COMMUNIST PARTY AND DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY See Page 4 w Latest Deadline in the State aitl MUGGY VOL. LX, No. 149 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1950 SIX PAGES HST Labels Isolationists AsRed Aids Cites Farm Plan As Step to Peace By The Associated Press President Truman accused iso- lationists yesterday of "helping Russia" and offered the Brannan farm plan as a step toward world peace and prosperity. Defending the record of the Democratic 81st Congress, the President began a 10-day, 16-state stump tour of the West by assail- ing those he said want to "econo- mize by following an isolationist policy." "THEY ARE SO short sighted," he declared, "that they don't see. that isolationism would let the rest of the world be swallowed up by. Communism. "That would certainly bring on a new world war," he added. With a representative of the Re- publicans dogging his heels at See PICTURE, Page 6 SLASH FORSEEN: State Battle over 'U' Budget Nears By RON LINTON (Of Our Lansing Bureau) LANSING-It's only a matter of hours until the 1950 appropria- tions bill hits the State House of Representatives, with the University's operating and capitol outlay appropriations requests at stake. House Republicans have caucused in an attempt to work out strategy for getting their program through the House. BUT THE DEMOCRATS have organized into strategic units with each unit having a mission to destroy a certain phase of the GOP finance program. Among the top programs under verbal House weapons is the University's operating budget request of $12,500,050 and a $ request for a $3,095,000 capitol outlay appropriation. L R ea~ The University can expect a slash from $500,000 to $1,000,000 in the operating request, observers ToMeetCIO gay. * * * T-H Loyalty I )ath Lax Upheld; V Nulled Borne-Trip 4:P Union Wins As Michigan Law Voided every whistle stop, the President lashed out in his first majo speech at Lincoln, Neb., at the "mud-slinging, name-calling op- position" which he said fights every new proposal to benefit the country. OF THE BRANNAN proposal, he said in a prepared address: "The plain fact is that the production payment plan is the best plan yet proposed for get- ting an abundantproduction of perishable crops consumed with- out knocking the bottom out of the farmer's income."~ Under the plan, farmers would sell their non-storable crops fo whatever they would bring on the market. The government would pay them any difference between that price and a fixed level aimed at giving them an adequate in- come. MEANWHILE Senator Wherry (R-Neb.) accused President Tru- man of "chasing rainbows gaudily painted by alien-minded radical advisers" seeking to put across "spendthrift socialism" in the United States. Wherry, Senate GOP floor- leader, fired his blast in reply to the first of Truman addresses on his tour. The Senator's 1,000-word de- nunciation of Truman's program marked the kickoff of a concerted Republican drive to meet all the President's speeches with GOP counterattacks. It is the first time the party has tried the experiment to offset Truman's "give 'em Hell" stumping tactics. Aid Rushed to Fire-Ravaged 4 QuebecTown RIMOUSKI, QUE.,-(/P)-An ar- my of relief workers took over yes- terday where dead-tired fire fight- ers left off to bring aid to 2,500 made homeless by the worst fire in the history of the region. Only half of this industrial town of 15,000 on the St. Lawrence Riv- er, northeast of Quebec, is left. The rest was consumed by flames, turned into a mammoth blow- torch by 80-mile-an-hour gales which swept through block after block Saturday night and Sunday. * * * THE PROPERTY loss was es- timated $20,000,000. Although miraculously n o deaths have been reported, re- lief officials are double-checking to be sure that none of the townfolk is missing. Many resi- dents fled to nearby towns. Some, their homes gone, are be- ing put up by friends and rela- tives. The rest are being housed in emergency tents and all avail- able building space. Health officers have ordered special p-recautions against the spread of disease that might re- sult from disruption of most nor- mal services. The Montreal Red Cross is flying supplies of blood plasma to St. George Sanatorium in nearby Mont Joli to treat some of the 250 patients evacuated from St. Joseph Hospital before the fire consumed it. ALTHOUGH EXHAUSTED fire- On Merger PHILADELPHIA - (P) - The AFL said again yesterday that it is willing to meet with the CIO and draw up plans for permanent merger of both organizations. But President William Green of the AFL made it clear in a let- ter to President Philip Murray of the CIO that unity must be on "a permanent and organic basis" and "not merely upon a tentative and cooperative basis." * * * THE CIO chieftain also asked John L. Lewis's United Mine Workers, The International As- sociation of Machinist and the four Independent Railroad Broth- erhoods to join the "unity" effort. Specifically, Murray asked the AFL and the other unions to set up a group that would provide joint cooperation on economic legislative and