:HE..MT G IWA Il!. IL , WEDTv*#M9DAV-'*T-AV'--!t 14 . is( I a , Mx ., r --. ....aa a- w -a. -Z".R. M 1 T85W~ '*r-','!L .FA Tag Day Dritve I TODAY is Tag Day!S All over campus today the traditional Fresh Air Camp buckets have been stationed to receive the coin and bills that students will contribute to continue the work at the' camp. Situated on Patterson Lake outside of Ann Arbor the camp provides summer va- cation for children emotionally disturbed or financially underprivileged who need a change from home environments. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DOLORES LASCHEVER Recommended by social agencies for ther- apy treatment at, camp, these youngsters represent the forgotten boys of Michigan. For thirty years since its inception Uni- versity students have traditionally taken an active interest in maintaining the camp. Large projects such as Michigras have turn- ed over their proceeds proudly. The Fresh Air Camp has captured the hearts of Mich- igan students. The proceeds of this year's Tag Day drive will go to pay for the food for the boys at the camp this summer. A summer at a camp away from a hot city may be the very thing a kid needs to restore his happiness. Don't pass that bucket today without reaching deep for the little kid on the diving board. He needs your help. -Herb Cheston pohted eeh i (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first articles on student government and at the University.) of series of its problems THOMAS L. STOKES: i _ .. ,. Hoover and The UN W ASHINGTON-It is unfortunate that Herbert Hoover has used his prestige to propose that Russia and her satellites be barred from the United Nations. Much more pointed to the needs of to- day was a proposal made the same day (iAn New Yrk by Jdhn Foster DuJ er, another distinguished Republican and for- eign affairs expert, for a general confer- ence to revise the U.N. on the basis of the first five years of experience to make it a more effective agency. All of us have suffered frustration from the way Russia has balked repeatedly in the U.N. and lately has been boycotting various of its agencies because she wants Commu- nist China to replace National China on the Security Council. It has been disappointing, too, that the U.N. has been handicapped be- cause of the differences between the two most powerful members, our nation and Russia. But it is unlike Herbert Hoover to yield to such frustrations. Five years is a short trial. The U.N. was not created for the uneasy year of 1950, but was set up for all time as an instru- mentality that would slowly develop into a real world federation, with improvement from time to time as experience shows the way. Md.) has suggested, in his latest resolution, issue the call for the world disarmament con- ference he has proposed. It is the one or- ganized agency that includes everybody nec- essary for a peaceful settlement, and people everywhere recognize that. It is the hope, too, of the small nations which quiver fearfully between two giant millstones, including those small nations at present in the orbit of Russia which may not, however, always be in her orbit. Those people need a forum in which to speak for their interests- One of the great mistakes that both we and the Russians have made is to think too much in terms of ourselves and Russia only. * * * WHILE the U.N. has been inadequate so far with major international problems involving us and Russia, it has, nonetheless, done a great deal through its agencies, es- pecially of the humanitarian sort for help- ing refugees, promoting education, and health, and feeding starving children. This sort of aid has penetrated beyond the Iron Curtain to help and improve the lot of peo- ple. That, of itself, contributes to interna- tional good will and understanding. We can not, for humanity's sake, close that door, either. We can not afford to be self-righteous. We must not forget that we, as well as the Russians, insisted upon the Big Power veto that has caused so much trouble, and that we were the first to go outside the U.N. in our Greek-Turkish venture right at the doorstep of Russia. As for Mr. Hoover's over-all objective of "moral and spiritual cooperation of God- fearing free nations," we have already created numerous agencies to promote that, as Mr. Dulles pointed out, in ECA, the North Atlantic Pact, and the smaller Western Union in Europe. It was upon our insistence at San Francisco that such re- gional organizations were permitted with- in the U.N. framework. This is no time to break up the world federation through which we can project our influence all over the world. Let us not start any secession movement. