_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~TH E. M I~C HI GAN DAILY . ._ . ..^ . .. _. .,. ... ..... . . , M. __:_,_. ...... "MO THOMAS L. STOKES: Grundy Defeat (WASHINGTON - Encouraging to the forces of modernism and moderation in the Republican party was the smashing victory in Pennsylvania of vigorous, red- headed Governor James H. Duff over the Joseph R. Grundy Old Guard Republican organization. Big Jim Duff won the Republican Sena- torial nomination in Tuesday's primary by rolling up an almost 3 to 1 vote over Rep. John C. Kunkel, the Grundy candi- date. He carried to victory with him his hand-picked candidate for the Republi- can gubernatorial nomination, Judge John S. Fine, who won by a much smaller margin over Jay Cooke, Philadelphia in- vestment banker, of the famous financial family, who ran under the Grundy ban- ner. If Governor Duff wins the Senate seat in the November election, when his opponent will be incumbent Democratic Senator Fran- cis J. Myers, majority Senate whip, his name immediately will go on the list of availables for the 1952 Presidential or Vice- Presidential nomination. INTERESTING and significant as was Jim Duff's triumph over "Grundyism," it is more intriguing that Joe Grundy, now 87, still had continued to be such a factor in the politics and economics of such a great state as Pennsylvania and with influence in the party's national policy and affairs. It tells something about the party, the encrustations that still cling to it here and there, and helps to explain its failure to arouse sufficient popular support in re- cent years nationally. For Joe Grundy and Grundyism really passed from the Ameri- can political scene at least 20 years ago, as an episode this reporter witnessed here in October, 1929, should have revealed. Mr. Grundy, at the time president of the powerful Pennsylvania Manufactures Asso- ciation, was called before the Caraway Lob- by Investigating Committee of the Senate to explain his lobbying activities on behalf of the Hawley-Smoot tariff bill, then being considered in Congress, of which he was one of the principal architects. It was the Haw- ley-Smoot Tariff Act that provoked such hostility abroad and contributed to the wave of nlationalism then sweeping the world. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily- are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JAMES GREGORY Candidly, he not only revealed how he had raised $700,000 in Eastern Pennsylvania the year before and $800,000 in his state in 1924 for the Republican party among tariff-pro- tected industries, but was blunt and arro- gant about his concept of government. This was that big business had an inalienable right to write tariff bills and get what it wanted, that Pennsylvania as a big and powerful state should have a big voice in government and what he called "the back- ward states" should "talk darn small." In- cidentally, it was the same day that he ap- peared before the Caraway Comittee, Oc- tober 29, 1929, that the New York Stock Market suffered its final crashing collapse, after a series of ominous tremors in the few days previously, to sound the death knell of the sort of philosophy he expounded. * * * H APPY, IF long overdue, is the blow now delivered publicly by Jim Duff to what he called "Grundyism," defining it as "gov- ernment by a few, for the benefit of a few, at the expense of the public." The victory of Jim Duff 'progressivism" has its mixed results and serves, as well, to highlight some current paradoxes in his party, common alike to the Democratic party. It might be said, first, that while Governor Duff called some months ago for his party to be "a party of faith in the future and not backward looking," he is not as advanced in his philosophy, for example, as Senators Morse, Aiken and Tobey and others in the Senate's moderate progressive wing. In the 1948 convention he was for Sena- tor Taft of Ohio-and still is--who usually is regarded as leader of the conservative wing of the party, and bitterly arraigned a coup engineered by Joe Grundy that threw the bulk of Pennsylvania's delegates to Gov- ernor Thomas E. Dewey, a strange sort of alliance for the New York governor who is regarded as in the moderately progressive wing, but one of those alliances of con- venience that served an immediate political purpose. It was the break that started the bandwagon movement for Governor Dewey's nomination. Interesting, too, is the fact that Harold Stassen, one of the leading candidates in the 1948 convention, and regarded then as in the progressive element, openly supported the candidacy of Jay Cooke, the Grundy candidate for the gubernatorial nomination, in this week's primary. Mr. Cooke had been one of the present president of the University of Pennsylvania's chief backers in the 1948 convention. