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May 10, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-10

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Red Policy
In China Hit
By Truman
U.S. Recognition
r Predicted Far Off
By The Associated Press
President Truman yesterday ac-
cused the Communists of starving
. China to help feed Russia.
In a move interpreted as a sign
that this country will not soon
recognize the Communist Gov-
ernment of China, the President
said the fate of the Chinese people
is "tragic."
BUT HE MADE it clear that the
United States, working through
private agencies still in China, will
do what it can to feed hungry peo-
ple there, irrespective of thei
form of government.
The President's blast at the
Chinese Communists, made in a
speech aboard his train prepared
for a University of Wyoming au-
dience at Laramie, topped a day
in which Truman made major
speeches at Casper and Che-
yenne, with whistle stops in be-
Asserting the Chinese Commu-
nists have been "heartlessly in-
different to the worst famine
which has occurred in China in
100 years," Truman declared.
"THEY HAVE even sent to the
Soviet Union food which is desper-
ately needed by the Chinese Peo-
The President made no men-
tion of the Communist-in-Gov-
ernment charges made by Sena-
tor McCarthy (R-Wis.) and
some Democrats have charged
they were inspired by what they
call the "China lobby."
Promising that his country will
keep on trying to get food into
China, Mr. Truman said that else-
where in the world the goals of
stability and peace are "clearly
within our reach."
Red Charges
Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, one
of the nation's top atomic scien-
tists, said last night he has never
been a Communist Party member
and never attended a party meet-
ing "in my home or anywhere
His denial came in answer to
Mrs. Sylvia Crouch, ex-Commun-
ist courier, who claimed she recog-
nized Oppenheimer's picture when
shown to her by government
agepts as that of a man she had
seen for the first time at a Com-
munist meeting held on the Berk-
ely campus.
HER TESTIMONY, given before
a state senate Communist activi-
ties probe, tended to back an in-
vestigator's contention that the
Communist meeting was held in
Oppenheimer's own home in the
Berkely hills.
Dr. Oppenheimer said he does
not remember any meeting ever
having been held at his home
that could reasonably have been
mistaken for a Communist Party
He acknowledged in a statement
that he formerly knew many per-
sons "in left-wing circles" and

himself belonged to several left-
wing organizations. But he said
the government has known about
that ever since he started work on
the atomic bomb project.
The testimony against Oppen-
heimer caused an immediate stir
in scientific circles, where Dr. Op-
penheimer's standing is high. His
name never before has been pub-
licly connected with possible Com-
munist Party membership, al-
though his brother has admitted
being a party member.
Name Junior
Members of next year's Michi-
gan Union Junior Executive Coun-
cil were named yesterday byJer-
ry Mehlman, '51, Union president
and Hal Sperlich, '51E, recording

Campus Groups,
Branded Red'
Two Wayne campus organizations, the Young Progressives of
America and the Labor Youth League, which have branches here
were blasted yesterday as Communist front organizations by Wayne
student Glen Irving, former Communist on the Detroit campus.
Leaders of both local groups, reached last night, expressed no
surprise at the charge, but denied that they were front organizations.
Irving said that the main work of the two groups at Wayne is
* * * *
AT THEIR MEETINGS, the organizations members discuss cur-

rent affairs, proposed legislation a
SL To Hold
Debate COn
Speaker Ban
An all-campus meeting designed
to discuss the speaker problem re-
ceived a go ahead signal from the
Student Legislature cabinet at a
special meeting yesterday.
Tentatively scheduled for May
25 at Hill Auditorium, the meet-
ing would feature three speakers
on each side of the question as to
whether all viewpoints and speak-
ers should be heard on campus.
Each side would be represented by
a student, a faculty member and
an outsider.
Plans for the affair received the
unanimous approval of the SL
THE legislature plans to secure
the sixspeakers within a few
days, according to Quentin Nes-
bitt, '50 BAd, SL president. The
list of speakers will then be sub-
mitted to the University Lecture
Committee for approval, since
outside speakers would be involv-
"We plan to do all this so that
the Student Affairs Committee
can consider the matter at its
next meeting on May 18," Nes-
bitt explained. The all-campus
meeting could not be held with-
out SAC approval.
Three speakers have already
,been secured for the proposed
DEAN HAYWARD Keniston of
the literary college and Student
Legislature vice-president Adele
Hager, '51, will speak in favor of
hearing all speakers and view-
points, if plans for the meeting
are approved, while Tom Roach,
'51, will speak for the opposition.,
A special student-faculty com-
mittee made the original plans for
the affair. This committee includ-
ed several members of the stu-
dent-faculty committee which ar-
ranged the recent off-campus de-
bate between Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department
and Communist Herbert Phillips.
McClusky Given
Prof. Howard McClusky was
chosen last night by the Michigan
Education Club to receive the MEC
honor trophy.,
The trophy is awarded for con-
spicuous service as a teacher in
the School of Education. Presen-
tation of the award will highlight
a member's banquet scheduled for
May 19 in the Union.

