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May 14, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-14

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Latest Deadline in the State



See Page4



Policy Made
By Big Three
At London
Unite to Curb
Reds in Far East
LONDON - (AP) - The Big
Three foreign ministers ended a
three-day cold war council last
night confident the West can
bu'ild freedom into a dynamic
force that will secure defenses
against communism and win
prosperity at the same time.
"The ministers agreed upon the
main Ines of their policy in all
parts of the world," said a com-
*i.ique - the fifth and longest
sini.e Secretary of State Dean
,:Acheson, British Foreign Secre-
tary Ernest Bevin and French
Foreign Minister Robert Schuman
began their deliberations.
THEY EXPRESSED deterniina-
tion to fight "Communist imperi-
alism" in southeast Asia with firm
encouragement and support for
new independent states there.
The three ministers decided
to set up a committee of experts
to consult with other interested
governments, particularly Ger-
many and Italy, on increasing
migration from overcrowded
Europe. .
They declared themselves basic-
ally in agreement on the impor-
tance of the "political develop-
ment of the peoples of Africa"
0 and the improvement of their
economic and social conditions.
** *
THE DESIRE for an early treaty
of peace and independence for
Austria was reaffirmed.
And finally, three diplomatic
chiefs agreed to meet again in
New York City before the next
meeting of the United Nations
in September.
No spectacular cnanges in poli-
cy were disclosed. None had been
expected. In general, more and
better application of old policies
appeared to be the general deci-
A communique will be issued late
today concerning decisions the Big
Three took about the future of
Meanwhile, United Nations Sec-
retary General Trygve Lie con-
ferred in Moscow with Soviet Dep-
uty Foreign Minister Andrei Gro-
myko on his "save the UN" mis-
sion. Diplomats in Moscow are
cautiously optimistic that the mis-
sion may succeed.
Blasts Chavez
For Attack
On Budenz
NEW YORK-(/)-The presi-
dent of Fordham University, the
Rev. Laurence J. McGinley, yes-
terday denounced as "slander-
ous and cowardly" an attack mede
against Louis F. Budenz by Sen.
Dennis Chavez (D-N1.).
Chavez, himself a Catholic,
accused Budenz last friday of
using the Catholic church as a
"shield and cloak" in the Sen-
ate's probe of charges of Com-
munism in the Government.
Budenz, now assistant profes-
sor of economics at Fordham,
once was managing editor of the
Communist Daily Worker. He re-
nounced Communism in 1945 and
returned to Catholicism.

Father McGinely said the at-
tack made by Chavez on the Sen-
ate floor brought "personal vili-
fication of Professor Budenz to a
point even lower than that reach-
ed in the columns of the Daily
Williams Will
Speak Here'
Gov. G. Mennen Williams will
speak here at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday on
"The University : Its Role in
Michigan's :Future."]
The speech will be delivered to
the University chapter of the As-
sociation of American University
Professors. The meeting, to be held
in Rackham Lecture Hall, will be
open to the public, according to
Prof. Norman E. Nelson, of the
English department, president of
the AAUP.



Dipartm nt
Dipvlom--ats t



-Daily-Alan Reid
shown above, part of a group from the Children's Village of De-
troit and the Ann Arbor Orphans Home, are happily indulging
themselves during the third annual Sigma Alpha Mu Orphan's
Day Picnic.
Individuals Must Work
To Stay Free Says Hunt
The U.S. must be strong, morally and militarily, if it is to retain
its free position in the world Lieut. General LeRoy P. Hunt, Com-
manding General of the Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic, said at an
alumni dinner of Phi Gamma Delta last night.
Against such a foe as Russia, the Guadalcanal veteran said, we
have no other alternative.
* * * *
TO GET AND KEEP this strength, Gen. Hunt indicated, Ameri-
can's must stop trying to get something for nothing - as individuals
they've got to get out and root