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) To crack it asunder now would be to des- troy its whole purpose of eventual union among nations and to freeze the world into twohhostile, armed camps when tension is highest. It is at such a time, at this very time indeed, that we need a conference room and a table such as the U.N. provides more than at any time since its creation. This is no time to lock the door on one party, and a big party which controls a sizable chunk of the earth's surface. JN our own experience with labor-manage- ment troubles we try to keep the confer- ence room open and handy. Sometimes it takes a lot of sitting around a table, almost endless talk, and infinite patience, but in the end we usually get a settlement. We have learned not to slam the door shut. Despite the U.N.'s inability to handle the great problems between us and Russia, it yet may be significant that more and more in recent weeks, as tension has mounted, it is being suggested as the agency to initiate a dramatic move for peace. It is the U.N., for example which Senator Tydings (D., Real Tragedy THE TRAGEDY of the present hysteria in which so much of the country has joined is that men and women from whom we have a right to expect sane and fair thinking have abdicated that role. It is tragic that men in positions of high responsibility should accept shrieking tantrums as a substitute for thinking our way out of the problems before us. We have had propagandists of this kind before in this country. Some of the early political pamphleteers were their intellec- tual forebears. But in these days of mass communication and reprints by the mil- lions, the machinery of propaganda is more ponderous in size, and more frigh- tening. And we have reasons to fear for reason itself when we look in the mail in the morning and discover that men who should know better are distributing the shoddy wares broadcast. How can it be that straight-thinking Americans do not recognize the hysterical writing of such people for what it is? There is plenty to criticize in our Government and in our ways of life, and some solid argu- ments can be made against men and poli- cies now to the fore. But one discards good American common sense in'putting the case for pleading in the hands of men whose logic, whose respect for the truth and the simple rules of evidence qualify them for' jobs only on such newspapers 'as Izvestia and Pravda, the organs of the Communist tribe. It is tragic, again, that the wild stuff of Stalin and his kind should have led us to think that the way to combat the Com- munist menace is to produce stuff just as nausan nn tho nth r cidan.a~rdm- THE FUTURE of student self-government may well rest heavily on the shoulders of 4the newly-elected Student Legislators holding their first meeting this evening. Theirs is the responsibility to take up the job of increasing the area of activity in which students may act on their own behalf and not under administration con- trol. The responsibility is more important now than ever before because of the grow- ing recognition of student maturity on the part of the administration. One could point out as a land-mark in the development along this line the letter from Deans Bromage, I 'Ea, and Walters which appeared on the ilont page of The Daily. It expressed their belief that: "As it continues to develop as a perma- nent organization, and gains increasing suppoit from the student body, the Stu- dent Legislature will be able to assume an increasingly larger role in the deter- mination and governing of student af- fairs." To anyone who has spent the past four years at Michigan and seen some of the ar- bitrary decisions which have been handed down by the administration, it was signi- ficant indeed. These decisions seemed especially arbitrary due to the presence on campus of men and women who had spent years in service. They were people who had been on their own so long that the idea of submitting to paterna- listic control in their extra-curricular af- fairs came as a shock. The University, on the other hand, still handled student affairs in the tradition of 19th-century German institutions from which it learned many teaching methods. From the student point of view, a university was a place to digest a body of facts and pass an exam. There was little to form the individual and make him more competent to accept social responsibilities. Now, however, administrators are be- ginning to realize that there is a great deal for the student to learn in college from the experience of running his own affairs. The veterans can claim a great deal of credit for that fact. Significantly, the National Conference on Higher Education, in its 1949 report on "Current Trends in Higher Education," said that "the world of tomorrow will be the heri- tage of our young people today, and the leaders of the world of tomorrow will come largely from our present campus leaders." Although many educators have thus ex- pressed themselves, the problem here on campus has still boiled down to the fact that the student leaders have had to prove their ability before any power was ex- tended to them. It has been largely a question, not whether the students can learn by attempting self- rule, but rather whether they can perform the functions they request. This is the ques- tion the Student Legislature may answer in its present session. -Don McNeil Union Opera Tradition THE Michigan Union Opera has had an all- male cast ever since its beginning back in the early part of this century. Recently it was suggested that women have an equal part in the Opera's planning and production. The advocates of such a plan claim that the production fails to bring the best talent to alumni and friends in other cities and that women and men should collaborate their talents in order to produce the best show pos- sible. It is impossible, of course, to know ex- actly what success a mixed cast would meet