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May 12, 1950 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-12

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FURDAY, MAY 12, 1950


_______________________ I I I

" 1

Will Begin Today
1' * *

-Daily-Ed Kozma
PEER VS. PERI-Jim Euberhorst, Grad. as the Lord High Chan-
cellor and Gloria Gonan as the Queen of the Arcadian Fairies
battle it out in the comic operetta "iolanthe" which will open
at 8 p.m. tonight at Pattengill Auditorium.
* * * 4. * * *

era fans, playing leads in "Pa-
tience", "Yeoman of the Guard"
and "Pinafore."
Leading the fairies into battle
will be Gloria Gonan, Queen of
the Fairies, who waves the magic
wand over the doings of the
Iolanthe will be played by Jean
Zapf, '52M. This sprite, who was
beloved by all the fairies for her
ability to liven up their revels had
been banished for marrying a mor-
tal. ,She was pardoned by the
Queen on the request of the whole
ONE OUT OF 64,000:

be taken by Sheila Siler, as Celia,
Betty Della Moretta as Leila, Bar-
bara L. Johnson, '53, as Fleta, Kel-
ley Newton, '50 BAd, as Lord
Mountararat and David Murray,
'53M, as the grenadier guard Pri-
vate Willis.
Tickets for the three perform-
ances, tonight, tomorrow and the
3 p.m. Mother's Day matinee are
on sale from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
in the Administration Bldg. A
limited number will be sold at the
Pattengill Auditorium box office
before each show.

Group Will
Meet Today
Representatives of student chap-
ters of the American Society of
Civil Engineers from 11 schools
and colleges will hold their annual
North Central Conference here
beginning today.
Today's program includes a
business meeting and movies at
one p.m. in the Union, and field
trips plus tours starting at 2:30
WALTER L. COUSE, president
of the Associated General Contrac-
tors of America, will speak at 6:30
p.m. at a banquet in the Union.
Tomorrow's schedule of events
begins with a business meeting
at 9 a.m. in the Public Health
Auditorium. At 10:30 a.m. there
will be a panel discussion on
"Fair Labor Standards Act and
the Engineering Profession."
The moderator will be Robert L.
McNamee, member of an Ann Ar-
bor firm of consulting engineers.
Speakers on the panel will be John
M. Holland, also of the local firm;
William E. Harding, of the Wage
and Hour and Public Contract Di-
vision of the United States Depart-
ment of Labor.
* * *
HARRY L. CONRAD, president
of the Michigan chapter of the
Associated General Contractors of
America; William A. DaLee, presi-
dent of a sales engineering firm in
Detroit; and Philip McCallister,
The conference will close with a
luncheon at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union.
Anyone interested may attend
any of the meetings.
Lockhart Will
Give Lecture
"Tales of Mystery and Imagina-
t i o n : An Illustrated Journey
through the Ear" will be presented
by visiting Prof. Robert D. Lock-
hart at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham amphitheatre.
Prof. Lockhart, head of the De-
partment of Anatomy at the Uni-
versity of Aberdeen in Scotland, is
well known for his witty approach
to his subject matter. He will sup-
plement his discussion with lan-
tern, slides and charts.
This is Prof. Lockhart's first ap-
pearance at the University. He is
planning a three-week study of
teaching and research methods in
the Department of Anatomy of the
University Medical School.
The lecture will be given under
the auspices of the anatomy de-
Scholars Named
The University's Committee on
Scholarship has announced the
names of 596 recipients of Re-
gents-Alumni Scholarships.
The scholarships carry a stipend
equivalent to semester fees for the
freshman year and are renewable
for three additional years if the
student's performance at the Uni-
versity warrants a continuation of
the privilege, according to Dean
Walter, chairman of the Commit-
The scholarships are awarded
on the basis of high-school marks
teachers' recommendations, finan-
cial need and results of the "U'
aptitude tests.

School Journalists
Will Meet Today
More than 600 high-school edi.
tors and advisers will flock to the
University today for the 23rd an.
nual conference of the Michigar
Interscholastic Press Association.
The conference, directed b!
Prof. Donald Haines, of the jour.
nalism department, will get unde:
way with an official welcome b3
Provost James Adams at 8:30 a.m
in the Rackham Bldg.


