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May 18, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-18

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Latest Deadline in the State









* *


* *

Forum To
Sponsor Film
Motion Passes
By Close Margin
The Student Legislature auth-
orized the showing of D. W. Grif-
fith's controversial film "Birth of
a Nation" by its Michigan Forum
Committee last night after near-
ly 45 minutes of heated debate.
The final vote was 18 to 16 with
one abstention. It came shortly
after 11 p.m.
Several women legislators had
already left the meeting in' order
to make their residence hall late
permission deadlines.
THE FOLLOWING is a verba-
tim reprint of the motion:
1. "The SL goes on record as
condemning the suppression of
unpopular ideas implicit in the
withdrawal of the movie "Birth
of a Nation."
2. "The Michigan Forum
should be authorized to show
"Birth of a Nation."
"The SL does not in any man-
ner mean by this motion to ex-
press approval of the ideas fos-
tered by the movie,, but believes
no idea, even though held by auth-
orities to be scientifically unsup-
ported and diametrically opposed
to our democratic ideals, should
be suppressed.
"We believe that one of the best
means of combating the dis-
criminatory ideas presented in this
film is to make it possible for
' students to see the film, sensitized
to look fo'r the techniques by
which such emotional and bigoted
ideas are presented in popular
communicaton media."
WALT HANSEN, '50, originator
of the motion and chairman of
the Michigan Forum committee,
said that his committee will try
to show "Birth of a Nation" some-
time next week-
"The Forum understands that
the film is going to be here in
Ann Arbor Saturday," Hanson
"If we can get the film held
over," he added, "the Forum will
try to show the movie next week."
* *' *
THE MOTION was passed in
parts (as numbered). The first
portion was not extensively de-
bated, and was approved on a 21
to 11 vote with two abstentions.
The second part of the mo-
tion, however, was subject to a
long, excited debate, and under-
went wto role call votes before
receiving its bare majority.
* * *
JAMES TERRELL, Grad., chair-
man of the Ad Hoc Committee
which originally protested the
showing of the film, issued the
following statement on behalf of
his committee:

"The action of the Student
Legislature is shocking. That the
malicous slandering of 15,000,-
000 Americans could be con-
strued as within the framework
of the basic concept of freedom
of speech is incredible.
"OUr nation has carefully pro-
vided protection for malicious at-
tacks upon individuals.
"Nazi Germany* and the Deep
I.South provide revolting examples
of the end result when such at-
tacks are extended to whole mass-
es of the people through the use
of nnwa.fii -mi of mas com-





Nation' Showing

'U' Drinking'Rule
State Law Added to Regulations
By Student Conduct Committee
The Student Conduct Committee turned down, in part, the pro-
posal recommending a change in the existing University regulations
concerning intoxicants in student quarters, Dean Erich A. Walter
announced yesterday.
Th Committee made no change in the regulation governing the
use or presence of intoxicating beverages in student quarters, but
voted to place state and local laws concerning this subject in the
existing University regulation.
THE PRESENT regulation reads, "The use or presence of in-
Stoxicating beverages in student

A rgentina
To Get U.S.
CreditA id
WASHINGTON - (041) - The
United States yesterday an -
nlounced, the beginning of a "new
era of economic collaboration"
with Argentina, underscored by
the extension of a $125,0,',00
credit to the South American
The action symbolized at least
a temporary end to a long period
of bickering and ill feeling be-
tween the United States and the
Argentine regime of President
* *
AMERICAN officials empha-
sized, however, that "very grave
difficulties" still remain to be
smoothed outinrelations be-
tween the two countries.
The credit was given by the
U. S. Export-Import Bank to
enable Argentina to pay off an
estimated $150,000,000 backlog
of commercial debts owed to
American exporters and to help
Argentina re-establish her
credit rating in the United
Although officially, listed; as
"credit," President Herbert Gas-
ton of the Export-Import Bank
told newsmen the operation is
actually a loan, With U.S. dollars
paid out on rceipt of uncondi-
tionally guaranteed notes by Ar-
gentine banks.
Under terms of the agreement,
Argentina will be given ten years
to repay the credit beginning in
June, 1954, at an interest rate of
31/2 per cent a year. Payments are
due semi-annually.

