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May 04, 1950 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-04

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Maragon Conviction

OXFORD UNIVERSITY, like a couple of
venerable New England institutions, is
often mentioned by earnest local reformers
as a model for a reconstructed University of
But this emphasis on Oxford_at least,
as a place that we can and ought to copy,
is based largely on illusion, as an article
in the New York Times Magazine this
week makes clear.
The writer, Eugene Burdick is a disillu-
sioned Rhodes Scholar from California who
apparently went to Oxford expecting a lot
more than he got. His criticisms are pub-
lished with a reply written in the form of
footnotes by a witty, condescending Oxford
don, Marcus Dick.
The main thing that emerges from this
article is the great difference in tradition,j
attitude, and policy that separates American
and English universities. It rapidly becomes
apparent that, while Oxford institutions may
to some extent be adapted here, we cannot
hope to transplant what is glibly referred
to as "the Oxford method" to this Univer-
JUST ONE example of the difference be-.
tween English and American universities is
provided by the Oxonian attitude toward
political debate.
Burdick, in his criticism of Oxford, ex-
presses disappointment that the Oxford
Union debating society was not as he had
imagined it-that the actuality did not
correspond to his picture "of wildly pre-
cocious youth, their eyes firmly fixed on
the main chance at Parliament, debating
with cruelly deflating epigrams and punc-
turing the windy argument with sly thrustsj
... In actual fact, the Union is very dull."
The Oxonian's response to this is merely
to insist that "the Union .. . has always been
thoroughly dull."
e don't have much chance to make
this sort of comment about the Michi-
gan Forum, for example, even though it
is supposed to be set up on 'the Oxford
model, with speakers selected by students
and brought into full and vigorous debate.
If the Oxford Union should propose to
bring an avowed Communist in as a par-
ticipant, this would probably be regarded
by the authorities there not as a project of
great importance--which might be either
"an educational experience" or "subversive"
-but merely as tedious
BOHEMIANS at Oxford come in for rough
treatment at the hands of Burdick, who
blasts them for "the long beards, the quiet
desperate reaching for an eccentric reputa-
tion, the emphasis -on the shock value of
what is said rather than on its insight, the
little magazines, the experimental drama."
Dick's reply to this is, "if people wish
to wear beards and purple corduroy trou-
sers, and talk about Mondrian, why should
that excite comment? . . ."
Imagining the comment it would excite, at
any American university, lends plausibility
at least to Dick's explanation: "Oxford pos-
sesses a degree of civilized tolerance the
depths of which Mr. Burdick has clearly
not begun to understand"-nor any Ameri-
can university to approach.
* * *
AGAIN, "Oxford drinking habits are .. .
quite fantastic," Burdick says. "Most
Americans like to drink and like to be re-
laxed when they drink; .. . indeed often act
vulgar and noisy. The surprising thing is to
discover that Oxonians exceed Americans in
this direction."
To which Dick's response is: "No doubt
there is some truth in what Mr. Burdick
says; but he need not be so surprised or
No suggestion of a liquor ban or disci-
plinary measures against the youthful Ox-
onians; no anxious efforts to maintain so-

briety; merely a relaxed statement that
there's no need to worry.
THESE differences between English and
American attitudes toward the univer-
sity are highlighted when Burdick, discus-
sing the versatility of Oxford students, points
out that "the football player who writes
poetry at Oxford is not only not a curiosity;
Oxonians are genuinely incapable of seeing
in it anything in the least odd."
The Oxonian rejoinder: "But is it odd?
Is it not the point of a university that
young men and women should lead a full,
and free intellectual life, and should be
fired and stimulated by each other's en-
Ideally, of course, that is the point of an
American university too. But there are limits
to what Americans, -whether football player
or poet, will accept in the name of this ideal.
It is doubtful whether this University, for
example, can or should ever attempt to pur-
sue this ideal single-mindedly enough to
tolerate all the things that Oxford tolerates.
-Philip Dawson

