See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
'To Raise 'U'
Budget Fail
Democrats Lose,
In 'Silent Debate'
By The Associated Press
LANSING - Republican strate-
gy proved effective in the House
yesterday as .Democratic at-
tempts to increase the Univer-
siy appropriation were swept
,d*nby a wave of silence.
W oetermined Democratic camp
introduced 314 amendments aimed
at increasing the state budget for
the next fiscal year.
* * *
ALL OF THE amendments, in-
cluding those which would have
increased the University grant
from $11,572,945 to $12,500,000,
were defeated.
The $270,000,000 Republican
"economy'' budget will come up
unchanged for a final House
vote today.
The appropriations debate, in
which Republicans steadfastly re-
fused to participate, suddenly
came to an end when Democrat
Leo J. Doyle, of Flint, piqued at
the Republican "silent treatment,"
moved dissolution of the commit-
tee of the whole,
UNBEKNOWN to the Demo-
crats, this was exactly what the
Republicans were waiting for.
They all voted for the motion and
the bill automatically advanced
to third reading with 187 Demo-
cratic amendments left dangling
and 38 red Democratic faces.
Prospects for ending the spe-
cial session sometime today as
planned 'by the Republican lea-
e were bright. House Re-
publicans were resigned to Dem-
ocratic insistence on reading
every word in the budget bill
They were ready, however, to
choke off all debate except that
which they decided to permit and
wind up the session in the late af-
ternoon or evening.
IN THE TWO hours and 20
h. minutes the House spent on the
bill, 127 of the Democratic amend-
ments were disposed of in 29 roll
calls, groups of. amendments hav-
ing been voted on together.
The pattern of each group of
amendments was the same. They
were read by the clerk, a Demo-
crat arose to read a prepared
statement contending that the
drastic Republican cuts of Gov.
Wililams' budget were seriously
damaging state agencies, a vote
was taken, and with all Repub-
licans voting against them, the
amendments were defeated.
Rep. Martha Griffiths (D-De-
troit) called the Republican silent
treatment "a conspiracy of shame."
The budget is $15,000,000 below
current expenditures, $73,000,000
less than was recommended by
Gov. Wililams, but it would still
leave the state $20,000,000 or more
in the red.
Court Upholds
Stiff Senten e
For AxisSally
Circuit Court of Appeals upheld
yesterday the stiff 10-to-30 year
r treason sentence imposed on Mil-
"%red Elizabeth (Axis Sally) Gillars
for broadcasting Nazi propaganda
to American troops.
The three-judge court unani-
mously swept aside the arguments
of lawyers for the gray-haired 49-
year-old woman whose sultry voice
made her a radio star for millions
of GI's who loved her American
dance tunes and laughed at her
Nazi sales talks.
The sentence carries with it a
$10,000 fine. It came on March 25,
1949, after a seven weeks' trial
during which the jury listened to
her sobbing protests that she nev-
er meant to betray America, and
also to her wartime broadcasts
warning American soldiers of dis-
aster if they invaded Europe.
She can still appeal to the Su-
preme Court, but no announce-
ment of her intentions has been
made. After the trial, Attorney
James J. Laughlin said the case
would be fought to the highest
mrml -rn- hn - n:in 41- nvr m
Morse in Front
In Oregon Race
PORTLAND, Ore.-(P)-Sen. Wayne Morse held a commanding
lead last night in his contest for Republican renomination, despite the
bitter campaign waged against him by party conservatives.
Returns from 150 of 2,017 precincts gave Morse 6,648 to 4,085 for
Dave Hoover, the dairy farmer who accused Morse of supporting
President Truman. In third place with 1,354 was John McBride, a
Washington, D.C., attorney who is clerk for the House committees.
* * * *
OP THESE 150 PRECINCTS, 87 were in Portland, and the rest
scattered over the state.
Hoover, whom Morse charged with conducting the worst
U.S. To Lead
Peace Fight,
Says Acheson
West To Lift Austrian
Occupation Controls
LONDON - (A) - Secretary of
State Dean Acheson pledged the
United States yesterday to spear-
head a relentless fight for peace
along the borders of the sprawl-
ing Communist world.
The United States also joined
with Britain and France in moves
toward lifting occupation controls
in the Western zones of Austria.
The Big Three said there is ap-
parently no hope for an immedi-
ate agreement with Russia on an
Austrian treaty of independence.
* * *
PENDING SUCH agreement
they have decided to "lighten the
burden of the occupation in Aus-
tria," a communique said. They
will appoint civilian high com-
missioners to replace military
governors. Western troops will re-
main in Austria as security forces.
In a statement before sailing
from Liverpool aboard the liner
Britannic, Acheson promised
continued support to ,Endo
China, Greece, Turkey, Iran
and Germany in any struggle
for freedom from aggression.
