7w THE MICHIGANiiAi SUNDAY, FvRii6'e 19, 195 ._ , . ; :., New Women 's Residence IE NEW WOMEN'S RESIDECE Hall is an attractive modern hotel with plea- t, livable rooms of decent proportions. vever, a year of use has brought to light ny imperfections. For a building that has hardly marked first birthday, it has an amazing mber of cracks. In fact, it is not a npletely uncommon phenomenon to gItrds, Bees, Grass )LITICAL campaigns and investigations usually bear an odor which doesn't eal to'all the people all the time. ut this week one student legislator, Keith rs, carried out a campaign promise to in- igate a problem which was close-a little close--to students last Spring. After consultation with the plant de- rtment, he came up with the heartening ws that this year the grass on campus Li grow under its own power. he familiar grass-growing aid which ap- red in an ominous pile behind President hven's home several days ago will be us- exclusively for President Ruthven's roses. nay also be used in moderate doses to ngthen a few of the punier trees on pus. But it will go no farther. Beers said that members of the plant partment too were discouraged by the ell last spring. We're not sure whether ey were referring to the smell raised by e manure or the stink raised by the idents. ut I think their decision should make us breathe a little easier. -Jo Misner find that chunks of wall have crumbled away. Guessing where former residents have hung their pictures and banners is a simple task, for these spots are clearly marked by cavities twice the diameter of a normal push pin. A favorite pastime on rainy nights is speculating about how much of your room will be left in twenty years. We are told the building is still setting. Do pipes and plumbing need time to set too? Because of unsatisfactory drainage there are always sizable wading ponds in the shower room, and due to some mysteri- ous interaction between the various articles of plumbing, there is an ever present danger of being scalded. Since many find it difficult to concentrate amid the distractions of a dormitory cor- ridor, the architects were foresighted enough to provide study rooms. But little thought appears to have been expended in planning them. They are in the basement and there- fore have no windows. Most people don't do their best work in the stale, foul air of a basement cell. After hours in one of these rooms, with its black floor, bare white walls and ugly brown furniture, one half expects to find some bread and water, pushed under the door. But the height of the ridiculous is that they were placed right next to the practice rooms where music students pound and scrape out their arpeggios, hour after hour. With another major housing venture be- ing launched, it might be profitable for University officials to critically examine the latest of their gala productions. We can all learn by past errors. -Martha Bazar. ,4 ON THee Washington Merry-Go -Round WITH DREW PEARSON ' ASHINGTON-It isn't often that the Joint Chiefs of Staff stage a press con- ice, but when they do it takes on some he atmosphere of Hollywood. teporting to the press after their trip he far east, Gen. Omar Bradley, home- and down to earth, looked as out of oe as a farmer's wife at a Washington ktail soiree. A pretty secretary took vn the names of newsmen as they ssed the sacred threshold. A recording ice put every word on tape. Glaring dlights illuminating the room showed the pouches under the eyes of hand- ie Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg in his tailored e air force uniform; focused on Gen. Lawton Collins, as clear-eyed as a T.C.A. secretary; and played on crisp rn. Forrest Sherman.. orials published in The Michigan Daily written by members of The Daily staff represent the views of the writers only. SIGHT EDITOR: DAVE THOMAS 4+ MUSIC 'I IANISM of a high order was provided Friday night in Hill Auditorium by Maryla las, Polish pianist who - was brought to nn Arbor as a substitute for Myra Hess. me Hess' absence, occasioned by her ill- ;s, is probably the greatest musical dis- pointment of the season, but we were tunate indeed to hear Miss Jonas in her ad. Friday night's performance was marked r three predominant qualities: beauty, ncerity and sensitivity. These are quali- es which appear in combination too rare- , and which, when present, compensate so chly for virtuosity, brilliance and show- anship. Miss Jonas is an honest, oughtful and sensitive musician and if te errs at times, the error lies not in tention but in understanding. Cechnically she is not consistently the ster of her instrument. Her tone is quite iarkable and often very beautiful, pos- sing depth, brilliance, and a certain bell- e quality. She runs the whole dynamic nut with control; her pianissimo is pure I delicate, but her fortissimo lacks some- ng in vitality and is often percussive, e perhaps to her position at the keyboard. e only basic technical defect I noted was endency to excess finger activity, which bably accounts for the missed notes in t passages and an occasional uneven scale -. 