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May 17, 1950 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-17

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Forced Retirement

City Editor's

Tapping Time





THE SPEECH department put itself in a
really awkward position when it decided
to bring "Birth of a Nation" here. And its
subsequent decision not to show the movie
pointed up clearly the problem involved.
The film, while admittedly anti-Negro
(and viciously so, from some reports) is at
the same time a classic land mark in the
development of silent picture technique.
Thus, it is both good and bad at the same
And you hear conflicting reports as to
just what the effect of the picture is. One
common report has it as a violent, irra-
tional attack on the Negro. But another
report says that the film is so overdrawn
that its attack is ridiculous. Take your pick.
* * *
The showing of the movie in Ann Arbor
is a problem in itself, and is different from
showing it for popular "entertainment"
throughout the country.
First, a movie in and of itself will not
start a race riot or create racial prejudice..
But, if vivid enough, it could turn a tense,
or near-tense situation into a scene of vio-
lence or lead to more deep-seated pre-
judice. For example, with some pretty
clear-headed people in Detroit worrying
seriously now about a possible repetition of
the riots of 1943, I would not want to see
the film shown popularly there.
On the other hand, no one would attack
the film from its technical-historic signi-
ficance. To deprive those interested in the
production aspects of movie making of the
opportunity of seeing the picture would be
sheer nonsense.
Inone respect, two positions are diame-
trically opposed - In another they are nqt
even 'related. Showing the picture publicly
for its "entertainment value" is questionable.
The value of the picture as far as "enter-
tainment" goes is seriously doubted by some
people who have recently seen it.
But showing it for the educational value
along technical lines is perfectly valid. This
is what the speech department was trying
to do. There is no ground for objecting to
the picture on its technical merits.
The speech department might well have
arranged to show it only to people interested
in its admitted values. Those people could
gain from seeing the picture.
It is clear that those involved in the
Birth pangs did not understand the dual
nature of the film sufficiently to cope ade-
quately with a difficult situation.
Which One?
Which mogul of Russian Communism do
you read-and believe?
"We firmly believe in the Leninist-Stalin-
ist principles of the peaceful co-existence
of two systems and peaceful competition
between them."-Vice Premier V. M. Molo-
tov on March 10, 1950.
"International imperialism cannot co-
exist with the Soviet Republic. Conflict is
unavoidable, and here is the greatest his-
torical task of the Russian Revolution, that
of provoking the International Revolution."
-Nikolai Lenin, father of Russian Commu-
-Pittsburgh Press

EVER SINCE the Social Security Act with
its plan of compulsory retirement was
passed in 1935, millions of American workers
have been able to look forward to one fate
when they reach the age of 65: A pat on
the back, a gold watch in the hand ("It's
been great having you with us for 50 years,
old man, sorry to see you go"), and a force-
ful shove into a rocking chair.
As a result of such a plan, U.S. Depart-
ment of Labor statistics indicate that
there are about 3,800,000 workers in this
country, 65 years or older, who are living
in retirement whether they want to or
not. And by forcing retirement on so many
people, the nation's economy is losing a,
yearly increase in its national product of
almost $4,000,000.
A plan proposed to end this waste was re-
cently proposed before Congress by Harvard
Economist Sumner Slichter and endorsed b4r
Secretary of Labor Tobin.
The plan proposed by Slichter is this:
Instead of forcing the worker to retire at
65 if he does not want to and then giving
him a monthly pension, have the govern-
ment give the employer one-third of the
amount the worker would ordinarily re-
ceive in social security payments to con-
tine employing the worker.
When the government passed the Social
Security Act in 1935, one of the laudable pur-
poses behind the plan was to provide bene-
fits for old-age people unable to work. But
a less praise-worthy purpose of this Act
passed during a depression decade was to
force older men to leave their jobs so as to
open employment for younger men.

