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May 14, 1950 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-14

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9UNflAY, MAY 14, 19OG


Chang'es U pFr A o a 1.
For Apoval
Highly significant changes 'in
the constitution of the Michigan
Union will be up for approval
Tuesday night at a mass meeting5
of Union members.
Nearly every man at the Univer-
sity, faculty member or student,
will be eligible to castahis vote at
the meeting which starts at 7:30
p.m. in th Union ballroom. A
quorum of 4 will be necessary to
conduct business.
* * *
consideration would bring about
several far-reaching changes in
the Union's top levels, and these
changes would affect both the
Board of Directors and the
Union's student organization.
Many of the amendments would
greatly increase student repre-
sentation in Union policy-making
and administration.
Heated controversy has flared
up over a proposed amendment
which would enable Union mem-
bers to choose their president
and secretary in all campus
Opponents of this amendment
contend it would lea.d to "political
intrigue" reminiscent of twenty
years ago when the top posts were
elective. They assert also that the
proposed system would not fit the
best man to the right job, and at
the most it would be no improve-
ment over the present method.
* * * .
change say it would help alleviate

Vo e latedor
Constitutional Convention Survey
3is method of choosing
k presidents and se
one of the big issu
has completed thef
of students who1
poss t heUnion
S ~Fraternity men1
s ~the Michigan Unio
ministration in th
a Daily check rev
During this p
have held most
posts and there
stances of one f:
represented for
-ynior officers have
si"+ f ter nity brothers tc
fices. But there i
that merit and el
not fully consider
Union officers sc
-Daily-Kirk Hampton
* * * s * *

Tu esday
Shows Fraternity
redoniinate at Union

Proposed Amendments

- Because the
Michigan Union
cretaries will be
es at the coming
ting The Daily
following survey
have held high
during the past
have dominated
on's student ad-
e last ten years,
period affiliates
top appointive
have been in-
fraternity beings
two consecutive
S occasions se-
eappointed fra-
osubordinate of-
is no indication
capabilities were
say that the ma-

a "lack of student interest in the
Union," and they note a number
of "safeguards" in the proposed
system which would "prevent such
problems as occurred twenty years
Another controversial amend-,
ment would increase the number
of students necessary to amend
the Union Constitution.
This amendment is advocated
by the Union Board of Directors in
order to make future changes in
the Constitution more representa-
tive of student opinion.
* * *
amendment contend that the
meeting quorumit stipulates would

be difficult to achieve. "It would
be more difficult for students to
amend the Constitution," they as-
One of the proposed amend-
ments would 1) increase the num-
ber of student-elected vice-presi-
dents, who serve on the Board of
Directors, and 2) make the elec-
tion of these vice-presidents "more
representataive." Some opposition
is expected to several of this
amendment's specific provisions.
Most of the other proposed
changes are of a technical nature.
Union officials have reminded
students to bring Union member-
ship and ID cards to the Tuesday

i' r

Dance FestivalI
To Be Billed
For ThisWeek
The first Dance Festival in Ann
Arbor's history will be held this
week, sponsored by the Inter-
Arts-Union and the Women's
Physical Education Department.
Citing the lack of dance, both
amateur and professional, on the
Michigan campus, IAU members
arranged this festival to bring
examples of dancing to the stu-
* * *
THE MAIN attractions of the
week will be performances by the
professional New Dance Group
trio of Dudley-Maslow-Bales at
8:30 p.m. Saturday and a combin-
ed presentation by the Modern
Dance and Ballet Clubs at 8:30
p.m. Friday.
Both programs will be pro-
duced in Pattengill Auditorium.
The trio specializes in making
modern dance friendly and un-
formidable so that they can
'speak' of contemporary and col-
loquial subjects to their audiences.
* * * s -
TICKETS for the two perfor-
mances may be purchased all ths
week at the Administration Bldg.
Prices for Friday night are 60 and
70 cents; for Saturday, 90 cents,
$1.50 and $1.90.