Gives Reason
For Showing
'Ra ist film
"Birth of a Nation" silent film
to be shown by the speech de-
partment Wednesday, met with
strong objections from a student-
faculty group yesterday because it
is anti-Negro, but Prof. G. B.
Densmore, chairman of the speech
department, said the film was be-
ing shown only to illustrate act-
ing and producing techniques.
The group of approximately 25
students and faculty members
termed the film "insulting" and
said it should not be shown with-
out adequate explanation and
*' * *
speech department said that the
department had no idea that the
movie would offend anyone.,"We
want to show students the acting
and producing methods used in si-
lent movies."
The committee listed condi-
tions under which it would not
oppose showing of the picture.
They asked an introduction of
the film at the time of showing
which would "reveal its profound-
ly racistdcharacter." Prof. Dens-
more said, "We will be glad to al-
low any of the people to make an
introduction to the movie."
"We will disavow any connec-
tion with the subject matter'of
the film," he added.
The committee also asked for a
detailed technical analysis of the
of the speech department, who
was slated to introduce the film
said he planned to stress that "the
film was brought because of its
historical importance in demon-
strating motion picture technique
and not because of its content."
The third request of the com-
mittee: that a film treating the
Negro in America on an intelli-
gent level be shown in the near
future was turned down by Prof.
Densmore because of costs and
the difficulty of securing an au-

for themselves.
"Any system of government
which is going to give a man
who doesn't work as much as
one who does, is doomed to
"The decent citizens of this
country must stop 'letting George
do it' and start pulling more than
their own weight in their com-
munities and country," the gen-
eral emphasized.
At the same time, he warned, we
must continue to support the
* * *

Rail Strike
Spreads As
Meeting Fais
Two Michigan
Lines Threatened
CHICAGO-(P)-Both sides in
the locomotive firemen's strike
met together with a government
mediator yesterday but the con-
ference broke up without a settle-
ment as the strike spread to a
fifth railroad, the Union Pacific,
and threatened two Michigan
There was no indication when
a new meeting aimed at reaching
an agreement in the dispute would
be held. The strike, meanwhile,
spread irr the East and West.
* * *
FRANCIS O'NEILL, Jr., chair-
man of the National (Railway)
Mediation Board, did say, how-
ever, that more such conferences
would be held later in Chicago.
O'Neill said yesterday:
"We said there was a dead-
lock yesterday. Today all we can
say is that the case is not set-
O'Neill said there was a full
and frank discussion of all issues
and the conferees have returned
to their own groups for further
* * *
BUT EVEN as the union repre-
sentatives were attending the con-
ference, the Brotherhood of Loco-
motive Firemen and Enginemen
extended its strike to th south-
western district -of the Union Pa-
cific Railroad and sought to cut
the Pennsylvania Railroad's op-
erations in the East and South.
The Brotherhood of Locomo-
tive Firemen and Enginemen di-
rected its members to refuse to
man Union Pacific trains in the
southwest district i between Salt
Lake City and Los Angeles.
In Chicago, a union spokesman
said he understood those trains
must pass over 100 miles of tracks
cwned by the strike-hampered
Sante Fe.
MEANWHILE the rail strike
threatened to spread to two more
major carriers serving Detroit and
Waldo Smith, acting vice-
president of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen and En-
ginemen, said in Detroit yester-
day that the additional lines
would be the Grand Western
Trunk Railroad and 'the Wa-
Smith said the brotherhood is
studying a move to call out fire-
men on eastern lines of the New
York Central system.
City Budget
Ann Arbor City Council in-
formally approved a record
$1,290,983 city budget calling for
a tax rate of 12.79 mills yesterday.
This rate, $12.79 per $1,000 of
assessed valuation, is $1.31 more
than last year's rate.
Several aldermen renewed old
pleas that the city find additional
sources of revenue to cover its
growing expenses. They pointed
out that industries were being
forced out of Ann Arbor because
of the increased expenses of op-

Jobs Increase Prestige
Says Vocation Expert

STRIKING FIREMEN-Four Pennsylvania Railroad firemen picket the entrance to the Polk St.
freight yards in Chicago as the Brotherhood of Firemen's strike spreads. Latest road affected is the
Union Pacific, which uses over 100 miles of track owned by the strike-bound Santa Fe. Attempts at
settlement yesterday proved fruitless.