political prob- lems. Murray wanted only functional unity, arguing that the two groups should first cooperate within a committee before final merger. In effect, Green's letter to Mur- ray today restates the old AFL principle of permanent unity-or nothing. U.S. To Aid in Indochina War PARIS-(M)-Secretary of State Dean Acheson announced last night that immediate American financial aid and military equip- ment will be thrown into the shooting war in Indochina. At the same time authoritative sources said he had won French assent to putting western Ger- mans in charge of their own for- eign policy for the first time since the war. THESE developments came from day-long conferences among the American Secretary of State, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman and their aides- They were th first fruits of conferences, expected to continue here and in London for at least 10 days, with ministers of Atlantic Pact nations on tightening the Cold War front against communism. Authoritative informants said Schuman and Acheson had agreed, subject to British For- eign Secretary Ernest Bevin's accord, on revisions of the Ger- man Occupation Statute which would give the Bonn Repubic virtually complete leeway in its political and economic affairs. It was emphasized, however, that any changes in the Statute agreed upon in London would not be put into effect until next fall. present 2.4 average for fratern- HOWEVER, the capitol outlay appropriation will probably be split in two with the Legislature giving the University a million and a half dollars this year and the same amount next year. The House ways and means committee and Senate finance committee have been working six weeks in preparation of the bills. University officials have met with the committees on several occasions. Capitol observers are predicting that it will take until the end of May to pass all the financial mea- sures, but Legislators have talked of finishing by the 19th. IFC Alumni Ask 'U' Liquor Ban Removal Urge Use of State Law as Substitute The local IFC alumni organiza- tion has drawn up a proposal recommending the removal of the present University regulations re- garding intoxicating beverages and insertion of the state law dealing with the same subject. The proposal plus another recommendation concerning the present 2.4 average for fratern- ities will be presented to the office of student affairs within the next few days. AT THE present time, Univer- sity regulations include the fol- lowing rule: "Use and presence of intoxicating beverages in student quarters is not permitted." This regulation would be re- placed by the state law, "No minor student can remain in any building where intoxicating beverages are being served or furnished." It was also proposed by the group that only men living in fraternity houses would have their averages included when calculat- ing the fraternity group average- At the present a 2.4 average is re- quired for a group consistingof actives living in and out of the house, and all pledges. Judiciary Petitions Now Available All men interested in petitioning for one of the four open posts on Men's Judiciary Council may get petitions from 3 to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow in the SL office, 1020 Administration Building, SL president Quent Nesbitt announc- ed yesterday. The petitions must be turned in not later than Friday afternoon, Nesbitt added. , Appeal Resulted From '48 Strike A unanimous decision by the United States Supreme Court yes- terday outlawed Michigan's con-' troversial Bonine-Tripp labor law. The successful appeal resulted from the efforts of the UAW (CIO) which had taken the case to the, high court as a result of a 1948 strike at Chrysler Corp. * * * A HEARING was also asked by the National Labor Relations Board on the grounds that the act conflicted with the Federal Taft-Hartley Law. Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson who concurred with this view delivered th unanimous opinion of the court. "Without question the Michigan' law conflicts with the exercise of Federally protected labor rights. A state statute so at war with Federal law connot survive," Vin- son said. THE EFFECT of the Supreme Court's decision will invalidate the statute's mediation and strike vote provisions in interstate disputes. But the decision failed to im- mediately make clea'r whether the act is entirely void. In cases not involving interstate commerce, it may continue to be applied., Effective since October 12, 1945, the law has continually been as- sailed as unconstitutional by the unions. The UAW's chief criticism was focused on a clausedesigned to forbid a walkout unless the major- ity of the workers involved voted their aproval, the same proce- dure required by the Taft-Hartley Law. