are highly unflattering to certain members of the college community. They depict, in searing terms, the dehuman- ization that can take place when ambition overcomes integrity. The title story, "The Old Man of the Mountain," is typical of Seager's best work, and illustrates the characteristics that dis- tinguish his stories from those of lesser craftsmen. It shows, among other things, Seager's complete familiarity with the subjects of which he writes. It is packed with interest- ing details of diction, dress and setting, which give great authenticity to the story and inspire complete confidence in the writer. The theme of the story, an old man's re- bellion against the sham and blindness he finds in the 20th century, is indicative of Seager's great concern with the digity of human relations, and his insistence that people live acutely - that they 6bserve clearly the people, thLevents and the spe- cial atmosphere that set their day apart from the centuries of man's existence. The old man, Hank Childreth, is disgusted by the cruelty and the disregard of fact shown by a movie company which has come to his home town to film the life, of Jesse James. When he sees the movie company disrupt the life of the peaceful Missouri town and sees it corrupt some of the in- habitants, he resorts to a ten-gauge shotgun to keep people off his property, which has be- come a tourist attraction because a scene of the movie was filmed on it. IT IS refreshing to find an author who is never afraid to say what he means, but occasionally Seager's explicitness leads him to be too obvious. This is unfortunate, for when he tells too much, Seager withholds a privilege wlich the modern reac[pr has come to expect - that of collaborating in the writing of the story, by supplying mean- ings and revelations which are only sug- gested in the narrative. All the stories in the book' have con- temporary settings, and this is not sur- prising. For Allan Seager, in his thoughts and emotions as evidenced in his work, is intensely concerned with the world of his day. He sees man faced with a supreme prob- lem which goes largely unnoticed in a time plagued by great dilemmas. It is the prob- lem of maintaining one's individuality and self-esteem. Hank Childreth's solution to this problem, in the title story, is a ten-guage shotgun. But Seager's answer is more subtle and more successful. It lies in a quiet awareness of his environment, and a muted passion for people and all life. J-James Gregory New Books at the Library . Abbott, Karl P., Open For The Season New York, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1950 Akeley, Mary L. Jobe, Congo Eden New York, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1950 Coit, Margaret L., John C. Calhoun: American Portrait Boston, Houghton Miff- lin Company, 1950 Goodfriend, Arthur, If You Were Born In Russia, New York, Farrar, Straus and dom- pany, 1950 Kemler, Edgar, The Irreverent Mr. Menc- ken Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1950 .rhnmaon Max. lm nTillnn Nm Vo+k /etteP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. "Birth of a Nation" .. . To the Editor: ALL of us are only too familiar with the "double sandard," which is a procedure whereby one set of rules is made to govern one situation, while a different set of rules is made to govern another situation. This procedure has been under heavy attack recently (and rightly so) forits censorious ef- fect upon unorthodox ideas and viewpoints. The 'double standard" was employed to ban Prof. Her- bert J. Phillips, a Communist, from an on-campus debate. Fortunately, there was a group of professors and students who were aware (it seemed) of the dangers to aca- demic fredom which censorship posed. They set themselves up as an ad hoc committee to sponsor Prof. Phillips in an off-campus debate. I am proud to be able to say that I was a member of that committee. But the "double standard," like any weed, is not killed by pulling up one specimen. That is shown by the fact that it is rearing its ugly head again with the banning of the film, "Birth of a Nation," which was to be shown under the auspices of the Speech Dept. The reasons advanced for this action are that this picture is 'libelous,, "slanderous," and "viciously anti- Negro." Since I have not seen the film, I am unable to attestas to the truth or falsity of these as- sertions, although I have excellent reason to believe themto be true, due to the fact that everything I have read about this film supports and lends weight to them. Btit even granting the validity of these assertions, they still do not serve as sufficient justification to in- voke the dreadful specttre of cen- sorship. All of us are well aware that many people in the United States libel and slander Negroe simply because of the fact that they are Negroes. This vicious anti-Negroism is despicable and should be combatted. In a sense, the banning of