THE COMMUNIST "MENACE' See Page 4 :Y 41uyrnF ~ati4 PARTLY CLOUDY Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 141 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1950 EIGHT F /'1* * * * * * ~New] Bill McIntyre F First To Win SL Position Roumell, Nesbitt Follow Closely By JIM BROWN A record-breaking total of 7,919 students went to the polls yester- day and Wednesday to register the largest all-campus vote in the his- tory of the University. Although hampered by early morning snow flurries and near- freezing temperatures, hundreds of students flocked to the 18 voting booths just before the 5 p.m. dead- line yesterday afternoon to push the final count well over the pre- vious record of 7,013 set in the fall of 1948. FIRST STUDENT Legislature candidate over the complicated Hare System quota of 269 was Bill McIntyre, '53E. Piling up a total of 318 votes on the first count, McIntyre shattered the pre- vious first round record of 279 votes set last semester. He was closely followed by George Roumell, '51, with 315 votes and Jim Nesbitt, '51 BAd, with 269 votes, both of whom were also elected on the first count. It took 11 more ballots before the next SL candidate, Audrey Smedley, '53, went over the quota. Miss Smedley was immediately followed on the twelfth ballot by Hugh Greenberg, '51, who was re- elected to the Legislature for the third straight term. Six ballots later Pris Ball, '51, went over the quota after regis- tering 179 first place votes ald piling up 95 additional second and third place votes. Currently re- cording secretary of the SL Cabi- net, Miss Ball is the first coed ever re-elected to the Legislature. ONLY IRREGULARITY in the voting procedure showed up early last evening when election officials began sorting ballots in the Union Ballroom. At that time, more'than 100 fraudulent votes were discovered ' by election workers, each marked with a first place vote for SL candidate Tom Dudley, '53. After thoroughly investigating all of the suspected ballots, mem- bers of Men's and Women's Judi- ciary Councils chose to invalidate more than 100 of Dudley's first place votes. JIM SMITH, '50, chairman of Men's Judiciary, said that all of the ballots were found in evenly folded groups of 10 and 20 and that there was "definite evidence of fraudulent voting." Smith said that a full investi- gation of the "suspected fraud" will be launched by his com- mittee early today. Visibly shocked by the news of the invalidation of many of his first place votes, Dudley denied having any knowledge of the frau- dulent ballots. Not affiliated with any campus house unit, he said that he had expected his votes to come from students all over cam- pus. , MEANWHILE, the ballot count- ng went ahead according to schedule. Working intently inside a huge rectangle of tables in the center of the Ballroom, more than 50 election, workers frantically sorted and counted ballots under the direction of Legislator John Ryder, '50. But because of the record number of votes cast in the elec- Record Set As 7,919 Go to Polls * * * * -Daily-wally Barth TALLYING UP--John Ryder (at microphone) broadcasts last minute results of two days of balloting for SL members. With Ryder are members of his committee in charge of tallying the votes. Murray, Hess Elected To Senior Class Presidencies .0 Chuck Murray,rBirmingham se- nior, won the presidency of the! literary college's senior class with a total of 512 votes, a majority of those cast in the three-way race. Murray's two opponents, Ed Lewinson and Frank Butorac, split the remainder of the vote with 291 and 218 ballots respec- tively, out of the 1021 ballots cast. * * * IN THE ENGINEERING college, Ned Hess captured the senior class presidency, finishing 50 votes ahead of his nearest rival, Gordon Saxon. In the other literary college senior class elections, Jack Ar- buckle became the new vice- president with a 129 vote edge on Hugh Greenberg, his nearest rival. Pat McLean was elected secre- tary with nearly a hundred votes more than her nearest opponent, Cal Klyman. For treasurer, Dave Belin defeated Tony Palermo 522 to 381. BACK IN engineering college, Robert Preston stepped into the senior vice-presidency unopposed. The new secretary is Don Hall, Jr., who edged Ray Ladendorf by 15 votes. In the race for treasurer, Bob Mitchell won over his nearest competitor, Chuck Froman, by 13 ballots. Engineering college junior of- ficers are: Bill Morris, presi- dent; Chuck Good, secretary. The sophomore officers are Tom Auch, president; Judith Davies, secretary. IN THE RACE for one seat on the Board in Control of Inter-Col- legiate Athletics, track star Don McEwen, '52, with 1,792 votes de- feated four competitors. In the election for six Union vice presidents, a total of 4,726 votes was cast. Winners were: For the literary college, William Stirton, 971; engineering and ar- chitecture schools, John Lind- quist,, '51, 604; combined schools, William Peterson, '50, 270. For the law school, William Bates, '50, 187; medical school, Merlin Townley, '52, 60; dental school, Joe Ponsetto. Budenz Story Contradicted Browder Calls Lattimore Anti-Communist WASHINGTON - (') - Earl Browder testified yesterday that he knows of no Communists in the State Department and a short time later Senator McCarthy opened a bitter new attack on the Department and Democrats on an investigating