Most people don't think of their
work primarily as a means of
earning a living, Robert Having-
A'hurst said yesterday.
Havinghurst, chairman of the
University of Chicago committee
on human development, addressed
a one-day conference on high-
school vocational education.
* * *
HE TOLD of studies which his
committee had made indicating
that jobs, besides earning a man's
money, increased his self-respect
and prestige.
Therefore it is vitally import-
ant, Havinghurst told the voca-
tionalists, that they succeed in
matching up the right pupil with
the right job.
In the morning session, the con-
ference's 200 delegates gathered
from all over the state, heard the
problem of exactly what vocational
problem a high school should of-
fer, attacked from three view-
* * *
HAVINGHURST, in his morning
speech, declared, that since high
schools can not be expected to fill
every student's vocational need,
they should let a student drop out
if he can make faster advances vo-
cationally outside of school.
Philadelphia high school prin-
cipal William Cornog felt that it
was more important for a student
to learn cultural subjects than to
learn an occupation.
The opposite view was taken by
Earl R. Sifert, Maywood, Ill., prin-
cipal, who said the preparation for
an occupation is essential in the
With the Union general
meeting for constitutional re-
vision scheduled for Tuesday
night, The Daily today pub-
lishes the amendments which
will be up for consideration.
The amendments, and compli-
mentary stories, may be found
on page six.

education of the youth for a full
The conference was sponsored
by six state educational organiza-
tions. Ralph C. Wenrich was gen-
eral chairman.
World News
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - A strike of 700
Pan-American World Airways
flight attendants, supported by
3,000 -maintenance workers, was
called off yesterday 17 hours after
it started.
The walkout, which began mid-
night Friday, was cancelled late
yesterday afternoon when both
sides agreed to submit disputed is-
sues to arbitration.
* * *
WASHINGTON - U.S. diplo-
mat John Vincent, who is re-
ported to be "case No. 2" in Sen.
Joseph McCarthy's (R-Wis.)
charges of widespread Red in-
fluence in government, said yes-
terday the State Department
would make a statement on the
matter when warranted.
* * *
commando-type raid on the Com-
munist mainland 140 miles south
of Shanghai was reported yester-
day in official Chinese Nationalist
* * *
WASHINGTON - A group of
Republican Senators yesterday
made the opening move in an at-
tempt to cut another quarter bill-
ion dollars or more from the for-
eign aid bill.
* * *
TOKYO-A fire roared through
the town of Agematsu early to-
day, destroying 1,000 houses and
injuring 150 persons, Japanese
press reports said.

Funud Fight
Post poned*
By Recess
State Legislators ambled out of
the capitol building in Lansing
Friday for a week-end recess after
setting tlle stage *for a Senate
battle which will probably center
around the proposed $11,572,945
University appropriation.
Governor G. Mennen Williams
officially noted the Republican-
dominated Senate Finance Com-
mittee's effort to slash $72,000,000
from his proposed state budget for
the 1950-51 fiscal year.
TAKING A STAND for an in-
creasedUniversity appropriation
he declared, "to further hamper
this strong educational institution
is bad."
Governor Williams favored a
grant of $12,500,000 for the Uni-
versity in his budget mesage. But
this .figure .was .more .than
$1,000,000 short of the $13,870,-
000 considered necessary for
operations by the University.
A Senate floor fight loomed as
Ferndale Republican George N.
Higgins rebelled against his party
by taking a stand for a University.
appropriation increase of $500,-
yesterday that University officials
wil attempt to have $500,000 of a
proposed $1,500,000 capital outlay
budget transferred to the opera-
tions budget. Senator Higgins'
stand is substantially the same.
The $1,500,000 proposed for
capital outlay would be used to
start construction . of !the out -
patient clinic at University Hos-
pital which would cost an esti-
mated $2,800,000. The remaining
$1,300,000 would have to be ap-
propriated next year.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
blasted the committee's attempt
to cut the University appropria-
tion late Friday, charging that
the University will be forced to
operate under "serious handicaps"
if the grant is not "substantially