unless it were actually put to the test. However, it seems most likely that the traditionally all-male company is here to stay for the following reasons: 1-Since its revival last year, the Union Opera has gained tremendous popularity. According to Opera Manager Jim Ebersole, the 1950 production, 'Lace It Up,' was so well received in the three cities visited that the sponsoring alumni clubs requested a return engagement next year. Probably even more cities will be toured in 1951. The Opera iL definitely not a losing proposition finan- cially either. Although approximately ten thousand dollars are expended, the project usually comes out a few hundred dollars to the good. Thus, the Union Opera is not 'con- spicuously failing,' but rather it is well es- tablished on the road to success, as it was in the early part of this century. 2---The romantic interest of the songs is definitely not lost by the men. In fact, the female impersonations are amazingly real- istic. It is true that the 'false females' bring out many laughs which greatly con- tribute to the show's success. But they also manage to put across the songs so well that the audience goes away whistling the catchy tunes. 3-If the Opera har women An +he rad "Ah, I Guess I'll Let It Go" M~ . L DC++r - z XetteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Debate-Pro . . . DREW PEARSON Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-Ex-Communist Louis Bu- denz swung his red brush in a wide arc the other day and smeared two dozen more Americans as Communists, including a Ma- rine hero and a famous editor. He delivered his-liew red list behind closed doors to the Senate subcommittee investi- gating Senator McCarthy's charges. The only name that leaked out afterward was re- ported triumphantly by McCarthy on the Senate floor-Haldore Hanson. However, Senator McMahon of Connecticut disagreed with McCarthy. * * * THE BUDENZ LIST Among those whom he branded as Com- munists are such prominent Americans as the late Brig. Gen. Evan Carlson, the Marine hero who led the famed "Carlson's Raiders" and originated the "Gung Ho" battle cry that terrified the Japs; Edgar Snow, an as- sociate editor of Saturday Evening Post; Jos- eph Barnes, former Foreign Editor for the New York Herald Tribune; Anna Louise Strong, who was kicked out of Russia as an American spy; Lawrence Rossinger of the New York Times, Mary Kleeck of the Rus- sell Sage Foundation; Gunther Stein, well- known writer. Budenz' list also includes Harriett Lucy Moore, of the American-Russian institute; Frederick Vanderbilt Field, who has never denied that he was a Communist; Victor Yakhontoff, a writer on the Red army; Ella Winter, Peggy Snow, T. A. Bisson, a writer on Soviet affairs; Andrew Steiger, James S. Allen, a member of the Communist National Committee; Albert Rhys Williams, writer on Lenin's life; and Haldore Hanson. Hanson mw. nmma i y Rma-1, i" eit . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN To the Editor: ANY wonder what businessa faculty member has sponsoring a debate in the U.S. involvinga Communist, when in Russia suc freedom of speech would be com pletely denied a non-Communist May I explain why I participate in the sponsorship of the recen Slosson-Phillips debate? Psychologists now have estab lished clear evidence that emotion in problem-solving situations pi)- duces autistic, unrealistic think ing. Our very lives depend upon our ability as citizens to handl our relations with Russia creative- ly and constructively. We mus learn to think about this vita: matter dispassionately. My prime responsibility asr faculty member of the Univer- sity of Michigan is to aid in the development of a student body capable of making sound, delib- erative decisions on matters vital to their welfare. Otherwise, how can the quality of our thinking about national policy ever be rais- ed above today's level of emotional stereotypy? My support of the de- bate arose out of my willingness to attempt to discharge my full obligation as a teacher in this community. As a leading educator has stat- ed in a recent issue of the Michi- gan Alumnus Quarterly Review, "It is the function of the Univer- sity toprovide the environment and the means for free inquiry and objective teaching." -Harold Guetzkow, Assistant Professor of Psychology * * * Debate - Pro.. .. To the Editor: WHAT OCCURRED last Thurs- day night, and previously, ov- er the Phillips Slosson debate left me a bit sour in my thoughts. It demonstrated to me that the Uni- versity, whether through its Lec- ture Committee or the Regents, had not only made a gross "faux Pas" bct left itself open for much justified criticism. Those unable to hear the debate because adequate facilities were not available - due to the speak- er's ban - were denied the right to obtain first-hand information and an education about this "ab- straction" labelled communism. This term, abstraction, is used be- cause, in essence, that is what communism has been to me: some thing kept very remote. This has been because of no choice of mine. Students come to a university to learn, a process of exposure and absorbtion, but are confronted with a suituation whereby a way of life different from our own is be- ing kept as far as possible away from them. Yet they are called upon by their government