'he opening numbers by Handel and Bach e excellently conceived, in both the style I the spirit of the age in which they were tten. The Beethoven was adequate but nspired, proving only that Miss Jonas i.) one of the great interpreters of Bee- ven. The Chopin, played by a Polish ,nist who has a reputation for her Chopin, s disappointingly placid. The highlight of the evening came in e Schumann "Kinderscenen"-one of e small gems of the 19th century which ould command the attention of great Like severe maiden aunts, two lady re- porters proceeded to heckle the handsome quartet. "We get the .inference General MacArthur is not satisfied with decisions made in Wash- ington?" Tartly queried Doris Fleeson. For a fleeting second a twinkle appeared in the eye of General Bradley, who has no great love for MacArthur. But he replied: "No, he did not say anything about being dissatisfied. In fact, he expressed strong approval of one decision of the Joint Chiefs." "'Was it the decision on Formosa?" Again that quizzical, amused look came and went before Bradley answered, "I can- not comment." But Mrs. Mae Craig, representing various New England papers, kept after him like a mother quizzing an errant child: "Do I un- derstand you will not comment on what General MacArthur said about Formosa?" "Yes," said the General gently, "that is right." But Mrs. Craig was not satisfied. Later she asked the Chiefs, calling out each of their names, what they thought of criticism that U.S. military strength was way below needs. General Collins said that wasn't true for the Army; it was better off than at any time since the war's end. But the others remained significantly silent. "Turning on Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, Miss Fleeson lectured; "The Joint Chiefs are under wraps. They won't talk while you're around." The Secretary stood up, a big, bald man, and said cheerfully: "They can sa all they want to. I don't have them under wraps." The three generals and one admiral sat stiffly in the glare of the floodlights, as the roomful of reporters stared at them looking for the answer. There was none. "I'LL TAKE TALLULAH" TALLULAH BANKHEAD, witty actress daughter of the late Speaker, William Bankhead, was asked what she thought of Senator Margaret Chase Smith as a GOP candidate for vice president. Quipped Tallulah: "If Mrs. Smith runs for vice president on the Republican ticket, I'll run on the Democrat. "I've got just the slogan-'Tallulah for Vice'." * * * CONTROL OF SCHOOLS Chief reason why Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas never took to federal aid to education is that, like all champions of states' rights, Rayburn knows it is difficult to accept government money without ac- cepting some government controls. This is one of the toughest questions facing House Labor Committee members, in addition to the hot row over bus trans- portation for parochial schools. "I'm against the federal government tell- ing the states how and what to teach school children, but unless we're very careful in drafting this bill we may leave the door open to something like that," Rep. Tom Steed of Oklahoma, a strong battler for the school aid bill, warned his committee colleagues be- hind closed doors. "And right here Id like to say that the same danger exists for parochial schools if they become dependent on the federal government for financial aid," added Steed. "I wish some of those who are clamoring so mightilv for federal finds for naror-hial PVan ted GETTING the Republican Party to take a stand for or against anything except "Americanism" is an almost impossible feat. Rather than have their party programs judged on a qualitative basis they have adopted a name-calling campaign which is a challenge to the intelligence of the voters. "Socialism" and "Welfare State" are supposed to turn us against the Demo- cratic party, while "Liberalism" and "Op- portunity State" are intended to make us disciples of the GOP. There are vital points on which the Dem- ocratic and Republican Parties disagree but they have nothing to do with the name- calling game-a process which does no one any good. The Republicans want price supports for the farmers-they do not want the Brannan plan. The Republicans want medical aid-but they do not want to give National Health Insurance to the people because that is "socialistic." The Republican idea is to give tedical aid to the doctors. The Republicans insist that the only way to insure the