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May 10, 1950 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-10

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American Isolationism


WASHINGTON - A disturbing pattern of
confusion of purpose and disunity that
threatens our position of leadership in the
world at a most critical time has revealed it-
self recently. It deserves attention and some
hard thinking.
It is made up of a resurgence of isola-
tionism, of McCarthyism, of economy. in
the wrong direction, of bitterness and cyn-
icism among our own people. There is pol-
itics involved, and it is unfortunate that
we have a campaign that lends itself to ex-
ploitation just at this time, but it seems to
go deeper than mere politics.
It is hard for us, a nation comparatively
new in a world role, to recognize what res-
ponsibility that entails; to recognize how
what we do, often in our careless, boisterous
and frolicking way, now is watched intently
all over the world and frequently misunder-
stood. To perform our mission in the world,
and we have a serious one, it is essential that
we present a united front and demonstrate
capacity to "stay put," so to speak, so. that
our friends and allies can depend upon a
firm, continuous and consistent policy with-
out deviation or backing away and can de-
pend upon us and have confidence in us. We
cannot walk alone.
EVER since our refusal to enter the League
of Nations after the first World War and
to cooperate with other nations in that era,
European nations have had a fingers-crossed
attitude about us. They have perhaps been
more sensitive to our every whim than was
justified. Unable still to understand our free
and easy domestic politics, they have some-
times magnified mnior political maneuvers
of no real consequence beyond their true
significance as indications that we wanted,
to pull out of our assumed obligations.
But it was not minor in the Senate last
week, for instance, when only a tie vote
defeated an attempt to slash half a billion
dollars off the ECA-Marshall Plan appro-
priation that was directed by one of our
outstanding Senate and national leaders,
and a candidate as well, for the 1952 Re-
publican Presidential nomination, Senator
Taft of Ohio; when a quarter of a billion
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

dollars actually was cut out; when amend-
ments were offered to shut off aid entirely
to nations with Socialist governments,
which embraces some of our most faithful
allies, including Britain, upon whom we
must rely. These last luckily were de-
feated; - but they show the temper of the
This is the same Senate that a few days
ago voted a billion dollars for a "pork bar-
rel" Rivers and Harbors bill designed, asp
such measures usually are, to please the
folks back home in an election year,. a form
of political extravagance that could well be
postponed in these hazardous times.
IT must be hard, too, for our European
friends to understand how a former Presi-
dent of the United States, Herbert Hoover,
would propose to throw Russia out of the
United Nations and break up that organiza-
tion that we, ourselves, initiated. It is stilb
a unifying influence in the world, a source
of many humanitarian endeavors of great
and lasting value, and the only forum where
our allies are continually able to stand up
andereveal to the whole world their own atti-
tude toward Russian designs which are con-
tinually exposed there publicly. Isolationists
have exploited Mr. Hoover's unfortunate pro-
Isolationism feeds, too, upon the reck-
less campaign of Senator Joe McCarthy
(R., Wis.), who still is trying to find a
Communist somewhere in the State De-
partment. It is not only breeding fear and
suspicion among our people, shaking their
faith with no reason whatever in their in-
stitutions, but shows to the world the
spectacle of a great nation torn and di-
vided over a matter that a mature nation
would handle quietly, as we have handled
it quietly and effectively up to now, and
without benefit of the McCarthys. It re-
veals us as an inept, timorous people and
to that extent shakes confidence in us be-
yond our own borders.
The hates and prejudices it has aroused
are alarming. It is to be hoped that this dogs
not persist to confuse the real issues that
our country faces in the November election,
issues afffecting our welfare as a nation and
its role of leadership in the world.
It is time to pause and take a look at our-
For, truly, we can not walk alone in the
world of today.
(Copyricvht, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

"One More Qeustion. What's Good In The Third Race?"
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(Cantinued from Page 3)
the old and new cabinets.
Guild members are welcome.


