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May 02, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-02

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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LX, No. 144
ARiots Mark
Of MayDay
West Berliners
Stone Red Police
By The Associated Press
Police were stoned in Berlin,
planes flew over Moscow and 13
were killed in Johannesberg yes-
terday as May Day was obseryed
throughout the world.
In the former German capital;
anti-Communists stoned East Ber-
lin police and tore down Soviet
flags in a seething celebration but
patient police action on both sides
averted any serious violence.
THE INCIDENT occurred when
a western mob of 5,000 teenagers
pelted 100 blue uniformed eastern
patrolmen with brick bats in Pots-
damer Platz.
After 15 minutes, 300 West
Berlin police reserves, respond-
ing to a riot call, wedged among
the demonstrators and pushed
them back out of rock throw-
ing range.
Moscow's annual celebration
featured what foreign observers
called the greatest Russian fly-
ing spectacle since the end of the
this was the first time twin-engin-
ed jet planes have appeared in
any Soviet air show. They also
observed that this was the first
time the air force had displayed as
many as 64 four-engined bombers.
Last May Day there were less
than a dozen of the sky giants.
Generalissimo Josef Stalin, look-
ing fit on the rostrum overlooking
Red Square, reviewed the celebra-
* * *
Africa, violence erupted and at
least 13 Negroes were killed in
clashes with police. Rioting broke
out in the native quarters of Jo-
hannesburg and at'. other towns
in the vicinity.
The outbreaks followed day
long tension in which the gov-
enment prohibited all May Day
public gatherings and proces-
sions, and Communist leaders
unsuccessfully attempted t o
carry out a protest strike.
Highlighting the day in this
country was the nation's first
mock Communist occupation in
Mosinee, Wisconsin. The demon-
stration, conducted by the Ameri-
can Legion and other civic organ-
izations, was designed to show the
town's 2,200 residents what life
would be under Soviet rule.
Locally, the only reported ob-
servance of the holiday was in
Ann Arbor's two Catholic church-
Hundreds of University students
and townspeople gathered at St.
Mary's Chapel and St. Thonas' to
-pray for world peace as priests
conducted the centuries-old May
Day services of the church.
Student Hurt
In Auto Crash

Two University students, injured
in an auto accident that claimed
one life Sunday evening on Ply-
mouth Road, were reported in im-
proved condition by Wayne Coun-
ty Hospital official last night.
Glen Mellinger, Grad, suffered
a .brain concussion and lacera-
tions. Marcia Staley, 52, also in-
curred lacerations along with five
fractured ribs..
The two students were return-
ing from Detroit with Mellinger's
parents when the mishap occured.
According to police a convertible
coming from the opposite direc-
tion swerved directly in front of
the Mellinger car. After the initial
impact the car, drivenr by the
younger Mellinger, swerved into
and split a telephone pole.
James Brown, 17, of Lincoln
Park, an occupant of the convert-
ible, was killed instantly.
Union To Vote
On Proposals





Dorr Appointed'
Summer Head

Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the
political science department has
been named to succeed Prof.
Louis A.Hopkins as director of
the University's summer session
beginning Sept. 1.
* * *


.. . new Summer

Session directorf

Phone Tieup
Threat Killed
By Installers
NEW YORK-(P)-A possible
nationwide telephone tieup was
averted yesterday only four hours
before the deadline.
Some 10,000 Western Electric
installers ended their week-old
walkout and called off plans to
throw picket lines around strate-
gic telephone exchanges through-
out the country.
The installers had hoped their
picket lines would have kept about
230,000 phone workers away from
their jobs,
* * *
march. At 1 a.m., their union ne-
gotiators called the whole thing
off after a 15-hour bargaining
session, with federal mediators
sitting in.
Wage negotiations began be-
tween Western Electric and di-
vision 6 of the CIO Communi-
cations Workers of America,
which had called the strike last
Monday against the Bell Sys-
tem's manufacturing and sup-
ply unit.
In all, 24 CWA divisions, in-
cluding division 6, will now talk
wages with the Bell System's pa-
rent corporation, American Tele-
phone and Telegraph Co., and its
several subsidiaries.
May Call FBI
In Talkie Theft
Unless the two government-
owned "Handy-Talkies" which dis-
appeared from the Union during
election night are returned this
week, the FBI may be sumioned,
SL elections chairman Jim Storrie,
'51, BAd, warned last night.
The portable wireles radios, used
to direct voting procedure, may be
returned to Storrie at 407 Chica-
go House, West Quad, and no
penalties will be inflicted, he said.

