THE MICHIGAN DAILY, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1950 _______________________________________________________________ U U [AS L. STOKES: Total Diplomacy at Home WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Dean Acheson's concept of "total diplom- acy," which he is constantly emphasizing, is a very simple thing when analyzed and at the same time the most effective way pos- sible to carry to the world our battle for democracy. What it means is that in these days every American citizen is a diplomat in himself and another term for it would be "total self- responsibility." * * * THAT SELF-RESPONSIBILITY grows out of our own democracy, our freedoms and liberties, our freedom of speech and freedom of press which gives to the world every day a picture of ourselves. We live, truly, in a; great glass house, a perpetual showcase-or, as the Secretary put it: "Today the whole United States is act- ing before the world as its own representa- tive. That imposes upon every citizen the res- ponsibility of acting daily before the world in a manner that expresses the best ideals of }himself and the democracy of which he is a part. For if we want to extend it elsewhere, as we do, we want it to be something of which we are proud and which other people will see is the best way of life. It does not mean, as the Secretary ex- plained, that there should not be differences of opinion and criticism. Those are neces- sary in a democracy, so that we can arrive at the best possible solution of our many and complex problems. That is the essence of otir, politics and our two-party system. It does mean, however, that we must come to a resolution upon our problems, both domestic and foreign and, once adopted, carry them out in a spirit of unity. THE SECRETARY does not spell out in detail the things that we show to the world, but he gave some broad definitions when he said: "If there are acts or words of violence, discrimination and irresponsibility, the world sees and hears them. If there. are acts or words of justice, understanding and sober determination, the world sees them and hears them." There are still discriminations among us that mar the picture we want to show the world. They include such things as discrim- ination on account of race, color and creed and discriminations in the free right of the ballot, violations of what we call our civil rights-the privilege of our citizens to enjoy all our rights and freedoms and not be pushed around and suppressed. * * * SUCH VIOLATIONS here among us, which we are making every effort to eliminate, Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. . ITOR : HERB CHESTON go out to the world as part of the picture o% our nation and are seized upon and exploits ed, and often very grossly exaggerated b those in other nations who don't like us and our democracy. This is especially true of they Russians who, though with no civil rights :. their own, use violation of ours in their pro- paganda which is directed particularly at this time, at the hundreds of millions in Asia who have thrown off old bonds and are searching for a new way of government and life. We want them to go our way. This was what Secretary Acheson was talking about, among other things. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) The City Editor's SCRATCH \ PAD By AL BLUMROSEN pROF. Preston Slosson made himself a local hero Thursday night. His line of argument in the debate with a scholarly but misguided little man .made the argument completely one sided. Slosson won hands down, walk- ing away. It was active proof that the people who said Phillips should speak here were right all along. There were two big arguments against having the debate on campus.' Thursday, evening's events smashed both of them. First, through some tortuous construction, Phillips was supposed to advocate the over- throw of the government. He did not do it. In fact, as one observer said, "some of the Communists there may have been converted to Capitalism." In open debate, the much advertised dangers of allowing Communism to be ad- vocated were shown to be greatly exagger- ated. Phillips, who talked either in aca- demic abstractions or about his home town in the Black Hills, made a poor showing for a man who was "dangerous." Second, the argument was preseited that, if Phillips did not speak, the University would avoid bad publicity which might en- danger University finances. They got tlfe' publicity anyway. At the meeting, there were representa- tives from seven newspapers or wire ser- vices and photographers from almost that many. Thursday afternoon, the Detroit papers and radio stations were telling the world about Phillips and the off-campus debate. This publicity had been going on for three days. From these facts, and from Prof. Slosson's outstanding performance, it should be clear, even to the Lecture Committee, that they made a serious mistake. Pointed Pen k THURSDAY night's demonstration at the Club 211 proved to me that some of the people who have been criticizing the Univer- sity Lecture Committee's decision in the Philips Affair have