quarters is not permitted." The
proposal presented to the Student
Conduct Committee by a sub-
committee called for the deletion
of the clause, "is not permitted."
The proposal was presented
as a recommendaton to the sub-
committee by the IFC alumni
Dean Erich A. Walter stressed
that "regardless of the existing
state and local laws in the Uni-
versity regulations, th Univer-
thy will still have thec the res-
ponsibility of enforcing its regu-
lations concerning intoxicating
beerages. At the present, these
regulations are being very poorly
BARBARA LITTLE, '50, a stu-
dent member of the committee,
rated that the majority voters be-
lieved the situation, it the present,
was: not good, and if the proposal
were passed, it mPhl re~sulir.
more drinking with further com-
Jim Smith, '50, one of the
three student members on the
committee, remarked that sev-
eral questions were posed con-
cerning the interpretation of
words and clauses in the state
SL President Quentin Nesbitt,
'50BAd, a committee member,
pointed out that the state !aw
forbids those under 21 years of
age to consume intoxiciting bev-
erages, while the University regi.-
lation puts a check on all sta-
dents, regardless of age.
* * k
"THE UNIVEkSITY regulation
goes beyond the state law. I be-
lieve the state law should. be fol-
lowed in this case and those peo-
ple over 21 should allowed to con-
sume intoxicants," Nesbitt said.
The committee voted to con"-
t'nue a study of the liquor prob-
lem and to give consideration in
its study to establishng a joint
student-faculty responsibility for
the enforcement of the laws and

Atlantic Pact
Nations Set
Defense Plan
Need Permanent
By The Associated Press
LONDON-The Atlantic Council
agreed yesterday to set up a per-
manent defense organization to
meet continuously to supervise the
defenses of the West.
The foreign ministers of the 12
pact nations decided that they
needed a strong directing group
in continuous session to make sure
that both the military and eco-
nomic chiefs of the member na-
tions act swiftly and decisively.
* *
THE NEW GROUP, made up of
men with the status of Deputy
foreign ministers, probably will
choose its own head man. This
overall commander is most certain
to be an American, in view of the
United State's leadership and con-
tributions to the alliance.
Speculation among diplomats
here centered on the names of
W. Averill Harriman, Abassa-
dor-at-Large for the Marshall
Plan and General Dwight D.
Eisenhower, at present the Pres-
ident of Columbia University, fits
all the qualifications although
some question the propaganda dis-
advantages of his military back-
-* * *
other civilians insofar as know-
ledge of the problem is concerned.
The foreign ministers an-
nounced that they had com-
pleted consideration of the con-
flicting reports of their defense
and economic committees and
"unanimously adopted directives
to guide these committees' in
their work."
Also discussed was the idea of
specialization in particular fields
of military effort by member na-
tions, and the use of American
troops in Germany as a nucleus of
an international army to defend
the West against any thrust from
the East.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A broad ex-
pansion of the government's social
security system, covering some 10,-
000,000 more Americans and in-
creasing retirement payments, was
approved by thedSenate Finance
Committee yesterday.
yesterday killed two more of Presi-
dent Truman's reorganization
plans. One would have revamped
the Interstate Commerce Commis-
sion and the other the Federal
Communications Commission.
officials started conferences yes-
terday on the plea of Vladimir
Houdek, Czechoslovakia's chief
delegate to the United Nations, to
remain in this country as a politi-
cal refugee.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Senate investi-
gators said last night "subpoenas

will begin flying" soon in the $150,-
000 probe of big-time gambling
and crime across the nation.
* * *
WASHINGTON - A petition to
nlmn Q li mit n ipne i h

By The Associated Press
FLOOD DISASTER-An airview shows four horses marooned on
a haystack near Morris, Manitoba as the rampaging Red River
engulfed the area. Reports from Winnipeg say that one-fourth of
the city's 350,000 residents have been evacuated.
IRA Petition Taken To