Prof. Hopkins will complete his
16th year as summer session head
and end a 44-year association
with the University when he be-
gins his pre-retirement fur-
lough in the fall.
AN EXPERT in the field of pub-
lic government and American
law, Prof. Dorr's previous connec-
tion with the summer session in-
cludes serving as chairman of the
committee which organized the
1946 summer session lecture series
on the social implications of mod-
ern science.
He was also one of the first
faculty members to teach sum-
mers in the state colleges of
education under the University's
program of cooperation in grad-
uate education.
Last Summer found Prof. Dorr
in Germany where he served as
special consultant studying the
legislative procedures in the Ame-
rican ,Zone of Germany.
* * *
AS A RESULT of his recom-
mendations, the State Depart-
ment set up an exchange program
to bring German legislators to
this country for observation of
legislative processes in this coun-
try. Prof. Dorr is now in charge of
the first group of six Germans to
come to the country under this
This summer, Prof. Dorr will
return to Germany to continue
his work in the exchange pro-
Prof. Dorr has been on the Uni-
versity faculty since 1929 when he
was appointed to the post of in-
structor. He became an assistant
professor in 1935, after receiving
his doctor of philosophy degree
from the University in 1933.
He rose to an associate profes-
sor in 1939 and was appointed full
professor in 1944.
World News[
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Admiral For-
rest P. Sherman won quick ap-
proval from a house committee
yesterday for a $350,000,000 Navy
modernization program covering a
guided-missiles ship and an atom-
ic-powered submarine.
sians have indicated to United
Nations officials they they will
boycott the forthcoming session
of the Commission on the Sta-
tus of Women instead of stag-
ing the usual walkout.
* * *
LONDON - The Labor govern-
ment squeezed out a one-vote vic-
tory in the House of Commons:
last night in a surprise conserva-
tive assault on an appropriation
for the Ministry of Transport.f
finished action on a bill pro-
viding stiff penalties for re-
vealing information about se-
cret government codes and sent
It to President Truman.
NEW YORK - The successful
broadway hit "South Pacific" won
the 1950 Pulitzer Prize for drama
last night while the annual award
for fiction went to A. B. Guthiie's
best-selling historical novel, "The
Way West."

Florida Vote
Will Decide
Four States Hold
By The Associated Press
Senator Claude Pepper battles
for his political life today in a
torrid Florida primary election
many regard as the first test of
the Truman program in 1950's
The ,extent of the test is dis-
FLORIDA IS one of four states{
holding primaries today.
Elsewhere interest centers on
a contest in Alabama between
regular and anti-Truman Dem-
ocrats for control of the state
party executive committee; a
Democratic senate nomination
fight in Ohio, and scattered
house contests in Indiana.
In all, nominations will be made
for three senate, 49 house, and
two governors' seats.
* * *
A 36-YEAR-OLD Marine combat
veteran, Rep. George Smathers,
now in his second term in the
house, is trying to unseat the vet-
eran Senator Pepper, with some
basic philosophies of the "'Fair
Deal" wrapped up in the struggle.
Pepper says Smathers talks
like a Republican. Smathers has
tried to picture the Senator as
an associate o f Red-front
groups, which Pepper denies.
Smathers opposes much of the
Truman program. Pepper goes
down the line for it except the
FEPC, and labels himself one of
the President's staunchest "Fair
Deal" supporters.
they would regard a Pepper defeat
as indicative of a national trend
against the Truman administra-
tion because of the issues involved
and the transplanted cross-section,
of the Florida population.
Democratic chieftains do not
see it that way. They call it more
of a personal fight and of only
statewide significance.
Pepper, with 14 years in the Sen-
ate behind him, campaigned as an
advocate of more federal financ-
ing, broader public services, in-
creased old age assistance and a1
national health program.