committee. Browder, ousted chief of the Communist Party in America, called Owen Lattimore anti-Com- munist. The witness flatly con- tradicted testiiony of Louis B- denz, former Communist editor, against the Far Eastern affairs expert. * * * TAKING the Senate floor, Mc- Carthy (R-Wis) declared that the Democratic majority on the five-man committee investigating his charges had asked Browder "carefully prepared questions so he could deny-everything that Mr. Budenz says." Browder's refusal to answer a number of the questions about individuals brought from Me- Carthy a denunciation of Chair- man Tydings (D-Md) h "What we need is a chairna with some guts, who will cite thes witnesses for contempt when they refuse to answer questions," Mc- Carthy declared. * * * McCARTHY angrily accused Senate Democratic leader Lucas of doing the country "a tremend- ous disservice" when he "hand- picked Tydings and McMahon (Connecticut Democrat) to run this investigation." He also charged that Haldore Hanson, State Department offi- cial, had been named by Budenz in secret testimony as a Commun- ist Party member. McCarthy went on to describe the Madison Capital Times as a "disguised poisoned waterhole of dangerous Communist propa- ganda." Convocation Will Be Held Today At Hill More than 700 University stu- dents wil be cited for scholastic achievement at 11 a.m. today at the Honors Convocation at Hill Auditorium. A University alumnus, Dr. Wil- liam Samuel Carlson, president of the University of Vermont, will speak on "Education - For What?" Students attending the convocation will be excused from 11 a.m. classes. See PICTURE Page 6 Dr. Carlson, a distinguished ge- ologist, will also lecture on the Alaskan Highway, the Aleutian Islands and Greenland at 4:15 p. m. today in the Natural Science Auditorium. -Daily-Alan Reid CAPITALISM VS. COMMUNISM-On the speaker's platform during his off-Qampus appearance at the J. D. Miller Cafeteria, last night, Prof. Herbert J. Phillips (center) attempts to answer a question put to him by Prof. Preston Slosson (right) while debate moderator Adele Hager, SL Vice-President, listens (seated left). An unoffical observer from Wayne University, John Rich- ards, (Insert) Executive Secretary to President Henry, learns about Communism. * * * * Sl o C Phillips Cath I n Off-Campus Debate, -Daily-Burt Sapowitch DR. DAVID HENRY *I * * Wayne Head Explains Bani of Communist The denial of a public forum to Communists by college offi- cials does not constitute a viola- tion of academic freedom, Dr. David Henry of Wayne University declared here yesterday. In an obvious reference to his barring of Communist Herbert J. Phillips from the Wayne campus, Dr. Henry pointed out to a-meet- ing of a teacher's education con- ference that the "distinction be- tween the college campus and a public square requires that the college be responsible to all the people of the state." * * * "THE PUBLIC as a whole be- lieves in intellectual freedom and that is why a Communist may speak freely in a public square as long as he doesn't break the law. But the public expects more of an educational institution," Henry said. He explained that college or university is expected to serve an educational purpose and to require that its participants meet standards of intellectual integrity, moral character and loyalty to the nation. "These standards apply to both regular teachers and visiting lec- turers who serve as teachers. See EXPLAINS, Page 8 . By PAUL BRENTLINGER Declaring that "America at its worst"is a thousand times better than a Communist nation at its best," Prof. Preston W. Slosson last night vigorously defended capitalism in a controversial off- campus debate with Communist Herbert J. Phillips. Phillips launched the debate with a charge that American Communist Party members were the chief targets of a general attack on civil liberties. He identi- fied the Communist cause with a broad battle for these liberties. Extend Draft, Truman Asks WASHINGTON-(AR-President Truman renewed his plea for ex- tension of the draft yesterday and backed up a statement by Secre- tary of Defense Johnson that the "force of events" warrants an in- crease in defense spendling. Johnson made the statement Wednesday in urging an addition of $350,000,000 to the defense budget, mostly for new planes. A House committee gave it quick approval. MR. TRUMA told a news con- ference the Johnson statement was submitted to him first and it had his approval. The President announced he is naming Stanley Woodward, Chief of Protocol of the State Depart- ment, as Ambassador to Canada, to succeed the late Laurence C. Steinhardt, who died in a plane crash last month. -Daily--wally Barth CHARLES MURRAY SL .Race These candidates were elect- ed to Student Legislature last night in the following order Bill McIntyre, '53 George Roumell, '51 Jim Nesbitt, '51BAd Audrey Smedley, '53 Hugh Greenberg, '51 Pris Ball, '51 Leonard Wilcox, '52 Nancy Porter, '52 Herb Ruben, '51 Ed Reifel, '51 "Spider" Webb, '52 Dick Webber, '52E Phyll Butterfield, '51 Jim Storrie, '51BAd Dave Brown, '53 Doug Cutler, '52 Judy Sinclair, '52 Ray Litt, '52E Arlene Lange, '52 E Jim Moran, '52 Jack Heikkenen, '52F&C Diana Lahde, '52 Leah Marks, '52 Barry Levey, '52 John Osmundson, '52 Pr mi n1 "I THINK American democratic institutions should be protected," Phillips declared, "and