WASHINGTON-So they gave Johnny
Maragon eight months to two years in
the clink - pending appeal, of course.
Johnny Maragon was the pushing and
obliging little shot who got caught trying
to be a big shot, peddling "influence" as it
is known around here, buzzing about the
White House amiably and importantly and
in the outer corridors of government de-
partments, posing as a friend of the mighty.
They didn't get him for that - no.
This city is full of smart guys doing that.
They got him for perjury about his bank
accounts and about that perfume he was
charged with smuggling into the country
while on a government mission to Greece
So now we can sit back smugly knowing
that they've got Johnny Maragon, and com-
fort ourselves that righteousness prevails in
government; and the really big fellows
around here who get the big things done
for really big clients and interests, but are
smooth about it and always strictly legal,
you may be sure, can look down their noses
disdainfully at this crude fellow who bothered
with peanut business.
* * *
gon's operations to recognize at the
same time that his business, which seeming-
ly was profitable enough, affected favor-
ably a few people, while the real "influence"
magnates do their business in major eco-
nomic and financial matters involved in
legislation that affect millions of people.
Johnny Maragon can not hold a candle
to such as these, nor to such as the group
of oil millionaires from the Southwest who
gathered at a local hotel to celebrate pas-
sage by Congress of the Kerr bill to ex-
empt their natural gas business from regu-
lation by the Federal Power Commission
which, much to their chagrin but fortun-
Tries te
RUSSIA has shown a sudden new interest
in the troubles of the so-called Free Ter-
ritory of Trieste. Moscow's specific demands
are that the United States and British
troops be withdrawn from the area and
that a governor be appointed immediately
in keeping with terms of the Italian peace
treaty. But what she is doing obviously is
feeling out a soft spot on the cold war front.
The basic troubles over Trieste stem
from conflicting claims of Italy and Yu-
goslavia for control of its shipyards, oil
refineries and the rich resources of the
adjacent hinterland. At the Paris peace
conference the United States, Britain and
France favored Italy's claims. Russia back-
ed Yugoslavia, then a firm member of the
Soviet coalition. The idea of creating a
free territory under the United Nations fi-
nally was agreed upon. But Russian stub-
bornness in the Security Council blocked
all attempts to name a governor and com-
plete the territorial organization. The re-
sult is that Trieste remains under a pro-
visional government, with Great Britain,
the United States and France controlling
one zone and Yugoslavia the other.
In the meantime Italy has refused to re-
linquish its claims on Trieste. The United
States, Britain and France backed these
claims in 1948 on the eve of the Italian elec-
tions. But now the United States says any
settlement of the Trieste question must take
into account the interests of Yugoslavia.
Neither Italy nor Yugoslavia has shown any
willingness to compromise their differences
between themselves.
Establishment of the free territorial gov-
ernment now would close the doors to hopes
of both Italy and Yugoslavia to win control
of the territory eventually. It would remove
British and American military forces from
the Adriatic and weaken Yugoslavia's posi-
tion in its current resistance to Russian

There are many indications that Rus-
sia is preparing to increase these pres-
sures. There is the report, for instance,
that Russia is building a submarine base
on the Albanian island at the mouth of
the Adriatic, from which it could dom-
inate the whole Yugoslavian coast.
Russia is bidding for a diplomatic show-
down in a sensitive area where the western
powers have chosen to be patient. It is at-
tempting to create a crisis from which it
alone could gain. The western powers have
no alternative but to refuse the bait, even
though that means keeping Trieste in a
state of uncertainty for some time to come.
-St. Louis Star-Times
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

