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May 19, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-19

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See Pairs 4


Latest Deadline in the State


/ E




House Ready
To Debate O
Budget Bill
Increase for 'U'
Seen as Hopeless
Special to The Daily
LANSING - Cances for a
University appropriation increase
seemed almost non-existent here
last night after the state budget
bill for the next fiscal year was
reported out of committee by the
House Ways and Means Commit-
The bill had been passed unani-
mously by the Senate at 4:25 a.m.
Thursday after a Democratic fili-
buster collapsed and a bitter all-
night floor battle died down.
PASSED ON TO the House, the
bill was referred to the Ways and
Means Committee. The committee
reported the bill out yesterday af-
ternoon with 30 amendments.
None of the amendments how-
ever, requested an increase in the
University appropriation grant.
- The House will convene at 10
a.m. today. A bitter floor fight,
similar to the one waged in the
Senate Wednesday, is expected to
develop. * , *
BUT THE Republican majority
in the House will probably permit
passage of the Republican-spon-
sored amendments. The Republi-
cans have 53 votes, the Democrats
The bill, classified as Senate
bill 39, represents a Republican
attempt to cut $73,000,000 from
Governor Williams' proposed
state budget for the 1950-51 fis-
cal year.
Section 3 of the Republican bill
deals with general education. The
University proposed appropriation
is listed in this section. The Uni-
versity grant has been set at $11,-
approximately $2,000,000 from the
$13,870,000 the University request-
ed for operating expenses.
' House Democrats are expected
to demand amendmehts which
would increase the appropriation
to the $12,500,000 asked for by
the governor. Republicans are
confident that they can beat
down the opposition.
The final vote on the entire bill
is expected Saturday. A two-thirds
majority or 67 votes will be re-
quired in the House to put the
measure into immediate effect.
Republicans may run into some
difficulty on this point. With their
ranks whittled down from 61 to 53
because of death and illness they
will have to gain some Democratic
Meanwhile, University officials
remained silent, awaiting House
Calls Braves
To w i gwam
Listen to this tale of romance,
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of falling
Came they forth, the stoics
Forth they romped to paleface

Wigwam one of friendly Great
Paleface might 'mong his kind;
Came he forth to take their token,
Then to the mighty oak of
Dashed the screaming, yelling
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface
Choice of tribe to run the
Down the warriors, painted de-
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles,
Loud the war cry stirred the
As they seized their hapless
Forth they bore them to their


IFC Urges Bias
Clause Removal
The Interfraternity Council last night advised its members to
urge their national organizations to remove discriminatory clauses
from fraternity constitutions.
In a resolution passed by a vote of 34 to two IFC asked its mem-
bers which have discriminatory membership clauses to:
1. Petition their national organizations by Jan. 1 for removal
of the clauses.
2. Propose removal at their next national convention.
The resolution, passed by fraternity house presidents, had pre-
viously been tabled, to be revived in September after results of a
survey of affiliates' views on discrimination would be known.
* * *
THE RESOLUTION was taken off the table when the house presi-
dents agreed that the survey, conducted by IFC last month, dealt
} with fraternity men's opinions on




Red Probe
Dan gers Hit
By Tyding~s
Tyding (D-Md.) said today the
task of investigating alleged Com-
munism in the State Department,
is impeding legislation "vital to
national security."
Without saying so specifically,
Tydings indicated he may devote
less time to the 10-weeks-old in-
quiry into charges by Republican
Senator McCarthy that Reds have
swayed this country's foreign poli-
TYDINGS not only heads the'
inquiry group but also is Chairman
of the Senate Armed Services
In his statement, given to re-
porters without comment, Ty-
dings said :
"At least three bills vital to the
national security seem to have
run head-on into the McCarthy
Among other things, .Tydings
complained that the work of sift-
ting McCarthy's sensation-stud-
ded charges has stalled plans for
civil defense against atomic at-

individual discrimination, not on
discriminatory clauses.
The presidents agreed that
the survey was irrelevant and
that they should not delay in
acting on the clauses.
A show of hands indicated that
12 fraternities have discrimina-
tory clauses, of which six have
proposed removal to their national
organizations. Several houses were
not represented, however, and
some may have secret clauses.
* * *
A SIMILAR resolution, in the
form of an order to the fraterni-
ties rather than a request, was
adopted by IFC last December
but rejected by the Student Af-
fairs Committee on the grounds
that it was "insincere."
"Before the vote was taken,"
Bob Vogt, '51E, IFC president,
commented, "I told the house
presidents not to vote for it as
a gesture, but as a sincere pro-
mise of future action.
"For that reason I believe the
resolution shows the determina-
tion of IFC members to eliminate
discriminatory clauses," Vogt con-
The resolution also said that the
IFC "recognizes that many fra-
ternities have no restrictive pro-
visions" and that'"the question is
of concern to many interested
"IFC appreciates that member-
ship is an individual fraternity
responsibility," the resolution con-

