THE MICHIGAN DAILY Armed Forces Day To Be Saturday "{: of 28 Navy fighters and dive bomb- ers passing over 10 minutes later. The day's celebration will be concluded with evening dances and an open house to be held by the local Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. Dawson Says Size Increase Bad For U' A doubling in the size of the University - which, judging from Michigan's population sta- tistics is a distinct possibility - would be "disastrous," Prof. John Dawson of the law school said last night. He made the statement in a speech following the annual ban- quet meeting of the American As- sociation of College Professors' lo- cal chaptek. Prof. Dawson pointed to the ad- ministrative difficulties such an institution would raise. Even more vital, he went on, would be the lack of the "kind of contact be- tween student and teacher we think of as the essence of edu- cation." "Even now," Prof. Dawson de- clared, "we face this difficulty." At the meeting, the chapter's officers were also elected. Prof. Clark Dickinson of the economics department made the automatic step up from vice-president to president, while Prof. Dawson was electe dthe new vice-president. Prof. O. M. Pearl of the Greek department was named secretary and Prof. Charles Jamison of the School of Business Administration was picked as nominee for nation- al representative on the Council of the AAUP. Honor Society To Initiate 14 Phi Sigma Alpha, honorary poli- tical science society, will initiate 14 new members and elect officers at its annual banquet at 6:15 p.m. Thursday at the Union. . Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law School will speak on the Eu- ropean Recovery Program. The annual Phi Sigma Alpha award, given to the junior or sen- ior student who has made the most outstanding contribution in the field of undergraduate poli- tical science and in activities, will be presented. The following will be initiated: Seniors: Florence Baron, Al Blumrosen, Francis Doty, Nathan Driggers, Herman Stethenson and David Tabashnik. Juniors: Gerald Mehlman and Joan Willens. Graduates: Edmund Brownell, Norman Greene, Stella Brey, Mar- vin Tableman, Walter Filley, Jr. Faculty: Prof. Harold Dorr. Display Photos Amateur campus photography will be on display through Sunday in the main concourse of the West Quadrangle. The photographs were entered by students in a picture contest sponsored by the West Quadrangle camera club. DANCE ROUTINE-The Dudley-Maslow-Bales Trio is caught in one of its numbers which can be seen at 8:30p.m. this Saturday in Pattengill Auditorium as the final presentation of the Dance Festival sponsored by Inter-Arts-Union and the women's physi- cal education department. * * * New York Dance Group ToPer frm in Festival Cousins To Give Annual Award Friday. Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review of -Literature, and noted author, will present the annual Hopwood Lecture at 4:15 p.m., June 1 in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Immediately after Cousin's lec- ture, "Idealism and the American Writer," winners of the annual Hopwood contest will be announ- ced. PREVIOUS TO his editorship of "The Saturday Review," Cousins was managing editor of the maga- zine "Current History." He is currently a member of the Council of Foreign Rela- tions, vice-president of the Uni- ted World Federalists, a trustee of Briarcliff College, New York, and is on the board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union. Cousins is the author of "The Good Inheritance; The Democra- tic Chance," "Modern Man is Ob- solete," and has edited "A Treas- ury of Democracy" and "Writing for Love or Money." DURING THE WAR, Cousins edited the magazine "U.S.A.", which was published and distri- buted throughout the world by the U.S. Government. In 1948 he served on a small committee appointed by General Clay to study and make recom- mendations regarding democrati- zation of the German people. Cousins was an observer of the Atomic Bomb Test at Bikini in 1946, and in 1949 delivered a dedi- cation address at the founding of the World Peace Conference in Hiroshima. ,,A ' <; : ' T," ," :?f.S3 1 : :: ROSEMARY OWEN The Dudley-Maslow-Bales Trio from the New Dance Group in New York willmake its first Ann Ar- bor appearance at 8:30 p.m. Sat- urday in Pattengill Auditorium as a featured part of the Dance Fes- tival. The trio specializes in making modern dance friendly and un- formidable to their audiences so that their messages on contem- porary and colloquial subjects will get across. ** * BOTH SOPHIE MASLOW and Jane Dudley are masters in the art of 'dancing ,the folk.' They aim their routines at the people, picking their subjects from controversial issues of the day, and attempting to portray the average reaction to these problems. Their music is usually native American jazz. William Bales, although adept at dancing to folk music, has been more attracted by Latin American tunes, and has built several of his routines on the conga-type rhy- thms. * * * THE THREE combined their talents in 1945 under the auspices of the New Dance Group in New York. The Group has won great renown among followers of Mo- dern Dance for succeeding in get- ting this new type of choreography before the people. T h e Dudley-M a s 1o w-Bales Trio's success is considered typi- cal of the whole Group. Their first New York performance was termed "one of the finest of the season" by John Martin of the New York Times. Since then they have toured the major American cities, receiving very favorable criticism wherever they played. S E N sSHARING WEEKEND billing with the Trio will be the annual Spring recital by the Modern Dance and Ballet Clubs under the guidance of Prof. Juana de Laban of the women's physical educa- tion department. They will appear at 8:30 p.m. Friday at Pattengill Auditorium. Special musical background for their dances will be provided by a choir directed by Joyce Edgar, '50M. Tickets for the two Festival per- formances are on sale at the Ad- ministration Bldg. Prices for Fri- day night are 60 and 75 cents; for Saturday 90 cents, $1.20 and $1.50. The Festival is sponsored by the Inter-Arts Union and the women's physical education department. To Publish Manual A Manual of Government Pub- lications by Prof. Everett S. Brown of the political science department will be published by Appleton- Century-Crofts next month. The book will contain reference lists of official reports, statutes, journals and documents of the United States, foreign nations and the United Nations. Next Week at Hill Auditorium a d ---------------- -- ------------ +ooe4'dpi0°" m^ "°e y, v~ ,," ^" ,., . >: {: :: . < : '> '. S ' t {': t j ::: y4 Drive home .tbi fact! . FIRST . . and Finest . . . for ALL-ROUND SAFETY AT LOWEST COST Drive home tbi factl . a FIRST ... and Finest.. . for STYLING AND COMFORT AT LOWEST COST } . ~ 5 ®a -n sr " e- - . ,,, Yi //, , .. ----_ ro Drive home flb fact. FIRST ... and Finest ... for THRILLS AND THRIFT In New Orlea .. ans, Louisiana, a favor- ite gathering spot of students at Tulane University is the Student Center because it's a cheerful place //--full of friendly collegiate atmos- y- ,-- -.A Drive home ti t fact! . , FIRST .., and Finest . .. for DRIVING AND RIDING EASE AT LOWEST COST