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) ted Penh NEW TAXES are never very popular sug- gestions in anybody's book. But in Mich- igan, 1950, the state government is drastical- ly cutting vital state services because it does not have funds for them. Even then, the most conservative es- timate of the Republican Legislature fore- sees a 20 mllion dollar deficit for 1950-51. Short of a miracle, new taxes are the only way that the state government is going to be able to cover its expenses. Governor Williams has recommended a State corporation profits tax as the means of solving the problem. He has suggested a profits tax because the consuming public now pays 80 per cent of total state revenues while business con- tributes approximately 8 per cent. In the 48 states combined business pays about 23 per cent of the taxes. There is a Michigan corporation tax in existance which costs business tw and one- half mills on the dollar of capital stock and surplus for the privilege of doing business here. Not only is it inadequate but it operates to the detriment of small corporations. They must pay the tax whether they make money or not, while a ceiling of $50,000 gives the largest corporations a lower rate of taxation than that of little business. A bill currently in the Legislature would lift this ceiling but actually do little to- wards wiping out the state deficit. Only seven million of the minimum 20 million dollar deficit would be collected. But the tax proposed by the Governor would increase the amount paid by the larger businesses, lower that of the smallest ones. In discussing the tax with a member of the House Ways and Means Committee in Lansing recently, I discovered that the main objection centers around the fear that it will drive industry out of the state. Analy- sis, however, makes questionable the validity of this assumption. At the present time, 32 other states have a tax of a similar nature. According to a study made by the Governor, two states, Pennsylvania and California have gained new industry since levying it. The eliminaton of the present capital stock tax actually aids new businesses, since they would not pay taxes during the period when they are starting and making no profits. Also, the corporations would be able to deduct 38 per cent of the tax from their Federal income taxes. In the light of these facts; that the change would encourage small busness and give the state an urgently needed new source of funds, the profits tax seems just. Days of prosperity are not the time for the State to be cutting important welfare and educational services. The profits tax is a fair way to continue them and pay for them. --Don McNeil "How Ahut It.,ellas ?" \\I/ 3 I '" . - .. ..:; ° , _ \ r; _ ._ W-15"~ r ... Imo. 0 ICU XetteP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. New York School's Ban of 'The Nation' FRESH FROM its clash with The Satur- day Review of Literature over the merits of poet Ezra Pound and a sizzling blast at Franco and Peron, "The Nation," known as 'America's leading liberal weekly since 1865,' will soon present its case again for reinstatement to the list of periodicals to which. New York schools may subscribe. The original reason for the banning two years ago, which incidently was upheld by the State Commissioner of Education, was a series of articles written by Paul Blan- shard, author of "American Freedom and THE STUDENT HALF of this week-end's Dance Festival, presented at Pattengill Auditorium last night, proved to be an ex- citing evening. The enthusiasm of both the Modern Dance and Ballet Clubs quickly spread to an appreciative audience and the performers seemed to be steadily encour- aged by the warm reception which they inspired. Presenting a variety of moods and tem- pos, the versatility of the Modern Dance Club combined with student music, po- etry and singing into a rich program. Highlights were "The Old City," a dance to a poem by William Trousdale, '50; "And Higher," a striking number excellently staged and set to music by. composer Ed Chudacoff, 'Grad, and a Yiddish Folk Song Suite, excellently played and sung by Sarah Graf. The performances of Jack Huebler, Mur- ray Gitlin, Bernice Weinberger, Gerry Mil- ler, Juanna de Laban, Barbara Levine, and the rest of the group proved without doubt that Modern Dance is an exciting as well as expressive art medium. Although less steady than the Modern Dance group, the Ballet Club gave an ade- quate showing of traditional, interperative, and folk interpretations. The reception accorded last night's pre- sentation gives strong indication that more frequent campus dance prograis should and will be encouraged. _Alrs a 1fif Catholic Power." The articles concerned the religious beliefs andrpractices of the Roman Catholic Church. On the grounds that such articles foster religious intolerance, the magazine was with- drawn from the school's periodical list. When the banning issue was reviewed again last year, two questions were posed, (1) Is it a policy of "The Nation" to attack the actions of the Catholic Church?" (2) "If this policy exists, will it result in reli- gious intolerance?" The first question can be answered with certainty today, as well as a year ago, in the afirmative. Any reader of "The Natioa" cannot deny that it does criticize the Catho- lic Church as well as other organizations that take a stand on political and social is- sues. This is well illustrated by "The Na- tion's" strong attack against Catholic in- fluence in the decision of the UN to parti- tion the Holy Land and the more current controversy over Leopold's attempted return to the Belgian throne. However, "The Nation's" stand in criti- cizing the Catholics for such action can hardly be called an attempt to foster'reli- gious intolerance. As William Jansen, Su- perintendent of schools in