Washington Merry-Go-Round

STUDENT government at Michigan suffer
from what seems to be a universal weak-
ness of student legislative bodies-the lack
of long range, planning. With most legisla-
lators wrapped up in specific projects to be
accomplished immediately, the eventual goal
of self-government is a vague generality on
which relatively little thinking has been
When a student government asks for
immediate and specific powers, the college
administrator often cannot help but feel
that the demands are made without ser-
ious thought on their significance or how
the students are going to carry them out.
In contrast to student leaders, college ad-
ministrators have approached the questioni
of student self-government from a positive
long range point of view. At the Natidohal
Conference on Higher Education last year,
faculty and administrators worked out three
levels of student action which our own Stu-
dent Legislature might well consider.
Recommended were:
1-The widest possible autonomy for
students in handling student enterprises.
2-Joint student-faculty operation in
certain areas of policy formation and de-
cision appropriate to such action.
3-A technique for reflecting student
opinion and concern on matters of insti-
tutional operation wherein students can-
not justifiably participate actively.
The National Student Association's stud-
ies, also approaching the question with a
view to long range goals, decided that stu-
dent governments should determine the area
in which they can operate effectively on the
basis of the knowledge and experience of
student leaders, the amount of cooperation
they can expect from students and faculty
and their willingness to take responsibility.
These proposals seem sensible bases for
work when any thought is given to them.
As students, we have to decide what we want
before we begin asking for it.
Unfortunately, not only has little
thought been given to the problem locally
but we have seen some of our dead wood
legislators actually balk at the idea of
looking any further ahead than next fall's
pep rallies. These representatives of the
people questioned recently whether SL
should take on the responsibility of cal-
endaring student events-an indication of
how they will react if given the chance to
consider problems such as disciplining of
their fellow students.
A few legislators are attempting to take
action intelligently and should certainly be
encouraged by the student public.
The need for planning is urgent if SL is
not to regress from its present high pinnacle
of respect and popular support. It has every-
thing to gain by reorienting itself to its ul-
timate objectives.
-Don McNeil
IN his recent Daily editorial on the subject
of movie reviewing land kindred topics,
Larry Rothman made the statement, among
others, that it would be more to the point to
"see what can be done to bring better mo-
vies to Ann Arbor, rather than to continually
squabble over the relative value of movies,
good or bad."
In arriving at this nebulous suggestion,
he seems to forget completely the function
of criticism.
The editorial seems to be based on three
key assumptions. The first is that Daily criti-
cism is always negative, the second that
public opinion is always at odds with that
expressed in these columns, and finally that
the "war" between these two elements is
serving to dissipate any coherent force of
opinion which might help bring better mo-
vies to Ann Arbor.
The first assumption, that Daily movie

criticism is always negative, falls rather flat
in the face of these figures: of all the movie
reviews appearing in the Daily from the
beginning of April to the present time there
were seven which found the picture re-
viewed good to excellent, four which found
it from slightly below to slightly above ave-
rage, and only one movie that was actually
It would seem from this that Daily critics
are quite open-minded about the whole mat-
ter, and don't shirk from giving a good
motion picture its sprinkling of laurels. At
any rate, the current myth of the wrath of
the Daily reviewers loses a bit of support if
these figures are examined.
The second point, that public opinion, or
at least public opinion as expressed by stu)
dents, is always in variance with these re-
views, is not well shored up by fact. Although
most students go jto the show on Saturday
night just for something to do, and take
sadistic delight in ripping reviews to pieces,
in most cases they agree in essence with
what the reviews have to say.
Finally, we are told that the "war" be-
tween public opinion and Daily opinion is
causing neglect of a somewhat hvnothetica1

The Daily welcomes communicationsrfromcits readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

WASHINGTON--It is now possible to give
the complete facts in the Russian at-
tack on the American Navy plane over the
Baltic - an incident which literally made
the capitals of Europe hold their breath.
Most of the facts are now known to the
Russians, so the American public should be
entitled to know what the Russians know.
In fact, the Russians knew of the plane's
departure and the nature of its mission
even before it left Port Lyautey in Mo-
rocco, North Africa. They also knew that
the plane was equipped with high-powered
radar and electronics equipment capable
of watching Russian amphibian maneu-
vers and the flight of Russian rockets
over the Russians' most secret rocket-
testing ground-the Baltic.
Just how they knew this is not known. But
[T was by a thin seven-vote margin-42
to 35-that the senators defeated a Mc-
Carran proposal to cut Spain in for $50,000,-
000 of Marshall Plan aid. Yet they did de-
feat it.
What is beyond debate, though, is the
fact that aid to Franco ought not be ex-
tended through the Marshall Plan. That
plan operates through a council of partici-
pating nations to insure there will be no
grounds for charges of American imper-
ialist domination.
Decisions as to participation in the plan
are left, then, to the nations themselves-
and the nations of Europe want no part of
Franco. Their attitude isn't a particularly
strange one. To them Spain is not just a
country, and Franco is not just another
ruler; to them Spain and Franco are sym-
bols, larger than life, of the fascism that
Europe fought so desperately to defeat. They
don't want now to give any room for the
suspicion that they are crawling into bed
with the ancient enemy.
Britain's Labor government would prob-
ably fall tomorrow if it tried to sanction
aid to Spain. France's shaky Third Force
cabinet would probably disintegrate if the
proposal were even given favorable con-
sideration. It is not our place to force on
these other nations an inclusion of Franco
in the western European plans.
-St. Louis Star Times
Corrction .. .