individual rights of the working man is to put strong controls over the labor unions-which the working men created and which they perpetuate by their election of officers. On many other points in the "Opportunity State," they will, I believe, find most Demo- crats in agreement. For the Democratic Party argues as did one Republican, Abra- ham Lincoln, that "the function of govern- ment is to do for the people what they cannot do for themselves, or what they can- not do as well." If the Young Republicans are anxious to debate the points on which I have pointed out strong disagreements, they will find that Young Democrats on Carn- pus are just as willing to do so. But the debate must be specific. "Why we favor or oppose the National Health In- surance Program" or any of the others, not a nebulous "liberalism versus Socialism". I will be happy to arrange it. -Don McNeil THOMAS L. STOKES: Medical Plan WASHINGTON - What looks, at first blush, to be a radical and revolutionary idea often turns out to be not that at all, but an idea that reflects the deepest aspira- tions of people to adjust themselves to the conditions in which they live. It has been so with President Truman's idea that it is time for the nation to do something about improving and prothct- ing the health of its citizens. While his specific proposal for federal health insur- ance has provoked almost tumultuous A controversy, nevertheless the basic idea in- volved has caught on with the people of the country as has nothing in many years. That, of itself, demonstrates that it singled out a recognized need. This is manifest most dramatically in the fact that a representative group in the oppo- sition-Republicans-now is pressing for consideration of a measure with the same fundamental objective of the Truman pro- posal, which is low-cost medical care for everybody on a co-operative basis, but with a klightly different method. rTHE compromise measure of the Republi- can group, known generally as the Ives- Flanders-Javits bill, is not new, but it has been forced into the limelight in Congress by a demand from Rep. Javits (N.Y.) and its five other House Republican sponsors that it be given a public hearing by sub- committee of the House Interstate and For- eign Commerce Committee that handles medical and health legislation. Their measure would expand the exist- ing type of voluntary group health plans, in which there are now35,000,000 mem- bers, to include everybody by setting up additional group plans. The contribution, or insurance premium, for individuals would be three percent of incomes up to $5,000. Since this would not provide suf- ficient income to maintain such voluntary plans, there would be contributions from the deficit, so this would be a combined state and federal government to make up voluntary-state-federal system to get away from "socialized medicine" so-called. The Truman plan provides for straight federal insurance to meet all costs, with the system locally administered. In pressing for a public hearing on their combined voluntary-state-federal system, the Republican House sponsors said: Unless the administration faces this is- sue now, it is obvious that it is being pre- served for 1950 campaign purposes regard- less of the medical needs of the country. Our bill involves neither socialized medi- cine nor medicine for indigents only. It recognizes that the problem of medical care for the people is urgent and that gov- ernment should participate in its solu- .n n J-IJOj To the Editor: MR. KEITH, Idid not attack the validity of your facts. The only positive statement of fact that your edi- torial contained was that SL wanted to buy a portable band- stand, and I agreed with you on the benefits of such a move. You say that you are speaking of dance committees in general rather than of any particular one. I sincerely believe that you are, but considering the title of the editorial, some of the things you said, when you wrote it, etc., it is very difficult to expect anyone else who has not talked to you per- sonally to believe it. You did write in very general terms, but the im- plications were obvious. You now say that some of your conclusions were endorsed by some members of the past J-Hop committee. You received the verbal support of two members of the committee on the idea that any general mismanage- ment of campus dances should be eliminated. That is excellent-you can find countless people to agree with you on that. However, that is far from what you presented in your editorial. What you wrote, and what you said personally do not seem to be the same. Before we move to eliminate this alleged inefficiency of dance committees, let's first prove that it exists, and not just assume that it does. Un- til you do that, I will have to