He said the work of the At-
lantic Pact council just complet-
ed "has been a positive influence
for peace behind the North At-
lantic area," and he added:
felt in increasing measure as the
defnse position of that (North At-
lantic) area is progressively con-
Acheson said, "We look forward
to an increasingly close relation-
ship between Germany and the
democratic nations of the West."
ter Hill (D-Ala.) yesterday in-
troduced in the Senate a reslu-
tion calling for a sweeping Senate
investigation of the employment
of homosexuals by the Federal
Hill submitted the resolution on
behalf of the Senate appropriation
committee's District of Columbia
subcommittee. The subcommittee
earlier in a closed door session had
unanimously endorsed the probe,
suggested by Hill and Sen. Ken-
neth Whery (R-Neb.), who had
been authorized months ago to
look into the matter.
It was not certain which Sen-
ate committee would conduct the
investigation if one is approved.
But Sen. Homer Ferguson (R-
Mich.), a member of the subcom-
mittee, told the Senate, "The evi-
dence was so shocking that action
should be taken immediately."
V- "smear campaing in 25 years,"
showed more strength than ex-
pected. State election bureau
officials had predicted Morse
would beat him by a 4 to 1 mar-
In the Democratic contest for
United States Senator, Howard
Latourette, Portland, f o r m e r
Democratic national committee-
man, held a 2,072 to 1,149 lead ov-
er Dr. Louis A. Wood, retired uni-
versity economics professor.
* * *
OREGON'S FOUR congress-
men, all Republicans, were cer-
tain of victory. Rep. Homer D.
Angell, Portland, the only one
with any opposition in the pri-
mary, had twice as many votes as
the combined total of both of his
Gov. Douglas McKay was un-
opposed in the Republican prim-
ary, but the three Portlanders
seeking Democratic nomination
for governor were in a close race.
Former State Sen. Lew Wallace
had 1,584, State Sen. Austin Fle-
gel, 1,356, and State Treasurer
Walter J. Pearson 1,114.
The Democratshave the lead
in the number of registered voters
for the first time in Oregon. For
the first time in many years,
they have candidates for every
Major office, and for most of the
minor ones.
Oregon was the only western
state to vote Republican in the
1948 presidential election, and
the Dmocrats are confident that
this year will give them their
chance to win control of the state.
Senate OK's
40 0
Maritime Plan
Of President
ate yesterday suddenly halted its
slaughter of President Truman's
reorgan ization plans and uphed
one abolishing the Maritime Cm-
Duties of the commission would
be switched to the Commerce De-
partment, :where a new three-
member board and a maritime ad-
ministration would be created.
Yt was the sixth plant the Sen-
ate has considered among the 21
which Truman submitted1 in March
reshaping administrative setups.
The Senate killed the other five.
The remaining 16 plans become
law unless the House o Senate,
by a full majority, votes disaprov-
al of one or more of them by
Tuesday. Thus the maritime
change .will go into effect auto-
matically unless the House should
vote against it.
Late yesterday the Senate agreed
to defer until Monday and Tu s-
day consideration of five more of
the plans.
Sen. Edwin Johnson (D-Colo.)
got agreement for a vote at 12:30
p~m. Monday on a proposal deal-
ing with the Federal Trade Com-
mission. It wil be followed by ac-
tion on Federal Power Commis-
sion reorganization.
Top Leaders
See Possible
Atomic War
Lack of Draft
Law Assailed
WASHINGTON - (A') - Aeri-
ca's military leaders called on the
nation yesterday to bulwark its
defenses against a possible Rus-
sian atomic attack and declared
that the "cold war" is steadily
getting hotter.
And President Truman said last
night there would have been no
cold war if Congress had voted a
For news of the observance of
Armed Forces Day in Ann Ar-
bor, see page 6.
draft law in 1945 when he asked
for it instead of waiting three
* * *
THE PRESIDENT. made this
extemporaneous comment at a
military dinner marking the ob-
servance tomorrow of Armed For-
ces Day.
Key defence chiefs struck hard
on the theme of mobilizing Amer-3
ica's strength and resources.
Secretary of Defense Johnson,
appearing with President Tru-
man at an Army-Navy-Air Force
ba'nquet at the Statler Hotel,
called for extenson of the draft
law to encourage America's
friends in Europe.
Johnson told the gathering of
700 military officers, government
officials and industry leaders that
the U.S. armed forces are in "a
healthy state of preparedness."
THE DEFENSE Department, he
said, is working to build up a de-
fense "of such formidability as to
convince a possible aggressor that
we cannot be beaten quickly on a
hit-and-run basis"
But Johnson said there is a
"most compelling" need to ex-
tend the draft law, now due to
expire June 24, to bloster the
morals of European countries
who so far have "held Commu-
nism at bay."
President Truman has asked a
two-year extension of the law.