and their parents via all the devices of the press, radio and TV, as well as their universities to fight this forbidding "spectre." Just how do we go about this when we're kept in the dark? when clarity and de- cisiveness are blurred by emotions and a great degree of subjectivity? Individuals at the college level are supposed to be above average intelligence and are constantly be- ing called upon to think for them- selves. No positive approach to the ' problem is offered them; thus, i seems natural that resentmen should arise. This affair has beer a a disgrace to the things a uni. g versity stands for and definite in a sult to the student. h I can only think of the probler -which cancer offers society and then wonder where we'd be toda d if the fear of such led to a sup- t presion as real as the one existing today concerning communism? - Yes, I will take up the figh Sagainst this foe; but inwardly, I will feel that it's being done blind- ly with but this rationale as s a basis: the brute force of self- e preservation! The question whicl leaves grave doubts in my mind t is whether we are being prepared l sufficiently to come out on top? -Stuart L. Ferer Debate-Pro . . To the Editor: IT is certainly deplorable that the University Lecture Commit- tee decided to ban the proposed Phillips-Wernette debate. T h e harmful effects of this decision are too obvious to require further emphasis here. But what is even more de- But what is even more deplora- ble is the possibility that had the Lecture Committee decided to al- low the debate, other harmful ef- fects would have followed, in the form of reduced financial aid to the University. The suppression of free discus- sion has turned out to be a meal victory for the Communists; but any serious slashing of University revenue (such as to require a raise in tuition, or the curtailment of any services offered) would also be a gain for the Communists. The Lecture Committee was on the spot; it had to make a choice between the lesser of two evils, and, in any case, the Communists stood to win. We may disagree over which evil was the lesser, but I think we can all agree that something is wrong when the opportunities for free discussion in a democracy depend upon the making of such a choice. -J. L. Rogers * * * Union Cafeteria... To the Editor: I'VE taken it for six years and Job would tell me than I should take it for six more but my name isn't Job-it's John. I'm speaking of the conditions in the Michigan Union Cafeteria, conditions that would not be tolerated in a third rate hotel. I could at this point enumerate the filth and unsani- tary conditions prevailing but all this is too familiar to any patron of the cafeteria. Previous articles have dealt with the filthy "rah rah tables" that should have gone out in the days of Rudy Vallee. I would like to get down to something more basic, namely the old, unappetizing, poorly prepared food. No one who has eaten in the dining room or at any of the special banquets can say that the Michigan Union is incapable of turning out good food. I, myself, have had several opportunities and knew that the Union is capable of turning out excellent food and at a reason- (Continued from Page 3) Senior Honors Program in Eng- guish (English 197-198) for 1950 1951 is open to well-qualified stu- dents in the College of LS & A who have junior standing at the present time. The course is con- ducted by senior members of the Department of English and em- phasizes the intensive study of English masterpieces, from More's Utopia to modern poetry and drama. Students who apply for admission must have demonstra- ted superior aptitude for the study of literature and mcst possess a strong desire to do a large amount of independent work. The course is conducted as a seminar, and each student is assigned to a Tu- tor. Applications may be given to any member of the Honors Com- mittee (Professors Ogden, Mues- chke, and Litzenberg, Chairman) on or before May 8, and should consist of a letter from the appli- cant accompanied by a Registrar's blue-print. All candidates will be given personal interviews by the Committee. Bacteriology Seminar: Tomor- row, 9 a.m., 1520 E. Medical Build- ing. Speaker: Mr. Robert Lindberg. Subject: Studies on the Antigenic Structure of Histoplasma Capsu- latum. Preliminary Examinations in Linguistics (Angell Hall 5208): (1) General Linguistics, Sat., May 13, 9-12; (2) English, Romance, etc., Sat., May 20, 9-12; (3) Comparative Grammar of Indo-European, Sat., May 20, 9-12. Candidates should notify Pro- fessor Kurath well in advance. Registration for Directed Teach- ing in Elementary Education in the Summer Session of 1950 should be filed immediately in 2509 University Elementary School. able price-but not in the cafeter- ia where the Michigan student is forced to eat. I say forced because time and attire do not permit the average student to eat in the din- ing room. Now you who differ with me can immediately retaliate with "You don't have to eat at the Union, do you?" I would agree except that when I pay my tui- tion fees at the University I never fail to notice that there is a small coupon which carries Nwth it a membership fee of $7.50. Some say the Union gets it, others say they do not. That's immaterial to me. I have to pay it. I'm interested in the