Truman Hits
o Congress
Seeks Defeat of
Truman said yesterday he meant
Democrats as well as Republicans
when he called for the defeat in
November of "some of the worst
obstructionists" in Congress.
In his speech last Monday, the
President complained that part
of his legislative program had
been blocked by the opposition of
"oddly assorted groups" in Con-
gress. He called for the defeat of
the worst ones in that opposition.
* * *
ASKED AT A news conference
yesterday whether he meant to
differentiate between Republicans
and Democrats, Mr. Truman re-
plied with a prompt no.
He said, however, he did not
want a subservient Coingress,
which Senator Taft (R-Ohio)
declared Tuesday night was the
Truman aim. He said he want-
ed an independent Congress.
Mr. Truman defined an ob-
structionist as one who is against
everything proposed for the wel-
fare of the people. He excluded
from this definition legislators
who have a pet thing to oppose.
HE SAID HE did not mind that
kind of opposition and agreed
with a questioner that the differ-.
ence was entirely one of degree.
Other subjects dealt with by
the President today:
Foreign affairs-Mr. Truman
issued a statement welcoming
as an act of "constructive
statesmanship" the French pro-
posal for pooling French and
German steel and coal indus-
tries. He expressed the hope
that the time is not far off
when a Japanese peace treaty
can be negotiated.
Government reorganization -
Commenting on the recent defeat
of four more of his reorganization
plans, he replied with a smile
that it is the legislative preroga-
tive to continue to talk about ef-
ficiency and economy in govern-
ment and oppose changes that
affect a local situation.
HE REPEATED he will contin-
ue to propose reorganizations and
it will be the privilege of Con-
gress to act as it sees fit.
Into Liquor rial~
Approximately 200 open letters
presenting information concern-
ing the Ben Sekaros "discrimina-
tion" trial were distributed to the
citizens of Ann Arbor yesterday
under the auspices of the Nation-
al Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People.
Abraham Chapman, complain-
ing witness, has charged that Se-
karos, proprietor of a Huron
Street tavern, refused to serve al-
coholic beverages to Mrs. Laura

Thompson, New York City, on
the basis of "race, color or creed."
Judge Francis O'Brien post-
poned the trial until May 23 af-
ter attempts to pick a jury yester-
day failed.

Defense Measure
Ends Conference
LONDON, May 18,-('P)-Twelve
Western nations last night agreed
to pooltheir economic and mili-
tary might into one vast armed
force, centrally directed to resist
Soviet aggression.
Atlantic Pact Foreign Ministers
ended a four-day session with a
six-point program designed to
speed up Western preparedness
and overtake Soviet military
THEY AGREED in principle to
the American military concept to
"concentrate on the creation of
balanced collective forces." This
meant that each of the 12 nations
will contribute specific units to
the central Western armed force
and not try to maintain expensive
overall military establishments
each self-contained in all arms.

[welve - Power

Atlantic Pact
Nations Unite

-Daily-Alex Lmanian
CLEANING DETAIL-Newly-tapped Druids clamber over the 'Pudding Stone' at the corner of cam-
pus, wielding scrub-brushes and rags in an attempt to scrape a year of accumulated grime off the
boulder's surface. This scene, a part of the initiation rites for Druids, Senior literary college honor-
ary, attracted many onlookers yesterday.

Film Society Reverses Plan
To Show 'Birth of.Nation'