ately for millions of us consumers, sub-
sequently was vetoed by President Tru-
These know their way among key figures
in Corigress in both Democratic and Re-
publican parties. They play for high stakes.
It is all perfectly legal, surely, just as, on
the other hand, are the activities of agents
and lobbyists for labor and social welfare
organizations. But it is good every so often
to remind ourselves of their function and
their influence.
Johnny Maragon offers an opportunity
to do that by contrast.
* * *
IT WAS NOT just party loyalty, for in-
stance, that brought together a group
of big oil men at the $100-a-plate Jefferson-
Jackson Day banquet in a huge auditorium
a few weeks back. Those fellows are what
we call "realistic."
Oil men had their eyes on the Kerr bill,
as they have it on the bill to remove juris-
diction over oil-bearing tidelands from
the Federal government to. the states,
which always have been found more amen-
able about regulation, and on the bill to
increase depletion allowances for tax pur-
poses in oil-drilling operations.
These interests and others are represent-
ed here, in and out of season, by skillful
lawyers, some of them formerly with official
positions in the Truman, Roosevelt and pre-
vious administrations, as well as by lobbyists
who look after their business as individual
members of organized groups - steel, utili-
ties, real estate, and the like. They know
how to get circuitous legal language in leg-
islation and administrative orders to pro-
tect their clients and groups, as has been
revealed time after time.
It has always been so. They operate at
the center of things, not around the edges,
as do smaller fry of the Maragon variety.
They have of late become more powerfi
and more vocal, exploiting the confusion
caused by the Communist exposes, so that
they have been able to stop virtually all
social welfare measures, which of them-
selves have become, for their purposes,
"Communistic" or "socialistic" endeavors.
Let's not forget the bigger picture in as-
sessing the operations of Johnny Maragon.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Senator Tom Connally, chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations committee, snorted
like a Texas longhorn when he heard Presi-
dent Truman had made peace with GOP
Senator Bridges of New Hampshire. Off-the-
record, Connally called the President's ac-
tion a "blunder" and an "affront." .. ,
"Cotton Elmer" Thomas, the speculating
senator is now sending out a weekly farm
letter to attract farm votes. The catch is,
it's being ghost written by a Senate Agri-
culture Committee clerk-Rollis Nelson-
whose salary is paid by the taxpayers ....
Senator Neely of West Virginia is anxious
to name a certain high-up official govern-
ing the Nation's Capital whom he thinks is
in league with the underworld ....
Senator McCarran's new immigration bill
is full of camouflaged clauses aimed at un-
doing the displaced persons bill ... .
Chiang Kai-Shek is chartering a special
airplane next month to fly American news-
men to Formosa. All expenses are paid by
the nationalists, who consider it a good in-
vestment in publicity. The idea was cooked
up by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek and Ma-
dame H. H. Kung, real powers behind the
throne and among the wealthiest people re-
siding in the U.S.A.... .

Two Franco agents are trying to swing a
loan of between $700,000 and $1,000,000 from
the Export-Import Bank to build a nitrogen
plant in Spain. They claim the nitrogen is
to be used for fertilizer, though nitrogen
can also be used in explosives.
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Lost and Found
JUST got back from the University's Lost
and Found Department where a most
startling thing happened. We found a pair
of badly needed rubbers we lost during an
Economics exam a week ago, and a pen, yes
a pen, we lost about a month ago in the
history department.
There's lots more where those items came
from too. If you've lost something in the
last year or so, let us suggest you drop over
to the main desk on the Administration
Building's second floor. Having proved "be-
yond a reasonable doubt" that an item is
yours, the charming lady at the desk is happy
to liberate it.
-Rich Thomas

"That's A Kind Of Bi-Partisan Combination Too"
\ - r
M ,


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Go To Russia

<-lems that can and should be takent

. .