Today, this "65 and out" rule is no
longer feasible. For one thing, the old-age
population group in this country is in-
creasing. If these workers want to retire
at 65, fine. But to force them to quit at a
time when science and medicine are
proudly proclaiming they are making it
possible for the person to live 10 or 20
years longer is not only a mockery, but
also makes it look as if this country is
unable to provide jobs for these people.
Such a condition can only bode evil foy
this country's morale and become powerful
propaganda for those who insist the "ex-
ploitative" capitalistic system must collapse.
In addition, because of this increase in the
old-age population, demands for social se-
curity compensation are one of the reasons
for this country's present budget deficiency
of almost $7,000,000. If the new plan or
something closely resembling it is not ac-
cepted, the deficiency can be expected to
increase considerably.
The proposed plan is also an answer to
those who claim the government is cre-
ating a nation of parasites. While there
are people who would, be only too happy
to be paid for loafing, most people 65 or
over want to engage in productive work of
some kind, if only for the sake of their
peace of mind.
So instead of pushing these increasing
millions of old-age workers into a rocking
chair when they don't want to start rock-
ing, Congress should pay attention to this
proposed plan that will make these people
useful to themselves and to the nation's
-Bob Solt

-DJ.aiy-Allen.J acksonl

"He's Modest."

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and'will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


Washington Merry- Go -Round

Brannan Plan .-

To the Editors:


-- - - - -- ''il

VICE PRESIDENT Alben Barkley has a
story for almost every incident in the
A senate aide stepped up to the veep as
he presided over the Senate and told him
a visitor was asking for him in the Senate
lobby. "Do you want to have him in your
office, or will you go out to see him?" the
page asked respectfully.
Barkley grinned. "That reminds me," he
said, "of the loafer down south. Leaning up
against a fence one day, he stared at a
goodlooking lady and a dog moseying down
the street. A curious passer-by noted this
attention and asked, 'Jake, which would
you rather go out with - the lady or the
"Well, do you know, " continued the vice
president, "Jake he said, 'The dog, of course.
I can always get away from him.'
"And that," concluded the Vice President
to the Senate aide, "is the reason why I'll
go out in the lobby to see my friend."
* * * '
is the backstage partner of the Federal
Trade Commission in its order against the
commercial anti-histamine drugs: Tip-off


FE PC Bill

was a hot editorial in the A.M.A. news com-
plaining of "promotional campaigns that
rival those for vitamins a few years ago."
Despite the Medical Association's opposi-
tion, doctors prescribed some 12,000,000 tab-
lets and some 11,000,000 doses of the anti-
histamine drugs in 1949. The Food and Drug
Administration also okayed the anti-hista-
mine drugs commercially in November, 1949.
One of the commercial anti-histamine drugs,
Inhiston, is owned by the United States Gov-
ernment through the alien property custo-
SECRETARY of Agriculture Charlie Bran-
nan is working on a new farm plan. This
doesn't mean he is giving up the Brannan
Plan, but merely that he is doing some re-
search on an idea that is growing on Capitol
The new idea would be for farmers to
build up an insurance fund during pros-
perous years and draw on it during lean
years. It is hoped this eventually would
cut government farm handouts to a mini-
mum and shift the burden to farmers to
insurance fund.
pay their own support prices out of the
Congressional interest in the federal crop
insurance idea is increasing, particularly
with chairman Harold Cooley of North Caro-
lina and Congressman W. R. Poage of Texas,
both powers in the house agriculture com-
mittee. As a result, Brannan has agreed
to make a thorough study of the idea and
report his findings to Congress.
However, this will not become a nev
Brannan Plan. In fact, after turning his
research over to Capitol Hill, Brannan will
probably recommend against it.
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Oxcart Hangover
A week late Congress pulled itself together
and passed a bill putting the District of Co-
lumba on daylight saving time.
A week late because Congress continues
to act as city council for a community of
around a half million people. There is not
the slightest reason why a Congressman from
rural Missouri or Southern Illinois should
vote for Washington the notions of his
constituents against daylight saving. This
is a city question to be answered with other
How much longer is the House going to
sit on the bill to give Washington home rule
and the citizens of the national capital a
-St. Louis Post Dispatch
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

