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May 21, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-21

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See Page 4

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Latest Deadline in the State


Morse TinsT
GOP Race
In Oregon
Defeats Hoover
By 2-1_Majority
PORTLAND, Ore.-(N?-Oregon
Republicans endorsed their liberal
Sen. Wayne Morse with a thump-
ing majority that was approach-
ing 2 to 1 as counting went on yes-
L His margin over conservative
farmer DaveHoover was enough
that Hoover conceded only four
hours after the polls closed in
Friday's primary election.
But the Democrats, hoping to
relax the long-held Republican
strangle-hold on Oregon, were in
doubt who they had nominated to
oppose Morse or for governor.
*. * *
MORSE WAS considered an al-
most certain winner next Novem-
ber, because his independent rec-
ord will attract many Democratic
votes. He has supported much of
President Truman's Fair Deal poli-
Returns from 1,571 of the state's
2,017 precincts gave Morse 86,590
to Hoover's 47,966. In third place
%th 1.915 waq John McBride, a
Washington, D.C., House commit-
tee clerk who didn't bother to cam-
The Democrats have high hopes
of taking over state control this
year because they lead in the
number of registered voters for the
first time. But Oregon hasn't elect-
ed a Democratic Senator since
1914, and Oregon was the only
one of the 11 western states to vote
Republican in the 1948 presiden-
tial election.
In Tennessee former Republican
National Chairman Carroll Reece
last night announced his candi-
dacy for Tennessee's first Congres-
sional district seat which he occu-
pied for 24 years.
One of the hottest political
scraps of this election year shaped
up with the simultaneous an-
nouncement for reelection by in-
cumbent Dayton Phillips.
Reece and Phillips have been at
" outs since the latter won the nom-
ination for the seat Reece vacated
in 1946 to become GOP chairman.
The issue will be settled in the
Aug. 3 Republican primary.
U.S. Observes
First Armed
By The Associated Press
Americans celebrating "Armed
Forces Day" centered their biggest
shows of unified strength and
highly polished teamwork in
Washington and Berlin yesterday.
President Truman reviewed a
70-minute parade of 6,500 mem-
bers of the four services beneath
chill, gray skies to open Washing-
ton's observance of the first Arm-
ed Forces Day.
Later, 140 military planes of the
latest types from B-36 atom bomb-
ers to darting jet fighters thun-
dered over the city and nearby
Bolling Air Force Base where
scores of thousands gathered to see
land, sea and air combat equip-
ment displayed.
* * *
IN. BERLIN, Germans by the

thousands watched a token show
of American military strength in
Top American brass and civil-
ian officials watched a parade of
2,000 infantry, constabulary and
S military police troops in Berlin.
U.S.authorities have not admit-
ted that the show was intended to
chill the ardor of the 500,000 Com-
munist youth in their demonstra-
tion next week.
But U.S. High Commissioner
John J. McCloy declared: "The
presence of our armed forces
in Germany and the potential
See Picture, Page 7
strength of our armed might gives
pause to any nation which would
seek to force its oppression on un-
willing people."
the keynote of preparedness - to
deter aggression - when he de-

GRANTS TOTAL $140,952:


'U'Accepts Gifts,
Appoint Deans
Gifts amounting to $140,952 were accepted, eight appointments were
approved and the renaming of a University unit authorized yesterday
at a meeting of the Board of Regents.
Included among the gifts was a $100,000 grant from an anonymous
donor for research in the Heredity Clinic over a five-year period.
The research will be directed by Lee R. Dice, director of the Labora-
Cory of Vertebrate Biology.
A PROFESSORSHIP, two assistant deans and an assistant direc-
tor were included in the appointments. Prof. Robert S. Ford, director
of the Bureau of Government, was appinted assistant dean of the
Graduate School, effective July 1.
He will replace Dean Peter Okkelberg who is on retirement
When jhe assumes the new post, Prof. Ford will relinquish his
present appointment as director of the Bureau of Government.










Mr-ss ng

in NJ.


