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May 03, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-03

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Sitr Uta
Latest Deadline in the State





Maragon To
Go To Prison
For Perjury
Freed On Bail,
Awaits Appeal
WASHINGTON - (,') - John
Maragon, ;who used to be seen
around the White House, was sen-
tenced yesterday to spend eight
months to two years in jail for
A Federal District Court con-
victed him of lying to Senate in-
vestigators about his bank ac-
counts and the jobs he held in
1945 and 1946, when he still was
a friend of Presidential Military
Aide Harry Vaughan.
* * *
A MARAGON was freed on $5,000
bail until an Appeals Court de-
cides whether his conviction will
As an immigrant from Greece,
Maragon came to this country as
a boy, shined shoes in Kansas
City, worked for the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad and finally
became a man-around-town in
, Washington. He is 57 years old.
The government pictured him at
his trial as a promoter who tried
to put pressure on Federal em-
ployes in business deals with pri-
vate firms. It said he used Vaugh-
an's name and represented him-
self as coming from the White
House. Maj. Gen. Vaughan him-
self once called Maragon a lovable
little fellow, but then said he
ought to be fumigated.
* * *
MARAGON'S lawyers said he
was a "peanut vendor among prin-
ces" who did nothing wrong in
business matters with the gov-
ernment and was a victim of en-
trapment by Senators who inves-
tigated five percenters. (Five per-
centers are persons who represent
others in business affairs with the
government for a fee, usually five
per cent.)
The government failed to con-
vict Maragon of lying about
business negotiations with gov-
ernment agencies. But it did get
a conviction on two charges:
That he lied to the Senate in-
vestigators in saying he had only
a Washington bank account, when
he had another in San Antonio,
That he committed perjury also
in saying he no longer was on the
payroll of a Chicago importing
firm when he took a temporary
job with the State Department
Shortage of
Ca led Serious
A serious shortage of psychia-
trists now exists because of the
tremendous increase of public in-
terest in psychiatry within the
past 10 years, Dr. William C. Men-
ninger, medical director of then
Menninger Sanitarium, declared
last night.
"If the public cannot get first
class psychiatric help, they may
turn to second and third class
psychiatrists and provide a field in
which quackery can flourish," he

ONE OF THE reasons for the
shortage, he said, is that many
medical students who are inter-
ested in psychiatry are talked out
of it by students and professors
who are still skeptical about the
Noting the hundreds of stand-
ees who were crowded into the
Rackham Lecture Hall to hear
him, Dr. Menninger lauded the
work of journalists and of other
interested laymen in bringing
the impor'tance of psychiatry be-
fore the public.
"We have still to combat the
tendency of the public to stigma-
tize people who have mental dis-
orders," he continued. "This ten-
dency arises from the basic fear
we all have about our own per-

Lattimore Lashes
Accusers lies
WASHINGTON-(0h-Owen Lattimore poured out a bitter three-
hour denunciation of his accusers yesterday and charged ex-Com-
munist Louis F. Budenz with telling "hogwash" lies for "personal
Banging the witness table, Lattimore divided his attack between
Budenz and Republican Sen. McCarthy of Wisconsin who has called
him Russia's Top espionage agent in the United States.
* * *
HE TERMED McCarthy a man who "disgraced his party and the
people of his state and the nation."
Toward the end of his long outburst before a Senate Foreign
Relations Subcommittee, Lattimore drew a rebuke from committee
-1counsel Edward P. Morgan for
cIrnv iI waJ fr m "obJectivity