Tempers Flare at YR, YD
Debate on Health Insurance

Tempers flared, and shouts from
both audience and speakers threat-
ened to break down debate rules
last night, as the Young Democrats
and Young Republicans argued the
controversial issue of Federal com-
pulsory health insurancd before a
small but excited crowd..
At times, jeers and laughter
from the audience almost drown-
ed out the voices of speakers Fran
Wagman, Grad., YD president, and
Robert P. Hills, '51E, the Demo-
cratic affirmative speakers; and
Gilbert Spieldoch, Grad., and Har-
old L. Ward, '52, the Republican
negative team.
* * *
THE TOPIC was: "Resolved,
That There Be Established a Sys-
tem of Compulsory Health Insur-
ance, Administered by the Federal
Dawson Asks
A further lowering of United
States tariffs is an essential contri-
bution to European economic re-
covery, Prof. John P. Dawson, of
the Law School, declared last
"Even so, a permanent problem
of dollar shortage will remain," he
* * *
PROF. DAWSON spoke at the
initiation banquet of Pi Sigma
Alpha, honorary political science
Inspite of the "spectacular"
success of the European Recov-
ery Program in raising produc-
tion, he said, Europe will still
have a dollar gap estimated at
two billion dollars in 1952, when
ERP aid is scheduled to end.
Tnn .ackoo fl nrnriiin f lfl'fl flfl+. (vf

Prof. George Katona, of the
psychology and economics de-
partments, acted as moderator.
He is director of the Survey Re-
search Center.
Hills led off the debate, assert-
ing that voluntary health insur-
ance: usually pays far less than
the patient needs; does not cover
chronic or recurring afflictions;
and is not adjusted to individual
incomes. The Democrats' compul-
sory insurance plan would correct
these deficiencies, he said.
* * * -
SPIELDOCH pointed to "dis-
guised evils" in compulsory insur-
ance, claiming that it would pay
doctors in terms of quantity of
work rather than quality, with a
resultant reduction in quality.
Mrs. Wagman declared that,
under the Democrats' bill, em-
ployers and employees would
have no more than one and one-
half per cent of their income
deducted for health insurance
and sometimes less.
"Doctors would have complete
freedom to join the plan or not,"
Mrs. Wagman asserted. "And they
would decide in local groups how
much they'd get paid."
Ward said that the one and one-
half per cent deduction would be
inadequate, since Americans now
spend four per cent of their in-
come on medical costs.

The Gothic Film Society re-
versed a plan of showing the
movie "Birth of a Nation" to its
members and announced last
night that it would not show the
film today as it had previously
The Student Legislature, how-
ever, has not abandoned its plan
to show the movie, and its presi-
dent has announced that a spe-
Druids Take
20 Initiates
Druids ,senior men's honorary
society for all schools and colleges
except engineering, yesterday tap-
ped and initiated 20 men for ac-
tive membership.
In addition, Assistant Dean
Charles H. "Peerles Pine" Peake
of the literary college and Prof.
Lionel :"Laboring Larch" Laing
of the political science department
were tapped for honorary mem-
berships in the society.
Newcomers to Druid cave are
Dave "Palpitating Poplar" Pease,
Clarence "Calculating Coconut"
Kettler, Harry "Ambling Aspen"
Allis, Leo "Clouting Catalpa" Ko-
ceski, Art "Hurrying Hickory"
Henrie, Al "Hacking Hickory" Het-
zeck, Bill "Clamoring Cottonwood"
Connolly, Gene "Slim Limb"
Bill "Bombastic Balsam" Bris-
tor, Bob "Tooting Tulip" Tipton,
Bob "Mercenary Mahogany" Mer-
sereau, Arnold "Manipulating Ma-
ple" Miller, Ned "Stupefying
Snakewood" Stirton, Bob "Obdu-
rate Olive" Olson, Dick "Tabula-
ting Teakwood" Tinker, Hugh
"Garrulous Gum' Greenberg, Gene
"Officious Oak" Overbeck, George
"Babbling Bamboo" Boucher, Dave
"Navigating Narcissus" Neisch and
Paul "Big Brother Butternut"

,ial cabinet meeting has been
called for today to consider the
problems involved in such a
* * *
"THE SOCIETY had scheduled
the showing of 'Birth of a Na-
tion' today, W. J. Hampton,
Gothic Fiinn president, explained,
"as a substitute to 'Grand Illu-
sion' which was held up in the1
train strike.
' Grand Illusion' is now here
in Ann Arbor," Hampton add-
ed, "and it will be shown as
soon as arrangements can be
"We chose 'Birth of a Nation'
as a substitute because of its im-
portance in the history of the
film technique, and because it
was immediately available,"
Hampton continued.
"Our showing of the film could
not be justified on any other
ground,"O he added.
chairman of the ad hoc com-
mittee protesting the showing of
"Birth of a Nation," congratulat-
ulated the Gothic Film Society
for its action in withdrawing the
"We feel that this action was
made in consideration of decen-
cy, intelligence, humanity, and
the highest interests of arts," he
Meanwhile, Quent Nesbitt, '50'
BAd, SL president, announced
that a special meeting of the
cabinet would be called today
to consider the specific prob-
lems involved in showing the
"We must decide if within a
week, we can get an auditorium,
the film and its release from the
distributor, the approval of one
of the Deans of Students, and
make arrangements for ticket
sales," Nesbitt explained.