Push Budget
Bill Through


** * 4
New School
S anc tio ned
By Regents
Approval of a new School of
Social Work, which will begin op-
erations next year, has been given
by the University's Board of Re-
The new school will in effect
be a reconstitution of the present
Institute of Social Work, and
came about as the result of a
long study by the Regents.
* *.*
ON JULY 1, 1951, the operating
headquarters will be transferred
from Detroit to Ann Arbor. Pub-
lic welfare and administration will
be stressed by the school.
For the 1950-51 school year,
however, President Alexander
G. Ruthven revealed, the pre-
sent program of the Institute
will be continued in Detroit.
After the change has been com-
pleted, the school will still offer
a basic program in Detroit, and
will work in coordination with
the different social agencies of
that city.
* * *
"THIS ACTION by the Board of
Regents is a recognition of the
importance of social work as a
field of public service," President
Ruthven declared.
"It is also a recognition of the
continuing need for specialized
training for professional service
in this field."
By locating the headquarters
of the School ofsSocial Work in
Ann Arbor, resources of such
branches of the University as the
School of Public Realth, the Med-
ical School, the School of Educa-
tion, the Institute of Public Ad-
ministration, the Neuropsychia-
tric Institute and the economics
and sociology departments will be
made more easily accessible, Pres-
ident Ruthven added.
Further study of the organiza-
tion of the school and the de-
velopment of its educational facil-
ities will be carried on during the
next six months, President Ruth-
ven said.
World News
By The Associated Press
Britain and the United States
agreed yesterday in London to
work even closertogether in their
efforts to tell the people behind
the Iron Curtain about the west-
ern world.
Meanwhile in Washington for-
eign policy leaders in Congress ap-
pealed for political unification of
Western Europe.
NEW YORK - Secretary of
Defense Johnson said last night
that American scientists are
making progress on secret de-
vices "to neutralize the effective-
ness of mass destruction wea-
partment charged last night that
Senator McCarthy had deliber-
ately misquoted a Congressional
report to imply falsely that loyalty
files were wide open to anyone in
the Department.

* * *
English department, was appointed
assistant dean of the Literary col-
lege effective July 1.
Robertson, who in addition to
his teaching is serving as acting
resident director of the West
Quadrangle during the absence
of Peter Ostafin, will replace
Dean Charles M. Peake who will
become dean of Knox College.
Appointment as professor of
marketing in the School of Busi-
ness Administration was given to
Donald R. G. Cowan.
Since 1944, Cowan has been a
management counselor, specializ-
ing in economics, marketing and
sales research, in Cleveland.
DR. ROGER B. NELSON, assist-
ant director of New York Hospi-
tal, was appointed assistant direc-
to rof University Hospital, effective
August 1. He will replace Dr. Wil-
liam Rottschaefer who will join
the staff of the Department of
Besides figuring in the gift of
$100,000, the Laboratory of Ver-
tebrate Biology received addi-
tional attention from the Board
of Regents.
The name was changed, effective
July 1, to the Institute of Human
* * *
FOUR OTHER appointments
were announced, one associate pro-
fessorship and three assistant pro-
Anna S. Elonen, chief psycholo-
gist and assistant professor of
psychology at the University of
Chicago, was appointed associate
professor of clinical psychology.
See 'U' RECEIVES, Page 8
New Deans
Newly appointed assistant Deans
James Robertson and Robert Ford
expressed their pleasure at their
new jobs, while the men they re-
place hailed the Regnts' decision.
Prof. Robertson said he is ex-
ceedingly interested in making his
new job of "public relations be-
tween students and faculty" in
the literary college work.
"Each student here is an indi-
vidual and should be treated as
such. I am highly pleased that I
have the chance to do something
constructive in this field."
Dean Charles Peake, whom Prof.
Robertson will replace and who has
worked with him .in the Residence
Halls, noted his successor's inter-
est in students' and their problems
in his previous administrative

