UNION MEETING Y Latest Deadline in the State I ti4 x . r !zd 4 0 4F,'l '1F7@ FAIR AND COOL See page 4 VOL. LX, No. 155 ; ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1950 SIX PAGES Loyalty Oath Test To Go Before Court May Effect U.S. Anti-Red Efforts WASHINGTON-(R)-T1'he Su- preme Court agreed yesterday to hear a new test of the govern- ment's loyalty program and to re- view the conviction of three per- sons who refused to answer ques- tions about Communist Party ac- A tivities. The decisions may have en An- portaut bearing on government ef- forts to suppress the Cmmunist Party in this country. * * * THE CASES which the court agreed to review. 1. Conviction of three per- sons given jail sentences by Fed- eral District Court at Denver because they declined to answer qestions before a U.S. grand Jury. They said the purpose ap- peared to be to determine the identity of officials and mem- bers of the Communist Party in the Denver area. 2. An attack by the National Council of American - Soviet Friendship, Inc., on the govern- ment's loyalty program. The program is designed to weed subversive persons out of feder- al employment. The council has been cited by the Attorney General as a sub- versive organization. Two months ago the court agreed to hear a sim- ilar attack by another group so labeled, the Joint Anti-Facist Refugee Committee Decisions by the court will not be forthcoming until the next term starting in Oct. * * * Budenz Calls Melish 'Red' In LibelTrial HARTFORD, CONN.--(P)-The Rev. William Howard Melish, a Protestant Episcopal clergyman and a leader in the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, yesterday was aled a Communist party member by Ex-Communist Louis Budenz. * * * TESTIFYING in the trial of a $200,000 libel suit brought by har- monica player Larry Adler and Dancer Paul Draper against Mrs. Hester McCullough of Greenwich, Conn., Budenz said of Melish: "I know that he is a Com- munist party member." In New York, Melish scoffed at Budenz' statement. Adler and Draper claim Mrs. McCullough damaged their repu- tations by accusing them of being pro-Communist. Both have admitted aiding the American - Soviet Friendship Council, which Melish formerly headed. Red Leaders Lose Decision * NEW YORK-()-The con- victed Communist leaders and their lawyers lost two court ac- tions yesterday. A federal judge denied the plea of 10 of the Communists, con- victed of conspiracy, that they be allowed to tour the country to raise money. The U.S. Court of Appeals turn-l ed down the request of one de- fendant and five lawyers who de- fended the Communists for a re- hearing on contempt of court sentences. PERMISSION to tour the coun- try., to get funds for appeals, was sought by all the Communist leaders except Eugene Dennis, Party General Secretary. He withdrew a similar plea after he was, committed to pri- son by a Washington, D.C., court for contempt of the House Un-American Activities' Committee. Federal Judge Henry W. God-, - dard ruled that he could not Eager Beaver -Daily-Barney Laschever SPRING AEVER-This malady which currently holds Ann Arbor in its grip, judging from this pic- ture, affects different people in different ways. While most University students felt the call of the Arb, this little lass decided to climb the steps of Angell Hall instead, presumably heading for a class of some kind or other. SL AppoInts P Four Men' To Judiciary The appointment of four new members to Men's Judiciary Coun- cil was made last night after a three and a half hour. meeting of the Student Legislature cabinet. Philip Dawson, '50, Richard Hooker, '50, Horace J. Rodgers, '51L, and John Ryder '50, are the new appointees. * * * DAWSON, who will begin eco- nomics graduate studies next fall, was editorial director of The Daily the past year and has a 3.3 grade average. Hooker is president of Druids, senior honorary society, has been a member of the Student Legisla- ture, and is affiliated with Sigma Nu. He will enter law school next fall. Rodgers has been in the ROTC program, worked on the Interacial Association, is a member of Holmes and Stone Case Club, and has been house officer of Alpha Phi Alpha. Ryder, who will enter law school next fall, has been both vice-presi- dent and president of the SL and is affiliated with Delta Tau Delta. "The high calibre of men peti- tioning for Men's Judic made the cabinet's task extremely difficult," Quent Nesbitt, '50, president of the SL, said in disclosing the appoint- ments.' ON THE business side of Men's Judic, Jim Smith, '50, chairman of the Council, indicated that the Ju- diciary Council's investigation of the vote fraud in the recent all campus has not yet finished. "Men's Judic has interviewed more than 40 student poll offi- cials who were attending the bal- lot boxes which were stuffed," Smith said. "We