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - A filibuster loomed yesterday in the Senate as it plunged grimly into a civil rights dispute that may hold up other business for weeks. The is- sue was a proposal to set up a federal Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) to prevent discrimination because of race, color, religion or n'ational origin. The debate was on a motion to bring the measure before the Sen- ate. * * * WASHINGTON - Republican Senator Flanders yesterday ask- ed the Senate to ban further open hearings in the investiga- tion of charges of Communism in the State Department to pre- vent "much harm" at home and abroad. CHRYSLER WORKERS CROWD UNION HEAD QUARTERS-United Auto Workers (CIO) mem- bers gather at union headquarters to hear details of Chysler strike settlement. With Chrysler back into production yesterday, the nation's automobile industry was headed for what observers specul- ated as one of the heaviest week's production in history. I CED PETITION:- Nurse Killed Evelyn Webb, 25 years old, a nurse at University Hospital, was killed at 9 p.m. yesterday when a car she was driving col- lided with a truck on U.S. 12, 16 miles west of Ann Arbor. Lonnie Griffin, of 7414 Val- ley drive, Hamburg, the owner of the car, suffered a fractured arm. He was the only passen- ger. Miss Webb was dead on ad- mittance to St. Joseph's Hos- pital. She lived at 110 N. First street in Ann Arbor. Lecture Ban Debate To Go U for Aproval The fate of an all-campus "town meeting" to discuss the campus speaker problem will be' decided today by the Student Leg- islature cabinet and the Student Affairs Committee- A student-faculty committee last night made tentative plans for the meeting. It is slated for May 25 in Hill Auditorium, with a panel of six speakers discussing "Who Shall Speak?" * * * . THEY ARE TO consider wheth- er all speakers and all viewpoints should be allowed to be heard on campus, or whether the limitations now imposed by the University Lecture Committee should prevail The Student Legislature cabinet will meet this morning and decide whether too recognize the student- faculty committee as an SL sub- committtee. And this afternoon the Student Affairs Committeee will be asked to approve the mass meeting. Three speakers have already been lined up. Thy are Dean Hayward Kenis- ton, of the literary college, who will speak for the faculty in favor of hearing all speakers and view- points; Adele Hager, '51, Student Legislature vice-president, who will join him on behalf of the students, and Tom Roach, '51, who will be the student opposition speaker. Open Letter To Dean Attracts Large Crowd By NAN BYLAN An open petition addressed to Dr. Wayne L. Whitaker, chairman of medical school admissions committee, attracted large crowds of students to the middle of the diagonal yesterday where the petition had been set up by the Committee to End Discrimination. The petition has already accumulated over 500 signatures, in- cluding those of several medical school students, according to the estimates of Chuck Bisdee, CED chairman. * * * PAINTED IN black and red on a large piece of cardboard, the petition is in the form of a letter to Dr. Whitaker. The letter reads:- "Medical School applications A ask for information pertaining SAC To Act High Court Approves in 5=-l Decision Free Speech Not Cut, Says Vinson WASHINGTON,-(P)-The Su- preme Court yesterday upheld the . Taft-Hartley Act provision which -requires union officials to file non- Communist oaths if their unions are to use machinery of the Na- tional Labor Relations Board. Chief Justice Vinson said the majority concluded that the sec- tion "does not unduly infringe freedom protected by the first amendment" to the Constitution. That is the free speech amend- ment. BY FILING the oath, unions gain the law's protection of vital bargaining rights. The vote was generally inter- preted as 5-1 with Justice Black dissenting. Black objected that by following the same reasoning it did today the C6urt might up- hold similar penalties against either of the major political parties. He acknowledged that is not likely to happen. This first ruling on the much disputed provision of the 1948 -la- bor act came on two appeals filed by the CIO United Steelworkers and the CIO American Communi- cations Association. Both appealed from lower federal court decisions upholding the provision. NATIONAL OFFICERS of both unions have filed non-Communist affidavits with the NLRB. They did so after starting the legal ac- tions on which the high court acted. Both national and local offi- cers of most other unions hatre filed such affidavits, although a few holdouts remain. The NL RB has turned the affidavits of some 70 persons over to the Jus- tice department and asked that it investigate whether perjury was involved. Department officials said at that time the fact that the non-Com- munist oath is in the present tense, any successful prosecutin for perjury would require proof that the official taking the oath had misstated his status as of the moment of signing the affidavit. It- was pointed out that such proof would be difficult, even though there were indications that the oath-taker had resigned from the Communist party for the sole purpose of taking the oath and may have rejoined immediately afterward. * * *. JACKSON AGREED that Con- gress acted within its rights in requiring union officials to swear they are