South Amboy
Area Virtual
Hold Little Hope
For Lost Men
SOUTH AMBOY, N.J. - (/P) -
Men with mine detectors moved
cautiously along the shell-littered
waterfr6nt last night in search of
some trace of 22 men still missing
in the South Amboy munitions dis-
Four bodies already have been
recovered. Hundreds were injured.
Rescue workers conceded there was
practically no possibility of finding
any of the missing still alive.
* * *
sives had roared into the air in
one terrifying rumble that was
heard in three states. The ex-
plosives were being loaded from
freight cars onto barges to be
shuttled to a ship waiting out in
lower New York Bay.
All the 22 missing men had
been at work on the loading
operation on the South Amboy
waterfront. Their foreman, who
had walked away from the site
when the pier behind him rose
up in one spout of black smoke
and flame, said he turned and
suddenly could find no one.
The foreman, Austin Stotle of
South Amboy, was the principal
witness yesterday before an official
Coast Guard board of inquiry. He
told them he saw nothing unusual
about the area just before the
blast and had no reason to suspect
THE BOARD of inquiry was told
that 9,000 cases of military anti-
personnel and anti-tank mines and
2,000 boxes of dynamite had gone
up in the blast.
Some of the munitions had
been rained onto the city still
unexploded, turning the area in-
to a treacherous mine field with
all the dangers of a front-line
combat zone.
Sound trucks toured the town to
warn residents to watch where
they walked and not to touch any
strange objects. Army Engineers
combed the area with their electri-
cal detectors in search of the un-
exploded mines, each of them nor-
mally capable of killing a man or
blowing up a car on contact.
The blast at 6:25 p.m. (EST)
Friday night was heard in three
states - New Jersey, New York
and Pennsylvania.
'Ensian A vailablc
Students who have not yet
picked up their 1950 'Ensian
may do so from 3 to 5 p.m. to-
morrow and from 4 to 5 p.m.
through Friday, according to Jo
Ann Lyons, distribution man-

-Daily--Ed Kozma
GONE TO THE DOGS-A dog named Cain surveys the empty desolation of the Gargoyle office after
the Board in Control of Student Publications announced that publication of the 41-year-old humor
magazine would be discontinued after a final issue to appear this semester. Sign of the board says
"Do not fall dead at the drop of an axe."
* * * A* * * *

Gargoyle Folds
Aifter 41 Years
Of Laughter
Gargoyle has had its last laugh.,
The 41-year-old campus humorI
magazine succumbed, apparently
of natural causes, at the weekend
meeting of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
* * *


FINANCIAL difficulties and a
lack of student interest were cited
by the board as reasons for the
muffling of Gargoyle's raucus,
often ribald voice.
The question of good taste
concerning some of the editorial
matter did enter into the deci-
sion, the board admitted, but
the 'deciding factors were said
to be the fact that the magazine
was not paying its way and that
an "inadequate" number of stu-
dents were interested in staff
Gargoyle will have one last
snicker, however.
The final issue of the magazine
which is at present in the hands
of the printers will appear on
campus sometime before the end
of the semester, according to
managing editor Brian Duff, '50.
See GARGOYLE, Page 8
Negro Fund Drive
A campaign to raise $90,000 in
Michigan for the United Negro
College Fund will open Thursday
in Detroit.
David W. Lee, general chair-
man of the drive, remarked that
the state goal is $13,000 higher
than last year due to larger en-
rollments in Negro Colleges.
The national goal is $1,400,000
for 32 colleges and universities.

GENERATION APPOINTEES-Louis Orlin (right) and Norman
Gottlieb, named to top posts.
* * * *
Publications Board Announces
Poiioson Generation, .daily

Original Request
Cut by_$2,000,000
By The Associated Press
LANSING - University hopes
for an increased appropriation
grant went "down the drain" yes-
terday when the House of Rep-
resentatives on a 71-20 vote pass-,
ed the $270,000,000 Republican
"economy" state budget after less
than two hours of debate.
Fourteen Democratic amend-
ments attempting to increase over-
all totals were defeated.
Among the defeated amend-
ments was one which would have
increased the University grant
from $11,572,945 to $12,500,000.
The passed bill represents a cut of
approximately $2,000,000 from the
$13,870,000 the University request-
ed for operating expenses,
* * *
after leaving the state at least
$20,000,000 in the red for the next
fiscal year and little of Governor
Williams' political-potent program
enacted into law.
The budget is $15,000,000 be-
low this year's operating costs-
itself a unique trend-and $73,-
000,000 below the future which
Gov. Williams has contended is
necessary for the minimum op-
eration of state government and
At the last minute the Republi-
can-controlled Legislature backed
away from a plan to recess until
Dec. 30 instead of adjourning in
the normal fashion. Instead it ad-
journed until June 20 without set-
ting the constitutional sine die ad-
journment date - this leaving a
long recess still a possibili;t. m
Thus the Legislature will return
June 20 and either quit for good
or adjourn until August or Decem-
ANGERED at the way in which
the long recess was passed in the
House caused the strong Demo-
cratic minority to block suspension
of the rules so that the House
could act on Senate amendments
to the $87,000,000 school aid bill,
often a Friday-night stumbling
Unable to force their way past
the stubborn minority, the House
had the bill recalled to the Senate
and the troublesome amendments
Since the House had passed the
bill in its original form, it was
ready for the Governor's signa-
ture. With exception of a con-
increase the bill is unchanged from
this year.
Mindful of the approaching elec-
tion, the GOP gave Gov. Williams
only seven of the 26 proposals he
submitted to the lawmakers when
he summoned them to his first
special session March 15 and i,
subsequent messages.
55 Killed in
German Coal
O)-An explosion ripped through
the Dahlbusch Coal Mine near
here yesterday, killing 55 miners
and injuring 39 others.
That was the official count early
today when all miners who had
been working in' the 3,022-foot
deep seam had been accounted for
by rescue squads.
More than 300 miners were at
work when the blast, attributed to
a gas accumulation known as fire-
damp, occurred.
Officials said many men died in-

