THE MICHIGAN DAILY 8UNDAY, The Irannan Plan THOMAS L. STOKES: JNDER THE TERMS of the Brannan Plan, farm commodities are allowed to find heir natural price level on the open market. The farm income remains adequate since ;he government pays the farmer a direct subsidy which makes up the difference between the market price and the support area or parity price. One of the mistaken assumptions in the rannan Plan lies in the fact that what the msumer pays for his food at the present me is not as much a matter of how much ie farmer gets for his produce as what the rocessing and marketing agents get from it. If the farmer received 1/2 his present profit a a loaf of bread, the consumer would save ne cent on the loaf. If the farmer received ' his present profit on wool, a $50 suit would 'ill cost $47. Hence the problem of surpluses will not be )lved with the Brannan Plan since it brings o real saving to the individual consumer. And for a consumer saving of a few dol- lars each year, Secretary of Agriculture Brannan would ask an increase in the national debt and dictatorial powers for iimself. Secretary Brannan's proposal states that ach farmer's acreage quota is to be "de- ermined and specified by the Secretary." the farmer is dissatisfied with his quota, e may apply to have his quota reviewed "by local review committee composed of three armers" appointed by the Secretary himself. If the farmer disagrees with the review ommittee's decision, he can take it to the ourts where the facts bearing on the case ditorials published in The Michigan Daily re written by members of The Daily staff nd.represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN DAVIES will be determined by that same review committee which was appointed by the Sec- retary. Even if the farmer finally secures a favor- able verdict, "the marketing quotas for other farms shall not be affected." This means that in case of any dissatisfaction each farmer must individually take his case to court. Farmers that dare to market any com- modity in excess of the farm quota receive stiff penalties. In order to control and watch the farmers as carefully as the Brannan Plan would suggest, the Agricultural Department may have to spend as much on a police force as it will have to pay the farmers to keep up the farm income. Despite the farm control and expense that the Brannan Plan would bring about with- out lowering the surplus much, the plan might be worth a try if it could alleviate the real agricultural problems facing the nation. But the Brannan Plan, like present farm legislation, does not give the farmer any real reason to change his production from an overabundant commodity to more needed products. Under the Brannan Plan farmers still have almost every incentive to go on planting and growing all the potatoes, wheat, cotton and corn they can. The government will furnish a market. The acreage restrictions which supposedly take care of this problem are outdated. With today's progressive farming it merely means that farmers will produce a greater per-acre yield. Other features in the Brannan Plan are equally fallacious. A program both fair and practical for farmers and consumers alike should be worked out. "Lower prices with Secretary Brannan" is a good campaign slogan. But under its smooth-looking surface, the Brannan Plan actually makes no substantial improvements. -Leah Marks I ON THE Washington Merry Go-Round WITH DREW PEA4RSON WASHINGTON-Secretary of State Ache- son is now on the most important dip- lomatic mission of his life. 'Upon its outcome depends whether Europe will begin working in earnest to build up its defense against Prussia or will look for an excuse to let the North Atlantic Pact fall apart. Yet the Secretary of State arrived in France a weary, frustrated, and almost beat- en man., Much of this undoubtedly was due to the incessant pounding he has received from Senator McCarthy. Whatever the reason, Acleson has seemed not only exhausted, but overwhelmed by the problems he faced and with no new ideas for meeting the future. To a group of friends not long before he departed, he. gave this discouraging sum- mary of the world situation: GERMANY-We have no real policy and live from day to day. We may expect any- thing short of war in the expected Comb mu'nist putsch on Berlin in May. However, the Russians will not catch us off guard.: General Taylor has been instructed to turn back the demonstrators 'with fire hose, tear gas and then, if necessary, bullets. YUGOSLAVIA-Marshal Tito is most dif- ficult to handle. He is skittish about being identified with the west and proudly asserts he, not Stalin, is the true Communist. Tito continues to stir up trouble against Italy over Trieste. IRAN-Iran should be a pillar of anti- Communism in the near east, but poverty and corruption make it an easy target for our enemies. It is difficult to understand what has happened to the Shah in receflt, months. He appears to have lost control of his government, and, in the face of this sit- uation, a dangerous condition is almost cer- tain to develop. INDO-CHINA-The French are being shortsighted in not handing over more au- thority and prestige to Emperor Bao Dai. ie can never get a popular following large enough