Seek Faculty
Man to Uphold
Speaker's Ban.
Faced with canceling its pro-
posed debate on the University
speaker's ban because no faculty
member has consented to defend
the ban, the Michigan Forum
committee last night issued an
appeal for faculty volunteers.
The debate was planned for
May 25 in Hill Auditorium, with
a faculty member and a student
on each side to discuss the prob-
lem, "Who Shall Speak?"
"The topic is a crucial one that
should be discussed. We hope that
some faculty member who main-
tains that Communists should not
be allowed to speak on our cam-
pus will agree to assert his views
in the debate," Dave Frazer, '51,
Forum chairman, said.
Speakers already lined up in-
clude Dean Hayward Keniston, of
the literary college, and Adele
Hager, '51, Student Legislature
vice-president, who will oppose
the ban; and Tom Roach, '51,
who will defend it.
He requested that any faculty
members willing to defendthe
ban call him today at 303 Allen-
Rumsey House, Phone 2-4401.
' World News
WASHINGTON, -(P)- Admin-
istration spokesmen yesterday con-
ceded defeat by at least a dozen
votes today in their effort to end
debate on a motion to bring a
fair employment (FEPC) bill be-
fore the Senate.
* * *
U.S. fliers held for 18 months by
the Chinese Communists said yes-
terday their captors gave them
considerate treatment and never
offered violence.
* * *
Senate late yesterday killed
President Truman's reorganiza-
tion plan for the agriculture de-
* * *
WASHINGTON - (iP) - A one-
year extension of Federal Rent
Controls - but only in cities and
other localities that want to keep
them - was approved by the
House Banking Committee yes-
terday. The vote was 13 to four.
* .* * .
fl'mrr. A lfW ., n .C - -

The Ministers set up an over-
all council of Deputy Foreign
Ministers meeting year around
to put the collective security
program into force. This council
will have a permanent powerful
'chairman who, it is understood,
will be an American.
The biggest share of defense
costs is expected to be borne by
the United States, and there are
indications the U.S. share will
cost more than $1,000,000,000 be-
ing given out this year.
Each of the 12 countries, how-
ever, was committed by the
council to bear a share in pro-
portion to its resources-
Outside the pact meetings the
United States and Canada gave
notice they intend to share in Eu-
rope's economic problems in 1952
when the European Recovery Plan
UNDER the six point program
adopted, the Ministers:
1. Established a Deputy Council
which will meet the year around
to speed up rearmament of the
West, approve a master plan and
see that it is carried out. The
council will have a permanent
chairman, presumably the Ameri-
can delegate.
2. Laid down the principles to
guide the work of the Deputies.
3. Laid down directives which
it is hoped will decide how much
defense the West can afford
without wrecking internal re-
covery or leaving opportunity
for attack.
4. Agreed to share defense costs
to the maximum of each member's
5. Agreed in principle to the mil-
itary concept of balanced col-
lective forces, each country con-
tributing specific units. This
meant in effect the defence of
one country is dependent on the
contribution of another.
6. Agreed to set up a North
Atlantic Planning Board for
Ocean Shipping which would
draw up a plan for mobilizing
and pooling all shipping under
a central head in the event of
Meanwhile in Washington, a top
Government official said today
the United States may have to
expand its Air Force and Navy
to support the 12-power defense
of Western Europe.
Dr. Geistweit Hits
Youth Immorality
The Rev. Dr. Harold Geistweit,
minister of the Lakeshore Avenue
Church, Oakland, Calif. emphasi-
zed last night at Rackham Audi-
torium that "If America ever falls,
i.t maa. wilfl niAo nr.l ch.-

Students Still Lack News Knowledge


More than half the students
on campus are in the dark about
the University's School of Natur-

When asked who opposed
Herbert J. Phillips in an off-
campus debate on Communism
vs. Capitalism, students showed
n. h-le r iinwledzep Univer-

A breakdown of the survey by
schools shows that more than 50
per cent of the Business Adminis-
tration students gave the wrong
answer to the Phillips-Slosson

MOST STUDENTS either gave
correct answers or gave up com-
pletely. Others, however, took a
shot at the questions - some jok-

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