is might have been from the list of navy
personnel posted on the bulletin board at
Port Lyautey before the plane took off. The
bulletin board was posted in a public place,
and the navy made the mistake of giving
the ratings of all 10 members of the plane's
crew. This showed they were specialists in
electronics, and could have tipped off the
Russians that the plane was on a radar mis-
* * *
THIS particular plane flew from Morocco
to Wiesbaden, Germany, stopped for fuel,
then proceeded to the Baltic, and was about
30 miles off the Latvian coast headed to-t
ward the secret Russian naval base at Libau
when four Russian fighter planes came into
What happened from this point can be
told with almost complete accuracy, be-
cause the entire incident was witnessed
by the British through a radar screen.
The four Russian fighters, obviously ly-
ing in wait for the navy plane, ordered it to
land. However, the American crew had strict
orders not to let their highly classified elec-
tronics equipment get into foreign hands,
so they put out to sea.
The British radar observation showed the
privateer swerved sharply, with the Russian
fighters in hot pursuit. The plane was shot
down almost immediately.
THE FACT that British radar witnessed
the incident was why the State Depart-
ment wasso positive in replying to the
Russian note. The United States was also
quick to identify the four Russian pilots who
received the order of the Red banner as the
pilots responsible for shooting our plane.
British radar was the reason.
What surprised U.S. officials at first
was that the Russians announced the
event to the world in a note of protest.
Reason for the publicity, U.S. officials now
conclude, is that the Russians knew the
plane had been observing Russian rocket
maneuvers and determined to put the
United States on the spot.
Since the incident occurred, the recovered
life rafts and submerged wheel have con-
firmed the British radar's estimate that the
plane was definitely 30 miles off the Lat-
vian coast. Examination of the rafts shows
that the plane hit the water with an impact.
The holes in one raft, however, are not
bullet holes, so the crew, if they got into
the rafts, were not fired on.
Speculation still continues as to whether

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Fraternities ...
To the Editor:
letter houses are a constant
campus issue, those on both sides
have often tended to wax partisan
to the neglect of calm and con-
structive thought. The matter
vitally concerns the entire atmos-
phere in which higher education
is conducted; it deserves a more
dispassionate treatment.
It should first be realized that
fraternities are the natural re-
sult of the kind of anonymity and
impersonality engendered by large,'
over-crowded universities. Their
existence is a measure of some
universities' inevitable failure to
provide for warm and intimate
living. . Anti-fraternity students
contribute little if they attack the
entirely legitimate forces which
lead men to seek each other out
in small groups.
It is not an accident that fra-
ternity men are disproportionate-
ly active in the University. Resi-
dence in stable groups, with their
patterned systems of rewards and
reinforcements, and their empha-
sis on the student as an indivi-
dual, lead to higher motivation
and lend more meaning to college
This is all to the good. But it
is clearly not necessary that stu-
dents, in forming smaller groups
for a fuller life, should segregate
themselves along racial and relig-
ious lines, and many fraternities
should insure this dicisive trend
by maintaining vicious and insult-
ing discriminatory clauses.
It is not necessary that fratern-
ities should failrto give their mem-
bers the opportunity to acquire
skills essential for democratic liv-I
ing, through life with students of
all backgrounds. It is not neces-
sary that they reinforce and per-"
petuate old attitudes, more thanl
they educate for citizenry in a na-
tion of minorities. In failing to
meet these responsibilities, fra-
ternities cannot be too strongly
Whether the fraternities' efforts
to correct their faults are com-
pletely successful since is contro-
versial. But it is certain, in any
case, that the difficulties are
many, and that progress in terms
of solid accomplishments has beent
We of Beta Mu Club believe that
reforms will best be stimulated by
the pressure of example. We in-
tend to prove that a fraternity
rejecting the black-ball system
and practicing inter-racial and
inter-religious living, is a closer
realization of the true fraternal
ideal - the brotherhood of allJ
men - than the fraternity systemE
as it stands now. We hope to showt
that there is nothing necessarily
evil or anti-democratic involved
in 'fraternity life as it can anda
should be, and that the advantages
of the system can be a valuable as-a
set in the continuing struggle for
improved education.
Allan Silver,
for the Executive Committee,'
Beta Mu Club I
** *
Voting Age .. .
To the Editor:
I am a student at the University
of Michigan and would like toa