this film is com- batting anti-Negroism. But it is a question whether the employ- ment of gad means to promote good ends may not, in the end, create a set of conditions much worse than that which prevailed in the first place. In other words, it is the old case of the cure being more deadly than th disease. And it cannot be doubted that censorship is moredangerous than anti- Negroism, since, whele there is anti-Negroism, there are also those who are combatting it; whereas censorship can only lead to tyranny, under which there will be no anti-Negroism, there will also be no liberty, in which case it won't matter what else there is or isn't. Thus, since the banning of both Prof. Phillips and the "Birth of a Nation" are both cut from the same cloth, the effect of the ban- ning of the film is to make hypo- crites of most of those who pro- tested the banning of the profes- sor. And the worst of it is that this nauseating spectacle will prob- ably return to raunt these people someday, because the censorship action they have caused, will most likely eventually be employed with equal harshnes against them. For it cannot be stressed too ogreatly that censorship is double- edged sword which is very likely to be turned against the original users. Those who would advocate and employ censorship deceive on- ly themselves by such unholy ac- tion, for it is written that "What- soever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians; VI:7) -H- Carl Markle, Jr. * * * "Birth of a Nation" . . To the Editor: DURING MY three yars on campus I have never witness- ed such a naive, stupid, misdirect- ed, and contemptible act as that of the SL in approving the show- ing of the film "Birth of a Na- tion." Jerhaps the University is right after all in regarding its students as children if the 18 SL members who approved the film represent a like proportion of stu- dents. No mature mind regards the right to libel and slander as a right guaranteed by free speech. There can be no controversy over the fact that "Birth of a Nation" is a vicious misconstruction of his- tory. Prof. Dumond, whose spe- cialtyis the Reconstruction Per- iod, has stated in the Daily that this film was largely responsible for the revival of the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan has been respon- sible for thousands of lynchings and acts of terror. Like the Nazis, they have no rational arguments which have a right to the arena of free spech. They are wholly a terroristic organization and there is no democratic right to terror- ize. The SL seems to think there is. Those who like Mr. Jasper Reid think that it is incumbent upon liberals who defend the right of a Communist professor to speak on campus to also defentd the "right" of others to advocate Fascism are mad on two counts: 1) Fascism makes its appeal solely to emotion- al prejudices - Communism has over 100 years of intellectual dis- cipline behind it (much of Marx- ism has even been incorporated into the social sciences); 2) I know of no assassinations or acts of physical teror in the history of the practice of the American Com- munist Party - the history of American Fascism is the hstory of lynchings and acts of violence. Whatever its long range goals may be, Communism in this coun- try has nearly always defended the ideals of "Bourgeois demo- cracy" by attempting to make them more than just ideals. If racial bigotry were not a pre- sent American disease we could calmly look back upon "Birth of a Nation" as a document in the past history of Fascism. But be- cause Fascism is a present danger the showing of the film gives posi- tive support to Jim Crow and lynch law. The Daily could perform a valuable service to the campus by printing the names of those SL members who voted for and. against this film. -Jack G. Barense, Sec. Inter-Racial Association Reply to Reid . To the Editor: THOUGHT the Republicans were for free speech, but be- "Say - What If He Should Use The Veto?" S< $E U f u tiy -w. ' xitActgIr. came disillusioned when I read the inquiries in The Daily the other day, made by the Treasurer of the Young Republican Club, Mr. Jasper B. Reid. Really, I don't know how to start to convince Mr. Reid, that I have nothing against the respectable gentlemen from the Republican Party: Mr. Dewey, Mr. Vandenberg, and Mr. Stas- sen. However, I question very much if they were not Republicans when they addressed us in the Hill Auditorium. I have great res- pect for them, in fact, I attended every one of their meetings. My point of contention, was, which aroused Mr. Reid, to hear the other side of the political arena-the de- bate between. Dr. Phillips, and Dr. Slosson. Mr. Vandenberg is not the only famous political leader with in- ternational reputation. There are many Americans who are doing good jobs on international fields for improvement of our relations with other great countries. Mr. Vandenberg being a senator and an architect