A committee of five students
went to Lansing yesterday with
a petition sponsored by Inter-
Racial Association urging the
passage of the Fair Employment
Practices Commission bill and
the Fair Education Practices bill.
The petition could not be pre-
Druids Strike
In DeepNlight
Druids, sons of magic
Foretellers of the future
Judges - very knowing, wise -
The fires in the stonehenge
Are set alight
With flames to heaven raised;
Look upon thy awenyds,
Called from out thy mighty court
The uninformed who would see
thy light,
Hence to thy oak grove -
There to test their worthiness
With eyes to heaven raised,
Invoke a blessing from the skies-
Perpetu'ate thy heroic deeds.
Keep ever bright thy burning
The glory and wisdom of knights
of old,
Stalwart DRUIDS, true and bold.
'Ensians Out
'Ensians may be picked up
from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomor-
row and 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Saturday in the Student Publi-
cations Bldg, according to Jo
Ann Lyons, '5OEd., distribution
Yearbooks may be claimed
by students with receipts or ID
cards and by house representa-
tivesdwith receipts, Miss Lyons

sented to the legislature, however,
because Gov. G. Mennn Williams
had not inc'luded the bills in his
call for a special session.
Approximately 704 names of
University students were includ-
ed on the petition. These names
were gathered after the theft and
destruction of an earlier petition
last month.
The committee was unable to
see. Gov. Williams, as he was at-
tending the tulip festival in Hol-
land, Mich. They left the petition
on his desk.
A state government official
told the committee that a com-
mission composed of Republican
and Democrat floor leaders in the
Senate and House and a repre-
sentative from the governor's
Civil Rights Committee met the
governor Tuesday. This group de-
cided to introduce a resolution
calling for the appointment of a
bipartisan study committee to
make a full report to the legisla-
ture when it convenes next Janu-
Vulcan Summons
New Members
In the dead of night, Vulcan
called 20 worthy engineers to car-
ry forward his aims.
These men are being honored
for past contributions to Michi-
gan activities.
Vulcan, however, has chosen
the type of man who will continue
to support worthwhile projects
during the remander of his col-
lege career and throughout his
Michigan and Vulcan are proud
of these men.

New Frosh
year-old Bobby Gordon, who
prefers atomic energy 'lectures
to cowboy movies, has been
accepted as a freshman chem-
istry student at Western Re-
serve University.
About six years ahead of
himself in science subjects,
the six-grader will continue his
other studies at Canterbury
grade school.
He's building a geiger count-
er for use in his home lab to
kill time until his reserve class
starts on June 19.
New Train
Strike Set
For Tuesday
Walkout Will Hit
Ten Rail Lines
railroad strke on ten midwestern
and western lines was called yes-
terday by the Switchmen's Union
to start at 6 a.m. local time next
Tuesday, May 23.
The strike action was announc-
ed by Arthur J. Glover, president
of the AFL Switchmen's Union of
North America to back up de-
mands for 48 hours pay for a 40-
hour-work week.
* * *
boards had granted a 40-hour-
work week to 17 "non-operating"
unions and coupled it with a wage
increase ("non-operating" unions
are those whose members are not
directly involved in actual run-
ning of the trains.)
Glover said that his union had
adhered strictly to all provisions
of the Railway Labor Act, and
that on April 19 a presidential
board reporting to 'President
Truman, had suggested that the
switchmen wait several months
or until similar demands have
been presented and passed upon
for two other railroad labor
"We refuse to wait," Glover
said. "We have waited long
enough. We have followed the law
and we expect to be treated as
law abiding citizens and as a law
abiding union."
A spokesman for the Rock Island
Railroad said that the strike
"won't stop operations to a point
of complete paralysis but it will
retard service, especially at the
MEANWHILE, in Chicago yes-
terday tle railroads and their
union firemen began drafting for
arbitration two issues left un-
settled Tuesday in the agreement
ending the strike of 18,000 loco-
motive firemen against five key
rail systems.
Two six-man arbitration boards
will be selected and each one will
hear one of the issues in dis-
pute. For each board, the union
will select two members, the rail-
roads two, and these four will se-
lect two others.
The rail systems affected start-
ed swinging back into regular oper-
ations Tuesday, a few hours after
the six-day strike ended.


