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May 11, 1950 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-11

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M Netmen



Tennis Squad Nips Irish
For 20th Straight, 5-4

Special to The Daily
SOUTH BEND-They're wearin'
the green a little lower in South
Bend after yesterday.
Michigan's surprising Wolver-
ines walked on to the courts at
South Bend and didn't leave
them until they'd slipped by the
Irish on the high end of a 5-4
score for their twentieth straight
* * ,
AL HETZECK topped Gene
Bittner to lead a parade of four
singles victories with a hard 6-1,
Don MacKay in the number
one slot dropped his match to
Bab David of Notre Dame 6-4,
Wolverine Dick Lincoln rose
from the number three position to
crack Matt Tuite of the Irish in
two quick sets, 6-1, 6-2.
SOPHOMORE Steve Bromberg,
holding down the number, four
spot did an identical job on Tom
Overolser of the Irish. Again the
score was 6-1, 6-2.
Lennie Brumm in the Maize
and Blue ladder at number
five reversed things a little so
(Continued from Page 2) -
Candidates should be 25-30 years
of age, preferrably married.
A representative of the Gibson
Refrigeration Company of Beld-
ing, Mich., will be at the Bureau
of Appointments on Wed., May
17, to interview men for their
service training program. Appli-
cants must be candidates for a
- degree in Business Administration
or Economics, willing to travel
and interested in selling ideas to
distributors of Gibson Products.
They must also have some me-
chanical ability, training, or ex-
perience. For further information
contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces the follow-
ing examinations: Actuary and
Training Specialist, options En-
tomology, Sanitary Engineering,
Try a shorter Cutl
It's easy to manage.
It's comfortable,
9 barbers, No waiting.
The Dascola Barbers
Liberty off State

far as score went, but he made
it just as short and Just as
sweet . . . His score over the
Green's Jim Hennessy, 6-2, 6-1.
The Irish retaliated in number
six singles as Herb Hoene came
through for the Green to beat
Ross Herron 1-6, 9-7, 6-2.
* *.*
THIS LEFT the tally at 4-2 in
matches in the Wolverines favor.
But the doubles were just coming
The Irish hit hard in the
number one doubles combo as
David and Tuite teamed to
squeeze MacKay and Hetzeck in
two close sets 7-5, 6-4.
In number three doubles the
Green pressure was still on, as
Hoene and Pat Tonti of Notre
Dame went three full sets but
came up on the top end of a 4-6,
7-5, 6-3 match.
* * *
THEN MICHIGAN was up with
Bromberg and Lincoln facing
But the Michigan three and
four men settled down. The
Irish hopes faded with the two
quick sets 6-2, 6-3.

AP Roundup
CINCINNATI-The Cincinnati
Reds and Ken Raffensberger both
broke losing streaks last night
with a 4 to 0 victory over Brook-
lyn that knocked the Dodgers out
of the National League lead.
ST. LOUIS-Jumping into the
lead with three runs on four
singles in the third inning, the
St. Louis Cardinals backed up
Max Lanier's seven-hit pitching
for a 5 to 1 victory over the New
York Giants last night.
CHICAGO-The Chicago Cubs
profited by four errors to trounce
the Boston Braves, 6 to 3, yester-
day in the opener of a two-game
series. It was the seventh defeat in
12 starts for the Braves in their
first western invasion.
* *' *
earned runs with two out in the
ninth inning helped Cleveland
snap a four game losing streak
last night with a 6-4 victory over
Philadelphia as right hander Bob
Lemon received credit for his
third pitching victory.



Bacteriology, Veterinary Science,
Chemistry, Biology, Public Health
Engineering, Public Health Edu-
cation, and Environmental Sani-
tation. Closing date for Actuary
is June 7.
The Vermont Highway Depart-
ment anticipates the need for per-'
sons who hold degrees of Bachelor
of Science in Civil Engineering.
Applicants must be residents of
Vermont. The appointees will be
placed in permanent positions as
Engineering Aides. For further
information please call at the Bur-
eau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Building.
The Kirby Company, of Cleve-
land, Ohio, will have a representa-
tive at the Michigan Union, Roomj
K-2, at 7:30 p.m., Thurs. May 11,
to interview Business Administra-1
tion students interested in sales-
field work in southeastern Michi-
Mr. Lyon Richardson will speak
on "The College and American
Literature," Thurs., May 11, 4:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe-
ater. Lecture sponsored ,y the
English Department.
University Lecture: "Tales of
Mystery and Imagination: A Jour-
ney Through the Ear" (illustrat-
ed). Dr. Robert D. Lockhart, Head
of the Department of Anatomy,
Marischal College, University of
Aberdeen, Scotland; auspices of
the Department of Anatomy. 4:15

p.m., Fri., May 12, Rackham Am-
Academic Notices
Wildlife Management Seminar.
the fifth in the series of semi-
nars, Botany Seminar Room, 1139
Natural Science Bldg., Thurs.,
May 11, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Malcolm
McDonald will discuss the Ecology
of Pointe Mouillee marsh.
Bacteriology Seminar, Thurs.,
May 11, 9 a.m., Rm. 1520 E. Medi-
cal Bldg. Speaker Mr. Darwin
Alonso; Subject: Inhibition Anal-
Applications of Senior Honors
in English will be received by the
Committee (Professors Litzen-
berg, Mueschke and Ogden) until
May 13.
College of Engineering: Students
who expect to attend the Summer
Session should notify the Secre-
tary's Office, 263 W. Engineering
Building, as soon as possible.
Doctoral Examination for Anne
Van der Woude Miller ,Zoology;
thesis: "Germ Cell Cycle of Meg-
alodiscus temperatus' (Stafford,
1905) Harwood, 1932 (Paramphis-
tomidae: Trematoda)," Thurs.,
May 11, W. Council Rm., Rackham
Bldg., 2.p.m. Chairman, G. R. La-
Michigan *Arts Chorale: Extra
rehearsal in Hill Aud., 7 p.m.,


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