- THE OTHER DAY I overheard a Negro
friend of mine saying, "I've landed the
Job, but I don't know what will happen when
they look at me."
These words of uncertainty are all that
are needed to convince one of the neces-
sity for passage of the Fair Employment
Practices bill.
As the bill so ably states "discrimination in
employment because of race, color, religion,
or national origin are infringements upon
the American principle of freedom of equal-
ity of opportunity and are destructive of the
basic doctrine of the integrity and dignity of
the individual which this nation founded
and distinguishes it from totalitarian na-
The bill forbids both employers and labor
organizations of more than fifty persons to
discriminate against persons because of
their race, color, religion, or national origin.
To enforce this prohibition a Fair Employ-
ment Practices Commission would be estab-
lished which would work with local agencies
to eliminate violations of the law by confer-
ence, conciliation, and persuasion. If these
methods fail the FEPC can, after hearings,
order compliance, such orders to be enforce-
able in the courts.
The bill would not end discrimination and
bias, but it is an importan't step in that di-
rection. And it gives one hope that the time
when a man will be accepted for what he.
is worth and not on the basis of whether or

not he has a certain pigment gene, will not
be too far in the future. A
But this bill which would give meaning iq)
the word democracy in its social sense is in
troubled waters.
After finally reaching the Senate floor a
coalition of Dixiecrats and Republicans have
succeeded in having the bill sidetracked--
in spite of the fact that the Republican
platform in 1948 endorsed the principle eme.
bodied in the FEPC bill.
. If the basic principles of democracy and
human dignity fail to move these men maybe
the fact that an FEP law would mean a great
deal less ammunition for the Soviet pro-
paganda machine to fire against us in the
Cold War, will lead to their approval of it.
Sen. Benton of Connecticut recently point-
ed out Soviet propaganda about racial dis-
crimination in the U.S. has had a dreadful
impact on the peoples of Europe, the Near
East, and Asia.
And Sen. Lehman declared in the Sen-
ate, "Our standing in the world and our
influence in international relationships
are as much at stake on the FEP bill as
on any measure which has been or will
be before us for consideration and action."
But it is a sad state of affairs when we
have to fall back on these arguments in or-
der to have a law passed to establish a prac-
tice which should be inherent in a demo-
cratic society.
-Paul Marx

TfHE EDITORIAL writer in the
Sunday's Daily accused, the
sponsors of the Brannan plan with
just the kind of misrepresenta-
tion of which he himself was guil-
ty. After indicating that subsidies
to farmers would be of no bene-
fit to the consumer because the
prices of middlemen really repre-
sent the greater part of the con-
sumer food dollar, he supports the
statement with two examples, nei-
ther of which is in point. The
profit which a farmer makes is
obviously not the price which he
charges. That is true whether he
is selling wheat or wool. Secondly,
the Brannan plan as it was orig-
inally proposed, did not purport to
subsidize wheat or grains, or any
products, for that matter, which
come under heading of surplus
Food products whose retail prices
were notably high: meats, fruit
and dairy products were the
targets of the Brannan plan. If
the published report of Swift and
Co., some years ago, is a reliable
index as to the relative part farm
prices were playing in the retail
cost of meat products, the cost
was not inconsiderable: something
like 57 per cent. Without too much
mental exertion, it is easy to see
that a 50 per cent cut in the price
of meat on the hoof would repre-
sent to the consumer at least a
25 per cent saving. And this does
not take into consideration the
possible reduction in price which
would result from the number of
potential middlemen who would
be drawn into the meat packing
industry by the lowered farm
prices and the consequent better
chance of profit to them. That
this is no idle threat, to the pre-
sent meat packers is evidenced by
their wholesale opposition to the
Brannan plan.
Acreage restrictions, dictatorial
powers and other unmentioned ob-
jections to the plan present no
problem. The farmer is not com-
pelled to take the Brannan plan.
He can take it or leave it and grow
as much as he wants to without
the subsidy. If he takes it he has
to abide by its terms. The provi-
sion permitting him to appeal in
court an acreage restriction if he
accepts the plan is liberal indeed.
Few would suggest that the courts
are not able to protect the rights
of every citizen.
The other conjured bogies which
intimidate the editorialist are
equally without foundation. The
administration of the plan would
certainly require no greater police
force then is at present required
to enforce the income tax. The
staff is already in existence for the
administration of the plan, as the
county agricultural agents would
be in charge.
The cost of the plan in terms of
subsidy would certainly be no
greater than the tremendous sums
now appropriated to keep farm
pricesaat high levels. Besides, the
national debt is nothing more than
a talking point. No one-seems to
worry about it when the nation
goes in debt for worthless muni-
About the only real objection to
the plan is that many persons
would be better fed. That might
mean an increase in population,
but it is doubtful. Those who
regularly include beefsteak in