LANSING - (R)-- A Diemo-
cratic filibuster against the
Republican "economy" budget
dragged past the tenth hour at
midnight last night with the
GOP determined to pass the
bill before daylight.
The Democratic minority's
delaying tactics had brought
more than 50 roll calls with
the 145-page omnibus bill still
less than half considered.
This does not affect the
University appropriation in-
cluded in the first part of the
bill which was passed un-
amended in the afternoon.


'U' Request
Slashed By
Expect Slight
House Opposition
Special to The Daily
LANSING-Bitterness and an-
ger filled the Senate chamber
here yesterday as aroused Demo-
crats struggled in vain to increase
the - University appropriation
A well-organized Senate Re-
publican majority soundly de-
feated an amendment by a 16 to
eight vote, that would have in-
creased the grant from $11,572,-
945 to $12,500,000.
The measure, part of the 1950-
51 proposed state budgetwill now
be passed on to the House where
little -opposition is expected.
* * '1
THE CUT COMES as a part of
the Republican-sponsored eco-
nomy drive aimed at reducing
Governor G. Mennen Williams'.
proposed state budget by $73,000,-
Polite name-calling at first
threatened to create a deter-
mined floor fight as the Senate
prepared to discuss the bilL'
The Democratic minority gave
up the struggle after futilely hurl-
ing itself against the Republican
Although they have failed to
increase education appropriations,
the Democrats are expected to con-
tinue to oppose the complete state
budget by using delaying tactics.


Call Duff Win Triumph
For GOP Progressives,

SENATOR George N. Higgins,
Ferndale Republican, who had
previously threatened to demand
the transfer of $500,000 from the
proposed University construction
fund to the operation budget,
failed to introduce an amendment
to that effect.
He praised the Republican-
dominated Senate Finance
Committee which had drawn up
the bill and said, "I hope the
bill passes in its present form."
After the morning session he
explained that the opposition was
too strong and to create antagon-
ism at this time would hinder any
future appropriation action.
* * *
UNIVERSITY officials made no
official comment last night after
the Senate attempt to increase
the appropriation failed.
The appropriation figure rep-
resents a considerable slash
fromthe $13,870,000 considered
an absolute minimum by the
University. Governor Williams,
in his budget message had re-
quested a grant of $12,500,000.
House Republicans were optim-
istic about the future of the pres-
ent bill in that chamber.
POSSESSING a clear majority,
considerably larger than they
have in the Senate, they expected
the bill to be passed without
amendments or attempted stalls.
Republican Representative Jo-
seph E. WarnernChairman of the
House Ways and Means Com-
mittee, said that bill will undoubt-
edly be passed quickly without
changes in th itntal annrnnria..

Gov. James H. Duff's sweeping
victory in the Republican Penn-
sylvania Primary was hailed as a
triumph for the progressive wing
of the Republican Party by Prof.
Joseph E. Kallenbach and Prof.
Samuel J. Eldersveld yesterday.
Duff piled up the biggest Pri-
mary vote in the State's history
in winning the Republican nomin-
ation for the Senate.
* * * *
RETURNS FROM 8,323 of the
of the State's 8,347 precincts gave
Duff 949,791 votes, and his op-
ponent, Rep. John C. Kunkel,

"A more realistic and progres-
sive Republican party would stim-
ulate both parties and would pro-
vide the Democrats with a more
vital challenge than they have
had up to now," he added.
* * *
in the Pennsylvania Senatorial
race this year have been "greatly
enhanced" by Gov. Duff's victory,
Prof. Kallenbach said.
"Duff has a strong party or-
ganization behind him, and has
a great deal of independent sup-
port because of his progressive

NewToys Feature Atomic Twist

Junior will soon have a chance
to watch "atomic degeneration"

done much pioneer atomic re-
search with the University's
cyclotron, said the isotope is
harmless to the children be-

mately as radioactive as radium,
he explained.
The toy will probably be some
kind of geiger counter, Prof.

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