been on the wrong track. They've been saying that we can't learn to run a democracy while the University uses totalitarian tactics to control us. We agree that a well-informed group of citizens, aware of its rights and the danger of Communism is our best defense against totalitarianism. But how do we fight the threat of Com- munism and dictatorship? That's a lesson which every one of us needs to learn. It's a back-handed compliment to the Lecture Committee, but they taught us a lot on that score in the past weeks. Deciding in the same fashion that Mos- cow decides, what is "good for the people," they gave us an experimental example of what totalitarianism attempts to do and left it to student initiative to devise a way to de- fend our rights to free speech and thought. The Student body used the rights we still have as Americans to object to the Lec- ture Committee and hear whom they pleased. The Thursday night debate was the result. As Prof. Preston Slosson said at the time: "They wouldn't let us meet on campus. But we DID meet." We learned a lesson from the ban on this Communist speaker. We had to stop and think. We had to muster the argu- ments which we usually take for granted and actually defend our right of free speech against a paternalistic censor. If the occasion arises again, whether on campus or in the life as citizens that lies ahead, a large percentage of us will have learned what we never would have learned if the debate had continued as scheduled by the Michigan Forum. We could theorize in a dozen political science courses and still not know what to do when an attempt was made to take our freedom from us. Experience is still our best teacher. Again, thanks are due to the University administration for giving future citizens the opportunity to learn by practice what the classroom can only teach in theory-what freedom of speech really means. -Don McNeil Election Sidelights WITH all-campus elections just completed and the largest vote in history re- corded, here are a few sidelights to the record-smashing election. * * * MANY people have been wondering how Bill McIntyre, a relatively unknown freshman from Detroit, out-drew well-known campus names as George Roumell, chair- man of the Campus Action Committee, and Jim Nesbitt, brother of the current SL president. Here are a few of the reasons. For one, McIntyre put on a terrific cam- paign, attending nearly all the open houses, arranging for several private ap- pointments and even returning a second time to some of the doubtful houses. His campaign manager, Al Connable, aided him a great deal in contacting East Quad- ders and private rooming houses. But of even greater influence in Mc- Intyre's election, was his fine geopolitical location. McIntyre, who lives in Greene House, has been active in independent af- fairs. At present he is vice-president of the East Quad Council. At the same time, Mc- Intyre is affiliated as a pledge to a frater- nity. What you call playing both ends against the middle. * * * IN the overall election picture, in spite of a thousand vote increase in total ballots cast (which many predicted would mean a larger independent vote), the affiliates walked off with a top heavy majority of the contested seats. Their candidates copped 16 SL positions to 10 for the independents. This represents a statistical table-turning over last Novem-' ber's results, since the independents cap- tured 15 seats in SL at that time to 13 for the Greeks. INCIDENTALLY, Theta Xi fraternity pull- ed a pretty neat trick in the engineering college senior class elections. Their quartet of candidates, one entered in the race for each senior office, came through with flying colors to win all four senior positions-presi- dent, veep, secretary and treasurer. Not exactly bloc voting, I guess ... . THIS YEAR'S total of ballots invalidated due to mistakes made by the 500 odd un- trained election booth officials, while not extraordinary in number, proved decisive in at least one campaign. The election. returns for the presidency of the engineering college's sophomore elasc madn eTnm Annh the winne. with 70 Vampire DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN l rk _ ,..-x L. ,. v " - Ql - l v v 1 . ' a ti- ,_ ... ,, -' : . < :a _: ': :h' . ;:: ; '4"bN~4+. enjViC+LI T+IEfia Ase{~Sai'vw FSOSr cw. /ette TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. May Day in Germany THE COLD WAR can turn into a shooting war within the next week if the United States and Russia carry through their threats to fight steel with steel come May Day in Berlin. Authorities on Russian strategy say that the Communists are not planning to sim- ply wave their red flags around the May pole, but are hoping to plant them throughout Western Europe. And the So- viets have already started their trouble stirring in Vienna, Trieste and Berlin, the areas that the experts say will be the jumping off points for an all-out drive to KCIINIEMA At The Orpheum . . SPECTER OF THE ROSE with Judith Anderson, Micheal Checkov, Lionel Stan- der and some excellent dance sequences. TAKEN FROM the classic ballet, Specter