To the Editor
IT'S happened again! For a mo-
ment I thought my twenty inch
slide rule, Cornu's spiral, and Mo-
liere chart had gone haywire. But
no! at precisely the time designa-
ted by these respectable scientific
tools, the prophecy was fulfilled
by no less a personage than John
C. Tobin.
Frantically I scanned the Sun-
day Daily searching for this veri-
fication, that the eternal sine
curve has again actually intersect-
ed the x-axis at 360n. Sure enough,
someone had uttered, RADICAL,
GO TO RUSSIA. My faith in the
scientific method is restored. I can
now confidently return to my ivory
tower to compute once more when
the cyclic sine wil form the proper
intersection. Then, as today, all I
need do is consult the Daily and
someone will have said, RADICAL,
This periodic uncanny pheno-
menon cannot be appreciated by
the laymen who do not cease to be
awed at these seemingly conclu-
sive intellectual rebuttals for a lib-
eral education., but to the scien-
tists it is a matter of course. These
men have met similar situations
in theiratomic study. Again they
were able to determine exactly
when a uranium electron would
explode, and, indeed, the very na-
ture of the explosion, but (this is
the unfortunate limitation) they
cannot specify which electron will
comply with the requirement. The
helpless electrons, thinking them-
selves unique and entirely free-
willed, roam about in a helter-
skelter fashion, apparently satis-
fying every whim and fancy. How-
ever, one of them must decide
(perhaps, through collective arbi-
tration) to explode at the Nth sec-
The Daily's electron has explod-
ed in the typical fashion-entirely
irational. No explanation for the
outburst is offered by the elec-
tron-there can't be-and no rea-
son can be found other than the
fact that it occurs and must con-
tinue to do so. The next John C.
Tobin, imagining himself as a cle-
ver defender of intellectual steril-
ity, not just a multiple of 360,
not just a helpless electron, will
cry out: RADICAL, GO TO RUS-
-Jerry Zinnes
P.S. The last time this occurred a
donation was offered to the radi-
cal. All contributions raised for
my deportation will be humbly
accepted and used to aid my sum-
mer study abroad.
* * *
West Quad Protest . .
To the Editor:
I wish to commend The Michigan
Daily for publishing the article
on Wednesday, April 5, about the
intense dissatisfaction of the stu-
dents for the living conditions in
the West Quadrangle. However, I
believe that the crowded condition
was overstressed. It is not the
cause for the most undesirable
conditions. The University is try-
ing to remedy the crowded con-
ditions by building the South
Quadrangle. There are many prob-

care of as soon as possible. The
lighting is inefficient. Many of
the floor lamps are in very bad
condition, and all of them have a
glare which is very bad for the
eyes. Intense studying is bad
enough on the eyes without hav-
ing bad lighting.
The blankets are too small for
the beds. They are also very dirty.
They cannot be properly tucked
into the regular sized beds. They
fit the smaller Navy bunk beds a
little better except one out of every
two of them cannot be tucked in
at the foot of the bed! If new
blankets that will fit the beds
cannot be acquired than certainly
the existing ones should be clean-
ed. They are filthy!
The easy chairs have not been
properly taken care of ever since
they were put in the rooms. They,
too, are disgustingly dirty. The
West Quadrangle will not have the
cushions vacuum cleaned because
it would bring more dirt to the
surface. One of the cleaning
women said that they should be
put out in the court in the rain
for several weeks so the dirt could
be washed out of them. Many of
the men will not sit in them while
wearing clothes they wish to keep
clean, I being one of them. They
definitely need a thorough clean-
Something should be done about
the radiator valves also. The tem-
perature of the rooms cannot be
adjusted to suit the unfortunate
The University does not furnish
any bookcases for the rooms.
Many of the men have resorted
to using unsightly crates for book-
These things are not at all
caused by the overcrowded condi-
tions in the West Quadrangle.
They are the most undesirable
conditions in the Quad and should
be taken care of as soon as pos-
sible. It seems to me that the'
money the Quad makes should be
spent on maintaining good liv-
ing conditions in the West Quad
before it should be used to build
a new dorm. How about it, Mr.
-Ronald B. Foulds, '53E
* * *
Communism . .
To the Editor:
HAS Mr. Marx now abandoned
his idea that the Communist
group is a party in order to give
us another illusory view of it?'
The Communist group now be-
comes, in twisted logic, the con-
science of the nation. The latest
editorial goes on to illustrate in
some detail how many social in-
justices we might have missed had
it not been for the Communist vi-
gilance. What the editorial ne-
glects to say is that the same
awareness should be brought about
by an awakened conscience in our-
selves, by a true sense of social
justice in the Christian spirit, by
a positive faith-certainly more
positive than "freedom in its
broadest sense."
We must all agree that the Com-
munist group is physically and spi-
ritually impotent in the United
States. We can even agree with
Mr. Marx that the Communist
"menace" has been greatly over-