have also talked with Tom Dudley, '53, the SL candidate who received more than 100 fraudu- lent ballots," .Smith added, "and so far we have turned up nothing which would indicate Dudley's guilt." CALLED 'SLANDEROUS': Protests Stop Showing Of 'Birth of a Nation' By JAMES GREGORY The speech department yesterday canceled its scheduled showing of "The Birth of a Nation" because of protests from a student-faculty group which branded the silent film "slanderous" and "viciously anti- Negro." The film, slated for a public showing Wednesday in Rackham Lecture Hall, was withdrawn "iN deference to a request of a committee purporting to represent the Negro students of the University," the speech department said. PRODUCED IN 1915 by David Wark Griffith, motion picture McCarthy Asks Firing Of Acheson Says Communist Hunt 'Just Begun' ATLANTIC CITY, N. J-(IP)- Republican Senator McCarthy de- manded yesterday that President Truman fire Secretary of State Acheson and said his fight to ex- pose alleged Communism in the State Department "has only start- ed." * * * IN A QUICK counter enove, the State Department unleashed its thirdblast in 24 hours against Mc- Carthy, digging up an episode in the Wisconsin Senator's early pol- itical, career and hurng a rebut- tal to McCarthy's charge that the department's loyalty files have been "rifled." T h e Department said in Washington last night it has evidence that when'- McCarthy was a Wisconsin Circuit Court judge nine years ago he was himself judcially rebuked for "destruction of evidence." The 1941 episode has been dis- cussed publicly by others. * * * IN A SPEECH here yesterday, McCarthy said. "Come home, Mr. Truman., and fire the pied pipers of the politburo. Fire the headmaster who betrays us in Asia. Fire the collectors of corruption, those prancing mimics of the Moscow party line in the state department." McCarthy said his battle to un- cloak Reds in the government is the toughest in his life, but the ex-marine declared: "It has only started. As we cut nearer to the quick and more ser- iously threaten the plans of those trators to America, the squeling will become louder and the fight will become tougher." McCARTVY ALSO called on Mr. Truman to Oust U.S. Ambassador- at-Large Philip C. Jessup. The Wisconsin Senator men- tioned no new names in an ad- dress to the Golden Jubilee Con- ic~jVU Revolution. He told a reporter he would name his No. 2 case in a list of 81 on the Senate floor "if I am forced to do it." It had been reported in Wash- ington that McCarthy would name his No. 2 man in his speech here. McCarthy has described the No. 2 man as an American envoy to Europe who allegedly slipped se- cret government documents to a Kremlin spy. McCarthy has not put the en- voy's name on the public record,' but he is reported to be John Car- ter Vincent, career diplomat who now is minister to Switzerland. Vincent has told the Associated Press that the State Department would make a statement on his behalf "when warranted." More Victims Flee Winnipeg WINNIPEG, MAN.-(P)-Five thousand more stunned, helpless flood victims fled stricken Winni- peg yesterday as authorities warn- ed the rampaging Red River will reach its crest today. Another 15,000 women and children stood patiently waiting on high ground for transport to take them out to safety. Bundled from their homes in suburban St. Boniface and Norwood on two hours' notice, many carried paper sacks packed with the few per- sonal belongings they were able to salvage. Union Mass Meeting Set For Tonight Ten Amendments Up forApproval By BOB KEITH Heated debate and a possible display of political maneuvering are expected to keep the Michigan Union ballroom in an uproar to- night when Union members flock there for the organization's first constitutional meeting in two years. Ten important amendments to the Union constitution will be up for approval at the 7:30 p.m. meeting, and nearly every man at the University will be eligible to cast his vote. A QUORUM of 400 is necessary to conduct business and all amendments must be approved by two-thirds of those present. With the procedure of the meeting still."undecided" last night, there were indications that a hot verbal battle will de- velop on the floor concerning both the proposed amendments and the method of voting on these amendments. Key issues to be decided tonight will include the controversial ques- tion of whether the Union presi- dent and recording secretary should be directly elected by the Union's entire student member- ship. * * * ALSO under consideration will be proposals to increase the quor- um required for constitutional meetings such as tonight's. In addition, Union members will decide on a plan to create one additional Union vice- president and change the meth- od of electing vice-presidents. Other amendments include a