of the Rose, Ben Hecht has written, produced and directed a generally excellent movie. The story of a superb dancer suffering from fits of madness and homocidal ten- dencies provides the framework within which Hecht presents a galaxy of finely- drawn artistic characters. Each has his individual eccentricities, but all are very arty, bohemian and interesting to watch in action. Judith Anderson gives her usual excellent performance as the retired and faded baller- ina, Madame La Sylph. Her sympathetic portrayal, gives this role a witty and warm- ly human touch. As the flighty, slightly dapper, slightly doting producer with a soul for art, Check- ov is delightful. Lionel Stander, in the role of a cynical poet, turns in an admirable performance in a part which, played with less restraint, mi:~h . s.-t n ilr h --v nn m - - bring the whole continent behind the iron curtain. In Berlin our government is preparing to ward off with force more than 500,000 Ger- man Communists who are scheduled to move into the West's sector of the city on Whit- suntide, May 27. Now, Western Germany, and above all West Berlin, must be held at all costs. Therefore, if the Communists try to move in, and if we try to stop them forcibly, World War III could very easily start. Actually there is, however, no good rea- son why this proposed incident need ever come off. Unless the Russians are now ready to start firing, there is little reason to believe that they intend to go through with the march on Berlin. Russia has known for a long time that any such move would mean violent action on the part of the Western powers. The march boils down to another propaganda stunt to win West Germany to the Russian sector. The American ultimatum seems therefore to have been uncalled for. It has accomplish- ed little more than to heat up the boiling pot in Germany. A firm stand of non-re- treat, of course, must be followed in dealing with Russia. But a "you step on my toe and I'll shoot your leg off' attitude goes a little further than is necessary. It was not followed in the Berlin blockade. Our action then must have done nothing but win us the respect of the Germans. Our action now only increases the fear of war in Germany. If the split-up occupation of Germany must be continued in the future, the United States will have to develop its own policy of propaganda aimed at off- setting Russian attempts to weaken our position there and to eventually gain con- trol of all Germany. This policy might even attempt to win East Germany to our fold. But we can not hope to win the respect of the Germans by keeping them in a state of turmoil and fear. --Vernon Emerson West Quad... To the Editor: THE West Quad Council has al- ways taken a constructive ap- proach in its attempt to serve the interests of the West Quad residents. It sponsors two dances annually, review sessions, forums, a radio station, remedial reading classes, three banquets annually, pre-election rallies each semester, debating and bridge tournaments, orientation programs each semes- ter, and many other important projects. The success of these undertak- ings depends to a very large de- gree upon general morale in the Quad. Therefore, it is necessary that the Council take cognizance of persistent complaints. It was. realized that the complaints of the most vociferous might be exagger- ated and distorted and in an ef- fort to objectively and dispassion- ately appraise true resident opin- ion, a questionnaire was carefully constructed. The intent was not to incite opinion but to represent opinion. Objections have recently been raised in this column by Mr. Erf and Mr. Fleeger to the effect that it is out of order to complain about crowded conditions when the Uni- versity is constructing the South Quad. Does the new Quad neces- sarily mean fewer people will be living in the existing residence halls? New categories of eligible residents could be opened. That might be a very good policy from the point of view of increased fa- cilities for some Michigan stu- dents and from the point of view of increased residence halls rev- enue and reduced per capita cost. There are many important con- siderations. However, since stu- dents are in the best position to know the effect of living condi- tions on the Michigan House Plan, their opinion 'on such matters should be a consideration of very great importance as a determinant of policy. The poll was an attempt to assay that opinion. The questionnaire covered many things other than conditions at- tributable to overcrowding. It covered such things as illumina- tion; faulty locks, telephone buz- zers, window cranks, radiators, and plaster; dirt from the incinera- tors; the desirability of having bedspreads; and many others. On many of the complaints specific room numbers were referred to the maintenance department and much has been accomplished. I wish it were never necessary for the West Quad Council to con- sume time and energy with mat- ters such as these and could de- vote its full time to academic, so- cial, and political activities, but the latter are dependent for ul- timate success on the