House Director Engaged
Frenzy, Chaos
Supporting Fraternities in Sing,
"Heap good trophy, you know
it! ! "
Not at all "On the Sea" were
the Sig Eps last night when they
walked away with that big gold
trophy. Chi Omega, who support-
ed them, were even less so, re-
gardlessrof theiscreeches which
came from their section of Hill
Auditorium when the winners
were announced.
Charmingly dressed in their
nautical attire, -consisting of sail-
Benefit Fashion Show
Will Be Given Today
By Women at League
Summer apparel will highlight
a benefit fashion show to be given
at 7:45 p.m. today in the Ball-
room of the League.
Presented by an Ann Arbor dress
shop and sponsored by the Delta
Sigma Delta Wives Auxiliary, the
show will be followed by bridge
Featured among the summer
fashions will be light weight suits,
soft silk print dresses, cottons,
play clothes and summer formals.
The fashion show is open to the
public and tickets will be available
at the door. Refreshments will also
be served and door prizes will be
h _
or hats, white blouses and navy
skirts, they sang their hearts out
with their Sigma Phi Epsilon ver-
sion of "On Ohio."
FRATERNITIES may work for
weeks on their respective songs
for the Sing, but the sorority
houses are the scenes of frenzied
activity on the big night itself.
For instance, the Alpha Phis
spent the day making blue
headbands and white feathers
to go with the Indian war
whoop they sang and shouted
for Sigma Phi.
Alpha Xi Delta spent their sup-
per hour coordinating the blue
and white balloons with the songs
they wrote for the .third
winners, the Phi Delts.
* * *
tured the second place cup, were
ably supported by Sorosis, whc
sported purple and white banners
while wearing out their lungs
screaming for the Figis.
Alpha Epsilon Phi serenaded
the Sigma Chis yesterday to
spur them on. Right in the
m i d d 1 e of the auditorium,
blandly waving their blue and
gold balloons, they, too, col-
lapsed with laughter when the
ever-original Sigs, appeared on
the stage complete with boun-
cing beards and gurgling jugs.
The Phi Psis, according to Al-
pha Gamma Delta, "sing like
Crosby and his brother," even
without the support of cheerlead-
ers Nicki Sotier and Putt An-
derson. With every one dressed in
red and green, the coeds needed no
urging to shout their "sing, sing,
sing" to the fraternity.
The Delta Tris, who supported
the Zeta Psis, almost caused catas-
trophe with their own special be-
guine, written to complement the
fraternity's song, "Begin the Be-
Last but not least, the black-
faced Alpha Chis, replete with
white gloves and bow ties, staged
their own minstrel show for the
Lambda Chis, who sang a Negro
BETROTHED--A summer wedding is being planned for Miss
Muriel M. Efty, resident director of Stockwell Hall. Miss Efty's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Basil M. Efty, of Grand Rapids, have an-
nounced her engagement to Eugene Haze Sanders, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jaines William Sanders of Austin, Texas. Mr. Sanders
is a graduate student and is a teaching fellow in the botany
department. He is a member of Sigma Xi and is the assistant
resident advisor of Green House, East Quad.
Reporter Makes T wo Day Tour
Students Make
Senior Dance
Committees Promote
Last Collegiate Event
For Departing Seniors
"Tickets for Senior Ball are go-
ing fast," according to Jeanne
Johnson, co-chairman of publicity
for the event.
Sales will continue until the 400
tickets offered have been purchas-
ed. Since the selling booth, which
is open from 12:45 to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday at the
Administration Building, opened
for business last Monday, sales
have increased daily.
SENIOR BALLwill be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. May 26 in the Un-
ion Ballroom. Late permission will
be granted to coeds attending the
Don Pablo and his orchestra
will supply the music.
Six hand-painted murals will
adorn the walls of the ballroom.
The paintings will depict the
steady rise in the lives of students
frompfreshman chaos to senior
A SPECIALLY designed back-
drop will also enhance the ball-
room, which will depict a com-
pletely black and white theme.
Bernard Aidinoff, general co-
chairman of the dance, urges all
seniors to buy their tickets im-
megiately stating that, "Sales are
going faster than we anticipated,
and ther~e was a terrific response
to opening sales on Monday."
He continued, "The dance will
be a,-;memorable finale to four
years of social life at the Univer-
sity of. Michigan."
Michifish Club-All those who
plan to go to Lansing are to meet
at 5:45 p.m. Thursday at Barbour
Gymnasium. Cars will be provided
for transportation. Late permis-
sion musttbe obtained from the
Office of the Dean of Women. If
there are any questions, call Janet
Dewey at 2-5618.
