_________THEic InAS DAILY Today's )ebate HE MUCH SPOTLIGHTED debate in- volving Herbert J. Phillips will be held light, with Prof. Preston Slosson provid- the opposition. Thus the University's ban on the debate being circumvented by a group of stu- ents and faculty members who have -heduled the program at a State Street feteria. Although this move makes the 'bate technically an off-campus func- on, actually it is very much a campus :fair. This alone shows how unwise, as el as unjust, the University's decision is to begin with. f, by banning the debate, the University ,ed to avoid publicity, they have cer- nly not achieved this purpose. The ban s, as the Lecture Committee should have >ected it to be, greeted by such a storm opposition, that the action taken by the up bringing Phillips here tonight was nost inevitable. Certainly the ban, the opposition and w the appearance of Phillips have oc- isioned much more publicity than a ere Michigan Forum program would er arouse. torials published in The Michigan Daily written by members of The Daily staff represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ROMA LIPSKY If, on the other hand, the ban was the result of an administrative decision that students should not be exposed to hearing an exponent of the Communistic viewpoint, they have again failed. Tonight's debate will no doubt have a much larger interested audience because of the publicity Phillips has received than any regular University- scheduled event. The question arises whether the off- campus debate is a good idea at all, and there are a couple of things to consider here. First, the basic issue is not one man's talk to a group of students but rather a question of principle regarding academic freedom. It is because of this that the ban has met with such wide-spread condemnation. Also, holding the debate is an indirect protest against the ban, but does nothing to remove it. Bringing Phillips here today deals with the manifest symptom of whether or not he should talk rather than with the more fundamental issue of( University control of speakers in general. But Phillips will be heard, in spite of a strict rules interpretation preventing him from speaking in a University building. It should be quite obvious to members of the Lecture Committee by now that it' would have been much simpler and better to let him talk on campus in the first place. -Roma Lipsky. [OMAS L. STOKES: Eisenhower's Chances. WASHINGTON-General Dwight D. Ei- senhower is leading the Gallup popu- larity poll for 1952 Republican Presidential nominee. This poses for the president of Colum- bia University the same old problem that plagued him in 1948 when some Demo- crats were angling for him on their theory that Harry Truman could not possibly be re-elected. General Eisenhower scotch- ed that, though it took finally a telegram to the Democratic promoters of his can- Department FOLLOWING is a verbatim reproduction of a letter received by a Daily staffer's father, owner of a small Kansas wheat farm. It is a report on the prospects of this year's crop penciled by the man who farms the acreage. . "Dear Mr. -o --, "Well we haven't had any rain yet dust has blowed for five days. the "The wind hasn't hurt our wheat any however prospects for a good wheat crop are not very encouraging. A lot of barley was winter killed then a lot of it was sowed to oats some never came up and then what did, the green bugs ate up, and all of the barley that wasn't winter killed was also ate up by them. "Now the green bugs are eating up lts of fields of wheat and are working some ilt nearly every field. We are also having con- siderable trouble with cutworms this year and the grass hoppers are very thick. "I don't .like to have to write this kind of letter but I can't help it. Sincerely, F. Brown" We'll bet that last Halloween someo.ne pushed his outhouse over. -Rich Thomas THE SCHOOL FOR HUSBANDS by Mo- liere: produced by the speech department. first-rate production of an excellent Arthur Guiterman and Lawrence adap- tation of a top-notch piece of wit last night made for one of the most enjoyable eve- nings in theatre on this campus this year. -Honors in humor go to George Crepeau's delightfully ingenious sets, perfect even to the wink of the moon, and to Prof. Juana da Laban's comic and classic chore,- ography, excellently danced by prima dan- seuse Marilyn Begole and a host of nimble- footed accomplices. As directed by Claribel Baird, the play opens with charm and nicety. -Nafe Kattet in a "four-worded forward" sets the air supremely, and throughout the piece as Sganarelle, the aged guardian, who would marry his pretty ward and keeps her under lock and key, succeeds in making the au- dience like and laugh at him. As his ward, Isabelle, Margaret Pell brings off the picture of the forlorn-and direct- minded-maiden fleeing therclutches of the detested suitor to the arms of an "oh-so- didacy on the eve of the convention- even after his eloquent and lengthy state- ment why he would not be a candidate for the Presidency, in a letter several weeks before to a New England editor who was pushing him for the Republican nomina- tion. As of today, the General is represented as having no intention whatever