to overcome the Communist, Ho Chi Minh, until he can prove he is not a French, puppet. The French ought to turn over to him the*palace at Saigon as a symbol of authority. THE PHILIPPINES-There has been A' shocking derterioration in the strength of the Philippine government in the last few months. Today, the government is unable to maintain order even on the outskirts of Manila. The Huks (Hukbalahaps) are oper- ating in the very shadow of the presidential palace. Graft and corruption are rampant. Of the two billion dollars granted the Philip- pines since the war, but 125 million remain. A total collapse of the entire Philippine ad- ministration is possible within the near fu- ture. The situation is so unstable that Presi- dent Quirino has fled Manila and is living in Baguio. KOREA-Not as unstable as the Philip- pines but still very far from political health. There is a danger that the Korean regime may not be able to weather th storm. a GREECE-We were happy about the whole Greek situation until just recently, when King Paul decided the time was ripe for him to take over the' government. Now things ar going downhill. THE UNITED NATIONS-The UN is not an effective instrument in waging the cold war. In addition to the obvious problems we have with Russia, we have the more recent and almost equally serious problem of the increasing division of the western powers-- such as the Anglo-American split over recog- nition of China, the difficulty in making plans with the shaky British and French governments. As a result the western coali- tion today is very, very weak. When a friend asked why the State De- partment didn't give the UN some ideas for saving the peace, Acheson wearily replied: "Perhaps it's because we don't have any." The Secretary of State concluded his re- marks by saying that the fact that the Mar- shall Plan officially ends in 1952 does nor m'ean we can halt economic aid or retird back into isolation. "The world," he said, "is very much with us, whether we like it or not." NOTE-Secretary Acheson's diagnosis of the world coincides with that of the National Defense Agencies. But Acheson, perhaps be- cause of the pounding he has taken in the Senate, seems a little wearier than they. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) The UN Crisis WASHINGTON - Perhaps the most im- portant single issue before the people of our country and the world today is the saving of the international organization in which they put so much faith as a means of meeting together, discussing common prob- lems, communicating with one another and, through joint effort, keeping the peace. The United Nations has, in point of fact, come to a crisis. That crisis, if property recognized, can be the beginning of a new effort' to revive its influence and, ulti- mately, to reorganize and rebuild it.' If we fail to recognize the emergency, the U.N. can slowly deteriorate, lose its pres- tige and go the way of the League of Nations that was created hopefully for similar purpose after the first World War. We did not enter the League of Nations which was, in the end, perhaps a major reason for its failure. Our great power was needed to make it really effective. We are not only in the United Nations. It was created here, at San Francisco in 1945, and its headquarters are in our country. PESSIMISM ABOUT the United Nations recently has been dramatized by the sug- gestion of Herbert Hoover that it be reor- ganized without Russia. Mr. Hoover's dis- illusion was provoked by Russia's unco-oper- ative attitude generally and her current boy- cott of U.N. agencies because Nationalist China has not been replaced on the Security Council by Communist China. His position, while understandable, is regrettable and surely does accord with our responsibility in the world and the natural buoyancy and determination of our people, pioneers by instinct. His proposal brought immediate dissent. from President Truman and Warren Aus- tin, our U.N. Security Council representa- tive, former Republican Senator from Vermont. Optimism about the future of U.N. and a determination to make it work were symbol- ized, in contrast to Mr. Hoover, by Trygve Lie, its Secretary General, who is going this week to Moscow, after conferences with our government and those of Britain and France, in an effort to open the way for Russia's return to full partnership in U.N. It may' take time.Mr. Lie sees the U.N. as the only agency through which the cold war can be ended and a hot war prevented It is his faith that truly represents that of the peo- ple of the world. The U.N. has been unable to handle the major problems which harass the world, which are the problems between'us and Rus- sia-such as international control of atomic energy and its war weapon, the bomb; dis- armament, including that and other wea- pons; establishment of a world police force and the like, all original objectives of U.N. But with patience we may work toward some settlement there and the U.N. then can carry forward, intact. If broken up now, it won't be available to function. *k * * A T THIS TIME, however, day by day, without much publicity and fanfare, the U.N. is doing business today. These are basic things, having to do with increasing the world's food