jcrity of men who try out on the
Union staff are affiliated.
The survey shows that twelve
of the last 14 Union presidents
have been fraternity members.
Four of the presidents were
members of Phi Delta Theta
and two belonged to Delta Up-
Of 16 recording secretaries in
the ten year period, 12 have been
affiliated. Four held memberships
in Phi Gamma Delta.
dents and 80 fraternity members
have served on the Union's Ju-
nior Executive Council during 6he
same period. The Executive Coun-
cil supervises various Union stu-
sdent activities.s
This Council, withmebr
me br hip, usu: ilt' ntmbering from
10 to 13 men, is appointed by
the president and secretary.
Presidents and Secretaries are
now appointed by the Selection
Committee of the Board of Di-
This Selection Committee is at
present composed of three faculty
or alumni members of the Union
and three elected Union vice-
presidents, with the Dean of Stu-
dents serving as chairman without
* * * .
DURING the surveyed period,
presidents and secretaries have
invariably been drawn from the
Executive Council. Thus several
of the Executive Council members
picked by the president and sec-
retary are eventually appointed
to succeed the president and sec-
In the fall of 1943 a Phi
Delta Theta president took part
in the selection of an Executive
Council which included two Phi
Delta Theta members. One of
these men became president the
following semester.
The secretary that semester,
who was a Delta Upsilon mem-
ber, helped appoint two Delta Up-
silon men to the Executive Coun-
cil. One of these men was appoint-
ed to the presidency in fall, 1944,
and the oter became secretary
the followng spring.
* * *
THE 1946-47 president, a Phi
Delta Theta member, included
three fraternity brothers in his
Executive Council. The Selection
Committee placed one of them in
the presidency the following year.


Michigan Union: A special meet-I
ing of the Michigan Union mem-
bership will be held on Wed., Mayi
10, 7:30 p.m. in the Union ball-
room, to take action on ten pro-
posed constitutional amendments
presented by the Board of Direc-
tors. 400 members are necessary
for a quorum. An affirmative vote
of at least three-quarters of the
members present and voting is
necessary to adopt the proposed
changes. No action shall be taken
on any other matters.
-Robert P. Seeber,
Recording Secretary,
Proposed Constitutional
The purpose of this explana-
tory sheet is to show how the pro-
posed amendments would effect
the present Constitution if they
are passed. All words in paren-
theses would be deleted. All words
in boldface type would be added.
The general effect of the proposed
changes are presented with each
Amendment I
Effect: To redefine and make
more specific the duties of the
Board of Directors.
Article 4, Section 2, lines 1-3
The Board of Directors, (except
as herein otherwise provided, shall
have full power to supervise ard
control all the activities of the
Union) shall be the governing
body of the Union, with full pow-
er to determine policies and to
control all the activities of the
Union except as thereinafter pro-
Amendment II
Effect: To empower the Presi-
dent to appoint special committees
if so directed by the Board of Di-
Article 5, Section4
The President of the Union, ex
officio; its Financial Secretary, ex-
officio; its Recording Secretary,
ex-officio; the General Secretary
of the Alumni Associatin, ex of-
ficio; and the Senior Faculty
member of the Board of Directors
shall constitute a standing Ap'-
pointments Committee, a majority
of which shall have sole power to
appoint all except the ex officio
members of all Committees (au-
thorized by the Board of Direc-
tors.) of the Board authorized by
this article of the Constitution.
Special committees may be ap-
pointed by the Appointments Com-
mittee or by the President as di-
rected by the Board of Directors.
Amendment III
Effect: Roberts Rules of Order
shall be followed for conducting
formal meetings.
Insert a new Article 14:
Roberts Rules of Order shall
be observed in all meetings of the
Board of Directors and all other
formal meetings of the Union.
Amendment IV
Effect: To make the General
Manager responsible to the Board
of Directors for matters other
than finance.
Article 7 lines 1
Subject in all respects to the
control and direction of the Fi-
nance Committee where financial
matters are concerned, (all finan-
cial) the affairs of the Union,
shall be the treasurer of all its
committees, shall be its purchas-
ing agent, and shall have power
to select, discharge and fixthe
compensation and duties of all
paid employees of the Union.
Article 5, Section 1, Paragraph 2
The Finance Committee shall be
directly responsible to the Board
of Directors to the Board of Re-
gents of the Universityand shall
have full control over all finan-
cial matters relating to the Union;
including power to borrow money
from time to time and authorize
a conveyance of any or all the
property of the Union to the Board
of Regents of the University, sub-
ject to any specified liens and on