former. -Tom Masnick, Vice-President, WQ Council *N ** * UN... To the Editor: M Y DISCUSSIONS with fellow students disclose what I be- lieve is unwarranted pessimism regarding the progress of the UN since its inception in 1945. ' I suspect this is due to the na- ture of news coverage which has emphasized political failures in the General Assembly and the Security Council while giving relatively little attention to the specialized non-political agencies of the UN where genuine progress has been made. These agencies are proving the value of international interde- pendence and cooperation by car- rying out successful attacks on food, health, and education prob- lems common to all member na- tions. Sixty years ago, a cholera epi- demic broke out in Egypt. It spread quickly to Europe and left thousands dead in its wake. Last year the epidemic began again in Egypt but this time the World Health Organzation organized a joint medical mission composed of personnel and supplies from many countries including the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. The epidemic was stamped out at its source with dramatic speed. In the last two years the under- nourished children of the world have received 1.25 billion meals made possible by the economic cooperation behind the UN Inter- national Children's Emergency Fund. In the same period, UNESCO distributed $200 million worth of school supplies toward the rehab- ilitation of Europe's war-torn schools. Thus, whle public attention is focused on the UN's political fail- ures, her non-political agencies are fostering genuine internation- al cooperation. They are success- fully attacking world social prob- lems which in the past have often led to war. What is equally im- portant is the fact that the UN workers and diplomats engaged in these activities are learning and setting the patterns for the entirely new approaches and tech- niques involved in international cooperation. They are proving international- ism to be workable and profitable while laying a sound foundation for future political cooperation. This is 'the optimistic side of the United Nations progress re- port. -James N. Osterberg Rent Control -. - To the Editor: IN THEPAST one of the main obstacles the Student Legisla- ture has encountered in its war on landlords who charge more than a fair rent for accommoda- tions has been the reluctance of the student to inform the powers that be of these inequities. Much of this reluctance can be explain- ed by the student's fear of ejec- tion when the unhappy landlord learns who has reported him. But the time has arrived when you who are paying through the proverbial "nose" for inferior liv- ing quarters can gain relief. The Campus Action Committee of the SL has set up the necessary ma- chinaryntoymake this reliefa re- ality. Any person, married r single, who feels that he is paying too much rent for his room should write to Cal Klyman: 409 Cooley House, East Quad. The informa- tion included should describe the accommodations in every detail, i.e.: number of people living in Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to allI members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1950 VOL. LX, No.' 142 Notices EMPLOYMENT: The Sun Life Assurance Com- Pany of Canada has the following openings in their Detroit office. (1) Office manager trainee, single,' 20-23 years of age, free to transfer to another location when quali- fied. (2) Group insurance service and survey trainee, married or single, 24-28 years of age, Busi- ness Administration or L, S & A graduate. (3) Men for group in- surance sales. Must be future man- agement caliber. For further in- ~formation call the Bureau of Ap- pointments, Extension 371. EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEWS: Representative of Cedar Lake Camp, Chelsea, Michigan will be at Bureau of Appointments, Mon- day afternoon, May 1, to inter- view women candidates for the fol- lowing positions: general counse- lors, waterfront, nature study. For appointment, call at 3528 Admin- istration Building or call exten- sion 2614. Academic Notices Mathematics Orientation Sem- inar: Mon., May 1, 3 p.m., 3001 A.H. "Impossibility of Construc- ting a Regular Heptagon," Mr. Guy. Doctoral Examination for John Controulis, Chemistry; t h e s i s: "The Diels-Alder Reaction of 1- Vinyl - 6 - Methoxy - 3, 4-Dihylro- naphthalene with Maleic Anhyd- ride, Mesaconic Acid and Citra- conic Anhydride. The Configura- tion of the C/D Ring Juncture of the Estrongenic Hormones", Sat- urday, April 29, 2035 Chemistry Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, W. E. Bachmann. Doctoral Examinatin for Ver- non Calvert Applegate, Zoology thesis: "Natural History of the Sea Lamprey, Petromyzon mar- nus, in Michigan," Mon., May 1, 4101 Natural Science Bldg., 9 a.m. Chairman, K. F. Lagler. Doctoral Examination for Fran- cis Roman Young, Education; the- sis: "Subsidization of Students in Teacher Training Institutions," Mon., May 1, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 10:30 a.m. Chair- man, G. M. Wingo. Concerts Composers' Forum, under the di- rection