See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Charges Hit
By Marshall
Says Accusations
Undermine U.S.
- George C. Marshall declared last
night that Senator McCarthy's
charges of Communism-in-the-
Governnient "undermine and
weaken our position before the
world and actually lend assist-
ance to powers that would destroy
us"* * *
MARSHALL, former Secretary
of State,'joined at the same time
with two men who preceded him
in that post - Cordell Hull and
James F. Byrnes - and with the
present Secretary of State, Dean
Acheson, in sharply denying Mc-
Carthy's assertion that Owen Lat-
timore is "the principal architect
of our Far Eastern policy." Mc-
Carthy contends that policy be-
trayed China to Russia.
Their statements formed one of
two major developments today in
connection with a Senate Foreign
Relations Subcommittee's inquiry
into McCarthy's accusations.
In the other action, Chairman
Tydings (D-Md) of the investi-
gating group ordered contempt
citations prepared against two
witnesses who refused to answer
a series of questions. The com-
mittee will decide later whether
to seek formal court action.
The witnesses were Earl Browd-
er, former Communist Party lead-
er, who objected that he was be-
ing subjected to a "fishing ex-
pedition," and wealthy Frederick
Vanderbilt Field, who wouldn't
say whether he is a Communist,
and turned aside many other
questions, generally on grounds of
possible self incrimination.
* *4
MEANWHILE in Des Moines,
Ia., Henry Wallace put forward
a 30-billion-dollar-a-year plan to
end the cold war. He said Presi-
dent Truman and Stalin should
confer to get it going.
The former Vice President
said his plan - which calls
for "a new and more powerful
World Bank" - should be linked
with close U.S.-Russian coop-
eration in the United Nations.
Unless some such action is
taken, Wallace said, the alterna-
tive is a global economic smashup
in 1952 and the probable rise
somewhere of "a greater Hitler."
HE CALLED on this country
to give $10 billion a year to a
"World Bank" which he wants the
UN to sponsor.
Wallace's remarks were pre-
and China would be borrowing
from the Bank in a big way."
Walace's remarks were pre-
pared for delivery at a closed ses-
sion of the Prairie Club, a group
of prominent Des Moines men who
meet monthly to discuss current
The 1948 Progressive Party can-
lidate for president said the
world's hope lies in cooperation by
the U.S., Britain, Russia and Chi-
na within the UN framework.
Pupils join
Teachers in
Wage Strike
By The Associated Press
More than 22,000 Newt York
City public school students are
striking for higher wages for their
The strike came as a result of
the teachers' refusal to supervise
after-school a cti v it i es unless
granted an annual increase in pay
of $650.
DUE TO THE FACT that ac-
tivities such as dances and sport-
ing events can't be held unless a
teacher is present, the students
promptly rallied behind their
teachers and went on strike.
Tuesday about 400 pupils
marched across the Brooklyn
Bridge and demanded an au-
dience with Mayor O'Dwyer. The
Mayer didn't see them and they
announced that they would be
Thursday 3,000 pupils marched
into City Hall Park where they
were greeted by hastilyerected
police barricades. A number of
Dean To Leave
For New Post
The college of Literature, Science and the Arts lost its second
top-notch administrator in almost as many weeks with yesterday's
announcement of the appointment of Associate Dean Lloyd S. Wood-
burne to the University of Washington.
Only three weeks ago Assistant Dean Charles H. Peake was
named as the new dean of Knox College, Ohio.
* * * *
DEAN WOODBURNE will end a University association of 24
years, both as student and administrator, next fall when he assumes
** * T the deanship of the west coast
eleph le
. . . Gets new post
World News
By The Associated Press
gian voters are to register their
views on the King Leopold ques-
tion for the third time in a year by
electing a new parliament June 4.
The old parliament was dis-
solved by regent prince Charles
* * *
BERLIN - A Soviet zone court
in Dessau sentenced eight Ger-
man industrialists and politi-
cians today to prison terms
ranging from two to 15 years on
charges of sabotaging the East
German State economically.