of becom- ing a presidential candidate, and his friends say he is embarrassed constantly because his every word and act is scrutinized for some possible political implication when the fact is there is just nothing of the sort intended. d *a *le BUT that avails little, and the amiable General probably will have to endure it. For he is a popular public figure and the polls show that his popularity is translated into Presidential candidate terms by rank and file voters. Furthermore, of course, there are the politicians who are always on the lookout for a popular public figure and will never take "no." There is a search among Republicans for a fresh and attractive pub- lic figure. Not by all Republicans, of course, by no means. For there are party leaders who already have picked out the man they see in the mirror every morning as their fav- orite. The list includes Senator Taft of Ohio, who is running second to the Gen- eral in popularity polls, though a very close second, and Harold Stassen, a front- runner with the Ohio Senator at the 1948 convention, and others one could name. Perhaps even the candidate the last two times out, Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York, should not be overlooked. If re- elected governor, he certainly will be an influential figure at the convention. Senator Taft leaves no doubt whatever of his intentions. He is already active, and no bones about it. There is the hurdle of his own re-election to the Senate this year, but now that begins to look like one that he can take without too much trouble. * * * ANY discussion of. an Eisenhower candi- dacy always comes around to the clash between the professional politicians and an outsider, and politicians are very jealous of their prerogatives. They do not yield easily. But there is another conflict in the Re- publican Party constantly dramatized here, as now, which must enter into any 1952 calculations. That is the tug between the Eastern, internationalist wing of the party and the more conservative, less inter- nationally-minded Midwest wing which Is the dominant influence in Congress, though it has been defeated at national conventions, in the last several years, both on candidates and platform. As 1952 draws nearer General Eisenhower, for all he can do, is likely to find himself under pressure from people in the Eastern internationalist wing, with which his own views coincide, to be their champion against the Midwest contingent. They will have ready for him very persuasive arguments that, because of the importance of foreign policy, he is needed to keep the Republi- can Party internationally-minded and keep it from drifting backward. * * * HOW his every public utterance is watched was demonstrated by the outcry from administration quarters a few weeks ago when he criticized Fair Deal trends, which not only convinced Democratic leaders, once and for all, that he isenot a Democrat, but also indicated that they look upon him as Washington Merry-Go-Round DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - The Florida election battle is not only a lollipaloosa, but it has all the earmarks of another Dewey- Truman campaign. On one side, and fighting for his life is gnarled, weather-beaten Sen. Claude Pepper with 14 years in the Senate at stake, with his chief financial support from labor, and waging an effective, tire-' less, whistle-stop campaign almost iden- tical to Truman's. Like Truman's, it is aimed at offsetting the solid wall of bad publicity given him by the press. On the other side is popular, handsome Congressman George Smathers, with four years in Congress, whose chief financial support has come from big-money Republi- cans who spend their winters in Florida and register as nominal Democrats. No mean campaigner himself, Smathers has made a lot of political hay. The Dewey-Truman comparison is so striking that it caused the staid New York Times to comment: "The senatorial challenger is a young and handsome man with a rich, well-trained voice, and a reporter might almost imagine he was back on the 'Victory Special' lis- tening to a rear-platform speech by Gov. Thomas E. Dewey. "THE CONTENT of the speeches is almost identical. Communism is the main issue . . . and like Gov. Dewey, Representative Smathers is seeking election without out- lining in any detail the programs and poli- cies he would follow if elected. "Another echo of the Dewey train," con- tinues the Times, "is that reporters trav- eling with Mr. Smather's complain because he uses the same speech every day and they are finding itshard after five weeks to find a 'new lead' for the next day's papers." But since few Floridians read the New York Times, most Florida newspaper readers get the impression that Claude Pepper is not only Stalin's closest buddy but that he is already a gone gosling. * * * REAL FACT ABOUT the Pepper-Smath- ers fight, however, is that it's a straight, down-the-line Republican-Democratic bat- tle. When you get away from all the dust- throwing, the issues are clear and clean- cut as between the Truman liberals and the Republican conservatives. This is probably a healthy thing, because ordinarily an elec- tion in Florida doesn't mean much beyond a choice of