resources, so everybody can get enough to eat; feeding starving children in devastated lands and caring for them; re- settling war refugees; promoting health, education, conservation of resources; pro- viding funds for rehabilitation and stabiliz- ing currencies; removing trade and tariff barriers, so that nations can trade with one another; promoting understanding and good will through exchange of information and culture. These activities are all designed to re- move the reasons for wars and aggression and when carried on in common programs beyond national boundaries by nations co- operating with each other they bring peo- ple closer together. They are carried on by what are called the specialized agencies of U.N., most of them organized as auxiliaries to the Social and Economic Council, itself one of the principal organs of U.N., and are comparable to spe- cial commissions and agencies of our own Federal government. Most important, they penetrate in many instances behind the Iron Curtain and rise above current political differences in their humanitarian objectives. To curtail them would be a tragedy for the, world. Because of their importance, and the im- portance of preserving them and their valu- able work, the stories of some of them will be told here subsequently in a series of articles to focus attention on them as a basis for perpetuating U.N. as an effective world or- ganization. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Basketball Coach ... . < To the Editor: THE RECENT appointment of Dave Newall as Basketball coach at Michigan State College is a wise policy move on their part which should be emulated by the University of Michigan if and when any changes in the list of our head coaches arises or are contemplated. Mr. Newall had an outstanding record as head coach at San Fran- cisco University and' last year coached them to the NIT cham- pionship at Madison Square Gar- den. He is known as far as his ability can be reckoned. There is a great gap between being an assistant and being head man in anything. This is true also in athletics. A man without previous head coach experience in collegiate ranks represents a gam- ble on the part of the school em- ploying him. Michigan is too big and rich a school and has too much prestige to make such a gamble when there are so many proven coaches around the cun- try eager and willing to come here. It would be provincial to in- sist that they be graduates of our school. Four years ago we hired a bas- ketball coach with a record of achievement. We escaped the lea- gue second division for the first time in many years and won the championship his second year. This man was a true professional basketball coach, it is his life work, and was hired as such. His previous accomplishments showed it wasn't luck and his repute was such as to attract high calibre players. There was no gamble in- volved in hiring him. No matter how happy some risks taken with inexperienced head coaches may or hve turned out for Michigan in the p a s t, the chances are good that some of the future choices inrthis category be shown to be poor or, at best, mediocre. -Ralph L. Christensen ,* ,, McCarthy, Et Al.... To the Editor: MOST of us on campus protest the despicable McCarthy in- vestigation which has smeared many innocent State department employees and deprived them of the right to a hearing behind clos- ed doors. Many of us would like to see McCarthy exposed for what he is: a Red-baiting loudmouth backed by the selfish interests in Wall Street. We Americans must wake up to the fact that our precious liberties are being taken away by these outrageous investigations. And for what? To get rid of Communists in the government, whose only fault is that they believe in the reform of our democratic insti- tutions by peaceful means. And Alger Hiss may be a Communist, but he is' a great American. He proved so at Yalta. We need such men in government. It is a shame to persecute and prosecute them. It is the great fault in our sys- tem. Speaking as a member of the "Oops - Almost Forgot My Medicine Kit" - - -- N- CA P 14 " - P l *1 -. # -.. £/A4 Iette' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. people's party, the DemocraticI Party (YD on campus, whose meetings I regularly attended un- til a year ago; I am now active with therDemocrats inAnn Ar- bor), I must say that I firmly op- pose the activities of not only Joe McCarthy, but of John Edgar Hoo- ver and his gossip-hunting FBI as well. They serve no useful purpose in a democracy. If it were not for them and their cohorts, we would not be afraid of speaking our minds openly and without fear of recrimination. Long live freedom in this land. Heaven save us from the McCarthy's and Hoover's. Orchids to The Daily for its anti-McCarthy attack. -Al Rosencranz,' '48BAd * * * Tag Day Drive . . To the Editor: ON BEHALF of the Fresh Air Camp committee we wish to express our appreciation to the students for the help given in the Fresh Air Camp Tag Day. It is inspiring to realize that over 500 students participated in this cam- paign and that the students and town's people were so generous in their contributions. We 'hope that the University Students who work with the boys during the Summer will be able to tell the rest of you directly the story of how your money helped. We hope further that many of you will use the camp during the week-end parties of the various student groups throughout the year. -Howard Y. McClusky, Acting Chairman Executive Committee -William C. Morse, Director * *.