nd political developments and how
f they should be interpreted accord-
ing to the party line, Irving de-
clared. ,
Then, Irving went on, the
members go out and try to sell
the line, by infiltrating into the
top posts of other campus or-
ganizations and winning sup-
port for the Communist pro-
Irving said his assignment was
to infiltrate Wayne's Newman
Club, an organization for Roman
Catholic students.
* * *
GORDON MacDougall, president
of the Young Progressives, stated
that he did not desire to yield tc
current pressures by denying
forthright that the YP's were a
He did state, however, that
the group is not being run for
the benefit of the Communist
Party platform rather than for
that established by the National
There is a definite difference be-
tween the Communist Party and
the Young Progressives, he said.
"They are two different parties
with two different platforms.
MACDOUGALL labeled Wayne
student Irving as a product of
the present Communist hysteria
brought about by the world crisis.
Hy Bershard, chairman of the
Labor Youth League, denied that
the local group was a front or-
ganization, but admitted that
there were Communists in the
chapter and that "the closest
fraternal relations" were main-
tained with the Communist Par-
He added, however, that inas-
much as the members do not mask
their affiliations the group is not
a front organization.
Floods, Fires
Cause Havoc
By The Associated Press
A devastating flood in South-
eastern Nebraska and a raging fire
that wiped out half of a Canadian
town are the latest developments
in havoc caused by destructive
weather in the United States and
In Nebraska, flash floods hit at
least a dozen towns yesterday to
leave at least 14 persons dead or
IN DEWITT, Nebraska, the en-
tire population of about 500 per-
sons faced the prospect of leav-
ing a town with a reported pollut-
ed water supply and a town cov-
ered with two feet of water.
In Lincoln, where President
Truman yesterday gave a ma-
jor speech of his current West-
ern tour, the flooding was des-
cribed as the worst since 1908.
In the Canadian town of Cab-
ano, Quebec, a roaring fire is now
reported to be under control after
destroying half of the town yes-

U.S. Agents
Bargain For
Rail Truce
Crippling Strike
Seems Probable
CHICAGO- (A)-Federal med-
iators worked against time yester-
day in an effort to avert a crip-
pling strike of firemen at 6 a.m.
today on four major rail lines.
But the national (railway) med-
iation board gave no word of peace
progress and the four rail lines
announced immediate cuts or
planned curtailments of service.
* * *
HOWEVER, i n Philadelphia,x
Walter S. Franklin, President of:
the Pennsylvania Railroad, told
stockholders, "there appears still a
reasonable hope of settlement."
"I don't believe the irailroadsr
will give in to the demands of
the Brotherhood for a third man'
on diesel locomotives," Franklin
The Santa Fe today canceled}
four trains operating between
Chicago and California, but did
not announce its other opera-
tion plans in event the strike$
* * *





THE New York Central said
that in event of a strike it would
provide skeleton train service for
essential passenger, mail and
freight traffic in the midwest. It
added a walkout' would compel
cancelation of 125 daily passenger
trains and approximately 300
daily freight trains forcing some
50,000 workers into idleness.
The Southern Railway System
clamped an embargo on long-
distance freight and passenger
traffic and said a strike would
halt its operations.
The Pennsylvania said it would
halt operations on its passenger
and freight trains west and north
of Harrisburg, Pa., tonight.
Vetoes Postal
Service Cuts
Senate Postoffice Committee voted
9 to 0 yesterday to direct Post-
master General1Donaldson to can-
cel the cuts in mail service he
ordered in a recent economy move.
Before twice-a-day home mail
delivery could be reinstated and
other postal service reductions
set aside, both the Senate and
House would have to agree to the
two bills and a resolution ap-
proved by the committee.
Donaldson ordered the cutbacks
in service April 18, explaining
they must be put into effect to
prevent another big deficoit in
postal operations.
* * *
POSTOFFICE expenses in the
present fiscal year are expected
to run above $2,240,000,000. Don-
aldson asked a $2,235,607,000 ap-
propriation for the next fiscal
year which starts July 1. Con-
gress has not acted finally on the
request, but the House appropria-
tions committee has recommended
that the fund be held to $2,207,-
In an effort to increase the
department's income, Donaldson
recommended postal rate in-
creases of about $600,000,000 a
year. The house voted for a
$100,000,000 increase. The Sen-
ate has not acted on the matter.
Congress, of course, would have
to provide additional funds if full
service were restored, unless other
economies could be effected which
would not hit the department's
regular operations.
Engine Council
Calls for Vote
Two programs for aiding en-
gineers before and during exams
will take the acid test today and
tomorrow in the Egineering
Council's referendum.
Two proposals will be up before
the voters: a "dead week" before
exams in which no bluebooks and
exemption for graduating seniors
from final examinations.
Any engineer can vote. Polls