of our bi-partisan foreign and domestic policies, and creo.i or of the North Atlantic pact- defense against a Conmumst ag- gressi(n, he appeared on a pro- gram recognizing the centenial of Dutch settlement in Michigan, that is no bias, Mr. Reid, but a friendship between two Atlantic Pact countries which receives am- munitions from the U.S.A. "to de- fend" itself .". We are supplying the world with arms, a repetition of the last war. What do you think those people will do with the ammunition we are sending them? First thing they will start shooting at each other, and start another world war. And who are behind those acts, Mr. Reid? Our reactionary politicians who direct our bi-par- tisan foreign policies, and making the cold war possible. There are condemnations for the Republi- car leadership, and, that is why we, as students of the Great Uni- versity of Michigan should be per- mitted to hear all sides of the present political and economic picture ... On last analysis, I am sure Mr. Vandenberg, Mr. Dewey, and Mr. Stassen were good Republicans when they addressed us in the Hill Auditorium. -George P. Moskoff ** * "Birth of a Nation" . . To the Editor: LIBERTY IS even more indivisi- ble than Union. It is all of one piece, or nothing at all. People have only as much lib- erty as they use and it cannot be protected or possessed by any- thing but use. Some people have the notion that if the liberties of minority groups, Jews, Negroes, Catholics, the foreign-born and protesting workers, are separately defined, then the Bill of Rights will be safe. All that the enemies of hu- man freedom have to do is to foster that belief among various groups like the extremely foolish people who prompted the ban on "The Birth of a Nation." The mistaken representatives of these various groups who think that they can suppress the liber- ties of others without themselves falling victim to the power to cen- sor and suppress is to take a child's or a tyrant's view of a serious matter. There is no such thing as Jew- ish liberty or Negro liberty of clerical liberty and surely no pro- testing working class group will ever be heard on the basis that there is a distinct working class liberty. There is either liberty for all or no liberty at all. The situation is the more ser- ious because the majority on the present Supreme Court is of the opinion that it can yield to cur- rent slogans and hack down the liberties of persons and groups without destroying our Constitu- tional liberties. For about one-third of a cen- tury the American Civil Liberties Union has defended, and yet de- fends, the liberties of the racial groups who helped persuade Uni- versity officials to give up the showing of "Birth of a Nation," thereby whittling down and des- troying a liberty that they other- wise would boast about on paper. Of course, the paper gives us no- thing much, and insistence upon its use is the only thing that se- cures to us the liberty. The price for the studied vacil- lation of the Supreme Court and the unfortunate action of the stu- dents who put over censorship this week will be immediately exacted. The enemies of human liberty were never more active and those who should be its friends were never more divided, but the consequen- aes are so instantaneous and tragic that we must continue to hope and work for a timely awakening. The Civil Liberties Union has al- ways commended University and Public Officials for their efforts rr E DANCE concert given by the Dud- ley-Maslow-Bales trio last night was an exciting- and stimulating experience. No applause was profuse enough to express the enthusiasm and appreciation of the au- dience. Jane Dudley's solos were really a treat. Her subtle movements seemed to defy ana- tomical laws, or rather to make the most of them. Miss Dudley's subtle and fine sense of humor in movement combined with the amazing way in which she caught the spirit of the music made "New World A'Commin' " and "Harmonica Breakdown" tremendous- ly enjoyable pieces. "Vagary' was a con- vincing dance of a girl in her dream world, and Miss Dudley's versatility was shown in "Song for a Child," which had a wonder- ful lyrical and soft quality. The "Cante Flamenco" had stunning and outstanding movement which captured the Spanish character. The contrast between very large and small subtle movements was effective. William Bales "Peon Portraits" showed his technical skill and ability to ex- press mood and feeling in movement. How- eve,.", the intent of the piece was not too clear. Sophie Maslow danced with the sincerity and warmth which was evident in her chor- eography. The simplicity as well as the stylization of conventional movements in BAIINABY The Gnomes-The Leprechauns- The Elves-All of the Pixies- rhev A11 neic t hnrr -uan Because no OFFICIAL has ever done -.%Ahinrv.. r }hnm That's merely a figure of speech people use, Barnaby: You haven't th: e As r --..rwhinlivr)O tr