* Discussion. To the Editor: THE action of the University lecture committee in banning the discussion of topics dealing with communism casts a shadow on the otherwise democratic policy of a University, very international in character according to all counts. In any thinking individual, the restriction placed on the study through discussion of an academic and important topic is likely to lead to unanswered questions. Questions lead to probing the sub- ject even more thoroughly than before. And so, the purpose of the action does not justify itself. Laws are laws and will remain laws, but the formation of such laws before they become laws is open to a democratic discussion. Right of free discussion is the basis of a free and democratic process. -Anand C. Pande * * * East Quad .. . To the Editor: I have just finished reading the letter concerning the conflict between the two radio stations in the East Quad. I heartily concur with the opinions of Mr. Stock- ing and I belive I have a few new facts that should be brought to the attention of the students. The managei ient of WSHO has show- ed a remarkably cooperative spirit in the face of the recent events. With the pleasure of the listen- ing audience uppermost in their mind, they have determined that their operatiion of WSHO should in no way cause the discomfort of any who would prefer to listen to WEQN. -To be sure that the broadcasts of WSHO do not inter- fere with those of WEQN, the broadcasting band of WSHO has been shifted. This step was made with the expenditure of much time and labor on the part of the chief engineer of this station. This was not the only -cooperative step taken by WSHO. So that they could not be accused of unfair competitive practices they have announced that they would not try to solicit any monetary aid to take care of the operating ex- penses of ,the station. The whole purpose of WSHO is to provide good radio entertainment for its listeners in the East Quad. When any group of men show such great selflessness they should be eencouraged in every was to con- tinue with their work. For this added reason I hope WSHO con- tinues to operate in the East Quad. -Fred Beck, '52 * * Debate . To the Editor: was one of the disappointed 2000 in front of 211 S. State at the Slosson-Phillips debate. There is no doubt that the vast majority of both students and faculty are in opposition to the lecture com- mittee. There is obviously no valid reason. for denying the debateand the mumble-jumble o f P ro0f. Brandt's statement bears this out. Why was the debate suppressed? The lecture, committee knew the adverse publicity that would oc- cur. Every,.major infringement of academic freedom and violation of free speech has always hurt the University. In '40 the dismis- sal of 1i2students who were in anti-discrimination work, organi- zing a union of employees, and peace activity aroused the entire nation. 1947 saw the banning of MYDA by Pres. Ruthven and the lecture committee refuse permis- sion to let Eisler speak on campus. '48 saw the lecture committee do the same to Carl Winter, Michigan head of the Communist Party. Reason given was that he was under indictment. In '49 the same committee denied the request of James Zarichny to speak on cam- pus. This student was expelled from MSC for attending an off- campus meeting at which a Com- munist spoke. Now we have Prof. Brandt denying a debate on Capi- talism vs. Communism! The argument has been advan- ced that the lecture committee was fearful of Lansing appropriations. Was it afraid last year when it permitted Phillips to speak un- opposed?, The difference this year appears that the Detroit news- papers in conjuction with favor- ite son Ferguson are attempting to whip up enough hysteria to pass the Mundt-Ferguson bill. (Aimed at Communist and Communist- front groups) Along With this came, of course, the increased ar- manment allocations. The Phil- lips-Wernette ban may be prof it- able to somrte. The Detroit News ran the lecture committee deci- sion as a front page banner head- line on April 18. It may be profitable to business -50 percent of the national bud- get goes into the cold war. Five millionare now unemployed and another six million engaged in supporting the cold war. What would happen if peace should sud- denly break. out? Would it hurt the $656,000,000 General Motors profit? - -Gordon MacDougall - * * * Music. To the Editor: S ONE who believes that most A music criticism is impression- istic and therefore non-debate- able, and also difficult to write even when two are doing the job, I am not in favor of giving the critics a hard time. However, I feel compelled to say a few words about Ruth Cohen and Davis Crippen's column on the last May Festival concert, the one where Marian Anderson .sang. It is fashionable these days to slight Liszt, who, after all, wrote Liebestraum and Les Preludes as well as A Faust Symphony, To- tentanz and many non-hackneyed tone poems. But how can you possibly write that "Marian Anderson chose to perform . . . 