personalities. Long ago young Smathers began con- ferring with ex-Speaker Joe Martin, lead- ing Republican in the House of Represen- tatives. Long ago, he quietly began ac- cumulating GOP money and GOP support. And as that support accumulated, Smath- ers began swinging over to the Republican side of the Congressional aisle. When he first came to Congress, Smathers was hailed as the liberal Sir Galahad of the South. But gradually he began voting the opposite. While casting his vote against slum clearance, he simultaneously promoted the real estate lobby's idea of increasing the amount they could borrow from Uncle Sam up to $750,000. Smathers also voted against social security for traveling salesmen and others, against the minimum wage, and, perhaps most im- portant of all, for the bottling of bills in the Rules Committee instead of open debate on the floor of the House. * * * MOST INTERESTING ISSUE in the Flor- ida battle, however, is Smathers' charge that Pepper is a pal of Joe Stalin's. He says -to quote the Saturday Evening Post - that "by the summer of 1945" he, Smathers, was convinced someone should run against Pepper; that "he couldn't get out of his craw that Pepper had become so involved with Henry Wallace." The real fact, however, is that well after the summer of 1945 - on Jan 16, 1946, to be exact - Smathers wrote a letter to Pepper's secretary referring to "our good friend Henry Wallace." It was also after the summer of 1945, that Smathers actually was writing Pepper a stream of letters asking his aid in getting him out of the Marines, in getting him a job as Assistant U.S. Attorney, and later in helping him run for Congress. In other words, Smathers was largely built up by the unsuspecting Senator whom he is now trying to defeat. To read the Saturday Evening Post's glow- ing account of George Smathers one would' think that the Justice Department was clam- oring to hire him and that the Florida pub- lic couldn't wait for him to get out of the Marines and run for Congress. But the let- ters which the young Marine Corps officer wrote to "Dear Claude" tell a different story. They show how Smathers wanted to get out of the Marines while the Japanese war was still on, and even asked Pepper to hold up a Naval improvement at Key West so Smathers' opponent, Congressman Cannon, would not get credit for it. Despite this, Smathers now tells Florida voters how, in the fall of 1945 - the exact time he was pleading with Pepper for help - he got disgusted with Pepper's stand on Russia and decided he should be defeated. It was in the summer of 1945, just after Truman conferred with Stalin at Potsdam that Pepper also conferred with Stalin, later writing an interview widely published ithe metropolitan press. SL Platform *.* To the Editor: WISH to make the SL a just and powerful body governing and representing a free and in- telligent university community through the willing sanction of its citizens. I seek to implement a student - run co-operative dry- 'cleaning and laundry system in Ann Arbor on the basis of an in- dependent investigation I have made of the problem. I seek to eli- minate all forms of discrimination from campus life. I will work - and work hard - to ensure to all students the basic human and civ- il rights guaranteed by a demo- cracy. Today the issues are becom ing clear - now let's all get to work! -Henry Jarecki (EDITOR'S NOTE: Though proof- read by Student Legislature repre- sentatives, the statements by SL candidates contained the error pointed out by Mr. Jarecki. His statement was switched with that of Morris Katz, 52. Alex Popp's answers to the ques- tions submitted to all SL candi- dates were also incorrectly proof- read by SL representatives. His correct responses are: 1. Yes 2. No opinion 3. Yes . No 5. Yes 6. No 7. No.) * * * Debate - Pro.. .. To the Editor: S INCE IT has not otherwise ap- peared in the Daily, I would like to take this opportunity to present for the consideration of the student body, the faculty, and the administration the policy statement defining the Role and Function of a State Institution of Higher Learning in a Democratic Society which was unanimously passed by the Student Legislature at its last meeting: "We believe that one of the ma- jor responsibilities of the educa- tional institution in our democra- tic society is to provide the op- portunity necessary to help its students develop into useful and mature citizens and leaders in our society. "We believe that the citizens of Michigan have accepted the bur- den of state supported higher edu- cation on the democratic premise that the higher education of some of it scitizens through their con- tributions to the community, both in leadership and in technical knowledge, will in turn aid the entire society through increasing its standards of living and culture. "We insist that the University's responsibility to make available the opportunity for this training for citizenship and leadership must include providing the fol- lowing: "1-The formal or technical knowledge gained through instruc- tion in the classroom. "2-The opportunity for stu- dents to participate in freely cho- sen student activities on the cam- pus where the student can exper- ience the