Golf Club-Advanced golfers are
to play at the University of Michi-
gan Golf Course at 7:30 a.m. Sat-
urday. Abby Funk, club manager,
asks that those planning to play
call her for further arrangements
at 2-4514.
League petitions-Petitions for
League positions this summer are
due at 5 p.m. today in the Under-
graduate Office of the League.
* * - *
JGP Meeting-Members of the
central committee of the 1951 JGP
will hold an important meeting at
7 p.m. today in the League. Themes
will be discussed.
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1319 S. University Tom and Meredith Suckling
Many freshmen learn very lit-
tle about the University in two
semesters, but Miss Gigi Marion,
campus reporter for Mademoiselle
magazine, left Ann Arbor yester-
day after only a two-day visit with
a notebook filled with information
about everything from current
Michigan fashions to the local
On a three-week tour of colleges
in the midwest, Miss Marion has
visited eight so far, and plans to
look in at three more before re-
turning to New York City Monday.
PURPOSE OF the tour, Miss
Marion said, is to gather back-
ground material for an article slat-
ed to appear in the August "col-
lege issue" of Mademoiselle, and
to learn about new courses, acti-
vities and fashions on campuses
throughout the country.
Miss Marion's stay here in-
cluded a visit to the University
News Service where she obtained
pictcres for a forthcoming ar-
ticle. She interviewed Jim Eber-
sole, director of this year's Un-
ion Opera, for another planned
Ebersole even escorted her to
one of the most popular downtown
student hangouts where she was
given an opportunity to absorb
some Michigan atmosphere.
* * *
SHE ALSO talked with Associate
Dean Mary C. Bromage and Miss
Ethel A. McCormick, social direc-
tor of the League.
One of the highlights of Miss
Marion's visit was a tea Tues-
day afternoon at the League,
where she met the approximate-
ly 20 members of Mademoiselle's
Tri-Delta Scholarship
Open to Junior Coeds
Delta Delta Delta has just an-1
nounced another $125 scholarship
which they are awarding to anyl
junior woman working towards a
Bachelor's degree at the Univer-
Affiliated or unaffiliated women
may apply who have maintained
at least a 2.81 average and are in
financial need.
Application blanks may be at--
tained from the Office of the Dean
of Women. They should be return-
ed by Monday accompanied by
three letters of recommendation.
The $125 award is to be used
next fall, during the student's sen-
ior year.
Delta Delta Delta offered a sim-
ilar scholarship several months
ago, which was awarded to Ann
Your Graduation
present a
College Board from the Univer-
The 20 winners of guest editor-
ships, out of approximately 800
contestants on the College Board
throughout the country, will be
announced by the publication later
this month. These women will help
prepare the August issue of the
magazine while spending the
month of June in New York.
on one of the four or five tours of
the country she makes each year,
she is busily doing research and
writing articles for Mademoiselle.
A graduate of Stanford Uni-
versity, Miss Marion worked on
the New York Daily News before
joining the staff of Mademoi-
In her college days she worked
on the campus humor magazine.
Her aim upon graduation was for
some type of newspaper work, Miss
Marion said, but this soon was
channeled into the specialized
field of fashion reporting.
* * *
"WOMEN WHO plan to start at
the top level by getting a job on a
New York City newspaper will be
very disappointed," Miss Marion
She advised them to get local
experience before trying to break
into big city radio and journa-
lism work. New York jobs in
these fields are almost impos-
sible for a novice to obtain, she
In comparing opportunities for
men, however, women have a defi-
nite edge, she added. Women may
enter specialized fields of news-
paper and magazine work, while
men must compete for the broad
expanse of general reportorial
POSITIONS IN specialized de-
partments of Sunday newspaper
sections are much easier to obtain
because of the reduced competi-
tion, Miss Marion stated.
Miss Marion narrowly escaped
learning about campus tradition
the hard way. She innocently
walked through the "forbidden
portals" of the Union. Fortunately
a friend told her about the "sac-
redness" of the front door before
she was subjected to the indignity
of forcible ejection.
Parents To Be Guests
At Annual Tea Sunday
Adams House men will honor
their mothers and fathers at an
annpal Mother's Day tea which
will be given from 3 to 6 p.m. Sun-
day at West Quad.
About 80 parents are expected to
attend the tea which is the ninth
one to be held by Adams House.
Alumni and their parents have al-
so been invited.
White roses will be given to the
mothe'rs and yellow daffodils to
the fathers. Mothers of the house
officers will pour.
Bob Greager is chairman of the
tea working with Mrs. H. Hunt,
house director of Adams House.
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