(Continued from Page 2)
P r e 1u,d e to "Khovantchina"
Moussorgsky;rConcerto No. 3 for
Piano & Orchestra, Rachmanin-
off; Symphony No. 5, Tschaikow-
Sunday, May 7, 2:30 - Nathan
Milstein, violinist; U n i v e r s i t y
Choral Union; Thor Johnson, con-
Song of Destiny, Brahms; "The
Cycle", Peter Mennin; Concerto in
D major, violin and orchestra,
Sunday, May 7, 8:30 - Marian
Anderson, contralto; Eugene Or-
mandy, conductor.
"Classical" Symphony, Prokof-
eff; Kindertotenlieder, Mahler;
Two Hispanic Pieces, McDonald;
Jeanne d'Arc au Bucher, Liszt;
"Pines of Rome", Respighi.
Concerts will begin on time, and
the doors will be closed during
Official program books, with
annotations by Professor Glenn
D. McGeoch, historical informa-
tion, etc., will be on sale in the
main lobby of Hill Auditorium
preceding each concert.
Events Today
Theology Forum: Lane Hall, 9
WSSF Executive Committee:
Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Social Ethics Forum. Lane Hall,
'7:15 p.m.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
United Jewish Appeal Solicitors'
Tea at the Foundation, 4 p.m. So-
licitors requested to bring in all
pledge cards completed and all
money collected thus far.
University Marketing Club: Mr.
Chester Ogden, Purchasing De-
partment, Detroit Edison Com-
pany, willspeak on the topic "Pur-
chasing as a Function pf the Mar-
keting Process." 130 School , of
Business Administration, 7:30 p.-
m. Refreshments. All interested
students invited.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full rehearsal of chorus and prin-
cipals, 6:30 p.m., League. Please
note time change.
'Michigan Crib: Meeting, 8 p.m.,
Rm. A., League. Election of off i-
cers and ratification of proposed
rated. The real menace exists with-
in ourselves. The danger is ex-
actly the kind of thinking charac-
terized by The Daily's editorial on
the Communist "Menace." This
type of thinking does not look to
itself, or to legitimate authority
for guide to conscience or to so-
cial living. It looks rather to an
irresponsible group which bases
its arguments on a materialistic
dialectic. The Daily accepts its
criticisms of the social system
with a credulity that it gives to
no other minority group.
Certainly there are American
injustices, but that in'no wap jus-
tifies the position of the Commu-
nist who denies the very basis of
justice in the natural and the
Divine Law. Does The Daily rea-
lize the absurdity of its position
in making the Communist group
the 'national conscience? Con-
science itself is held as "medi-
aeval" by the Marxist. The idea of
natural law or of Divine Law,
hence of real justice, is a bour-
geoise concept in Marxian eyes.
The issue, having apocalyptic sig-
nificance, is between our strength
in the Christian tradition and the
zealous faith of the Communist
in the material dialectic. The Daily
continues to obscure the issues.
-E. J. McCullough
* * *