-make a comment on Governor
Williams' suggestion that the legal
voting age be lowered.-
The main question is how much
to lower the legal voting age. I
do notknow where the stopping
point should be; there should be
a lot more study given to that by
our law makers. One way to con-
duct this study would be to le-
galize the voting age of the 20-
year-olds first and see what in-
terest they take. This study should
continue for two or three years,
and if their interest is great
enough, go on to the nineteen-
year-olds and follow the same
procedure. Then step this process
up every two or three years until
the right stopping point is found.
No doubt the young people of
today are more mature and their
intelligence has been better cul-
tivated than the young men and
women of thirty to forty years
ago- With this in mind, I think
the young citizens of today deserve
a chance to express themselves le-
gally at the polls.
-Robert C. Raham
* * *
Debate .. .
To the Editor:
THOSE who are disturbed by
progressive tendencies of The
Daily may find some consolation
in itsreporting of the debate on
you know what.
I receive the impression that ex-
cept for a brief reference to a
chant of "We want Phillips," the
article in The Daily ascribes un-
animity of behavior to the crowd
in the street. The chanting was
done by less than half the crowd.
The call for one of the speakers
was almost inaudible to those in
the rear of the crowd. The loudest'
chant was, "We want a loud-
speaker," and even that was com-
paratibely mild.
I think the reporting of the
speech to the crowd by one of the
debaters was slightly melodrama-
tic. A similar speech, pointing
out the dangers from fire and
panic in an overcrowded building,
had already been temporarily ef-
fective. The enthusiasm of the
crowd alternately swelled and
waned both before and after the
incident reported by The Daily.
I am glad The Daily did credit
the speaker with his effective and
laudable reference to the use of
Hill Auditorium.
-Martin Farrow
* * * [
House Plan.. ..
To the Editor:
IN last Tuesday's article of his
series on the Michigan House
Plan, Davies mentions the atti-
tude of a staff man toward "dead-
heads." According to him these
"completely inactive" residentsJ
are given a "period of grace" af-1
ter which, if they do not become
active, they are regarded as mere-]
ly taking up space. Whether the
inference is that the "deadhead"
should be asked to leave or that
he should be left to take pup1
space, it seems to me that such
an attitude is inconsistent with1
the spirit of the Michigan House
Plan-to provide a home away]
from home.<
If apathy were a general char-1
acteristic of "deadheads," the

Supper Discussion at the Guild
House. 438 Maynard. 5:30. Call
Reservations to 5838. Congrega-
tional - Disciple - Evangelical &
Reformed Guild.
Baptist Students will meet to-
day at the Guild House for a
weekly "Chat" and fellowship,
4:30-6 p.m.
Westminster Guild: 4-6, Tea 'n
Women of the University Fac-
ulty: Tea, .4 to 6 p.m., fourth
floor clubroom, League.
The Student Affiliate of the
American Chemical Society will
have a meeting at 7 p.m., Rm.
1400 Chem. Bldg. The main speak-
er will be Dr. W. R. Collins, Vice
President and General Manager of
Dow-Corning Corp.
West Quad Radio Club: Meet-
ing, 7 p.m., in the shack.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Annual
meeting and club match. Election
of officers, 7 p.m., ROTC rifle
American Society of Civil En-
gineers: Meeting, 7:30 phl., Room
3-KLMN, Union. Speaker: Mr. N.
G. Damoose, city manager of
Ypsilanti. ; Subject: "City Mana-
ger's Problems." Meet the Profes-
sor: J. A. Borchardt.
Square & Folk Dance Club Meet-
ing: 7:30-9:45 p.m., Barbour
Gymnasium. Everyone welcome.
A.S.M.E. Open meeting, 7:30 p.-
m., Kellogg Auditorium. Prof. H.
E. Keeler will speak on "Profes-
sional Registration of Engineers."
Delta,Sigma Pi. Business meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m.
Inter-Racial Association. Meet-
ing, addr ess by Rev. Robert Brad-
by, "Detroit Race Relations," 7:30
p.m., Uniin.
Sigma Xi: Annual initiation.
May 10, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. Address: "The Cosmic
Abundance of the Lighter Ele-
ments," by Professor Lawrence Al-
ler, Department of Astronomy.
Lecture is open to the public, 8:15
Chess Club Meeting, 7:30' p.m.,
Michigan Union Speed tourna-
ment to be held. All chess play-
ers invited.
Bridge Tournament-The last
master point game will be held at
the Union Terrace at 7:30. This is
the last game of the year and a
financial statement will be made.
Play will be resumed again in the
Sociedad Hispanica: Meeting,
8 p.m., League. Election of off i-
cers and presentation of scholar-
ships to Mexico.
great majority of them would pro-
bably avoid coming to the Univer-
sity of Michigan where they would
be forced to undergo a degree of
competition quite inimical to such
apathy. If they did come, it would
be unlikely that they would per-
sist or at least that their dead-
headedness would persist beyond
the freshman year, which I assume
to be the "period of grace." If the
"deadheadedness" still continues,
it seems to me that there are
probably good reasons for it. The
condition will not be helped by
either asking the "deadhead" to
leave or by merely allowing to
continue to take up space. If the
staff man cannot (or does not