Sees Strike
Union Maintains
Issues Unsettled

failed to agree
how close they
ment of the

(W) - Negotiato
late yesterday a
were to a setti
97-day Chrysl

-Daiy-Burt Sapowitcn
AIM CABINET--Elected last night are the new officers of the Association of Independent Men. In
front are president Dave Belin, '51, and Vice-President Ray Litt, '52E. In the rear from left to right
Senior Adviser are Cal Klyman, '51, Secretary Hugh Fleetwood, '52, and Treasurer Ralph Greenwood,





* *


AIM Elects
Dave Belm
To TopPost
In an unopposed contest Dave
Belin, '51, was unanimously elect-
ed president of the Association of
Independent Men at its meeting
last night in the Union.
At the same meeting AIM voted
to rally independent men in op-
position to the pending amend-
ment to the Union constitution
that "would make it more diffi-
culti for students to call general
meetings for constitutional revi-
A FULL SCALE publicity cam-
paign to be staged within the res-
idence halls was planned in order
co gain a large turnout for the
Union meeting May 10.
AIM also went officially on
record as opposed to signing
CED's open letter to the Medi-
cal School.
In stating AIM's position, past
president Mary Failer claimed that
the open letter policy has essen-
tially become a publicity stunt
on campus and in this case would
serve to negatively antagonize the
Medical School rather than cause
it to favorably review the prob-
lem at hand.

Student Legislature Cabinet
members will meet with the Uni-
versity Lecture Committee behind
closed doors at 4 p.m. today in the
Union to discuss the Committee's
ban of Communist Herbert J, Phil-
lips from speaking on campus.
Today's meeting will be held to
give Legislators an explanation of
the reasoning behind the Commit-
tee's ban and to determine wtiat
effect the ruling will have on fu-
ture Michigan Forum debates, ac-
cording to SL President Quentin
Nesbitt, '50 BAd.
* * *
"WE WANT to see where differ-
ences of opinion lie so that we may
take steps to ensure that future
debates will be allowed," Nesbitt
The Legislature requests equal
student representation on the
Committee in a strongly-worded
letter which will be sent out to all
members of the Board of Regents
this week.
THE LETTER to khe Regents
urges that the revamped Lecture
Committee be given full power to
pass upon requests by campus or-
ganizations to bring speakers to
the University.
The letter also asks for a
joint SL - faculty - administration
committee "to investigate all
regents by-laws affecting the
Infant's Body
Found by Road
The body of a three to four
month old baby was found late
last night on River Road between
Ann Arbor and YTpsilanti by a
passing fisherman, according to
police reports.
The Sheriff's Office was still
investigating the incident early
this morning. Official reports will
be issued later today.

SL Cabinet, 'U' Officials
To Discuss Debate Ban

bringing of speakers to campus."
In addition the Legislature has
requested an opportunity to dis-
cuss the entire matter with the
Board at its next meeting.
"At this meeting the Legislature
particularly would like to find out
if the Regents' interpretation of
their by-laws corresponds with the
interpretation given by the Lec-
ture Committee," Nesbitt added.
Attorneys Win
Sentence Stay
NEW YORK-()-Attorneys for
11 Communist leaders convicted
last year today won a temporary
stay of the lawyers' own sentences
for contempt of court.
However, the U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals did not rule on the
lawyers' motion asking that the
sentences be stayed until after the
Supreme Court, rules on the case
of the Communist leaders.
THE COURT granted the tem-
porary stay of sentences pending
determination of the lawyers' mo-
tion. This motion would indefi-
nitely postpone serving of the con-
tempt sentences. The court gave
no indication when it would rule
on the lawyers' motion.
The appeal of the convictions
of the Communist leaders, on
charges of conspiring to advo-
cate violent overthrow of the
government, is not scheduled to
be heard by the Court of Appeals
until June 12.
Five attorneys for the Commun-
ist leaders, and one of the Com-
munists, Eugene Dennis, who act-
ed as his own lawyer, were cited
for contempt at the end of the
conspiracy trial by Federal Judge
Harold R. Medina.