4 V


Lecture .Ban
Discussed at
SL Meeting
In a special meeting of the Uni-
versity Lecture Committee and the
Student Legislature Cabinet, Pro-
fessors Carl G. Brandt and James
K. Pollock explained the basis for
their action in refusing to allow
avowed Communist Herbert J.
Phillips to speak on the University
As the two representatives of'
the lecture committee attending
the meeting, Prof. Brandt and
Prof. Pollock listed the following
as major reasons for the commit-
tee's action:
* * *
IN VIEW OF a regents by-law
forbidding the use of University
facilities for a speaker who advo-
cates overthrow of government by
force, in light of the present na-
tional situation of the American
Communist Party and its mem-
bers, and because the lecture com-
mittee is directly responsible to
the Regents wbh in turn are re-
sponsible for protecting all Uni-
versity facilities.
The lecture committee's re-
fusal to authorize Phillips as a
speaker was the only logical
Both men emphasized that the
committee had not rejected the
topic of the speech. In the 15
years of the lecture committee's
existence, it has never rejected the
subject matter of any speech.
*I * *
WAS THERE a possibility of
getting student representatives on
the lecture committee in either a
voting or non-voting status?
At the present time, 'getting
student representatives on the
committee in any status was
practically impossible, the pro-
fessors said.
Doubting the necessity of such
representation, since the students'
views are directly presented to the
committee by every group peti-
tioning for a speaker, the two men
indicated that the Regents would,
in all probability, reject such a
SL OFFICIALS said that a full
report of the meeting would be
given the SL tonight, when it re-
convenes at 7:30 p.m. in the Union
for its first session since spring
Although much of the first
meeting will be taken up by intro-
ducing candidates and working
them into SL committees and
other posts, in addition, a full re-
port of the elections, a report on
the liquor meeting and a report on
the trip four legislators made to
Lansing for talks with members of
student government there will also
be heard.
Y.M.C.A. Votes
To Withdraw
From Chest
Climaxing a disagreement over
finances and policy, the Ann Ar-
bor YMCA board of directors yes-
terday voted unanimously to with-
draw their agency from the Com-
munity Chest.
Cause of the dispute was the
Community Chest's stand that
the "Y" could not conduct a pri-
vate membership drive to match a
$3,000 gift offered to prevent an
anticipated $6,000 deficit in next

year's budget.
ye rug. disun * *n
CIIIVQTn i-ar it mung n

straying away ro 1VJU1VV
in his remarks.
During cross-examination, Sen.
Hickenlooper (R-Iowa) asked Lat-
timore whether he had ever rec-
ommended to an American gov-
ernment official that the United
States recognized Russian-domin-
ated Outer Mongolia as a sover-
eign nation.
* * *
had urged such a step in his writ-
ings and may have recommended it
in a memorandum to the State
Department last August.tHe said
he did not recall ever speaking to
an American official about it.
Hickenlooper injected a mys-
tery note in the inquiry when he
asked-without further identi-
fying the individual-if Latti-
more ever knew a man named
Loomis, who, he said, had ar-
ranged to furnish information
"provided by you" to Russia.
"No, sir," Lattimore answered.
At the end of the day, Chairman
Tydings (D-Md) asked Lattimore
to return to the witness chair to-
day for further questioning.
Hickenlooper served notice that
he has at least another hour and
a half of questions to ask Latti-
World News
By The Associated Press
nese Nationalists yesterday an-
nounced they had abandoned fiai-
nan Island to the Communists but
claimed they had brought off more
troops than expected
* * *
JAKARTA, U.S.I. - The In-
donesian news agency Antara re-
ported that four suspects have
been arersted at Bandoeng in
connection with the killing of
Yale Professor Raymond Ken-
nedy and Time magazine Cor-
respdndent Robert Doyle last
* * *
German court yesterday convicted
two German doctors of the "mercy
killings" of 3,000 inmates of Baden
asylums under Hitler's so-called
euthanasia program.
NEW YORK - FBI Director
J. Edgar Hoover last night said
the main strength of the Com-
munist Party lies in its fellow-
travelers who he said are "gnaw-
ing away like termites at the
very foundations of American
man, Marshall Plan Administra-
tor, predicted yesterday that the
Soviet's satellite empire will
"crack quite suddenly" under the
stress of tensions now building
behind the Iron Curtain.
DETROIT-Chrysler Corp. ac-
cused the CIO United Auto Work-
ers yesterday of "scuttling" every
possible settlement of the 98-day
Chrysler strike.