con- sider your articles on what comes out in black and white and not the thoughts that you may have behind them. In regard to MSC's J-Hop. They had their dance in their auditor- ium and paid $600 to have it decor- ated. We had ours in the far from beautiful IM building and paid $2315 for decorations. We paid about $700 more for building ren- tal and university labor than they did. We paid about $1000 more for /etteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. "A Strange Case, Doctor" - I N\ (- - Y .; T.: S I 4 44-C M& '-a - - two bands than they did for one band plus entertainment. We also gave away $700 worth of refresh- ments plus the pictures that were taken there. -Ned Hess Opportunity State ... To the Editor: SUGGEST that Don McNeil cease name-calling long enough to carefully read the 1950 Oppor- tunity State Platform of the Uni- versity of Michigan Young Re- publican Club. Then he shall be forced to stop slinging mud at what is, perhaps, the most com- prehensive document ever formu- lated by a student political group. Mr. McNeil's conception of a Welfare State Named Opportunity is, indeed, a novel one. He must have spent many hours in his vain attempt to discredit the Michigan YR Club and its 1950 Platform. The Opportunity State Plat- form, charges Mr. McNeil, is strongly socialistic. For his benefit, I should like to quote from this strongly socialistic platform. "The Republican Party," the platform says, "has always stood for the dignity and self-reliance of the individual. We have always op- posed excessive government regu- lation of the private lives and ac- tivities of the people." It continues, "We believe in this right of human dignity, we shall ever oppose any system of social- ized medicine, we want America's standard of living raised, and we want it raised by the Americanl people -not by freedom - de- vouring government bureaus." All, no doubt, Mr. McNeil, very, very socialistic. Take another look at the Op- portunity State Platform, Mr. Mc- Neil, and, if you still think that it is socialistic, I suggest that you see a psychiatrist. -Joe Epstein, Jr. and variations on a Theme by Haydn, Op. 56b by Brahms. Open to the general public with- out charge. Student Recital: Michael Polo- vitz, clarinetist, will present a pro- gram at 8:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20,, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Ba- chelor of Music. He will be assist- ed by Willard Brask, pianist, and Jerome Jelinek, cellist. The pro- gram, open to the public, will in- clude compositions by B a e h, Brahms, Debussy and Beethoven. Mr. Polovitz is a pupil of Albert Luconi. Student Recital: George Shir- ley, pianist, will be heard in a program at 8:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 21, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Mr. Shirley is a pupil of Helen Titus; and the pro- gram, open to the public, will in- clude works by Scarlatti. Mozart, Faure and Brahms. Concerts. The Pittsburgh Sym- phony Orchestra, Paul Paray, guest conductor, will give the ninth program in the Choral Union Concert Series, Thurs., Feb. 23, at 8:$0 in Hill Auditori- um. The following program will be heard: Mozart's Overture, "The Magic Flute;" Schumann Sym- phony No.A;' Ravel's "La Valse;" Faure's "Pelleas et Melisande;" and "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" by Dukas, Tickets ar'e available at the of- fices of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower. Events, Today Operation Beacon: Organiza- tional meeting for all students from British Commonwealth-Em- pire, 2:30 p.m., room 3RS, Michi- gan Union. U. of M. Theatre Guild: Tryouts for Cyrano de Bergerac at 2:00 p.m., and general meeting at 4:00 p.m., League. All are welcome. U. of M. Hostel Club: Reception for past and present directors of Detroit AYH at the home of Prof. and Mrs. Wilbur Nelson, 1540 Ce- dar Drive, 6 to 8 p.m. Those plan- ning to come, call Ruth Bolt, 2-7319, or Betty Young, 3-4728. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu- dent Club: Supper and program, 5:30 p.m. Speaker: Rev. F. Miller, Adrian, "History of the New Testament Canon." Westminister Guild: 9:30 a.m., Breakfast discussion. Coffee and/ or cocoa and rolls at 9; discussion led by Mr. Henderson. Topic: Book of Revelation. 5:30 p.m., Supper at the church and elec- tions, following which the group will proceed to the ecumenical worship service at the Episcopal Church. Canterbury Club: 9 a.m., Holy Communion and breakfast. 