Bargaining teams for Chrysler
Corp. and the CIO United Auto
Workers pushed their marathon,
non-stop negotiations past the 51-
hour mark without - final agree-
* * *
ler vice-president and general
manager, indicated only technical
wording of a new contract was
holding up strike settlement and a
back-to-work parade.
The union promptly replied
that "there are still unresolved
The union's International Ex-
ecutive Board, in a special session,
heard from UAW President Walter
Reuther and UAW Chrysler dir-
ector Norman Matthews that some
issues were yet to be settled.
* * *
EACH SIDE took a back-handed
verbal slap at the other.
Despite the disagreement, Fed-
eral Mediator E. X. Sconyers.
said "there has been much pro-
gres" toward ending the walk-
out that has idled 89,000 Chrys-
ler Corp. workers and 50,000 em-
ployes of its supplier plants.
Estimated costs of this second
longest and costliest strike in the
automotive industry mounted to
$1,307,478,640 yesterday, including
$227,500,000 lost in commissions
by the firm's 10,574 dealers.
The walkout was called Jan. 25
in a dispute over financing of
monthly pensions of $100, includ-
ing Federal Social Security bene-
fits. Since then agreement on this
point reportedly has been reached,
but other contract issues - have
snarled settlement. Among these
is time that shop stewards may de-
vote to union activities during
work hours, seniority, and union
Lattimore Hit,
Upheld Before
munist Freda Utley testified yes-
terday that Owen Lattimore's
writings showed his subservience
to Communist Party discipline,"
but an American magazine editor
staunchly defended Lattimore.
Demaree Bess, editor and for-
eign correspondent of the Satur-
day Evening Post, told Senate in-
vestigators that he never saw "ev-
en the slightest evidence" that
Lattimore was becoming "even
the mildest form of fellow travel-
er" when Lattimore visited Moss-
cow in 1936.
BESS ALSO declared tht Lat-
timore "learned considerably more
from Soviet intelligence officers
during , that Moscow visit than
they did from him--and this in-
formation has since been made
available through Mr. Lattimore
to four own intelligence services
and to the State Department."
Mrs. Utley testified that in
her opinion, Based on her
knowledge of Communist opera-
tions,' Senator McCarthy (R-
Wis) "under-estimated" Latti-
more in calling him "the top"
Russian espionage agent in this
Under questioning by Senator
Green (D-RI), Mrs. Utley ac-
knowledged she had no personal

Educational Values Of
Dormitory Life Stressed

Dr. Menninger
To Talk Today
On Psychiatry
Dr. Wiliam C. Menninger, clin-
ical director of the Menninger
Foundation, willspeak on "Psy-
chiatry for Everyday Needs" at 8
p.m. today in the Rackham lecture
Dr. Menninger is a past presi-
dent of the American Psychiatric
Association. Brigadier General of
the Army Psychiatric Association,
he is consultant in neuropsychia-
try for the Veteran's Administra-
* * * . .
IllS LECTURE,r which is being
sponsored by Nu Sigma Nu medi-
cal fraternity, will be aimed at a
lay audience as well as specialists
in psychiatry. It will be open to
the public.
Dr. Menninger has been in-
fluential in taking the stigma
from psychiatry so that more
people who need it will get psy-
chiatric service.
He is the author of "You and
Psychology," "Psychology in a
Troubled World," and "Psychiatry,
Its Evolution and Present Status."

* * *
IN HIS acceptance speech, pres-
ident Belin, an SL member and
chairman of the Big Ten Young
Republicans, called for a future
AIM policy that will be directed to
serve the campus first rather than
just the independents.
He also promised immediate
revitalization and reorganiza-
tion of the entire AIM structure.
Other officers elected last night
were Ray Litt, '52E, vice president;
Hugh Fleetwood, '52, secretary;
and Ralph Greenwood, 152E, trea-
Former vice president Cal Kly-
man, '51, was appointed senior ad-
visor to the AIM executive coun-


(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the fifth
in a series on the Michigan House
Plan of residence halls.)


"We can't use this residence
hall as a hotel-if a student isn't
getting educational values from
living here, he will be asked to
make room for some man who
This view, expressed by a resi-
dent adviser of a West Quad-
rangle house, is a concise explana-
tion of a student's obligation to-
wards group living under the


adds to the house morale, he
What about "deadheads"-the
completely inactive students?
"We give them a period of
grace, realizing that he may join
the group later. But if there are
no reasons why he can't become
active we feel that he isn't gain-
ing by living here, and is simply
taking up the space of someone
who would," the staff man said.

Students To Man Fresh Air Buckets

The little kid on the diving board
will be looking up at you tomor-
row from posters all over cam-
pus as the University Fresh Air
Camp holds its annual Tag Day

proudly hang from contributors
button holes.
Each year in the past Univer-
sity students have contributed
several thousand dollars for main-
taining the 240 underprivileged

psychologically unadjusted city
The boys,-ranging in age from
eight to 14 are recommended by
25 cooperating social agencies in
Michigan that believe that a sum-

A WEST QUAD housemother

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