proposal to give students a ma- jority on the Selection Committee of the Union Board of Directors. THE ISSUE of voting proced- ure entered the picture yesterday as a number of students express- ed fears that the tentatively planned procedure would "cut down discussion on the contro- versial issues" and could also "lead to defeat of one of the amendments by default." It appeared last night that the first part of the meeting will be devoted to discussion, with the amendments then being voted on all at one time. The Association of Independent Men attacked this procedure at a meeting last night. It was also opposed by Tom Walsh, 51L, who engineered an unsuccessful Un- ion constitution meeting in 1947. Students have been reminded to bring ID cards and Union Membership cards to tonight's meeting. Triangles Taps Triangles, Junior Engineering Honor Society, tapped the follow- ing men early this morning: Dave Vanderzee, Eck Koutonen, Bill Morris, Bill Hickman, Bill Konrad, Chuck Good, Don Downie, Chuck Remer, Wally Atchison, Ray Litt, and Bud Reeme. Two Railroads Step Up Emergency Schedules; No Sign of Break Seen pioneer, the film deals with the period in the South, and depicts" the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. * * * THE SPEECH department, in canceling the showing, made clear its belief "that the artistic impor- tance of the film in the history of the motion picture outweighsany criticism that could be l'odged against the film. "However," the department added, "the showing of the film is not sufficiently vital to the educational program of the de- partment to warrant its presen- tation in face of the objections raised." It was emphasized by the speech department that "The department in no way enters into an evalua- tion of any controversial issues which may or may not be involved in the film." * * * THE SHOWING was canceled a few hours after a meeting between Prof. G. E. Densmore, chairman of the speech department, and representatives of the student- faculty committee opposing the movie. James Terrell, Grad., is the committee's chairman. Dean Hayward Keniston, of the literary college, lauded the department for its action. He said, "I believe that the commit- tee of the Department of Speech made a wise decision in with- drawing the film. This does not seem to me to be a question of censorship, but rather of good taste and judgment." The committee which opposed the film's showing was made up of a faculty member, a few teach- ing fellows and about 20 students. Terrell last night called the speech See FILM, Page 6 Civil War and the reconstruction Senate May Decide. on U' BudgetToday Reports from Lansing late last night indicated that the Univer- sity appropriation measure might hit the Senate floor this afternoon, setting off a fight which could up- set the whole budget alignment. State Legislators filed into the Senate chamber at 8 p.m. yester- day after a long week-end, pre- pared for the final budget battle in what may be the final week for the 1950 legislative session. * * * , SENATOR George N. Higgins, Ferndale Republican fias taken a stand for an increase in the pro- posed operations budget of tie University. Republican leaders watched; anxiously to see whether Hig- gins would actually make a strong stand, or whether he would merely make a token fight for the benefit of his Ann Arbor constituents. Higgins is attempting to have more than $500,000 transfered from the capital outlay budget to the operations budget because "there is no use building more buildings if the University does not have enough money to operate the existing ones." * * * SENATE CHIEFS gave them- selves two days to push the entire state budget bill for the 1950-51 fiscal year through the chamber. Bad Boy?. LONDON-(P)-The student editor of a polytechnic insti- tute magazine was-kicked out of school for a month yesterday for trying to circulate a ques- tionnaire. The questionnaire aimed at 15,000 students was sup- pressed. Governors of the institute suspended Ian Kerr, 24, be- cause he planned to ask stu- dents 20 questions on religion, morals and sex, they said., "This questionnaire may be some sort of idea of the Kinsey report," said John C. Jones, poly's director of education. Agoreemnent Reached on Foreign A id WASHINGTON-' ) -Senate and House conferees yesterday agreed to a $3,121,450,000 program of Amerian economic aid to Eu- rope and other non-Communist areas in the fiscal year starting July 1. Breaking a week-long deadlock, the conferees set the stage for fi- nal votes in both chambers on the huge global aid program. * * * BESIDES PROVIDING for the third year of the four-year the Marshall Plan for Europe's re-. covery, however the compromise bill calls for aid to Korea and for the launching of President Tru- man's "Point Four" program of technical aid to the