THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1950 W SPEECH SCIENCE: 'Biolinguistics' Gains Support y LEONARD GREENBAUM olinguistics, a new science ided by two University profes- is gaining increasing official gnition through the recent ication here and abroad of the its of their research. he new field of study concerns f with the emergence and de- pment of voice and speech by ' rving the biological behavior_ growth of the individual. ork on the subject was begun =$ *thirty years ago by Professor : ritus Clarence L. Meader and . John H. Muyskens of the ch department. It resulted in printing of their "Handbook Miolinguists." r. Leon H. Strong, chairman he anatomy department at the cago Medical School has al- ly hailed the book as laying the idation for a new field of sci- .fic study. hrough the endeavor of the professors and their graduate. lents many new facts concern- speech have been discovered. y analyzing poetry into the cular movements needed to n words it was shown that dren prefer poetry which re- res muscle movements most re- bling those of sucking, swal- ing, and breathing. [e also claims that through trolling the abdominal muscles, trol over the vocal muscles can achieved. While research in Biolinguistics been going on throughout the ntry, the major part was car- I on in the Dynamic Phonetics oratory in 2006 Angell Hall and the University Speech Clinic nded by Prof. Muyskens. SP 'he results of the years of re- kin rch have been used for speech mu rection, the elimination of for- gra a accents and voice improve- nt in singing and drama. sesso Vith regard to geographical ac- acce ts, such as those of a Boston- acei .t NewYorker or a southerner, He f. Muyskens feels that the pos- throe * * * * F rench Planf Seen To Aid Europain '52 Possible Basis of Survival-1ernon France's proposal to pool her coal and steel industry with that of Western Germany may become the basis on which Wese-cla Eu- rope will be able to survive after Marshall Plan aid is discontinued in 1952, Prof. Manfred C. Vernon of the political science department said yesterday. The decision, announced by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman at the Big Three for- eign ministers' meeting last week, indicates that France might recog- nize the need of economic inte- gration for the recovery of West- ern Europe, Prof. Vernon said, "WHETHER OTHER nations would join such a union would de- pend on whether they can over- coine their nationalistic rivalries," he continued. "It will also depend on whether France and Germany will be sincere in using the union for the economic welfare of all Europe, rather than tir Ow ii selfish interests." Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, who already have a customs union among them- selves, will probably join France and Germany, he commented. "Italy would be likely to join the coal and steel pool because she relies on coal imports," he added. "BRITAIN, HOWEVER, is now primarily concerned wth increas- ing her own exports," he said. s Music Fraternity v Initiates New Men) Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia, national music fraternity, has initiated fif- teen new members. Those chosen to join the organi- zation include Robert Ashley, John Beck, James Berry, Jon Curry, Bert Damron, John Dudd, Jewell Foster Donald Harris, Donald Morris Vern Erkkila, George Peters, Gro- n ver Schiltz, Reid Shelton, Lloyd Shoop and John Tipton. Don Krummel was elected presi- dent for the coming year. Other new officers are Joseph Harris vice-president; Charles Bath, sec- retary; William Janton, treasurer; Gerald Van Syoc, warden; Ralph Hamilton, historian and national councilman; and George Wilson recorder. By HARRY REED High school students in Ann1 Arbor don't resent University stu- dents, in fact, they think they're lucky to live in a University town.I Opinions from students in Ann Arbor High and University High disprove the oft-supposed animo-1 sity between the two groups. 