Close Two
22 Expelled
Cite Czech Lack
Of Independence
United States yesterday ordered a
wholesale ouster of Czech diplo-
mats from this country and
charged that Czechoslovakia's so-
viet satellite government is unable
to cohtrol its own foreign policy.
The American counterstroke,
following a Czech ejection of about
40 U.S. diplomats last week, will
send an estimated 22 out of the
33 Czech representatives home-
ward "within a reasonable time."
THE PRAGUE government was
ordered to close its consulates in
Pittsburgh and Cleveland, leaving
only the Washington embassy and
the New York consulate to operate
at a reduced level.
Furthermore, the State De-
partment declared in a coldly
angry statement "this govern-
ment is examninng the situa-
tion not only with respect to
the present but also for the fu-
tu e" - a clear hint of possible
further moves against the,
The action was announced by
the State Department as the latest
in a series of clashes with the
Eastern European state which, in
its pre-Communist days, was
closely tied to the United States
in friendship and trade.
PREVIOUSLY the U'nited
States had closed the Czech con-i
sulate at Chicago after the Czech
government had cracked down on
the United States information
service offices at Prague and
Bratislava and forced the recall
of American press Attache Joseph
C. Kolarek.
The Czech Government made
the usual charges of spy activi-
ties on the part of the United
States, which hotly denied them.
In Cleveland Stanislav Dvo-
rak, a Czechoslovakian consul,
said yesterday he had received
orders from -his government in
Prague to close his office.
He would make no other com-
Truman Raps
GOP Critics
Of Trade Plan
FARGO, N.D. - () - President
Truman said yesterday the "Yes,
but boys," who he said were for-
mer isolationists, want to wal off
foreign trade, halt European aid
"and let the Communists take
Earlier, at Fort Peck Dam,
Mont., President Truman had
termed a strong and prosperous
United States "the world's best
hope for peace."
IN AN OBVIOUS challenge to
Republican critics of the recipro-
cal trade agreements program, the
President said in the Fargo speech
that the same people "who always
stand in the roanl of progress"
want to follow the road of "econo-
mic isolationism."
After a day in which he spoke
briefly at whistle stops in Mon-

tana and North Dakota, Tru-
man turned to a discussion of
foreign trade at Fargo.
Calling for congressional ap-
proval of the International Trade
Organization charter, the Presi-
dent said it is opposed by "Yes,
but" people who used to say in the
1920's, "We are isolationists."
The president came to the heart
of the nation's wheat belt not only

-Daily-wally Barth
skeleton of military force which
we now have, no matter how ex-
pensive it may seem.
Further, Gen. Hunt cautioned,
we must not abandon the United
Nations, since it is the only pre-
sent instrument we have to bring
world wide effort for peace.
* * *
TURNING TO the American
college scene, Gen. Hunt said that
"there is nlothing in the basic
principles ofcollege fraternities
that is forbidden in the law of
our land."
Therefore, he reasoned, frater-
nities have a perfect right to live

Faculty Wives Tell of Mother's Day Experiences


Like other mothers on the sec-
ond Sunday in May, those of fac-

Times have changed, how-
ever, and now he calls her up
from Harvard on Mother's Day.

tween my two sons and their
father, and I have been ordered
not to dust a certain book shelf,"

everything from plastic evening
bags to pot holder.s
* * *

Mother's Day sometimes pre-
sents a problem in the household
of Prof. Louis Hopkins of the

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