A ninth was sentenced in ab-
sa's first line of defense - Chu-
shan Island - struck out today
at Red China's invasion craft.
Nationalist warplanes ham-
mered at Communist shipping
along the coast near that island
100 miles south of Shanghai.
bombing threat has been re-
ceived by Dr. Benjamin P.
Burpee of the State board of
registration in medicine who
participated in the vote to re-
voke the license of Dr. Her-
mann N. Sander, the Manchest-
er Sunday News said today.
has dropped a hint that prog'ress
is being made toward a new in-
tercontinental weapon - a plane
that will stay outside an enemy's
defenses and send a guided mis-
sile hundreds of miles to the tar-
Such a combination is regarded
by the Air Force as one answer to
improvements being made in
fighter and antiaircraft defenses
against bombing planes.
school's College of Arts and
An expert in the field of per-
sonnel policy, Dean Woodburn
has handled appointments, pro-
motions and budget administra-
tion for the literary college since
he was appointed associate dean
in 1945. He is also secretary of
the executive committee of the
college and was in charge of
administering the student eva-
luation of faculty services which
was inaugurated here last year.
The University of Washington
where Dean Woodburne will head
the 8,000-student arts and sciences
college, is the second largest -uni-
versity on the west coast with a
total enrollment of 16,000.
* * *
from the University in 1929, but
remained to earn his masters of
art and doctor of philosophy de-
After a year of study at the
University of Berlin, he return-
ed to Ann Arbor where he en-
tered the dean's office, rising to
assistant dean in 1939.
Working in the dean's office he
soon became convinced that the
strength of a college lay in its
faculty, so he began to study per-
sonnel policy.
* * *
HIS AFFABLE, efficient admin-
istration earned him a promotpn
to associate dean in 1945.
Two years ago he conducted a
study of personnel problems in
46 American colleges and uni-
versities under a grant from the
Carnegie Corporation.
This work was recently publish-
ed under the title, "Faculty Per-
sonnel Policies in Higher Educa-
* * *
AT PRESENT he is engaged in
making a part-time study of fac-
ulty personnel policies for the
Board of Higher Education of New
York City.
With the announcement of
Dean Woodburne's appointment
came a statement from Dean
Hayward Keniston of the lit-
erary college:
"Mr. Woodburne's decision to
accept the appointment at the
University of Washington is ano-
ther heavy blow to the literary
"During the 17 years that he has
served the college he has had a
major part in developing its ad-
ministrative policies and proce-
* * *
"BY HIS WRITING he has won
a national position in the field
of faculty personnel problems.
"Thoe of us who have worked
with him honor and respect him
for his courage, his clear mind and
his integrity. Michigan is losing a
loyal alumnus; his colleagues are
losing a loyal friend. The Unir-
sity of Washington is gaining a
real educational leader."
The Woodburnes and their
thre young children will leave
Ann Arbor for Seattle in Septem-
West Berlin
Prepares for
Red May Day
Allied Troops
Ready To Enter
By The Associated Press
Nearly 8,000 American, French
and British troops are on guard
in the Allied Sectors of Berlin as
protective forces are being geared
to shooting war alertness for the
critical May Day celebration.
Three thousand other troops,
stationed in West Germany, are
under orders to be ready to fly
to this divided city in the Soviet
Zone if the need arises. They could
make the trip in two hours.
* * *
THIS MEANS Moscow will have
competition for the spotlight on
May Day, labor's traditional in-
ternational holiday.
Defense preparations in Ber-
lin were touched up by the ar-
rival of two U.S. Air Force heli-
copters at the Tempelhof Air
Base yesterday. An official an-
nouncement said they will en-
gage in "orientation flying
prior to participation in cere-
monies on National Defense
Day, May 20."