of Ross Lee Finney, 8:30 p.m., Mon., May 1, Architecture Auditorium. Program works writ- ten and played by students in the Department of Music at Michigan State College. Open to the public without charge. Student Recital: Elsie Bell, So- prano, will present a program at 8:30 p.m., Sun., April 30, Archi- tecture Auditorium, in partial ful- fillmett of the requirements for the deree of Bachelor of Music. Compositions by Haydn, Mozart, Schubert and DeBussy. Open to the public. Mrs. Bell is a pupil of Arthur Hackett. Exhibitions Rackham Galleries - 27th An- nual Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibi- tion, through May 17, weekdays 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Events Today Saturday Luncheon G r o u p: IThere will be no meeting on St S-rday because of the Inter-Guild Retreat this week end. one room, type xof furniture, loca- tion of room in the house, and any service that the landlord offers such as making the beds, linen provided, etc. It should also in- clude the name of the landlord, address of the house, and whether meals are served. This information will be turned in to the area rent control office who, in turn, will investigate the complaint and if valid will remedy the situation. This remedy might illegal or whatever action neces- sary. The writer of this letter consist of a refund if the rents are DOES NOT HAVE TO SIGN HIS NAME TO IT. The landlord will never know, unless he's a mental telepathist, who gave us the in- formation. There has been much complain- (Continued on Page 5) Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club: Regional Convention Events at University Lutheran Chapel and Center: Business Session, 9 to 12; dinner at 12; workshops at 1:30; banquet at 6:30. Grad Outing Club: Meet at 1 p.m. at Rackham Bldg. for over- night. Bring blankets, cars, etc. Inter-Arts Union: Meeting 1 p.m., 500 BMT. U. of M. Hostel Club: Square dancing, Jones School, 8:15 to 11 p.m. Bring AYH pass. Everyone welcome. Coming Events Gallery Talk: "How to look at Buddhist Sculpture," by Prof. John Hadley Cox; Sun., April 30, 3:20 p.m., Museum of Art. ,Rm. D, Alumni Memorial. Hall. The pub- lic is invited. Women's Research Club: 6:15 p.m., Mon., May 1, Union (Dinner Meeting). Dr. Elzada Clover will speak on "The Origin and Distri- bution of the Family Cactaceae."' Grad Outing Club: Meeting, 2:15 p.m., Sun., Rackham Bldg. Naval Research Reserve: Mon- May 1, 7:30 p.m., 18 Angell Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ted P. Bank: "An Aleutian Adventure." Comdr. Cook, Research Reserve Director from ONR Washington will also be pre- sent. Nelson -House for International Living: Open House, 3'-5 p.m., Sun., 915 Oakland. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Elections for Student Council will be held Monday, May 1, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the League for all Hillel members. There will also be a booth at the Foundation from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please bring your membership card. U. of M. Hot Record Society: Live jam session, 8 p.m., Sun., League Ballroom. No admission charge. Sigma Alpha Iota: May. Festival Luncheon for members and their guests, Fri., May 5. Make reser- vations by signing the list on S.A.I. bulletin board before Wed- nesday noon. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia: Meeting for all members. Election of offi- cers. Sun., April 30, Rm. 3G, Union. Science Research Club: May meeting, Rackham Amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m., Tues., May 2. Pro- gram: "A Study of the Physical Characteristics of the Puerto Ri- can Population." Frederick P. Thieme, Department of Anthropo- logy; "The Problem of Malforma- tions, Past and Present." Alexan- der Barry, Anatomy Department. Election of officers. A~idpjan Iai1 k' A 4. A "L "4. L 0 2 :.-I j AI 4 A. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leort Jaroff......... Managing Editor Al Blumrosen ....... City Editor Philip Dawsor' .... Editorial Director Mary Stein .. .... Associate Editor Jo Misner . Associate Editor George Walker....... Associate Editor Don McNeil.......... Associate Editor Wally Barths.....Photography Editor Pres Holmes ........ Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin ........ Sports Co-Editor Roger Goels ..Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach ...... Women's Editor Barbara Smith.. AssociateLWomen's Ed. Allan Clamage .........Librarian Joyce Clark....... Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger wellington .. Business Manager Dee Nelson Associate Business Manager Jiro Dangli....... Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff ...... Finance Manager Bob Daniels .... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. A 'A A -11 BARNABY Debate Pro "SO TRUTH BE in the field, we do injur- iously. by lic nsina -ndnr nnhihitinp to Ellen, look what I bought fn ra.. n n a a a d .. f .,.v i I2 I've got to spend more time ih {;a im__-- rm.-n:n__ . Gee! A real flying model ) i .......: .Jr TLh r..f n nn I Just wait till I show this L e.. ..Af it ii ip R