to Talk." We students of the Dys-
phasia Division of the University
of Michigan Speech Clinic think
Dr. Hayes' experiment sounds in-
teresting. We have met the chim-
panzee, "Vicky," and found her
fascinating. We wish Dr. Hayes
the best of luck in teaching his
chimpanzee to talk.
We wish to discuss the follow-
ing paragraph given to the Daily
Reporter, Rich Thomas, by Pro-
fessor Walker:
"Since Dr. Hayes thinks a chim-
panzee is intelligent enough to
learn to talk, Prof. Walker said, he
has formed the tentative conclu-
sion that the neural organization
of a chimp is similar to a human
aphasic condition (a speech dis-
order which seriously impairs a
human's oral capacities)'."
We believe Dr. Hayes' compari-
son of the chimpanzee's inability
to talk with the human aphasic
condition is an unfortunate one
because it seems misleading, in-
accurate and incorrect. People
with aphasia (severe loss of lan-
guage processes) have suffered a
brain injury. Because of this brain
injury there have been disturb-
ances of the language processes-
speaking, reading, and/or writing,
-(specifically a disturbance of
symbolic formulation).
Although this condition is often
called "aphasia" (meaning no
speech), we prefer the term "dys-
phasia," indicating an impairment
of speech. Those who have become
dysphasic are constantly improv-
ing in relearning language. Some
>f them are taking college courses
or high school courses for credit,
and several are working part time.
One is teaching in this University.
There are so many degrees and
types of dysphasia that you might
say tlat each person is a case unto
We in the clinic do not resent
the comparison made by Dr.
Hayes that the neural organization
of a chimpanzee is similar to a
human aphasic condition, because
this comparison is too ridiculous to
receive serious comment. It is
more nearly correct to compare the
training of a baby to say its first
words with attempts to get a chim-
panzee to talk, than the compari-
son which Dr. Hayes has made.
For after all, we in the clinic can
remember when our speech was
"normal". Like a young child, a
chimpanzee cannot.
There is more than a reasonable
doult that the chimpanzee's so-
called speech, (being able to say
sounds that resemble the words
"Mama, Papa, Cup", when she is
offered a lemon life saver) is really
speech in any true sense. Certain-
ly there is no scientific evidence
at present that an ape is capable of
the rich symbol and language asso-
ciations which can be shown to be
possessed by even a severely dys-
phasic person. Even with no speech
at all, we still have a wealth of
knowledge gained by years of
study, our social ability and adult
level of functioning. As soon as
we have regained our ability to
communicate with others, even to
a small degree, we are able to
make this evident to those who
know and understand us.
It is very difficult for the aver-
age individual to understand the
nature of dysphasia. We must now
add Dr. Hayes to that list of those
who do not understand the com-