New York noted, "It is taken for granted that when the Catholic hierarchy or any other organization takes a stand on public issues, its policies and points of view are open to legitimate criticism." The important point to consider is whether ,high school students can be ex- pected to read of the role of the Catholic Church in political and social fields and not feel a growing intolerance toward the entire structure of the Catholic Church. I doubt if they can do it, in fact, I doubt if most grown, educated adults have the mental will power to judge only one facet of a group and not condemn all the actions of the group because of one objectionable point. For instance, Communists do come up with some fair ideas on social inequali- ties and discriminations, but these are lost in the rush of opponents who denounce the Communists for their underhanded methods of lying and violence. Although "The Nation's" anti-Catholic policy probably fosters religious intol- erance, I am not convinced that banning it from the public school is protection for the impressionable young offsprings. Most public libraries are only a step around. the corner where any interested student DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round DEWEY BACKS A ROOSEVELT NO ONE WOULD ever expat Governor Dewey to propose a Roosevelu for public oflice. But, believe it r rnot, that's what Dewey c.id the other day. Ie sent word to Elliott R< osevelt, urgin 1 u to run for Congress from New York City against R. Vito Mai- cantonio of the American Labor Pauty. Dewey's message was brou'ght to Elliott by Paul Lockwood, one of the Governor's con- fidential secretaries, who promised that, if Elliott could get Tammany's backing, he would also have Republican support in run- ning against Marcantonio. Marcantonio has had pro-Communist sup- port and represents the Puerto-Rican-Negro district of New York which ordinarily would be hard for an outsider to carry. But just as young Franklin Roosevelt, then an out- sider, was able to carry the 18th district, so it is believed Elliott could carry Marcanton- io's district if he had support from Tammany and the Republicans. Following Lockwood's proposal to Elliott, the latter conferred with Tammany leaders and their decision is expected shortly. * * * MERRY-GO-ROUND OKLAHOMA'S state CIO Council has se- cretly voted to take no sides in the bitter battle between Sen. Elmer Thomas and Congressman Mike Monroney. This means that Senator Thomas, who usually gets the labor vote in Oklahoma, will be strictly on his own against Monroney, the man who received the Collier's award several years back for outstanding congressional service .. " Trygve Lie, U.N. Secretary-General, got a rough introduction to the iron curtain in Prague. At a so-called press conference, the Communist news stooges harangued him about the. "westren warmonger capitalists." Whin Lie nrotetneh hp. wa. m i a 4- To The Regents ... To the Editor: AN OPEN letter to Regents Vera B. Baits and Alfred B. Con- nable Jr.: In seeking re-election in 1948 both of you publicly supported the idea of having open Board of Regents meetings. What has happended to those campaign promises? -Tom Walsh * * * "Birth of a Nation" * To the Editor: The Student Legislature has re- grettably chosen to follow a for- ward step with a two step retreat. For I can only conclude that it was to avoid attack for their stand on The Debate that led them to im- pulsively deliver us "The Birth of a Nation." Still, I hope that, properly in- formed of the movie's nature, they will have the guts to support its banning and, doing so, maintain a principled consistency. There is, after all, a difference between an individual's right to air his politi- cal beliefs in legitimate debate and the deliberate display of social por- nography. You don't have to see it to know what its about. In "Movies for the Millions" (1937), Gilbert Seldes writes: "Griffith, the son of a Con- federate Army officer of the Civil War, was captivated by a par- ticularly cheap, prejudiced, social- ly vicious and on the whole con- temptible novel of the post-war reconstruction period in the South; the book was called "The Clans- man." There can be little doubt that he at once saw great moving picture possibilities in the hooded figures of the Ku Klux Klan riding in the dead of night to avenge injustice and to protect Southern womenhood from 'dishonor worse than death'." Seldes recollects the moving scenes of the film: rumors of war disturb the bright life of Southern aristocrats, a call to arms inter- rupts young dancers, great battle scenes with action stretching as far as the eye can see, the burning of Atlanta, and soldiers returning to a desolated land. "The second half of the picture is a great melo- drama in the central episode of which the little girl is chased by a negro, and desperately fleeing, falls over a cliff and is killed; it is, of course, a moving picture substi-1 tute for an actual attack. The rid- ing of the Klans (to the music of the Valkyrie) which follows, is a highly dramatic spectacle." This still-Birth has nothing to; tell us; let it remain decentlyi buried.1 -Bill Carter * * * "Birth of a Nation" .. . To the Editor: WE WISH to express publicly our commendation for the wise decision of the Student Leg- islature about "Birth of a Na- tion." However, we wish to correcti a mistaken impression that somet people express that to ban a mov- ie and a communist speaker aret the same type of thing. .1. Communists are insidiously seeking to undermine our Ameri- can system of Free Enterprise. Segregation of certain Racial groups does not undermine Free Enterprise. 