(Continued from Page 5)
tative June graduates from the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter sent to the Registrar's
Office, 1613 Administration Build-
ing, by noon of June 19, 1950.
Concerts for Next Season. The
University Musical Society an-
nounces that orders for season
tickets for the Choral Union Ser-
ies and for the Extra Concert Ser-
ies for 1950-51, are being accepted
and filed in sequence, at the of-
fices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.
Choral Union Series (10 con-
certs): Helen Traubel, Oct. 5; Bos-
ton Symphony, Oct. 22; Cleveland
Orchestra, Nov. 5; Solomon, Pian-
ist, Nov. 20; Polytech Chorus of
Finland, Nov. 28; Royal Philhar-
monic, Sir Thomas Beecham, con-
ductor, Dec.3; Erica Morini, Jan.'
11; Horowitz, Jan. 19; Chicago
Symphony, March 4; and Heifetz,
March 14.
Extra Concert Series (5 con-
certs): Lauritz Melchior, Oct. 10;
Boston Symphony, Oct. 25; Myra
Hess, Nov. 14; the original ;Don
Cossacks, Jan. 15; and the Cin-
cinnati Symphony, Feb. 20.
Orders will later be filled in se-
quence and the tickets mailed
September 20.
Collegium Musicum, under the
direction of Louise Cuyler, will
present a program at 3:30 Sunday
afternoon, Hussey Room, League.
Program: Gregorian Chant, sung
by the Student Choir of St. Mary's
Chapel; Sacred Music of the 15th
and 16th Centuries, and Secular
Songs and Madrigals, by the Tu-
dor Singers; Music for Flute and
Harpsichord, played by Lorraine
and Nathen Jones; and Burgun-
dian and Flemish Music of the
15th Century, and Music for Brass
Instruments, conducted by An-
drew Minor. The public is invited.
The Arts Chorale, Maynard
Klein, Conductor, will be heard in
its annnual spring concert at 8:30
p.m., Sun., May 14, Hill Auditor-
ium. The group will be assisted by
the Madrigal Singers, and the
Traveler's Quartet. Open to the
public without charge.
Student Recital: Patricia Baum-
garten, Organist, will present a
program at 4:15 p.m. Sun., May 14,
Hill Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements foi
the Master of Music degree. A pu-
pil of Robert Noehren, Miss Baum-
garten will play compositions b
Bohm, Bach, Franck, Langlas
and Mulet.The public is invited
Student Recital: Donald Miller
'student of violin with Gilber
Rosse will present a program a
8:30 Mon., May 15, Rackham As-
sembly Hall, in partial fulfillmeni
of the requirements for the Mas-
ter of Music degree. Program
compositions by Vitali, Brahms
Mozart and Bach. Open to th
Museum of Art, Alumni Memor
ial Hall: Painting Toward Archi
tecture, through May 14. Week-
days 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The pub-
lic is invited.
Events Today
A.S.C.E. North Central Confer
ence of Student Chapters: Fri

May 12: Business meeting and mo.
vies at 1 p.m., Union; Field trip
starting at 2:30 from the Union
Banquet, 6:30 p.m., Union. Speak,
er: Walter L. Couse, President-As
Y sociated General Contractors o
- America. Entertainment at 8:31
r p. m., Rackham Amphitheatel
'U' Student Fined
Carleton Levitetz, '53E, pleade
guilty to a charge of drunk an
disorderly conduct in Municipa
Court and was fined $16.85.
Levitetz was arrested May 6 an
was released on bond.
Student Injured
Alexander D. Binkowski, '50, re
ceived leg and heel cuts in an ac
cident at Huron and Division S
when the bicycle he was ridin
was hit by a car.