such stipulations and conditions
as the committee may prescribe;
power to appoint and discharge
(and direct) a General Manager
and to fix his compensation.
Amendment V
Article 10, Section 1, add
Only past or present members
of the Union Executive Council
are eligible for the offices of Pres-
ident and Recording Secretary of
the Union.
Amendment VI
Article 12:
(Four hundred Union members
entitled to vote) Members num-
bering five per cent of the student
membership shall constitute a
quorum of the Union: ten mem-
bers of the Board of Directors, a
quorum of such Board, and the
majority of the members of any
Committee of the Board, a quorum
of such committee.
Amendment VII
Article II, Paragraph 1
A special meeting of the mem-
bers of the Union shall be called
by the Recording Secretary upon
written request of a majority of
the members of the Board of Di-

man of the Men's Judiciary Coun-
cil are assigned to the Eections
Committee of the Student Legis-
lature and the Nominating Com-
mittee of the Board ofDirectors.
Article 4, Section 1,
Paragraphs 2 and 3
The Board of Directors shall
consist of: (Six) Seven Vice-Pres-
idents of the Union, to be student
members, to be (selected) elected
(by schools and colleges on vote
of the students herein, respective-
ly,) at such annual election as
hereinafter provided.
(The Chairman of the Men's
Judiciary Council, ex officio)
Article 10, Section 2
Not later than the second Sat-
urday in April in each year, the
Appointments Committee shall
appoint a Nominating Committee,
of five student members of the
Union, not more than one of whom
shall be a member of the Board
of Directors, and none of whom
shall, if he accepts, be eligible to
election, at the then forthcoming
election, to any office of the
Union. It shall be the duty of the
Nominating Committee, not later
than (the last Saturday,) fifteen
days before the spring All Cam-
pus Elections by a suitable docu-
ment to be filed with the (Chair-
man of the Men's Judiciary Coun-
cil) Elections Committee of the
Student Legislature or its coun-
O~rpart in election procedure, to
nominate, from the student body,
officers for the ensuing year, as
f ollows :
(At least two candidates for
each of the Vice Presidents, six in
all, one for a) the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts and
the Graduate School, b) for the
Coleges of Engineeringand Ar-
chitecture, c) for the Medical
School, d) for the Law School, e)
for the College of Dental Sur-
gery, and f) for the remaining
schools and colleges; the candi-
dates for Vice-Presidents to be
students in good standing in the
respective schools or colleges which
they are nominated to represent.)
At least ten candidates for Vice-
Presidents from at least five of
the following schools and colleges:
Literature, Science, and the Arts;
Engineering; Architecture; Fores-
try and Conservation; Music; Bus-
iness Administration; Education;
Pharmacy; and any other school
or college primarily under-gradu-
ate which may be hereafter reat-
ed: and at least fdur candidates
from at least three of the following
schools: Law; Medicine; Dental;
Graduate; Public Health; or any
other school primarily graduate
which may be hereafter created.
Candidates for Vice-Presidents
are to be students in good standing
in the respective schools or col-
leges from which they are nom-
inated. Five of these shall be elec-
ted from the following schools and
colleges by the students therein:
Literature, Science, and the Arts;
Engineering; Arichitecture; For-
estry and Conservation; Music;
Business Administration; Educa-
tion; Pharmacy; and any other
school or college primarily under-
graduate which may be hereafter
created. At least four schools or
colleges shall be represented
among the Vice-Presidents from
this group.
Two of the seven Vice-Presidents
shall be elected from the follow-
ing schools, by the students there-
in: Law; Medical; Graduate; Pub-
lic Health; or any other school
primarily graduate which may be
hereafter created. Two schools
shall be represented.
Section 3
Any two hundred members of