It is no secret, however, that
this flying will include patrols of
the city limits across which Com-
munist bands presumably might
march. The boundary between
West Berlin and the Soviet Zone
territory surrounding it stretches
more than 70 miles.
* * *
IF EAST German Communists
live up to their recent public pro-
mises, May will be a month of hot
words but not a hot war.
They have taken back their
threats to "occupy all Berlin" and
are now saying they will stick to
the Russian sector of the city and
avoid provocations in the West.
May Day will be the first test.
The biggest will come during the
Whitsun Weekend, May 27-29,
when 500,000 members of the
Communist-led Free German
Youth are supposed to rally
Latest Allied intelligence re-
ports indicate that the building
up of West Berlin's defenses has
cowed Red strategists and con-
vinced them they must limit them-
selves to propaganda spectacles
instead of risking a real putsch.
Clocks Set Ahead
By FiftyMillion
Some 50,000,000 Americans set
their clocks ahead at 2 a.m. today
as many parts of the nation went
on daylight saving time.
Although most of the nation's
large cities went on the "summer
time" Detroit did not make the
The shift in time will cause
a reshuffling in transportation
schedules and radio broadcasting.
. . . Managing Editor . . . Business Manager
Majority Not
Expected To
Cross Lines
Await Possible
Solution by Ching
NEW YORK - OP) - Striking
telephone installations workers
last night decided to set up picket
lines tomorrow that could tie up
the nation's telephone service.
The 10,000 installation workers,
who struck last Monday, pre-
viously had refrained from picket-
ing while talks continued here.
* * *
A MAJORITY of the nation's
remaining telephone workers,
whose strike was postponed in-
definitely last Wednesday, have
indicated they would not cross the
installation workers' picket lines.
... City Editor . . . Editorial Editor
.. .Associate Editor
... Feature Editor
-Daily-Wally Barth
*. * *
* * *
* * *
Board Names New Publications Heads
Jim Brown, '51, was appointed
managing editor of The Daily last
night by the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Robert Daniels, '51BAd., was
named Daily business manager for
the 1950-51 school year.
* * *
BROWN, 20-year old economics
student from Grosse Pointe, is a
member of Theta Delta Chi fra-
ternity. He plans to enter law or
journalism after graduation.
Daniels, 21 years old, is an
economics student from Chel-
sea. He has pledged Delta Sig-
ma Nu, business fraternity.
Paul Brentlinger, '50, will be
city editor. Brentlinger hails from
Dayton, O., and belongs to Acacia
fraternity and Phi Beta Kappa.
ROMA LIPSKY, '50, will be
editorial director. Miss Lipsky, 21
years old, a political science major,
calls Brooklyn, N.Y., her home.
Dave Thomas, '50, of Detroit,
will be feature editor and Janet
Watts, '51, of Grand Rapids,
associate editor.
Thomas, 21-year-old English
major, belongs to Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity. Miss Watts, 21
years old, is an English concen-
S* * *
TOP BUSINESS staff appoin-
tees are:
Associate business manager-
Walter Shapero, '51, 19 years old
of Detroit, economics student and
member of Kappa Nu fraternity.
Finance manager - Robert
Mersereau, '51 BAd, 21 years old,
of Grand Haven, affiliated with
Sigma Phi fraternity.
Advertising manager - Donna
Cady, '51, 20 years old, of Los
Gatos, Cal., English major and
member of Alpha Chi Omega so-
* * *
NEXT YEAR'S sports editor will
be Bill Connolly, '51, of Washing-
ton, D. C. A member of Delta Up-
silon fraternity, Connolly is con-
centrating in economics.
Associate sports editors will be:
Bill Brenton, '51, 20 years old, of
Monroe, a history concentrate;
and Robert Sandell, '50E, 23 years
old, of Ironwood, a member of Tri-
angle fraternity.
New Draft Extension Planned
An attorney for Installation
Division 6 of the CIO Communi-
cations Workers of America an-
nounced the plan for picketing.