7 *, * * POINTING OUT some of the advantages of living in a Univer- sity town, Ann Arbor High sopho- mores Bob Olsen and Roger Back- mann were quick to mention Uni- versity athletic events, especially football. "We have a chance to hear Spike Jones, Vaughn Monroe, and other name bands which would never come here except for the University," Olsen said, "and we get good University stu- dent bands for our own dances." "We have University visual aid movies in class all the time, too," echoed Backmann. "The student teachers in music, band and chor- us are good; we hate to see them leave," he added. SOME OF THE disadvantages Contract Awarded T h e University's Engineering Research Institute has signed contracts with the United States Army Corps of Engineers for mod- el studies of the harbor break- waters at Hammond Bay and Point Lookout. Read Daily Classifieds came to light with further ques-; tions. The banning of high school, students from the balcony of a local theatre was a sore point. The high school students blamed this' on the poor behavior of University students at the shows, and said they wanted to sit where they please for 60 cents. Parents of high school stu-, dents seemed to dislike Univer- sity students more than their high school children. Several students reported that their parents complain strongly about the way University students tie up traffic by their careless meanderings in and out of traffic. They also raised the complaint that University activities draw the high schoolers away from home too much. COMMENTING ON University influence, Virginia Golay, social . . Opportunity in Business rhere are never enough Gibbs-trained secretaries to meet the persistent demand. Write College Dean for catalog Katharine Gibbs 30 Park Ave., NEW YORK 1) 33 Plymouth St, MONTCLAIR 1 E. Superior St, CHICAGO 11 155 AngelI St, PROVIDENCE 6 90 Marlborough St., BOSTON 16 ESPECIALLY FOOTBALL: High Schoolers Praise'U' Town Life __ _ __ _ studies teacher of Ann Arbor High said, "Basically, our students imi- tate University students, and the closer they come to achieving the manners and dress of the college students, the closer they are to their goal." Sophomore Ingrid Arneses was umaware .of this influence, how- ever, saying, "University students are taken for granted, but they are fun to have around." As to the date problem, Sue Looker, a junior, said that not many University students date high school girls, and the few girls who date 'U' students are not os- tracized by their fellow students. Forms Ready For Engineers Senior data sheets, for the pur- pose of organizing the class of '50E as a graduation and alumnae unit, will be available from 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday at tables in East and West Engineer- ing, Bill Upthegrove, '50E senior class president announced yester- day. The sheets will ask for general information as to the man's home address, his activities, interests, and what they are going to do af- ter graduation. Upthegrove also said that class dues not paid at'registration will be collected both days at the same tables, and he urged seniors to watch the bulletin boards for in- formation on graduation. A I. ii Save on our STUDENT BUNDLE' 4 LBS. MINIMUM .....50c -Daily-W ally artn 'EECH STUDY-Elizabeth A. Pulisi, assistant to Prof. Muys- ns, measures the contractions of the thoracic and abdominal uscles of Theodore Yagee, '51. The device used is the Kymo- aph. * .* * 4>* * * ir should not try to correct his ous local pronunciations. In this int. way a person can speak in New suggests that people learn York as a New Yorker and in Bos- ugh conscious effort the vari- ton as a Cabot, he added. Film Canceled After Protest By Committee (Continued from Page 1) department's decision to withdraw the film "a commendable one." AT THE SAME TIME, he point- edrout that his group did not pur- port to represent the University's Negro students, but was composed of interested individuals. "We wish to make it clear that our protests were not mo- tivated by any desire to restrict free expression so long 'as that expression does not consist of libelous or slanderous material," Terrell said. "The Birth of a Nation" has been "indisputably proven to be a slander against ;the Negro people,", he declared. Previously, Terrell's committee had drawn up several conditions without which, it declared, the picture's showing "would not be justified." AMONG THESE was a request that a film "treating the Negro in America on an intelligent level" be shown here in the near future. At yesterday's meeting be- tween the committee and speech department representatives, nei- ther group could think of a sat- isfactory film on the Negro. Be- cause of inability to find such a movie, the student-faculty group changed its original