(Continued from Page 2)
ceral Cancer." Dr. Owen H. Wang-
ensteen, Professor of Surgery, Uni-
v e r s i t y of Minnesota Medical
School. 2 p.m., Thurs., May 18,
Main amphitheater, second floor,
University Hospital.
Ac'ademic Notices
Botanical Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed.,
May 17, 1139 Natural Science Bldg.
Papers: "A Preliminary Study of
the Distribution of California Mos-
ses," by Leo Koch. "A Revision of
the Species of the Bromopsis Sec-
tion of Bromus Occurring in North
America," by H. Keith Wagnon.
Open meeting.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
Wed., May 17, 4 p.m., 101 West
Engineering Building. Dr. Paul F.
Chenea will discuss "Plastic Flow
in Plane Strain Problems." All in-
terested persons welcome.
Physical - Inorganic Chemistry
Seminar. Rm. 2308 Chemistry
Bldg., 4:07 p.m., Wed., May 17. Mr.
Carl Bjorklund will discuss "Con-
tact angles and interfacial ten-
sions in a mercury-water-benzene
Zoology Seminar: 7:30 p.m.,
Thurs., May 18, Rackham Amphi-
theter. Verne B. Kniskern will
speak on Bucephalidae of the Hur-
on River and the life history of
Rhipidocotyle septpapillata Krull,
1934 (Trematoda). Jacob H.
Fischthal will speak on Rhopalo-
cercariae in the trematode sub-
family Gorgoderinae.
Doctoral Examination for Jacob
Henry Fischthal, Zoology; thesis:
"Rhopalocercariae in the Trema-
tode Subfamily Gorgoderinae,"
Wed., May 17, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., 9 a.m. Chairman,
G. R. LaRue.
Doctoral Examination for Ken-
dall Andrews Keemon, Geology;
thesis: "The Geology of the Black-
tail-Snowcrest Region, Beaverhead
County, Montana." Wed., May 17,
2051 Natural Science Bldg., 10 a.-
m Acting Chairman, K. K. Landes.
Pi Sigma Alpha National Honor
Political Science Fraternity. An-
nial initiation and membership
banquet, Thurs., May 18, 6:15 p.m.,
Anderson Room, Union. Guest
Speaker: Prof. John Dawson, Law
School. Reservations may be made
with Mrs. Harris in the Political
Science Department Office.
U. of M. Sailing Club: Annual
meeting, Thurs., May 18, 7:30 p.m.,
311 W. Engine. Election of offi-
U. of M. Hostel Club: Meeting,
Thurs., May 18, 7:30 p.m., Lane
Hall. Everyone welcome.
U. of M. Theatre Guild: Meeting,
7 p.m.,,Thurs., May 18, TCB.
doing, is acting natural, their per-
sonalities fit their parts."
Is Miss Russell really a simple
and resentful girl who has been
mistreated by life? Is Jack Beutel
a baby-faced gunman?
Your critic says: "When hu-
mor's sought, the picture is at its
peak. But Hughes doesn't do at
all well on the other effects."
Then your critic proceeds to prove
his point by expressing a desire
to see further developments of the
undertones with which "the pic-
ture's end is literally rocking."
How about the "father and son
relationship between Walter Hous-
ton and Jack Beutel? How about

the gun play which could have
turned into a farce in less skillful
hands? (I couldn't help admiring
it even though I don't care for
Westerns as a rule.)
How about the beautiful musical
score - and the achievements of
the cameraman with shadow and
If this were not a Hollywood
production, people would be raving
about the simplicity and realism.
All these achievements are even
more impressive in a framework
which could easily have degener-
ated into a horse opera.
Your critic says: " ... when the
effect is supposed to (be) what
could best be described as sex,
the reaction is one of tolerant
Unfortunately some people
don't have enough strength of
character to watch a man kiss his
wife, without snickering (I am not
talking about your critic). The
hypocritical professions of con-
tempt for the love-making of the
"feeble professionals" are doubly
disgusting in the midst of the pub-
lic displays of affection prevalent
on the Michigan campus.
-Martin Farrow.
Fcnvr * * * _