techniques of democratic activity as a means of training himself for active participation in the life of his community. ' "While the student is acquiring an advanced education through these two channels, the Univer- Xettei' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on mattersof general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the' editors. -Daily-Al Jackson Fly: "Buzz!" Lectuire Committee: "Eek!" Slosson: "Ho Hum." sity has the responsibility of act- ing affirmatively to insure each student ankadequate opportunity to gain a knowledge and under- standing of the issues which face America and the world today. This opportunity for free in- quiry and discussion is essential if the University is to fulfill its function of developing its students into well informed and qualified citizens and leaders who can make that additional contribution to our democratic community which the people of the state have a right to expect of them. -Tom Walsh , * Acolytes' Meeting.. To the Editor: THE PROGRAM Committee of the Acolytes had asked Profes- sor Phillips to speak before the club on Wednesday, April 26 on a philosophical topic. After recon- sidering the matter, we voted to drop the plans. We do not want this to indicate our approval of the Lecture Committee's ban of the debate betmeen Professor Phillips and Professor Wernette. After being informed by Dean Walter that Mr. Phillips' talk would have to be approved by the Lecture Committee, we concluded that our petitioning for such ap- proval for the Acolytes wolud in- terfere with or endanger any steps which may be taken by the facul- ty or student body to have the ban of the Phillips-Wernette debatenre- scinded. This decision by the Program Committee of thebAcolytes was not unanimous. Although it is our unanimous view that the banning of Phillips is wrong, onemember of the Committee favored peti- tioning the Lecture Committee, holding that this action would not affect the steps mentioned above. Further, we are all puzzled by this question: Putting aside the justification of the ban of a talk of a political nature, does such a ban imply that a man trained in a particular technical field is also banned from giving a talk on a subject in that special field, be it stomach physics, astrophysics, or metaphysics?1 A talk of such a technical na-I ture was to have been the purpose of our meeting with Mr. Phillips. But, in view of the general inter- est of the University community, we have decided not to press this point1 -Program Committee, the Acolytes Charles M. Myers Bernard Poll Seymour Riklin Saul Wineman * * * Health Service . To the Editor: THIS TIME OF YEAR, when the influx of students into the Health Service is considerably heightened, seems a good time to say something about our Health Service. Our Health Service, we must admit, does a wonderful job considering the limited staff and the number of patients. However, (Continued from Page 3) Women students who are count- ing ballots for Student Legisla- ture must get late permission from the Dean of Women's Office. Last chance to order Com- mencement Announcements for all schools except Law,'Dentistry and Medicine, Thursday and Friday afternoons in the lobby of the Ad- ministration Building. Employment Interview: A representative of The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company will be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments on Wed., May 3, to inter- view candidates for sales positions in Detroit, Flint, Monroe, Port Huron and Pontiac. They are in- terested in men who eventually want a career in management. For further information and ar- rangements for appointments call the Bpreau of Appointments, Ext. 371. ' 'Lectures The Thomas M. Cooley Lectures, auspices of the Law School and the William W. Cook Endowment. Fourth series, on the general sub- ject " Administrative Discretion and Its Control," by Dean E. Blythe Stason, Law School. Fourth lecture, "Some Foreign EXperi- ences." 4:15 pm., Thurs., April 27, Room 150, Hutchins Hall. Fifth and final lecture, "Democratic Control of Administrative Discre- tionary Power." 4:15 p.m., Fri., April 28, Room 150, Hutchins Hall. Illustrated Lecture: President William S. Carlson, University of Vermont, will present an illustrat- ed lecture in the Natural Science Auditorium, 4:15 p.m., Fri., April 28. Films and kodachromes show- ing views of Greenland, the re- gions along the Alcan Highway, and the Aleutian Islands. Academic Notices Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., April 28, 4:15 p.m., Observatory. Speaker: Kenneth Yoss. Subject: The Structure of the Cloud of Comets Surrounding the Solar System. Wildlife Management Seminar: "Stream Improvement through Watershed Control on the Rifle River." Dr. Albert S. Hazzard, In- stitute for Fisheries Research. Thurs., April 27, 7:30 p.m., 1139 Natural Science Building. Doctoral Examination for Rich- ard Weldon Larimore, Zoology; thesis: "Life History of the War- mouth, Chaenobryttus coronarius (Bartram) ", Thurs., April 27, 4101 Natural Science Bldg., 8:30 a.m. Chairman, K. F. Lagler. Doctoral Examination for Upton Sinclair Palmer, Speech; thesis: "An Edition of the Speeches of Rutherford B. Hayes Including