He said the lines would be
placed around telephone ex-
changes throughout the nation at
6 a.m. local time tomorrow.
* * *
er, said Federal Mediator. Thomas
R. Steutel had contacted Cyrus
Ching, chief of the Government's
Mediation and Conciliation Ser-
vice in Washington, to inform him
of the latest development.
Mayer said both Company and
Union negotiators had agreed
to "stand by all night" to await
any word from Ching on a pos-
sible formula for settlement.
Herbert Porter, spokesman for
Western Electric, said he had no
comment on the announcement of
picketing plans.
* x *
ALMOST simultaneously, repre-.
sentatives of 13,000 telephone
workers in Iowa, Nebraska, Min-
nesota and the Dakotas n-
nounced they had reached agree-
ment with the Northwestern Bell
Telephone Company.
It was the first break in the
overall fight for wage increases.
A Union spokesman said the
agreement did not include a
general wage increase but "was
the best contract we could ob-
The Company said the agree--
ment cleared up "certain wage in-
Among the provisions, the Com-
pany said, were higher wage rates
for some towns, and shortening
"the period for certain employes
to reach top rates."
Chrysler Pact
i hSeen Pending
By Mediators
DETROIT- dP) -Chrysler-IO
UnitedAuto Workers negotiators
drove towards a settlement last
night of the second costliest and
longest strike in the history of the
auto industry.
A back-to-work signal for 89,-
000 Chrysler strikers was expected
at any time.
delayed an end to the 95-day walk-
'out, mediators said.
Federal Mediator E. M. Scn-
yers reported:
"A settlement is very close.
Peace now hinges on only an
issue or two."
Lights burned all last night in
the negotiating room at the plush
Sheraton Hotel. At 6 a.m., weary
and red-eyed negotiators came
from the smoke-filled room and
reported they had made progress
in another 20 hour marathon ses-
sion. They called a recess until 1
p.m. (EST) to go catch up a bit
on their sleep before shaping final
WASHINGTON -(A') -Chair-
man Vinson (D-Ga), of the House
Armed Services Committee dis-
closed plans yesterday for a two-
year extension of the draft act
with Congress given the final say
so on when inductions actually
will be resumed.
vice, but no draftees have been
taken since January, 1949.
VINSON earlier this week an-
nounced he had changed his
stand on the draft question and
now believes the peacetime law
should be extended because of
unsettled world conditions.
The committee will reopen hear-
ings on the draft Tuesday with
Gen. Omar N. Bradley as the first
Under the present
is due to expire June
fense Department is
to call youths 17 to
law which
24, the De-
24 for ser-
Drama Collection Holds Key
S* *
A large autograph-photograph collection of famous stars brings £
many colorful memories of Ann Arbor's golden days of drama to
James Murnan, treasurer of the box office for the Drama Festival.
Murnan started his collection in 1917, when, as a stage-struck
youth, he received an autograph album from Otis Skinner, who had
penned his name across the fly leaf.
AT THAT TIME, Murnan's father was in the hotel and theatrer
business and was one of the owners of the only legitimate theatre
in Ann Arbor.'
In those days there were no "second companies," and original
Broadway stars made the road tours, Murnan explained. Ann
Arbor drew all the big names, and they all stayed at the senior,
To City's
* *
Golden Memories
most of the money-raising projects for the construction of the
League, started the Drama Festival in conjunction with her
son Robert.,
Mrs. Henderson knew of Murnan's interest in the theatre %n
asked him to work as treasurer for the Drama Festival box office,
a position he's held ever since.
His collection includes pictures and signatures of many of the
stars that graced the Drama Festival programs - Jane Cowl, Leon
Ames, Conrad Nagel, Betty Furness, Nazimova, Gladys Cooper, Phillip
Merivale, Estelle Winwood, Ruth Gordon, Ilka Chase, and Diana
* * * *
MURNAN BEMOANED the fact that today's theatre has no great
actors and actresses comparable to those of the past generation.
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