2. Communists are nasty. Mov- ie stars aren't ever nasty. 3. Racial prejudice was invent- ed by Americans. It is a typical American custom. Communism was invented by foreigners with beards. So did John Brown. 4. Art is art, for goodness sake, but what are speeches? 5. The dcision about Phillips was arrived at by a group of so- ber faculty members. It was a bunch of students that wanted to ban "Birth of a Nation." 6. The movie will help us to un- derstand the Southern custom of segregation by letting us feel what prejudice is like. Commun- ism doesn't help anybody to un- derstand anything. 7. Congratulations Student Legislature! -John and Phyl Morris * * * "Birth of a Nation" . . To the Editor: ARE YOU AWARE that all col- lege students are pretty stu- pid? Not only that they are naive and gullible as well. Let's not fight it, it's bigger than all 20,000 of us. If you agree with the above comments (and it seems there are some who feel that it applies to most of us) there is little point in fighting the sporadic censor- ship being imposed on the cam- pus from without amnd within. Just sit back and be saved! And there are plenty of people willing, and even eager to save you from Communism, Capitalism, hell, sin, prejudice . . . . It's really almost painless to be saved, too. They'll just tell you who not to listen to, what not to read, movies you shouldn't see, and people you shouldn't talk to. And it's all for your own good. You're so stupid, you see, you might believe the nasty old lies OTHER people are' telling you. In fact, to save you' from your own weakness (you are weak, you know) they'll just take1 those outrageous movies, books,' and speakers and put them awayI some place where they can't clog1 up your delicate mental machin-1 ery. If the above sounds fantastic and exaggerated, take a quick look around. Look and the capi- talistic lies 'the Russians. are be-l ing "saved" from... . Fascists and1 Communists have one thing (at least) in common: They've both assumed responsibility for siftingt information for public consump- tion, and you can bet that what gets past them is pretty easilyz digestible.1 I'm not implying that the vari- ous college "bans" are the firstt step to totalitarianism, but II would like to point out that any- one who feels that (supposedly well-informed) college students are incapable of weighing all sides of a controversial issue, must really choke at the thought of the American Public at large de- ciding on election issues. And that's totalitarianism.g -Lee Paul, '50. "Birth of a Nation" ... To the Editor: O CHAMPION admittedly ma- licious slander with the lofty precepts of free speech is to sub- ject. those precepts to a legally novel interpretation. 'A few my- opic people have made such an interpretation by unashamedly defending a presentation of "The Birth of a Nation." In addition to the legal un- tenability of their view point, which equates slander with free speech, there is a moral bank- ruptcy as well. These people can- not honestly feel that the Negro is their fellow man, for if they did, they could not conscionably offer their support to a film that has beencharacterized as the most indefensible propagandistic outrage ever committed aginst a minority group in this country. These people are sanctimonious hypocrites, for indeed, it requires a sanctimonious quise of inno- cence to wave the banner of democratic brotherhood with one hand, while the other is lifting from the mud, where it should be allowed to remain, the shabby, brutal, self-defeating question, "Am I my brother's keeper?" -Francis X. Crowley. * * * "Birth of a Naon ... To the Editor: N A society, absolute liberty is impossible. Laws and culture control individual and group ac- tion so that society may function. It is in defense of freedom that expressions of ideas may be con- trolled. Restrictions against slan- der, libel, pornography, obscen- ity, lies, incitement to riot, or vio- lence just as restrictions against speeding,theft, arson, and murder are not infringements of our per- sonal rights. Restrictions against the expression of religious opin- ions, political ideologies, and eco- nomic theories are invasions of group and individual freedoms. When a student-faculty group protested the showing of a film slandering a large group of Amer- icans, the Speech Department acted wisely in support of our liberties, by withdrawing the film. "Birth of a Nation" never should have been created. Historians agree that it is a vicious distortion of events during the reconstruction period, and that its lies and ob- scenities were responsible for the resurgence of the Klan after the first World War. With increasing expression of hostility against Ne- groes, demonstrated by three re- cent burnings of partially com- pleted homes in Detroit, and by the denial of a restaurant and tavern service to Negroes in Ann Arbor (in direct violation of Mich- igan laws) it is of extreme impor- tance today to prevent the false- hoods and slanders from being