1 e s s spectacular works" and then, two paragraphs down, "Mahler's Kindertotenlied- er and Liszt's Jeanne d'Arc au bucher, were representative of their composers-which is about the best we can say for them?" If Mahler is not spectacular, who is? I hold no brief for the Kinder- totenlieder, with their morbid- sentimental ,poetry. .I also .ac- knowledge that Mahler was not always the spectacular super- Wagnerian. As a nature lover,- he has many quiet, simple moments, in his symphonies as well as in his songs. But, then the Kinder- totenlieder are not representative. How much of his music have our critics heard, to say what is rep- resentative? Mahler should not be dismissed so glibly. Aaron Copland, the composer-critic, writes (Our New Music, 1941): "But when all is said, there remains something ex- traordinarily touching about the man's work, something that makes one willing to put up with the weaknesses." Perhaps his Beethoven-Mahler comparison is illuminating. "The difference between Beethoyen and Mahler," he writes, "is the differ- ence between watching a great man walk down the street and watching a great actor act the part of a great man walking down the street. Those who dislike Mah- ler do not enjoy 'play acting. One wishes that they had the wit to see that fact." --John Neufeld * * * Movie Criticism ... To the Editor: T AM in complete agreement with your movie critic's opinion of the overall excellence of Repub- lic's 'Spectre of the Rose.' Fur- ther, I share her appreciation of the high quality of the dancing of Viola :Essen and Ivan Kirov. How- ever, I must object to the casual dismissal of the acting ability of these stars. How can you over- look some of the most exquisite love scene ever photographed; the powerful drama of moments of madness; and the final poign- ant scene in which the devoted wife, sleepless for more than forty-eight hours, watches over her mad husband in a secluded hotel room and tries to save- him from inevitable commission to an institution? -Martin Farrow * * * Fraternity Week. To the Editor: rTHIS week has been one of the most glorious in the history of the Universty of Michigan. Tall, tan, well dressed fraternity men have swarmed forth from every corner of our great campus not only to entertain, but to educate as well! Making overtures of friendship, and dispensing cul- ture, the fraternity men have made a noble effort in understanding the less fortunate. Again we wish to extend. our deep felt gratitude to all the af- filiates for their admirable con- duct of the past week. Congratulations, I.F.C. Best of luck, fraternity - men. America is waiting for you. -Edward C. Fordney -Preston Niemi tX 1DA s Senate Action T WAS George Washington, reportedly, who said the Senate of the United States was to be the saucer in which the hot cof- fee from the cup of the House would cool. Calm, studied consideraton of all matters of legislation-that was to be the keynote of the Senate. So what has happened? One Wednesday the Senate in four hours and 45 minutes passed 212 bills. That works out to about one bill every 90 seconds, which is hardly time for any great deliberation. They weren't all trifling little bills either; one for in- stance, was the important measure barring interstate shipment of slot machines- There might even be some colossal legislative blun- ders among them, for the senators often obviously didn't know what they were voting on. ,his sort of pell-mell rush to get through bills occurs consistently, of course, in every legislative body as adjournment approaches. But it needn't. A little less fussing with trivial detail when a session begins; a little more careful planning of legislative work; a little more faithful attention at sessions to prevent log jams-these things would all help. It would be a good thing for the Senate to get back to being a saucer. -St. Louis Star Times I Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and manages by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staf Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Biumrosen............. CityEditor Philip Dawson....... Editorial Director Don McNeil............ .Feature Editor Many Stein-...........Associate Editor Jo Misner...... ....... Associate Editor George Walker........Associate Editor Wally Barth......Photography Editor Pres Holmes........ ..Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.............Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz. ...Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach.......:Women's Editor Barbara Smith..Associate. Women's Ed. Business Staff Roger Wellington.....Business Manager Dee Nelson, Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff...... Finance Manager Bob Daniels.......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches cerdited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at. Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. _ _ BARNABY I -- - , on-," AUZIIW ° 'U y Just ignore him, Barnaby. McSnoyd isa) IYou could wave your magic wand My Fiy Godfather is taking Phoney?....,......,uiet B'- .McnydkowsiJt I I. . ' hngu~A,~nnrI Qiet B1n11 I L^"v! rr Y~1 . If