Union to the tune of $14.00 per year. From my observations the din- ing room occupies the top bracket at the Union. It caters to the more distinguished clientele such as the professors and their friends, influential alumni and towns- people, visiting politicoes, etc. The excessesand "rejects" come tum- bling down into the cafeteria slightly aged but good enogh for the average student. The hapless student who stumbles into the cafeteria can consume it even though it may be odiferous or in other ways unpalatable. If a stu- dent is lucky he may obtain an ex- cess of a meal served in the din- ing room the same day. In other In other words the situation shapes up something like this: The Michigan Union Student Caf- eteria occupies a position adjacent to the garbage can! It's just that the cafeteria makes a profit on SConcerts MAY FESTIVAL. Concerts will take place as follows: Thursday, May 4, 8:30 - Ljuba Welitch, soprano; Eugene Orman- dy, conductor. Overture from "La Sultane," Couperin-Milhaud; Letter scene (Eugene Onegin), Tschaikowsky; Symphony No. 7, Sibelius; Closing Scene (Salome), Strauss; "Death and Transfiguration',' Strauss. Friday, May 5, 8:30-University Choral Union; Norma Heyde, so- prano; Blanche Thebom, contral- to; Harold Haugh, tenor; Mack Harrell, baritone; William Prim- rose, violist; Alexander Hilsberg, violinist; William Kincaid, flutist; and James Wolfe, pianist; Thor Johnson, Conductor. "Brandenburg" Concerto No. 5, Bach; "Don Quichotte a Dulcinee," Ravel; Concerto for Viola & Or- chestra, Bartok; "Magnificat" in D major, Bach. Saturday, May 6, 2:30 Jan Peerce, tenor; Alexander Hilsberg, conductor. Festival Youth Chorus, Marguerite Hood, conductor. Overture, "Benvenuto Cellini," Berlioz; Walrus and the Carpenter, Fletcher; "No, o Dio" (Calphur- nia), Handel; Love Has Eyes Bishop; "Enjoy the Sweet Elysian Grove," from "Alceste," Handel; Tomb Scene (Lucia), Donizetti; "O Paradiso" (L'Africana), Meyer- beer; Symphony No. 2, Schubert. Saturday, May 6, 8:30 - Wil- liam Kapell, pianist; Eugene Or- mandy, conductor. P r e 1 u,d e to"Khovaitchina" Moussorgsky; Concerto No. 3 for Piano & Orchestra, Rachmanin- off; Symphony No. 5, Tschaikow- sky. Sunday, May 7, 2:30 - Nathan Milstein, violinist; U n i v e r s i t y Choral Union; Thor Johnsdn, con- ductor. Song of Destiny, Brahms; "The Cycle", Peter Mennin; Concerto in D major, violin and orchestra, Brahms. Sunday, May 7, 8:30 - Marian Anderson, contralto;:Eugene Or- mandy, conductor. "Classical" Symphony, Prokofi- eff; Kindertotenlieder, Mahler; Two Hispanic Pieces, McDonald; Jeanne d'Arc au Bucher, Liszt; "Pines of Rome", Respighi. Concerts will begin on time, and the doors will be closed during numbers. Official program books, with annotations by Professor Glenn D. McGeoch, historical informa- tion, etc., will be on sale in the main lobby of- Hill Auditorium preceding each concert. Events Today Michigan Christian Fellowship: Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Discussion based on chapter three of 1 John. Wesleyan Guild: 4 p.m., Do- Drop-In in the Lounge. 9:30 p.m., Sigma Theta Epsilon meeting in the Lounge. (Continued on Page 5) -t -' 7777- { , V I t. -John C. Johnson Michigras . .. To the Editor: THE excellent spirit of coopera- tion prevalent in the 1948 Michigras prompted us to write a letter to the Editor. Now, in 1950, we write again. The Michigras, sponsored jointly by the Women's Athletic Association and the Mich- igan Union, was a sample of vol- unteer service in its best form. The Central Committee aided by the excellent cooperation of all participating groups and indivi- duals is to be complimented upon an outstanding presentation of Michigras. The entire project rep- resents to us a most desirable ex- ample of University and Commun- ity relationship. The students, faculty, adminis- tration, Plant Department, mer- chants, city departments and offi- cials should have a deep feeling of satisfaction knowing this was the best Michigras yet and that they had a generous part in its success. Our hats are off to you. -Marie Hartwig Walter Rea Advisors to Michigras Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff......... Managing Editor Al Blumrosen .........City Editor Philip Dawsor .... Editorial Director Don McNeil........... Feature Editor Mary Stein .. .... Associate Editor Jo Misner . ... ... Associate Editor George Walker....Associate Editor wally Barth......Photography Editor Pres Homes ........ Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin ........ Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz .. Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaitenbach ...... Women's Editor Barbara Smith.. Associate Women's Ed. Business Staff Roger Wellington .. Business Manager Dee Nelson Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff ...... Finance Manager Bob Daniels .... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the usesforerepublication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to. this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,.Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.04, b mail, $6.00.. t BARNABY The very idea! Flying so low! Hit me right in the head. . .The Civil Well, good-bye, Barnaby. Barnaby! I can't I mustn't miss the meeting find' our plane- ci Anywhere.. .