Sat., May 13: Business meeting at
9 a.m. and Panel Discussion on
"Fair Labor Standards Act and
the Engineering Profession" at
10:30, both at Public Health Au-
ditorium.. Luncheon at 12:30,
Union, with Mr. VanAtta, Amer-
ican Concrete Institute, speaker.
Everyone invited to all events.
Westminster Presbyterian Guild :
8:30 p.m., informal recreation, So-
cial Hall.
Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, 4:30-
6 p.m. Special guests: Members
of the Inter-cooperative Council.
SPA Council members will assist.
Canterbury Club. 4-6 p.m., Tea
and Open House; 5:30 p.m., trans-
portation leaves f o r Holiday
Wesleyan Guild. 5:30 p.m., Pic-
nic at the Island. All members
and guests meet at the church.
I.Z.F.A. Oneg Shabat to feature
presentation, singing and danc-
ing. 7:45 p.m in the Hillel House.
Everyone welcome.
B'nai B'rith Hilel Foundation
Friday evening services, 7:45 p.m.
to be followed by an Oneg Shab-
bat. Everyone invited. Saturday
morning services, 9 a.r.
Geological-Mineralogical Club.
12 noon, Fri., May 12. At 12:30 D.
J. McLaren and Peter Harker will
speak on "The Structural History
of Great Britain."
C.E.D. Meeting, 4:30 p.m. Lea-
gue. Election of officers
University Museums. F r i d a y
Evening Program will feature
"Michigan ,Wildflowers." Exhibts
in Museums building will be open
from 7 to 9 p.m. Motion pictures:
"Flowers at work," "The Iris fa-

_ __,

y1 . .........

mily," and "The dodder," 7:30
p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Exhibit
of American Indian stimulants on
display in the rotunda, Museums
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
p.m., Michigan League Coffee Bar.
All students and faculty members
Coming Events
Baptist Students will leave to-
morrow at 12:15 from the Guild
House for their Spring Planning
Conference at the Detroit Recrea-
tional Area Camp. If interested,
call the Guild House, 7332.
Lectures: Museum of Art, Alum-
ni Memorial Hall. Gallery talk
on the exhibition "Painting To-
ward Architecture," by Prof. Jean
Paul Slusser, Sun., May 14, 3:30
p.m. The public is invited.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, Sat.,
May 13, 1 p.m., 500 BMT.
Political Science Graduate-Fac-
ulty Outing: Dexter Huron Park,
Sat., May 13. Meet on steps of
Angell Hall at 1 p.m. In case of
inclement weather call depart-
ment office.
IZFA. Picnic, Sat., May 13. Pa-
nel discussion, sports, and wiener
roast. Meet at WAB at 2 p.m.
Everyone welcome.
U. of M. Hostel Club. Square
dance at Jones School every Sat-
urday night from 8:15-11 p.m.
U. of M. Hostel Club. Sun., May
14,# Dexter. Bike Trip. Meet at
Lane Hall 1:30 p.m. Come back
to Dexter Huron Park for early
dinner. Each provide for himself.
Facilities for cooking. Call Bob
Uvick, 2-5644, by Sat. noon if you
plan to come.



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Survey Researchers Puzzled
Over Odds-Defying Student

\\\ L224



Students at the Survey Research
Center are still puzzling over the
strange case of Anthony Paparella,
Three times in the last three.
years the 24-year-old architecture
student from Detroit has been se-'
lected in random samples used by
CED Meets Today
The Committee to End Discrim-
ination will hold a meeting at 4:15
p.m. today in the Union to elect a
president and secretary.
~ fC-
r I
Quelico - Superior Wilderness
Complete outfitting service $3.50
a day wifh Grumman alumi-
num c a n o e s. Food, your
50-page Canoe Country jfic-
b ture booklet mailed postpaid
anywhere for $1.00
on Minn.-Canadian border. Main
Lodge and 20 log cabins.
Modern bathroom facil-
ities. American Plan,
rates $8.00 and
up. Also house-,e
keeping cabins.
Y4WERNE55 O,41fTTER5 ;iC,

the center in conducting campus
AND WHEN he was picked for
the third time this spring for a
survey on the University counsel-
ing and health services, Paparella
defied odds of 64,000 to one.
According to Bill Markey, '50,
chairman of the interviewing
committee of the social-psychol-
ology class, which is conducting
the survey, the figuring goes
this way:
Samples for these surveys are
usually selected on a basis of one
out of every 40 students, and so
the odds against Paparella being
selected the first year were 40 to
*. * *
AFTER A LITTLE wrestling
with the mathematics of probabil-
ity, it appears that odds against
being selected the, second year
were 1,600 to one and, thus, for
the third year, 64,000 to one.
Paparella, who is frankly tired
of the whole business by now,
says that he is beginning to feel
like a prize guinea pig.
"I'm not generally lucky at all,"
he complained. "I took a terrible
,shellacking in the Kentucky Der-
Read Daily Classifieds

Arrow Basque Shirts
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