5:30 p.m., supper and business meet- ing. 7:30 p.m. World Student Day of Prayer Service. Wesleyan Guild: 8:30 a.m., Breakfast Seminar in the Pine Room. 5:30 p.m., Supper and fel- lowship in Social Hall. 7:30 p.m., Guild will attend World Student Day of Prayer service at Episco- pal Church. Unitarian Student Group: Stu- dent Group will condulet the morning worship at First Uni- tarian Church. Panel given by: Mr. Henry Moore on "Govern- ment Security and the Scientist;" Mendel Magil Will speak on: "The Liberal Philosophy of Business;" Clayton Eredt: "Authority and the Individual;" No meeting of stu- dent group in evening. Congregational-Disciples, Evan- gelical and Reformed Guild will meet for supper at 5:30 instead of 6 p.m. at the Memorial Christian Church. We will join all Protes- tants in the World Student Day of Prayer at Episcopal Church. Delta Sigma Pi: All men taking business administration or com- mercial courses, and who are in- terested in joining a professional fraternity in these fields are cor- dially invited to a rushing smoker at the Delta Sigma Pi House, 1212 Hill St., 2-5 p.m. Gilbert and Sullivan Society - Try-outs for all principal roles for "Iolanthe." Sun. 7-10 p.m., Room D, League; and Tues. 7-10 p.m., Room 3M, Union. IZFA: General meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1429 Hill. ,Discussion on "Why IZFA at Michigan?" Israeli songs and dances, refreshments. Any former Scout interested in joining Alpha Phi Omega, the national service fraternity, is in- vited to inspect its booth at the all-school "smoker" at 7:30 p.m., in the Union Ballroom and to at- tend the prospective pledges meeting, Tues., Feb. 21, 7 p.m. in room 3-M of the Union. U. of M. Hot Record Society: A program featuring Muggsy Spa- nier and John Kirby groups in the Michigan League Ballroom at 8 p.m. Everyone is invited. Coming Events, Naval Research Reserve Unit: Meeting Monday, Feb. 20, 7:30 p.m. in Room 18, Angell Hall. Dr. George Kish: "Sources of Russia's Strength." The Chess Club will meet on Monday, Feb. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. A tournament will be started, and all chess enthusiasts are invited. Alpha Kappa Psi, professional Business Administration frater- nity invites all interested Business Administration and Economics majors to attend a rushing smok- er on Mon., Feb. 20, 7:30 p.m., at the chapter house, 1325 Washte- naw. Mr. H. D. Hunter, partner, Watling, Lerchen & Co. will speak on the topic of personal invest- ment. The Geological - Mineralogical Journal Club will meet Mon., Feb. 20, at 12 noon in Rm, 3054, Na- tural Science Bldg. At 12:20 p.m., Dr. T. M. Broderick, chief geo- logist of the Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Copper Co., will pre- sent in Rm. 2054 a sound film showing scenes in the copper country, Keweenaw Peninsula in- cluding underground workings in the copper mines and details of the plants, smelters, and mills. Dr. T. M. Broderick, chief geo- (Continued on Page 5) AWA~I - !T vl I , I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff..........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen...........City Editor Philip Dawson......Editorial Director Mary Stein...........Associate Editor Jo Misner...........Associate Editor George Waiker....... Associate Editor Don McNeil.........Associate Editor Wally Barth......Photography Editor Pres Holmes .......... Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor Barbara Smith...Associate Women's Ed. Allan Clamage............... Librarian Joyce Clark....... ..Assistant Librarian Business Staff RogerWellington... Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at, Ann Arbor,Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. (Continued from Page 3) Concert The May Festival will take place May 4 to 7 inclusive-six concerts, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings at 8:30; and Sat- urday and Sunday afternoons at 2:30. Season tickets: $10.80 and $9.60 (20% tax included). Now on sale at the offices of the University Musical Society, Charles A. Sink, President, Burton Memorial Tow.. er. Faculty Concert. Music for two pianos will be presented by Mary Fishburne and Ava Comin Case, members of the. School of Music faculty, on Sunday, Feb. 19, 8:30 p.m., in Lydia Mendelssohn The- ater. The program will include Handel's Musetta, Concerto in C minor by Bach; Rondo, Op. 73 by Chopin, six pieces from the Alice in Wonderland Suite by Simmons, BARNABY I Good morning, Mom.... Is everything working al! right? The ice box? Your vacuum cleaner?- Huh? 1 ... 1 guess so, dear . . That's fine. My Fairy Godfather had a little trouble with the Pixies who make things run around here. They got mad at him and- 1 guess all executives have problems with their help from time to time- acKmore That's what Mr. O'Malley said, John! Pop. I'm glad you realize it's Don't- pretty hard work being a Fairy Godfather in charge of a house. s 4- Ar l' l 1.23-50 V You mustn't kid with Barnabv about 7 ~F .Caket Jvi~ u "I t ,. l $ t, flpug Ij - aclmor/. ii