a Study of his Rhetorical Back- ground, Theory and Practice," Thurs., April 27, 3211 Angell Hall, 2 p.m. Chairman, W. M. Sattler. Medical School Applicants: Final notice to all persons who there are some details I would like to see changed as I believe that their corrections would benefit both the students and the staff. First, there comes to mind the matter of -the treatment of stu- dents at the infirmary. Unless your disorder is of a most serious type, your admission and dismissal from infirmary is left entirely up to you. Thus a person who isn't sick can get in and a person who is sick can easily get out. In my own case, I was admitted with a bad head cold, kept for two days, and the minute I expressed a de- sire to leave, I was free to go even though my cold had traveled from my head to my chest. I admit that this matter does depend largely on your own attending physician, but under no circum- stances should this decision be left entirely up to the student who may not know the extent of his own condition. Another comment concerns the waiting in line a person must en- dure before he can see his partic- ular doctor. Often, aperson whom the doctor gives but a cursory glance and then sends elsewhere, has to wait in line for the better part of an hour before receiving this service. How much simpler and how much time would be sav- ed if a person well acquainted with the Health Service could examine such cases briefly and send them where they are to be treated. I be- lieve that attention to these de- tails will considerably lighten the load on everybody concerned. -R. M. Johnson DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN will be' applying for entrance to Medical School in the fall of 1951. Applications for the Medical Col- lege, Admission Test to be given May 13, 1950 are due at Princeton, New Jersey no later than April 29, 1950. Application blanks are avail- able at the Burea'u of Psychological Services, 110 Rackham Building. School of Education Testing Programs results may be picked up April 27 or 28 between 9:30 a.m. and 12 noon in 1437 U.E.S. Non-Michigan seniors who ex- pect to apply for graduate study in Summer Session in the Horace B.ackham School of Graduate Stu- dies should do so by May 1. Second Semester Sopihomores in College of L.S.&A., who are now completing their second semester of their sophomore year, should report without delay to the Boa d of Concestration Advisers, 1006 Angell Hall, to m.ke appointments with their prospective Concentra- tion Advisers, in order to discuss elections for their next semester's work whether it be for ' summer elections or next fall elections. Concerts Carillon Recital, 7:15 p.m., Thurs,. April 27, by Professor Per- cival Price; three compositions by M. Van den Gheyn, Intermezzo, from Cavalleria Rusticana by Mas- cagni, six pieces for carillon by Menotti, and five British folk- songs. Student Recital: Virginia Houri- gan, Clarinetist, will be heard in a recital at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., April 27, Architecture Auditorium. Works by Golestan, Brahms, Schu mann, and Mozart. Open to the public. It is being played in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. Miss Hourigan is a pupil of Albert Lu- con. Events Today Social Ethics Forum: 7:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Guest speaker: Prof. Alston,. Philosophy Department. Everyone welcome. Canterbury Club: 10:15 a.m., Holy Communion. Purdue vs. Michigan Debate: In- tercollegiate debate on the Bran- nan Plan, 1025 Angell Hall, 7:30 p.m. U. of M. Sociological Society: Thursday afternoon coffee hour, 3 to 5 p.m., 307 Haven Hall. Dr. Amos Hawley will discuss his re- cent publication, Human Ecology. Election of officers completed. All sociology students invited. Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Full' rehearsal of Chorus and Princi- pals, 7:15 p.m., Rm. "C", Haven Hall. Tickets for Ann Arbor and Detroit performances will be on sale to members. (Continued on Page 5) tart 43al1 Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen........City Editor Phiip Dawsor .... Editoriai Director Mary Stein. .... Associate Editor Jo Misner ... .'., .. Associate Editor George Walker....Associate Editor Don McNeil.......... Associate Editor Wally Barth ...... Photography Editor Pre Home... .... Sports Co-Editor Merle Levino........ rts Co-Editor Roger Goeiz . Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach.....sWomen's Editor Barbara Smith.. Associate Women's Ed. Allan Ciamage....... Librarian Joyce Clark....... Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington . Business Manager Dee Nelson Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi....... Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff ...... Finance Manager Bob Daniels .... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to thia newspaper. All rights of republication of all otb or matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. BARNABY ------=--; We'd better see what that crash in the kitchen was- The dishes fell over. I told you Bt Jane! You don't believe in not to stack them that way, John. My Fairy Godfather couldn't have done if. He's upstairs Come on. I'll show you-