In cities from coast to coast,
top figures in planning the na-
tional defense spoke of the possi-
bility of global conflict and urged
Rail StrikeCOf f
Until June 1
switchmen's strike scheduled for
Tuesday on 10 midwestern rail-
roads was postponed yesterday
until June 1.
The National (Railway) Media-
tion Board obtained the post-
ponement and will try to settle
the dispute before the next strike
* * *
chairman of the board, said the
union is asking a reduction of
the work week from 48 to 40
hours without loss of pay; also
time and a half for Saturday
work and double time for Sun-
O'Neill announced that medi-
ation would start Tuesday in
The 40 hour week, with an in-
crease in hourly pay, was granted
to members of 17 so-called non-
operating railroad unions effec-
tive last September 1.
* * 4'
THE FIVE operating brother-
hoods, including the switchmen's
union, were excluded.. However,
three of those operating brother-
hoods are now trying to win the
same concessions from the na-
tion's rail carriers under provi-
sions of the Railway Labor Act.
The Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen and Order of Rail-
road Conductors are awaiting a
report by a presidential emer-
gency board, due by June 15.
O'Neill told a news conference
that the switchmen have not seen
their way clear to combine their
Sight To BlockFPC Bill
iiir::3$"r :?" s.Attempt To .
Y~r::End Debate.
¢r : Voted Down
::.3r:{ .:tf~ :"Republicans Back,
Cloture Motion
-Daily-Wally Barth
'ENSIANS GIVEN OUT-Students line up to claim their 1950 yearbooks from Jo Ann Lyons, '50Ed.
(left), distribution manager. Lines of students seking 'Ensians filled the Student Publications Bldg.
yesterday. 'Ensians will be distributed again from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. today and will go on sale
Monday in the publications building and at local book stores.
* * *
Date Set To
Show Birth
Of a Nation'
The Student Legislature cabi-
net, meeting in special session yes-
terday, set Thursday evening in
the Architecfure Auditorium as
the tentative time and place for
its showing of "Birth of a Nation."
With Student Affairs Commit-
tee approval assured, the only
remaining obstacle to the show-
ing of the controversial film is
the uncertainty of obtaining the
picture's release from New York's
Museum of Modern Art, distri-
butor of the film.
* * *
"THE MUSEUM will call the
SL Monday and give us their de-
cision on whether or not they
will release the movie to us for
our showing," Quent Nesbitt, '50
BAd, SL president, announced.
"It has been the Museum's
practice," he explained, "to re-
lease 'Birth of a Nation' only to
university, college or other edu-
cational movie study groups.
"When we telephoned the Mu-
seum yesterday to order the film,
no one there was in a position to
make the release decision (as to
whether or not the SL's showing
would meet the proper criteria) ,"
Nesbitt said.
SHOULD THE Museum decide
against the release, the cabinet
decided that they would make no
attempt to obtain "Birth of a
Nation" from another distributor,
but would let the matter drop.
About 30 non-cabinet SL
members and other students at-
tended the meeting, which was
open to the public.
Several members of the ad hoc
committee which originally pro-
tested the speech department's
showing of the movie were present.
During open discussion, an in-
tense debate developed with sev-
eral of the debaters urging the
cabinet to call a special session of
the SL to enable it to reconsider
its decision.
The request was turned down
on a vote of three to. one with
one abstention."
Students Crowd 'Ensian
OfficeTo Claim Books
More than 3,000 students storm-
ed the Student Publications Bldg.
yesterday to claim their 1950 'En-
Distribution of yearbooks will
continue from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
E-plosions Hit
In New Jersey
At Least Two Dead;
Four explosive-laden barges blew
up at the South Amboy docks last
night and police reported several
dead and close to 300 injured.
The estimate of fatalities rang-
ed from two to six.
* * *
A STATE of emergency was de-
clared in this city of 10,000 per-
sons, some 30 miles south of New
A mutilated body was brought
into the Raritan Township hos-
pital nearby and Capt. Jack How-
ley of the South Amboy first aid
squad said there were at least
two known dead.
Fierce fires broke out at the
Pennsylvania Railroad docks on
Raritan Bay.
Assistant Fire Chief Thomas
Conroy said seven boxcars with
600 tons of explosives were being
loaded into four barges at the
dock when the blast let go about
6:25 p.m.
STORE fronts and homes were
caved in by the force of the ex-
plosion and debris was splattered
over a 10 to 12 block area.
Windows throughout the city1
and in neighboring communitiesl
were shattered.
Most of the injured were cut
by flying glass.
South Amboy General Hospital
and Perth Amboy Hospital, three
miles away, were jammed with
today, according to Jo Ann Lyons,
'50Ed., distribution manager.
* * *
"STUDENTS must present re-
ceipts or ID cards," Miss Lyons
said, "but house representatives
must have receipts."