Poll Shows
'U' Students,
Current Events
Knowledge Poor
Less than a third of the students
on campus know what the Kerr
Bill is, a Daily spot check taken
last week reveals.
Designed to test the "average"
student's knowledge of current,
events, the poll was conducted byj
more than 50 Daily "tryouts who'
were stationed at differentpoint
around the campus to insure a
random sampling.
OF THE more than 600 students
interviewed, only 32 per cent gave
correct or nearly correct answers
to the question: "What is the
Kerr Bill?"
On two other questions asked '
by the Daily's interviewers, stu-
dents made a better showing.
Most knew something about
Sen. McCarthy, and half of them
could identify ex-Communist Bu-
INSTRUCTED to be lenient in
accepting answers as correct, the
tryouts found that many of the
students could answer none of the
questions asked.
Here's what the pollsters re-
1. Why is Sen. McCarthy in
the limelight? 85% answered
correctly; 1; % answered incor-
2. What is the Kerr Bill? 32%
correct; 68% incorrect.
3. Who is Louis Budenz? 54%
correct; 46% incorrect.
Of the students interviewed, 60
per cent were enrolled in the lit-
erary college, 13 per cent in the
engineering college, five per cent
in the business administration
school and 22 per cent in other
schools and colleges.
* * *
MANY OF the interviewed were
facetious; others were genuinely
One student thought Sen. Mc-
Carthy was in the news because
he had been accused of being a
Communist by other members of
the Senate.

Say Truman
Support Ebbs
Cite Victory As
Example of Split
FLORIDA - (P) - Claude Pep-
per, veteran New Dealer, last night
lost his bid for another term.
Pepper's acknowledgement of
defeat came after Smathers had
piled up a plurality of more than
50,000 votes and was still gain

--auy-waly ±sartn
NEW UNION OFFICERS-Jerry Mehlman, '51, (right seated) takes over as president of the Michi-
gan Union after appointment by the Union Selection Committee. At left is Hal Sperlich, '51 E, who
was named recording secretary. Looking over their shoulders are outgoing officers Bob Seeber, '50
BAd retiring secretary (left) and Bill Wise, '50 BAd (right) who relinquishes a year's reign as

* a * *


Selection Board Appoints
Mehlman Union President.

Jery Mehlman, '51, was appoint-
ed to the presidency of the Mich-
igan Union yesterday.
Mehlman, a 20-year-old politi-
cal science major from Washing-
ton, D. C., was named by the
Union Selection Committee to suc-
ceed outgoing president Bill Wise,
'50 BAd"
* *
also appointed Hal Sperlich, '51E,
as recording secretary, according
to Dean of Students Erich A. Wal-
ter, committee chairman. Sperlich
succeeds'retiring secretary Bob
Seeber, '50 BAd.
A member of Zeta Beta Tau
fraternity, Mehlman has serv-
ed a year on the Union Junior

Others replied vaguely that he A lum ni l l
was "connected with Communists.''

Executive Council, during which
time he has supervised person-
nel and directed various pro-
jects including the Michigras
Mehlman holds membership in
Pi Sigma Alpha national political
science honorary fraternity, and
he's pointing for a career in law.
SPERLICH IS specializing in in-
dustrial mechanical engineering.
He is 20 years old and lives in
Saginaw. Sperlich belongs to Theta
Chi fraternity, as well as Tri-
angles and Tau Beta Pi, honorary
engineering organizations.
As Union councilman he head-
ed the House Committee and
took charge of Michigras booths,
the Winter Carnival ice show
and the Union Open House.
Mehlman and Sperlich have
both been connected with the
Union staff five semesters. They
will be formally installed in their
new posts at a banquet tomorrow
night at which Dean Walter will
administer the inaugural oath.
Haskell Elected
President of SRA
Don Haskell, '51, was elected
president of the Student Religious
Association last night at an elec-
torate meeting in Lane Hall.
Other officers elected were
Joyce Simon, '51, vice-president,
Leon Putnam, secretary, and Jan-
et Watts, representative at large.

S usis tence
Level Called
' Precar io us'
"More than one-half of the
people on the earth are precarious-
ly balancing on a minimum sub-
sistence level," Dr. Fairfield Os-
born, noted conservationist, de-
clared yesterday.
Dr. Osborn claimed that "one
of the major fundamental causes
of social and political tension in
the world today is the lack of bal-
ance between available natural re-
sources and population demands.
* * *
HE WARNED that "the hour is
later than we think" since the
worlds natural resources are be-
ing depleted without sufficient re-
The two.factors he named as a
basis for concern are an increas-
ing population combined with
an acceleration in the misuse of
productive land.
Charging that not enough pro-
gress has been made in the con-
servation movement in this coun-
try, Dr. Osborn put special empha-
sis on the conservation job that
mustrbe done by the nation's in-
"SINCE ONE-HALF of all our
industries rely on renewable nat-
ural resources such as forest pro-
ducts, water supply, and agricul-
tural crops, corporations and other
industrial concerns using up these
resources must do something about
this problem," he said.