4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., May 18.
Doctoral Examination for Mur-
ray Horwitz, Social Psychology; x
thesis: "The , Effects of Group
Goal-Setting and Locomotion on
Motivational Processes in the In-
dividual." Wed., May 17, West
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 2
p.m. Chairman, D. Cartwright.
Doctoral Examination for Victor
Hugo Dietz, Bacteriology and Den-
tistry; t h e s i s: "Intracutaneous
Tests Using Filtrates Prepared
from Pathologic Pulps of Human
Teeth with Special Reference to
Rheumatoid Arthritis" Wed., May
17, Conference Room, Kellogg
Bldg., 7 p.m. Chairman, R. F.
Doctoral Examination for Floyd
VanNest Schultz, Electrical En-
gineering; thesis: "Scattering by y
a Prolate Spheroid." Thurs., May
18, 2511 E. Engineering Bldg., 2
Directed Teaching Applications:
All 'students planning to do direc-
ted teaching during the fall or
spring semesters of the 1950-51
academic year must file their ap-
plications beginning May 18
through May 25 between 8:30 a.m
and 3 p.m. on those days. Ele-
mentary school applicants should
report to 2509 U.E.S. Secondary
school applicants report to 2442
U.E.S. The allocation of directed
teaching assignments will be
greatly facilitated if students will
comply with this request. It is
currently almost impossible to ac-
comodate all desiring assignments,
and anyone failing to make appli-
cation at the above times will
seriously ieopardize his chances
for securing an assignment.
Organ Recital: Edgar Hilliar,
Guest Organist from Mount Kisco,
New York, will present a program
at 4:15 p.m., Wed., May 17, Hill 1
Auditorium. Compositions by Bach,
Vaughn Williams, Jean Langlais,
Ernest Zechiel, Herman Schroe-
der and Oliver Messaien. Open to
the public.
Carrillon Recital by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur, at x
7:15 p.m., Thurs., May 18. Pro-
gram: Well-Tempered Clavichord,
"Bell" Cantata, and Sheep May
Safely Graze by Bach, two Italian
airs, Sonata for 23 bells by Per- i
cival Price; I Dream of Jeannie
and Old Folks at Home by Stephen
Foster,dand Song of the Lark and
Serenade by Tchaikovsky.
Student Recital: Donald Sand-
ford, violist, will present a recital
at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., May 18,
Rackham Assembly, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements 'for
the degree of Master of Music.
Program: Compositions by Han-
del, Arnold Bax, Charles Loeffler,
and Arthur Benjamin. Mr. Sand-
ford is a pupil of Paul Doktor.
Open to the public.
Special Rotunda exhibit in Uni-
versity Museums building, "Amer-
ican Indian Stimulants." On dis-
play through June 30.
Events Today
Supper Discussion: 5:30 at the
Guild House, 438 Maynard. For
reservations call 5838. Congrega-
tional-Disciple-Evangelical & Re-
formed Guild.
W e s t m i n s t e r Presbyterian
Guild: 4-6 p.m., Tea 'n Talk.
(Continued on Page 5)

'International Center Weekly Tea


Mi-r~iDan 4It~


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managel by students 01
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff........... Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen.............City Editor
Philip Dawson..,....Editorial Director
Don McNeil...........Feature Editor
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner............. Associate Editor
George Walker........Associate Editor
Waly Barth......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes .......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.... Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor
Barbara Smith..Associate Women's Ed.
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.....Business Manager
Dee Nelson, Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi.......Advertising Manager
Bernie >Aidlnoff.......Finance Manager



4 Come, m'boy. Your Fairy Godfather can't waste
his time on McSnoyd- I have over a hundred
T and fifty million calls to make on this census.

I shouldn't have bothered with'
him in the first place. You
never can get anywhere with 0


Why ask me? Nobody ever consults me
any more. You'd think us old sea-dogs
didn't exist, the way we're ignored-

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