Four hundred 'Ensians will go
on sale Monday at the Student
Publications Bldg. and local
book stores, Miss Lyons added.
The turmoil caused by 'Ensian
distribution spread over two floors
of the Student Publications Bldg.
and drowned out the usual chaos
of The Daily's city room.
EIGHT long queues formed on
the second floor where receipts
and ID cards of purchasers were
examined. Downstairs, 'Ensian
staffers hustled about the large
conference room where 5,700
yearbooks, stacked half-way to
the ceiling, disappeared like hot-
At 5 p.m. yesterday, after six
harrying hours of handing out
yearbooks, weary 'Ensian folk
trudged home to rest. Three and
a half hours of the same toil will
begin at 11 a.m. today.
Reds Restricted
By U.S., Britain
FRANKFURT, Germany - ()
- The United States and Britain
in a retaliatory move yesterday
clamped sharp restrictions on the
movements of Soviet military
missions in Western Germany.
The Restrictions were in repris-
al for the withdrawal of free tra-
vel passes from the American and
British missions at Potsdam in
the Russian zone.
American Army officials said
U.S. mission members there now
are allowed to travel only between
their homes and offices. A British
army spokesman said members of
the British missions are restrict-
ed to the use of the Potsdam-Ber-
lin highway.
T h e eye-for-an-eye British-
American order restricts members
of the Soviet military mission in
Frankfurt to travel between their
homes and offices.
e Trio-tonight
WASHINGTON - (/P) -South-
ern senators won their fight yes-
terday to block consideration of
the hotly-disputed Fair Employ-
ment Practice (FEPC) Bill.
Although the backers f this,
key measure in President Tru-
man's "civil rights" program pro-
mised to try again, there was
hardly a shred of doubt that the
measure was dead for the session.
* * *
A MOTION to apply the debate
limiting cloture rule failed. It
would have taken the votes of 64
members-two thirds of the full
Senate-to invoke it. Only 52 sen-
ators voted for the so-called gag
rule - 12 short of the required
number. Thirty-two senators op-
posed it.
Senator Lehman (D-Lib, NY),
an ardent advocate of FEPC,
called the result one of the most
discouraging occurrences in his
experience in public affairs.
The cloture move was not aimed
at curbing debate on the bill it-
self, which never has formally
been before the Senate. It was de-
signed to shut off further talk on
a motion by Democratic leader
Lucas (Ill) to bring the measure
up for consideration. Two weeks
ago Lucas moved to call, up the
bill, and southern opponents an-
nounced their intention of trying
to talk it to death.
THEY WERE jubilant over the
success of their strategy yester-
Senator Russell (D-Ga), who
served as floor leader for the
southerners and others opposed to
FEPC and cloture, said May 19
should be "a day of rejoicing" for
persons who sincerely believe in
the right of petition and individu-
al freedom and human liberty.
Republicans were quick to
point out that a far larger pro-
portion of their number voted
for closing off the debate than
among the Democrats.
The Republicans' score: for clo-
ture, 33; against, 6. The Demo-
crats': for, 19; against, 26.
braska, the Republican floor lead-
er, immediately claimed that the
roll call demonstrated that his
party - "the party of the Great
Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln -
is the only agency through which
equal oportunity legislation can
be accomplished."
Sen. Lucas had complained
that the present cloture rule,
requiring the votes of two thirds
of all the senators to shut off
debate on a motion, had been
fastened on the Senate "by a
coalition of Republicans and
Southerners" led by Wherry.
The rule is the result of a hot,
Senate fight last year over pro-
posals to change the Senate's me-
thod of procedure. Prior to that
fight it had been decided that
there was no way under the Sen-
ate rules to limit debate on a
* * * .
WHERRY TOOK the lead in
putting across the two-thirds rule
as a compromise. Lucas declared
it would not work to limit debate,
while Wherry claimed it would
if enough Democrats went along
with Republicans.
Yesterday' was the first test
of the revised procedure.
The bill would set up a perma-
nent Federal commission and in-
struct it to prevent discrimination
in the hiring, firing and promo-
tion of workers on account of
color, race, religion or national
origin. The commission would be
empowered to go to the Federal
courts to enforce its decisions,
* * *
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - J. Edgar Hoover disclosed yesterday that two
men have gone to London to question Dr. Klaus Fuchs, British
scientist convicted of passing atomic secrets to Russia.
* * *
FRANKFURT, GERMANY - Former Nazis are filling about
half the jobs of state officials and civil servants in the American
zone of Germany and their number is constantly increasing, a sur-
vey showed yesterday.
The survey, taken from official German sources, disclosed
that the number n ntime naifficia- viftinw. h, ack to nl
Dance Festival To Featur
The Dudlev-Maslow-Bales TrioI
tho urnmanrc nhVCioat nr711nai'.inn l
I +ha inrtr rtinr nnrinA tlrhinh +ha I