take enough time to) discover the
reasons for the "deadhead's" ap-
athy, there are excellent consul-
tative and therapeutic facilities in
the University to which he might
be recommended. Perhaps much
"deadheadedness" can be explain-
ed by the psychological mechan-
ism of projection, in which the
person's hostile attitudes toward
himself (maybe due to academic
disappointments) are unconscious-
ly expressed toward other. Perhaps
in many instances it is simply a
case of misunderstood rugged in-
dividualism. Whatever the reasons,
the attitude expressed by this staff
man will not be beneficial. For-
tunately, it does not seem to be
shared by all of those whose pur-
pose is to help the student in his
adjustment to college and dormi-
tory life.
--Melvin Bulkley

Coming Events
Special 1Veeting of Union Mem-
bers to take action on the propos-
ed constitutional amendments,
Tues., May 16, 7:30 p.m., (instead
of Wed.. May 10, as previously an-
Graduate School Student Coun-
cil. Meeting Thurs., May 11. W.
Lecture Rm., Rackham Bldg. All
members requested to attend.
Committee for Displaced Stu-
dents: Meeting of all representa-
tives, Thurs., 4 p.m., Lane Hall.
Planning for fall semester D.P.
International Center Weekly Tea:
4:30-6 pm., Thurs., May 11.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation.
United Jewish Appeal Solicitors'
Tea Thurs., 4:15 p.m. Please bring
all mondy collected and all pledge
cards completed.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation.
Social Committee meeting Thurs.,
4:15 p.m. Anyone interested in
working on the U.J.A. Carnival
come to the Foundation for this
Young Democrats: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Thurs., May 11, Rm.
3A, Union, preceding the YD-YR
debate at 8:15 p.m.
The English Graduate Journal
Club will meet Thurs., 8 p.m., in
the E. Cbnference Rm., Rackham
Bldg. Mr. Lyon Richardson, pro-
fessor of English at Western Re-
serve University, will discuss The
Scholar and American Literature:
Notes on Methodology Election of
The Student Science Society:
Meet Thurs., May 11, 7:30 p.m.,
1300 Chem. Bldg. Dr. N. E. Hart-
weg, of the Museum of Zoology,
will show movies of the Mexican
volcano Paricutin. Meeting open
to public, but members who have
not yet done so bring eligibility
U. of M. Young Republican
Club: Membership meeting, May
11, Thurs., Union, at 7:30 p.n.
Short businkss meeting followed
by a debate with Young Demo-
crats on the Congressional In-
UNESCO: Thurs., May 11, 7:30
p.m., South Lounge of the East
Quadrangle. Business and dis-
cussion meeting. Cabinet members
please attend.
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture. Fri., May 12, 8 p.m. Rm.
1300 Chem. Bldg, Prof. W. A.
Noyes, Jr., of the University of
Rochester and Editor of the Jour-
nal of the American Chemical So-
ciety, will present "Free Radicals
in Photochemical Systems."









Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managel by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
student Publications.
Editorial Sta."
Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor
.Al Blumrosen................City Editor
Philip Dawson ....... Editorial Director
Don McNeil .............. Feature Editor
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner.............Associate Editor
George walker........ Associate Editor
Wally Barth........Photography Editor
Pres Holmes .......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin...........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.... Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach ....... Wonmen's Editor
Barbara Smith.. Associate Women's Ed.
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.Business Manager
Dee Nelson, Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl........Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff....... Finance Manager
Bob Daniels.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches cerdited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular, school



-Melvin Bulkley
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.


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