they need protection very badly." He said that these institutions, which he called the foundations of civil rights, are under attack because of the "exigencies of a dying eco- omic system." Prof. Slosson, of the history department, answered these charges by comparing American civil liberties with those in Communist-dominated nations. "In all the countries where Communism rules, no debate be- tween Communism and capital- ism would be tolerated," he said. "We would not be merely restrict- ed to an off-campus debate-we would not be meeting at all in Russia." * * * PHILLIPS, a former University of Washington philosophy pro- fessor, denied the assertion f that Communist Party members are agents of a foreign power. In his opinion, American Communists are "guided by no other principle than concern for the welfare of the American people. The. program of the Communist Party has their best interests at heart." He described Communists as be- lieving that "only by a substantial substitution of a socialized econ- omy for their present capitalistic economy can Americans get out from under the threat of war and economic disaster. Thus, Com- munists applaud the spread of so- cialism everywhere." * * * TO THIS, Prof. Slosson replied that "capitalism at its worst has not produced the misery and ty- ranny that appears in all Com- munist countries on earth." He described the worst effects of the American depression of the 1930's as being much less severe than the mass starvation which resulted from the Rus- sian five-year plan, in effect at the same time. In an interview, Phillips de- clared that,, to his knowledge, "no contemporary Communist Party member advocates force as 2,000 Jam. Street To Get Into Meeting Slosson Calms ExcitedThrong By AL BLUMROSEN and DON McNEIL A swirling, shoving crowd, esti- mated at 2,000 people, packed th State Street site of Club 211 las night, momentarily threatened t break in, and was quieted by fast. thinking Prof. Preston W. Slossoi who spoke to them through a loud speaker. Owner' J. D. Miller estimate that some 400 had already cram med their way into the build nt by 8 p.m. THE CROWD, which began t form on State St. about 6 pan packed the cafeteria by 7:30 p.m to hear Communist Herbert Phillips and Prof. Slosson. Mor than 2,000 others, left outside, al most burst past the metal doo guards which were held by a fe students and employes. Pushing to enter, they broke a candy counter in the front part of the cafeteria. In a jostling mood, the grou began. chanting, "We want Sps son," and Gelert Seel, '52L, trie to quiet them over a loud speake system but it didn't work. * * * JUST AS THE crowd reachei the point where violence migh have occurred, Prof. Slosson 'f the lecture platform where he wa being introduced, rushed to th outside microphone and ii~, with them to calm down. "It's a pity we don't have Hill Auditorium, but we couldn't get it for some reason or other," he said. At that the crowd outside cheered and applauded vigor- ously. He told them that if any inci dent happened, "We might not b able to even meet off campus Then where will we go?" T0 crowd quieted immediately. * * * DURING THE debate, the mas of students pressed against win dows and doors trying to cate) snatches of the argument. Per mission to broadcast the debat See PICTURES, Page 8 over a loud speaker aimed at th crowd was denied by police. Uniformed officers'were conspic uous by their absence, but in th back of the cafeteria, Capt. Albex Heusel of the Ann Arbor Polic Dept. and an assistant, lounge alertly. a few people outside began a "W Want Phillips" chant, but died down. Students perched on tables i the back of the packe'd room in a effort to see the debators. PhC tographers, from all three Detro: newspapers as well as The Dail: popped flash bulbs almost cor tinuously. ALSO PRESENT were Joh Richards, executive assistant I Wayne University's president Da id Henry and Frank Tuohey, put lic relations chief of the Detro institution. Richards said that Presideni Henry who barred Phillips from Wayne had returned to Detroit to make another speech last night. "Naturally," he added "I'm not here as an official re- presentative of Wayne." A healthy-sized student contir gent from Wayne was in the crow that packed the cafeteria. The had a preview last night of Phi lips brand of talk. He is slated t speak at 3 p.m. this afternoon a St. Andrews Episcopal Churci four blocks from the Wayne cam Associated Press World News Round-up CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA - Prime Minister Robert G. Menzies President Hoover called for a new U.N. that would shut out the Com- oduced yesterday a bill, described as a measure of public safetyjmunist countries. self defense, to outlaw the Communist Party. Hoover's ideas drew dissent from a number of U.N. delegates and intr and l1 "We would not pave tolerated a fifth column in 1939," he told the House of Representatives. "We certainly do not propose to tolerate'one in 1950 when militant Communism, checked for the time being in Western Europe, is moving East and Southeast to carry out its plans .a ,_.-&., .,. + , .. ~ ,, officials. Some said the U.N. without the Russians would not be a United Nations. Malik's walkout was the 21st Russian bloc strike against a U.N. organ since January when he left the Security Council over the China austin. I Ii