the Union, by signing a petition
and filing it, properly signed, with
the (Chairman of the Men's Judi-
ciary Council) Nominating Com-
mittee (at or before 9 a.m. of the
fourth) on or before the tenth day
preceding the day set for the elec-
tion, may nominate a candidate or
candidates for Vice-President.
Section 4
It shall be the duty of the (Chair-
man of the Men's Judiciary Coun-
cil) Nominating Committee to see
that all nominations herein auth-
orized be given prompt and suit-
able publicity, among resident
members of the Union, by posting
notice of each annual election and
meeting to be given, by posting and
by publication, at least ten days
before the date of the same.
Section 5
The annual election of the (six)
seven Vice-Presidents as above
provided shall be held on the day
of spring All-Campus Elections.
(under the supervision of the
Chairman of the Men's Judiciary
Section 6
The polls of such election shall
be kept open during the hours de-

marily undergraduate which may
be hereafter created.
Eachstudent in the following
schools and colleges shall be en-
titled to vote for no more than
two candidates: Law; Medical;
Dental; Graduate; Public Health;
or any other school primarily grad-
uate. (The person receiving the
highest number of votes for each
office shall be declared elected
thereto) In case of a tie for any
office, the selection shall be made
by the Men's Judiciary Council
or its counterpart in student elec-
tions procedure.
Amendment IX
Effect: to change the composit-
tion of the Selections Committee
from three students and three fac-
ulty-alumni members to five stu-
dents and two faculty-alumni
Article 10, Section 1, paragraph 1
(The President and its Record-
ing Secretary, to be students, are
to be appointed by a committee.)
The Selections Committee shall be
composed of the Dean of Students,
ex officio; (three) two faculty or
alumni members; and (three) five
studentmembers chosen from the
(six Vice-Presidents. The facul-
ty, alumni, and student members
shall be appointed by the Appoint-
ments Committee. The Dean of
Students shall be Chairman of the
Selections Committee and shall
have no vote.
Article 10, Section 1, paragraph 2
lines 4-6
Such elections shall be by a
majority vote of the entire voting
membership of the committee.
Amendment X (choice of eiter a
or b)
Effect: a) Except for minor
changes to keep the present meth-
od of selecting the President and
Recording Secretary by the Se-
lection Committee, b) To have
the President and Recording Sec-
retary elected by the student mem-
bers from candidates presentedby
the Selections Committee.
(T h i s Selections Committee
shall at a meeting on the second
Saturday preceding All-Campus
elections, or the postponement of
such meeting,) it shall be the duty
of the Selections Committee to
meet on a date specified by the
Board of Directors and elect a
President and Recording Secre-
tary for the ensuing year Such
election shall be by a majority
vote of the entire voting commit-
tee. The elected officers shall take
office immediately.
b) The Board of Directors offers,
but does not endorse, the follow-
ing proposed amendment:
Article 10, Section 1, paragraph 1
(The President of the Union and
its Recording"Secretary, to be stu-
dents, are to be appointed by a
committee) The Selections Com-
mittee shall be composed of -
Article 10, Section 1, paragraph 2
(T h is Selections Committee
shall at a meeting on the second
Saturday preceding All-Campus
elections, or the postponement of
such meeting) it shall be the duty
of the Selections Committee to
meet on a date specified by the
Board of Directors and (elect)
nominate not more than four oant-
didates for President and Record-
ing Secretary for the ensuing year.
Such nomination shall be by a
majority vote of the entire voting
The President and the Record-
ing Secretary shall be elected by
the student members at the annual
spring AlI-Campus elections, from

among those candidates submitted
by the selections committee.
The candidate with the highest
number of votes shall be Presi-
dent; the candidate with the next
highest shall be Recording Sec-
retary. A suitable document shall
be filed with the Student Legis-
lature Elections Committee or its
counterpart in student elections
not later that fifteen days before
the spring All-Campus election.
Th elected officers shall take of-
fice immediately.
Seeks Women
In Medicine
More women should be admit-
ted to medical schools, Dr. Bertha
Van Hoosen, graduate of the med-
ical school, told members of Al-
pha Epsilon Iota, women's medi-
cal sorority, last night.
The number of women entering
medical colleges doubled each
year before 1940 and the number
should continue to double, the
author of ''Petticoat Surgeon"






4 I ''





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