not members of the Com- munist party or affiliated with it. But Jackson said he regards as unconstitutional another por- tion which requires a union of- ficial to take an oath" that he does not believe in" any organi- zation which advocates forcible overthrow of this government. Black, in a bitter dissent, sAid the majority decision rejects a fundamental constitutional prin- ciple that "beliefs are inviolate" and he added: "Whether religious, political or both, test oaths are implacable foes of free thought. By approving. their imposition, this court has injected compi'omise into a field where the first amendment forbids compromise." The court also ruled that a state may legally ban .picketing which is aimed at such things as: com- pelling an employer to coerce his workers into joining a union, in- ducingused car dealers to observe certain closing hours and forcing an employer to hire Negro clerks in the same proportion as Negro customers bear to his total clien- tele. Four separate opinions were handed down in the case. ThAv to nationality, religion and a re- quest for a photograph. We ask that thse items be eliminated because: "1) The request for such infor- mation has brought forth suspi- sion that it is being used for dis- crimination purposes (e.g. Pres. Truman's Comm. on Higher Educ.) * * * "2) IF THE information is need- ed for statistical purposes it could be obtained after admission. "3) We feel that there are other and better criteria that could be used in the selective process. "We urge that you give this matter your prompt attention." THE PETITION will remain on the diagonal from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow, and will then be sent to Dr. Whitaker. Members of the CED have been assigned to an hourly sta- tion at the table on which the petition stands to answer ques- tions that the crowd may ask, Bisdee explained. He estimated that from 50 to 100 people were contilzually gath- ered around the petition through- out the afternoon. The crowd was split into sev- eral discussion groups, and com- ments ranged from "let's have statistics" to "take it to President Ruthven." On Tug Week Plans Today Tug Week, the freshmen-soph- omore school spirit endeavor for 1950, comes up for Student Affairs Committee approval today with the solid backing of the Student Legislature. With an ample majority of SL members reaff!ming their sup- port of the frosh-soph week long competition begun in 1949, clear approval of plans for this year's Tug Week was given in a meeting several weeks ago. * * * PENDING SAC approval these are the major provisions for Tug Week, l50. It will lake place on the week- end of Oct. 27 instead of lasting an entire week as it did in 1949. Friday night there will be a frosh-soph rally, featuring school songs, speeches by each class' fac- ulty sponsor, and the annual "Soph Satire," lampooning the freshmen. Early Saturday a tug-o-war across the Huron River between the two classes will take place, the winners of two of the three tugs will get ice cream for their efforts, the losers coffee.. That night an informal all-cam- pus dance will be held in the Lea- gue ballroom. REFERENDUM TOMORROW: Engineers To Consider 'Dead Week' Proposal 1 t l i j HONG KONG - Peiping radio broadcast yesterday that the Chi- nese Communists have released two U.S. Navy airmen held as "prisoners of war" since Oct. 19, 1948. The airmen are Navy Chief Electrician William C. Smith, Long Beach, Calif. and Marine Master Sgt. Elmer C. Bender, Cincinnati. BERLIN-The Russians notified the Western Allies last night they are willing to go along with "free elections" for the entire city of Berlin but laid down a set of conditions highly favorable to the Eastrn Communists. LONDON - Tass said yester- day Sweden and Communist China have established diploma- tic relations. WASHINGTON - Rep. Young (D) suggested yesterday that a U.S. warship may have "engaged MONKEY BUSINESS: Psychologists Teach Chimp To Talk Engineers will have a chance to- morrow and Thursday to vote "y s" or "no" in the Engineering Coupcil's referendum on exemp- tions from final exams and a "dead week" before finals. Any engineer can vote, and polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 2 though a "dead week," no ac- tivities or bluebooks during the week before finals, can be created by agreement with the faculty, exemptions from finals will require action by the Board of Regents," he added. OnP L C-mg nn haqn . huan +,PY_ By RICH THOMAS A film and a -report on the teaching of a chimpanzee to talk were among the highlights of the Midwestern Psychological Asso- ciation's 22 annual meeting held in Detroit last weekend, accord- in to Prof .Edward L. Walker. of people teaching and studying the chimp, Prof. Walker reported. "They undertook the pro- ject," Prof- Walker continued, "in an attempt to learn why a human child, so similar in al- most every respect to a baby tongue in a vocal capacity as well as how to imitate their sounds," Prof. Walker explain- ed. Since Dr. Hayes thinks a chimp- anzee is intelligent enough to learn to talk, Prof. Walker said, he U