request and asked that "The Birth of a Na- tion" not be shown on campus t at all. In explaining why his group ob- jected so strenuously to the show" ing of "The Birth of a Nation," Terrell cited Lewis Jacobs' book, "The Rise of the American Film." JACOBS QUOTES a subtitle from the film in which a mulatto tells a white woman, "See! My people fill the streets. With them I will build a black empire and you as a queen shall sit by my side." The film was "a passionate and persuasive avowal of the inferiority of the Negro," the book declares. However, it praises the picture highly for its technical excellence, and calls it "an accomplishment of great stature." Prof. Dwight L. Dumond, of the history department, last night called the film "a wholly inacc r- ate portrayal of the days of e- construction" and asserted, "If there hadn't been a 'Birth of a Nation,' there wouldn't have been a revived Ku Klux Klan." TYPEWRITERS SUMMER FUN FOR $310: NSA Announces Round-Trip Transportation To Europe NEW, FULL-SIZED 1 """"" STANDARD PORTABLE The ROYAL COMPANION 1 with FREEDOM Low, PLUS TAX easy COMPLETE WITH CARRYING CASE 115 W. Liberty St. R1jPhone 8950 SHIRTS, additional HAN DKERCH I EFS . . . . .15c . . . . . . 2c SOX, pair....... .......2c Dress shirts and silk or wool sport shirts slightly higher. PICK-UP and DELIVERY SERVICE Phone 23-123 '1 '4' 1, Each Additional Pound . . 12c All clothing laundered, fluff dried, and neatly folded. The following articles are finished at low extra charges as follows- .1 .1 Round-trip transportation from America to Europe and back for any student or faculty member from any American university is available for $310, the National Student Association announced re- cently. The plan includes only air or sea ti ansportation, and once the student arrives in Europe, he is on his own, Erskine Childers, NSA international affairs vice presi- dent, said- '* * * "HOWEVER," Childers added, "students aboard the ship will be given orientation programs on the nations they are to visit and ex- perts will aid the seagoing stu- dents in planning the most prac- tical and worth while itineraries." There are accomodations for more than 1000 students. Chil- ders said. Air transportation will be pro- vided by C-54 four engine planes of the KLM Royal Dutch Airline and the Norwegian government's S'-. Svalbard, a 6789 ton vessel. will take the sea route, Childers announced. ADTHOUGH THE DATE of de- parture of the airplanes was not given, the Svalbard will leave New York June 22 and arrive in either LeHavre or Rotterdam ninm days later. It will return from Europe Aug. 31 and arrive back in New Yor cu Sept. 8. Students interested in apply- ing for the trip must do so be- fore May 20, he said. Alpplications for either ship or plane transportation should be made to NSA, Summer Travel'Of- fce, 96 Winthrop St., Cambridge, 38, Mass. THE FOLLOWING informatior should be included in applica- tions: Full name, college and class year, school and home address and where you will be at any specific time. Also travel plans while in Europe, whether you are traveling as an individual or in a group, should be included. In addition to the applicatior $100 must be sent as deposit. I for any reason the student is no accepted his deposit will be re funded immediately, Childers saic Dr. Mann To Speal On New 'Air Dent' Prof. William Mann, of the den tal school, will speak to the Pre Dental Society at 7:30 p.m., to day' in the Grand Rapids Roor of the Michigan League. Dr. Mann will talk on "Al Dent," a new painless method fc drilling teeth, which he ha developed at the Michigan Der tal School. A forty minute movi will also be presented. YOUR Al BUM\. .,tod Of FLORA MEMORIES r0 rIIRILL YOU FOR vER Keep corsagqes and *Iwwe. 71-aI .. tio .n~ne II-, . OI .v'cdow,,d -z'.r npa n, 'h "0n , tn , -1 a1,tU n d Oi' Space r;f' ' pe afld IC"- v.0 co.,,r,r )I Aog acv &O gif,' (kDEP TOD E'* nC'Ye 51 i 'A' 'y po')Slog Ct'OQ MONEY BACK IN 10 OAYS If NOi AISFIED. 6144k 04u~ualU 1 16 0 oodiafMew Yoro I Dept. 9 1,l X. 1- i )rn Is 1- ie L. ,. 4 1 o V c;;;o oc o 0 oTake a bit of U MICHIGAN 0 with you! 4 THOUSANDS of Michigan Graduates are proudly wearing the OFFUCIAL Michigan ring. It instantly identifies them as gradu- ates of a great University. O WE HAVE THEM IN STOCK for immediate delivery. Your initials o o and last name are beautifully engraved with our compliments,