stantly from terrible burns, while
others were suffocated. Many of
the injured were severely' burned.
It was West Germany's worst
coal mine accident since the Grim-
berg Disaster of 1946, in which 329
Mine officials said it was feared
that some of the 39 injured might

Managing editor of "Genera-
tion" for 1950-51 will be Louis Or-
lin, '51, of Ann Arbor.
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications yesterday also
appointed Norman Gottlieb, '50,
business manager of the arts
quarterly. Gottlieb hails from De-
Charles Olsen, '51, will be con-
sulting editor and William Gil-
more, '51A&D, vWas named art
Philip Dawson, '50, of Ann Ar-
bor, will be managing editor of
the 1950 summer Daily. Dawson
is now editorial director of The
Roger Wellington, '50E, also of
Ann Arbor, will hold his present
post of business manager thisl

summer. He will be assisted by
Walter Shapero, '51, of Detroit.
Daily night editors for the 1950-
51 school year will be: John Da-
vies, '51, Nancy Bylan, '51, James
Gregory, '51, Vernon Emerson, '52,
Robert Keith, '52, Robert Vaughn,
'52, and Charles Elliott, '52.
Assistant night editor posts will
be filled by: Davis Crippen, '52,
Leonard Greenbaum, '52, Rose-
mary Owen, '51, Richard Thomas,
'52, Floyd Thomas, '52, and Ron-
ald Watts, '52.
Daily business staff appointees
are: James Armstrong, '51E, He-
lene Bogart, '51, Carl Breitkreitz,
'51, Sally Fish, '52, Lucille Gold-
stone, '52, Charles Cuson, '52, Su-
san Marks, '51, James Pittsley,
'51E, and Ina Sussman, '52.


Broadway Stars Praise University Dramatics

A university training in drama-
tics is much better than that given
in professional dramatic schools
where the would-be actor soon be-
comes self conscious and unnatur-
al in his stage technique, explained
Joan Morgan and Scott McKay,
two of the top stars in "Born Yes-
terday," opening tomorrow at Ly-
dia Mendelssohn.
The professional schools are too
often taught by disappointed ac-
tors and directors while in schools
like the University, the instructors
are deeply interested in and really |

* * *

* * *


show. Her tryout for the part
pleased the producers and she got
the female lead in Garson Kanin's
* * *
-BILLY DAWN, a luscious blond
with a baby doll voice and phy-
sique who during the play express-
es surprise that "the proper study
of mankind is man" should have
come from the Vatican, is Miss
Morgan's favorite role.
One critic dubbed her "a per-
fect choice" for the part. In
reality she resembles Billy Dawn
in all respects except being

New York is the toughest town
to play, Miss Morgan thinks, be-
cause it is the mecca of the thea-
trical arts.
* * *
GARSON KANIN': comedy is
the story of the fall of a heavy
mannered thug, Brock (played by
John Alexander) who believes that
money and the strong arm meth-
ods which brought him the title
of "Junk King" can also bring
him the government.
Thus he travels to Washing-
ton to buy Senators and the
power they wield.


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