[Also Calls

-Daily-Barney Lasche ver
TRIBUTE TO DEAN WALTER REA-Don Greenfield, '50, chairman of a special committee of 80
students and University personnel, presents Dean Walter Rea with a watch in appreciation of his
work for the past 23 years with student organizations. Looking on are Mary Neil Walker, '50, repre-
senting women students, and President Alexander G. Ruthven.
* * * * * * * * *
Students Surprise Honor Dean Rea,

"Bud" Rea was a surprised man
last night.
Coming from an SAC mee.ting
to a dinner he thought was in
honor of someone else he was
greeted with a rising ovation of 80
students and University personnel
led by President Alexander G.
Ruthven and Don Greenfield, '50.
The occasion was a tribute to
his 23 years working with students
in the Office of Student Affairs.
* * *
OTHERWISE known as Walter'
Rea, Associate Dean of Students,!
he had come prepared to honor
Ethel McCormick, social director
of the League, who was in cahoots
with the students.
The honoring committee's
plans were almost wrecked when
it discovered that Dean Rea had
come down with the flu the day
before, but worries were over
when he showed up at his office
"just a little" late.
In appreciation of Dean Rea's
service as all-around problem solv-
er for the students, Greenfield pre-
sented him with a watch, inscrib-
ed: "To W. B. Rea, with deep
appreciation and affection. Your
friends of 1950."
He also received a "memory"
book signed by all those present.
THE COMMITTEE represented
every organization with which
Dean Rea has worked, from Michi-
gras to J-Hop, with everything in
Faculty Quits
At Westmont
SANTA BARBARA, Calif--(/P)--
Twenty faculty members of West-
mont College resigned yesterday
in protest to the firing last month
of the college president, James
A spokesman said the resigna-
tions, effective June 15, involve
two thirds of the faculty and in-
clude the dean, the registrar, li-
brarian, deans of men and women,
the athletic director and several
department heads.
Westmont is a 10-year-old lib-
eral arts school with an enrollment
of about 250.

League and Union activities in be-
Dean Rea said simply: "This'
is one of the many pleasures
that I have working with you as
Al Maslin, '52L, past president
Df Association of Independent Men,
spoke for the men and Mary Nell

Walker, vice-president of Pan-hel-j
lenic Association, spoke for the
women. Greenfield acted as toast-
LETTERS of appreciation came
from alumnus Ev Ellin, '48E and
Peter Ostafin, former faculty
member now at Oxford University.

County Board Moves To Make
Village Housing Permanent

The Washtenaw County Board
of Supervisors and Washtenaw
County Democratic Committee
yesterday moved to save a state
bill which would enable the coun-
ty or Ypsilanti to take over Wil-
low Run Village.
If the village is taken over by
the county or Ypsilanti, perma-
nent housing could be built, the
Democrats declared.
Djefense Bill
Faces Final
Test in House
House tentatively approved yes-
terday a one-package $29,496,238,-l
008 appropriation bill providing
$14,296,487,300 for national de-
A final test on the bill may
come today after action on a Re-
publican attempt to cut its over-
all total by $996,000,000.
The bill finances almost all
federal agencies for the fiscal
year starting July 1.
The final total agreed on ten-
tatively after a month of House
debate is $451,207,844 more than
the appropriations committee re-
commended. Most of the increase
was voted today to buy more
planes for the navy and the air
force and to expand the army's
anti-tank warfare program and
the navy's anti-submarine activ-
The GOP policy committee
agreed at a meeting to try slash-
ing the bill before final approval.