I To the Editor:
WHEN such VIPs as Winston
Churchill and Joe Stalin, or
even our own Harry Truman, de-
cied that in order to promote
peace and International Under-
standing, they will organize them-
selves into a three-way debating
team, under the sponsorship of
the United Nations Organization,
they will be fully justified in plan-
ning to appear in only the largest
halls. Perhaps such spots as Mad-1
ison Square Garden, Soldiers Field
and the Hollywood Bowl would
prove too small to hold the au-
diences which would gather to hear
such a debate.
Personally, I don't want to be
around when this great debating
team rolls into Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan and finds that this great'
University of Michigan can only
offer a cafeteria with a seating
capacity of 200 persons!
-Edward R. Jobsonj

Corning Events

Special Meeting of Union Memr
bers to take action on the propos-
ed constitutional amendments,
Tues., May 1B, 7:30 p.m. (instead
of Wed., May 10, as previously .an-
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Sabbath evening services, 7:15 p.i
m. Please note change in time be-
cause of May Festival.
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy, Fri., May 5, 7:45 p.m,,
Angell Hall. A' short illustrated
talk will be given by Miss Jean
McDonald in 3017 Angell Hall :
Following the talk the student ob-
servatory, fifth floor, Angell Hall;
'will be open for observation of Sa-
turn and Mars with the telescopes
provided the sky is clear. ChildreA
must be accompanied by adults.
German Coffee Hour: Fri., May
5, 3:15-4:30 p.m., League Coffee
Bar. All students and faculty
members invited.
I.Z.F.A.: Executive council, 4:15
p.m., Fri., May 5; Union.
Undergraduate Psychological So-
ciety: Field Trip No. 2, to the
Kaiser-Frazer Plant will leave b#
bus at 1 p.m., Fri., May 5, from
Hill Auditorium. The trip includes
a tour of the plant and a lecture
on personnel problems and man-
agement by the plant's industrial
psychologist. A few remaining
tickets may be purchased at the
bus. The bus will be back on cams
pus by 5 p.m. All interested are
University Museums: "The Lar.
ger Mammals of Michigan" wig
be featured in the University Mu-
seums exhibits Friday evening,
May 5, 7 to 9 p.m. A list of Michl
gan Mammals will be distributed;
portraits of them by R. P. Gros-
senheider are on display in th*
rotunda of the Museums building.
Three short reels of moving Pic:
tures: "Common animals of thb
woods," "The deer and its rela-
tives," and "The horse and itg
relatives," 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Au-
'1 Y

constitution. Dr. William Leslie
will speak on the topic, "The Inte-
grated Program-Old and New."
All members urged to attend. .
International Center Weedy Te :
4:30-6 'p.m.
U. of M. Sailing Club: Busines
meeting and shore school, 7:30
p.m., 311 W. Engine.
Polonia Club, 7:30 p.m., Inter-
national Center. Discussion 01
plans for picnic. Members request-
ed to attend.
U. of M. Sociological Society:
Thursday afternoon coffee hour
307 Haven Hall, 3 to 5 p.m.
U. of M. Hostel Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Lane Hall.


Fifty-Ninth Year -
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
LeonJaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen.......City Editor
Philip Dawson .... Editorial Director
Don McNeil ........... Feature Editor
Mary Stein ... .... Associate Edit
Jo Misner . ... Associate Editor
George Walker....... Associate Editor
wally Barth.......Photography Editor.
Pres Holmes ........ Sports Co-Editdt
Merle Levin ........ Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz .Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach ...... Women's Editor
Barbara Smith..Associate Women's Ed.
Business Staff
Roger Wellington .. Business Manager
-Dee Nelson Associate Business Manager
Jim Dang.......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff ......Finance Manager
Bob Daniels .... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusivel*~
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all othi
matters herein are also reserved
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor,Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.



Here's more ice for your head, John-

8arnaby. Go out and play!

Barnaby! There IS
no Mr. O'Malley!

Baby this is serjous!

At least I can't recal
talking with any census

- - -



Unless . . That's it! Of
course! Your dear mother

fwas a little worried there
for a moment, m'boy-Either

Mom said NO,
Mr. O'Malley.


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