world's un- derdeveloped areas. Chairman Kee (D-W.Va.) of the House Foreign Affairs Com- mittee said he would bring the measure before the house for a vote tomorrow. Kee predicted passage without difficulty. The bill provides $2,850,000,000 for European recovery-or $250- 000,000 less than the adminstra- tion had requested - compared with $3,778,000,000 voted last year. Both houses must approve the joint conference committee's de- cisions before the bill goes to the White House for President Tru- man's signature. Dance Festival OpensToday The first Dance Festival will of- ficially open today with the exhi- bition of a movie, "The Historical Pageant of the Dance" at 8. p.m. in the Architecture Auditorium. No admission will be charged. The movie was obtained by Prof. Juana de Laban, head of dance of the Women's Physical Education Department, and is the first such film to be offered to the University audience. Also, Prof. Laban's private col- lection on the dance will be on ex- hibit from today to Sunday in the East Gallery of the Rackham Bldg. World News Roundup By The Associated Press CHICAGO, Ill. - President Truman, winding up a 6,000 mile whistle-stop, tour of the west with a speech before an assemn- blage of the Democratic party faithful, said last night that only the Democratic Party can make come true the American dream of better health, educa- tion, security and recreation for all the people. NYC Has No Increased Operations Mediators Meet Without Results CHICAGO --(OP) -Two strike- harassed rail systems stepped up emergencyroperations yesterday and a third began recalling some furloughed track and shop em- ployes. Federal mediators held seperate meetings throughout the day with the carriers and striking locomo- tive firemen, but there was no sign of an early break in the six day old strike. THE SANTA FE lifted its em- bargo on all west bound freight, except for livestock. The Pennsylvania Railroad . announced it operated 56 freight trains yesterday and has hand- led nearly 10,000 carloads of freight, including perishables since last Friday. The PRR also said it has stepped up yard switching operations. The Southern Railway System announced it is recalling some furloughed shop and track em- ployes and added it has post- poned layoffs for clerical help in its Washington and Atlanta, Ga., offices until tomorrow. No esti- mate was given on the number of workers involved. * * * AT THE SAME TIME, h6wev- er, the Brotherhood of Locomo- tive Firemen and Enginemen broadened its strike against the Southern System and claimed all its important operations were vir- tually halted.'' Despite the stepped up opera- tions, freight movements are far below normal on the five struck lines. These lines normally handle more than a third of the nation's rail passengers and more than a fifth of the rail freight. The New York Central, another of the five struck lines, has not increased its emergency opera- tions, in effect since the strike started. These include two freight, two mail and three passenger trains in and out of Chicago daily from the east. The NYC canceled 125 passeng- er and 300 daily freight trains when the strike started. THE walkout has made some 200,000 workers -idle in railroad- ing, coal mining and a few in- dustries. Gov. Williams Can els Tall Gov. G. Mennen Williams in- formed the Michigan chapter of the Association of American Uni- versity Professors yesterday that he would be unable to keep his speaking engagement today.' The AAUP has scheduled a pub- lic n:eeting at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall to hear the governor speak on 'The Univer- sity: Its Role in Michigan's Fu- ture." The present legislati .e situation requires the governor's presence in Lansing Tuesday, the executive office informed Prof. Normaa E. Nelson, president of the AAUP chap ter. Prof. Nelson said the associa- tion's annual dinner meeting, would be held at 6 ,p.m. in the Union as schedueld, despite the cancellation of the publi-c lecture. Sphinx Grabs SlavesTonight NARROW ESCAPE AT NIAGARA FALLS: Helicopter Saves Three on 'Brink' of Disaster NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.-VP)- Two pilots and a woman they were rescueing by helicopter narrowly escaped death near the brink of Niagara Falls yesterday when the I*--- The woman was Jeannette Bugay, 25 year old wife of a Niagara Falls taxi driver and mother of three. Her husband, Sigmund, said she had been FIREMEN then tried to get a rowboat to the woman, and :ail- ing, then summoned the helicop- ter. ,, nnfnn-nynndra Still hanging on to Mrs. Bugay, the pair climbed aboard and wait- ed for help. * * * THlE wrecked aircraft had drift- rowboat to the stranded trio, who used it to get ashore. PHOTOGRAPHER Roy Crogan of the Niagara Falls Gazette, who took dramatic rescue pictures said