spread. "Birth of a Nation" has a place in a study of the history of the cin- ema, just as it has a place in a study of the history of the Klan. To exhibit it as an isolated exam- ple of one point in the development of the cinema, is an insult to all Americans who have accepted the demonstrations of the equality of men. The question of racial su- periority is not debatable, it is a slanderous obscenity which must not be spread. -Addi Geist, Grad '49 * * * "Outlaw" Criticism .. . To the Editor: IT WAS with avid interest that we read Davis Crippen's review of "The Outlaw." At last some- one has had the courage to bring the true facts into the open.. "The picture's end is literally rocking w i t h homosexual undertones." How true, how true! But the sen- tence preceding this one dis- tresses us a bit. "There was even a serious theme in this thing that I, fond fellow, would like to see developed further in another western." But my dear, fond fel- low, why must -you restrict this theme to westerns? How about "Henry V," "Twelve O'clock High," "All The King's Men," and "Bat- tleground," to mention only a few of the more conspicuous in- stances? Didn't you notice how many of the male characters were F R I E N D L Y? Congratulations, however, on one of the most as- tute reviews it has ever been ou& pleasure to read. -Siegfried Feller Thomas Linton "Birth of a Nation" . . To the Editor: Attempts by adversely affected groups to ban, suppress or censor productions like "Birth of a Na- tion" have never been supported by either the American Civil Lib- erties Union or- the Michigan Branch of the American Civil 1b- erties Union. Rather, it has been the policy and purpose of the American Civil Liberties Union to prevent censorship and suppres- sion, and this freedom must eft- tend to matters in which there is substantial disagreement. The. Union has always corm- mended University and public of- ficials for their efforts to explain, meet or dissipate any inaccurate, unfair or harmful portions of a publication or picture. Complete freedom of press and speech is the central principle to be preserved. Walter M. Nelson, Michigan Chapter, American Civil Liberties Union "Birth of a Naton ... To the Editor: H 1(AD A nightmare last night that went something like this: There was a big green dragon with a name-plate "Sam Green" emblazoned across its chest. Acrcis the table from this dragon sat Sen. Bilbo and Rep. Rankin, both. of them chuckling and nudging each others ribs. In front of them lay a Michigan Daily with the head- line news that 18 members of the Student Legislature had decided to sponsor the film "Birth of 'a. Nation." The dragon, which was belching forth white. hoods ir- stead of fire, roared approval of the paper's message- At the right side of the table were 18 figurines of men and women each smother- ed with signs saying 'free speech' Bilbo patted the figurines and Rankin nudged them so that, one by one, they leapt over a minia ture scaffold and broke into smithereens. Sam, the dragon that is, was so angry at the ant- Mundt Bill resolution that was before the Student Legislature that his white hoods were coming out tattle-tale gray! When the dream ended, I woke in a sweat. Could it be, I wondered, that this is the group that while ne willing to condemn the Mundt Bill, is more than willing, yes; an- xious, to put out an anti-Negrb movie? How wonderful the KKK feels today! In Germany it was the Jews that bore the brunt of racism. Yet Fascism will weave a noose not only for the Negro ped ple here, but for all students-yes, even the 18. This isn't a politically partisan issue-this affects you re- gardless of your race, religion or creed. Be heard for democracy now! Write to Ruthven! -Hy Bershad "Birth of a Nation" . . To the Editor: "THE Birth of a Nation" is an open and deliberate insult to the Negro people. Those who show it here or anywhere will be hela accountable as panderers of racist slander. No clothing of motives i i the protective coloration of "Jef- fersonianism" will spare them from this accountability. -Charles H. Bisdee 4 T 0 1 mir~jtg Ft Fiffy-Ninth Year Edited and managel by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor Al Blumrosen................City Editor Philip Dawson....... Editorial Director Don McNeil ............ .Feature Editor Mary Stein.............Associate Edito Jo Misner............Associate V to1 George Walker......Associate 1~ r Wally Barth.......PhotographyEltor Pres Holmes....... .Sports Co}-Editot- Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz .. Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach....... Women's Editor Barbara Smith.'.Associate Women's Ed.- Business Staf Roger Wellington.....Business Manager Dee Nelsor, Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager, Bob Daniels.......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member. of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches cerdited to it' ot. otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all of ier matters herein are also reserved. - Entered at the Post Office at Atnn~ Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier. $5.00, by mail, $6.00.' productions like "Birth of a Na- BARNABY Gn Mra C)'n r vAA l nu ~ n o--2 nn} I 'r... ...o R.....i{..R1A.... ..,.t C. ..al - U ft_ _ Tt_._l.._ __tt _._i ___ RI II