THE PERMiSSIVE legislation,
known as House Bill Number
Eight, was killed by the House
State Affairs Committee of the
Michigan legislature after a pub-
lic hearing Mvay 2. The bill would
authorize cities and counties to set
up housing authorities, and would
be applicable to Willow Run Vil-
The board of supervisors yes-
terday passed a resolution say-
ing it hoped the permissive leg-
slation would be passed by the
legislature. And the Democratic
committee issued a resolution
asking that another hearing be
held on the bill. .
The Democrats claimed that,
because of lack of adequate ad-
vance notice, only one of the
"many organizations supporting
the measure" was able to testify
at the May 2 hearing.
U.S. Requests
Ships Return
ed States prodded Russia to return
two lend-lease icebreakers yester-
day amid signs of new action on
the long dormant negotiations for
an overall settlement of wartime
accounts totaling ($11,000,000,-
The icebreakers were among sev-
eral ships turned over to Russia
before V-J day. A note from Un-
dersecretary of State James E.
Webb to Ambassador Alexander S'
Panyushkin asked that they be
turned back by June 30 in accord-
ance with a Moscow agreement of
last year.

For Break
Up ofRFC
60 Days Given
Congress to Veto
Truman yesterday issued a new
series of government reorganiza-
tion plans which, unless rejected
by Congress in 60 days, will:
1. Give the country a single bossA,
over the planning of all mobiliza-
tion for war-W. Stuart Syming-
ton, chairman of the National Se-
curities Resources Board and for-
mer Secretary of the Air Force.
2. Strip from the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation its two major-
housing duties and put the .rest of
that independent lending corpora-
tion into the Commerce Depart-
' * *
SYMINGTON, Truman propos-.
ed, would be solely responsible for
organizing the home front against
the "eventuality of a future war."
His board of seven cabinet officers
would become merely advisory to
Today's action, Truman indi-
cated, is meant 'to stimulate
NSRB pinning of industrial
mobilization, rationing, man-
power controls and civil defense.
At almost the same time Tru-
man's new reorganization plans
were being issued, the Senate Ex-
penditures Committee reported ap-
proval of nine and disapproval of
two of the 21 government reor-
ganizationPlans which the Pres-
ident sent to Congress in March.
Unless either the Senate or House
disapproves these plans become ef-
fective May 24.
* * *
THE TWO PLANS disapproved
by committee would shake up the
Agriculture Department and the
Interstate Commerce Commission.
Previously the committee had vot-
ed against two others, reorganizing
the Treasury Department and the
National Labor Relations Board.
The effective date of these is also
May 24, unless vetoed by Senate or
Under today's new White
House proposals, Secretary of.
Commerce Awyer would inherit
RFC and supervise its activities.
He, thus would become the gov-
ernment's top policy man in
charge of federal loans to busi-
ness and industry.
This runs contrary to recom-
mendations of the Hoover Com-
mission on government reorgani-
zation. A majority of the com-
mission, including its chairman,
former President Herbert Hoover,
thought the Treasury Department,
instead of Commerce, should take
over RFC.
The other Truman plans pro-
posed yesterday followed the Hoo-
ver pattern.
Hoover Says
Brilliant Plans
NEW YOK- (A1P) -Former
President Herbert Hoover said
yesterday his plans for reorgani-
zation of the executive branch of
the federal government appeared
doomed because of the efforts of
"vested officials and pressure
Hoover said his commission
made a "brilliant start" with res-

pest to the armed services, gener-
al services, procurement and ,the
State Department. But he added,
"nowwe have bogged down
He told a meeting of the Sales
Executives Club of New York
that the commission had run
into the same difficulties faced

Greeks Will End Bias
Themselves - War nock

The answer to the fraternity
discrimination question will be
found by the younger members
working in the national conven-
tions, Dean A. Ray Warnock, said
last night before the kickoff meet-
ing of the campus' first postwar
Fraternity Week.
"I don't know what adjustment
will be made," Dean Warnock, vice
chairman of the National Inter-
fraternity Council, said, "but the
solution will be found."
"The fraternity system has been
able to exist for a century and a
quarter only because it has made
adjustments to social trends," he

were kept informed "as to what's
going on and what it's all about."
Mrs. Strickland dealt with prob-
lems faced by sorority women,
among them that of time budget-
ing. "Quite often," she declared,
"a girl finds she has to choose be-
tween intense study and intense
Greeks Feature
Panel, IFCSing
Fraternity Week will sweep into
its second day of activities with a

Aid To Bo Dai Regime May Fail

American economic and mili-
tary aid to the Bao Dai regime
in Indochina may turn out to be
a complete waste, Prof. Russell
Fifield of the political science de-

Terming the French spon-
sored leader of Viet Nam a weak
political figure, Prof. Fifield
noted that his close relationship -
with the French government is
greatly responsible for his un-

ternational movement. But Prof.
Fifield noted that many of Ho's
followers support him because
they feel that he is their best
means of getting the French
out of Indochina.

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