WITH 1,231 of the state's 1,595
precincts reported, the count was
Pepper 250,741, Smathers 304,426.
Technically, Smathers, a self-
styled "middle of the road Lib-
eral" was only nominated in yes-
terday's Democratic primary.
But Florida Democrats possess a
normal voting edge of 15 to one
over the Republicans and his
nomination was equivalent to
Republicans had given advance
notice that they would regard a
Pepper defeat as indicative of a
national trend against the Tru-
man "Fair Deal," since Pepper sup-
ported the national administration
on almost all occasions while Sma-
thers opposed it on several counts.
NATIONAL Democratic figures
held that it was more of a per-
sonal scrap and that its effect
would not be felt outside Florida.
They noted, too, that Pepper was
an outstanding foe of President
Truman's nomination in 1948.
Pepper had support of organi-
zed labor and Smathers charged
the CIO Political Action Com-
mittee with efforts to line up
the Negro vote solidly for his
Smathers struck at Pepper for
lending "comfort" to what he call-
ed pro-Communist groups. Pep-
per called Communism "odious."
* * *
SMATHERS voted for the Taft-
Hartley law and has warmly de-
fended that stand in his cam-
paign. Pepper opposed that act
and pledged to continue seeking
its repeal.
Ohio-Joseph T. Ferguson,
state auditor, had a better than
two to one lead in early returns
over his nearest opponent in
the seven-man contest for the
Democratic Senate nomination.
The winner will oppose Repub-
lican Senator Taft in November.
In Alabama, Sen. Lister Hill,
advocate of returning his state to
regular Democratic ranks, had a
three to two lead over Lawrence
McNeil, Birmingham business man
and States' Righter, for the Sen-
ate nomination.
Stassen Callsx
Truman Worst
U.S. President
NEW YORK-(P)-Harold A.
Stassen last night called President
Truman "the cleverest politician"
and "the worst President ever to
occupy the White House."
He said Mr. Truman is embark-
ing on a political tour of the West
"to try and get a puppet congress."

* * *
Louis Budenz?", one student re-
plied, "a French movie actor," an-
other thought he had recently
been convicted of perjury and a
third described him as a second
baseman for the New York Giants.
"I don't know, but he sounds
like a football player," another
student answered.
Several of those interviewed
thought the vetoed natural gas bill
introduced by Sen. Kerr was a bill
to admit more displaced persons.
Others recognized it as a bill to
get rid of the oleo-margerine tax
or as a measure "to get rid of all

Hear Ruthven
President Alexander Ruthven
will introduce the Phoenix Project
to alumni from Lenawee, Monroe
and Washtenaw counties At a din-
ner today in the Union.
OtherAspeakers will be Dean
Ralph A. Sawyer of the Horace
Rackham School of Graduate
Studies, who was technical direc-
tor of the Bikini bomb test, and
Prof. William Haber, chairman of
the social sciences division.
Earl Cress, regional chairman of
the tri-county area, will givethe
welcome address, and University
Regent, Alfred Connable, Jr., will
be the toastmaster.


- -.------- ---
Welitch To Star in First May Festival Concert

STASSEN, president of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania and for-
mer governor of Minnesota said
Mr. Truman "is the cleverest pol-
itician ever to occupy the White
House" and called on Republicans
to "meet the 1950 situation
brought about by . . . his use and
misuse of the great power of his
office" by:
1-"Fighting back vigorously
and hitting hard in the exposure
of the conditions of his Admin-
2-"Bringing forward defin-
inite, sound, constructive mea-

* * *

* * *

Soprano Ljuba Welitch who
rocked the musical world in her
performance of "Salome" will star
in the first May Festival concert
at 8 n.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-

two Mozart arias previously
The program also includes the
Overture and Allegro from "La
Sultan" by Couper-Milhaud, tone
poem "Death and Transfigura-

Climbing rapidly as diva she
soon became prima donna of
the Opera House at Gratz.
From there she went to the
State Opera in Vienna where
she sang her first Salome and
then on to London, building up


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