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April 27, 1950 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LX, No. 140











1 4>

* * *

* * *

Phillips Will
Meet Slosson
Here Today
Debate Will Be
Held Off-Campus
Communist Herbert J. Phillips
and Prof. Preston W. Slosson of
the history department will de-
bate the controversial "Capital-
ism vs. Communism" issue at 8:30
p.m. today in a cafeteria at 211 S.
State St.
A special student-faculty com-
mittee arranged the off-campus
debate after the University Lec-
ture Committee, in a pre-vaca-
tion decision, refused to let Phil-
lips speak on campus in a Student
Legislature sponsored debate.
PHILLIPS, a former University
of Washington philosophy pro-
fessor, was fired from his post
there because he is a member of
the Communist Party.
His on-campus appearance
here was banned under a Re-
gents' by-law prohibiting ad-
dresses which "urge the des-
truction or modification of the
government by violence or other
unlawful methods" or which ad-
vocate the "subversion of the
government of the United States
or of the State."
Originally, the Student Legis-
lature's Michigan Forum commit-
tee had planned a debate between
Phillips and Prof. J. Philip Wer-
nette of the business administra-
tion school. Prof. Wernette de-
clined to take part in tonight's
off-campus debate because it did
not have University approval.
THE SPECIAL committee spon-
soring tonight's program finally
persuaded Prof. Slosson to oppose
"It was a question of whether
to let a Communist challenge
go unanswered or to accept it,
so I accepted the invitation to
debate," Prof. Slosson declared.
J. D. Miller, '48 BAd, consented
to make his cafeteria available
for the debate "not for Phillips'
sake, but for education's sake."
"I consented only with the
understanding that someone of
the stature of Prof. Slosson or
Prof. Wernette were to speak
on behalf of capitalism," he ex-
AMONG the faculty members of
the committee which arranged
tonight's debate here are Prof.
Slosson, Profs. John Shepard and
Harold Guetzkow of the psycho-
logy department, Prof. Samuel El-
dersveld of the political science de-
partment, Prof. Harold McFarlan
of the engineering college, Prof.
Kenneth Boulding of the econom-
ics department, / Prof. Stanley
Dodge of the geography depart-
ment, Profs. George Rainich and
George Piranian of the mathema-
tics department, Prof. Irving Leo-
nard of the romance languages
department and Michael Parg-,
ment, professor emeritus of
The Rev. Edward Redman and
Rabbi Herschel Lymon, both mem-
bers of the Board of Religious
Counselors, and DeWitt C. Bald-
win, director of Lane Hall, are also
members of the committee.
As of last night, police ex-
pected no trouble to arise from
the debate.

Phillips will address Wayne Uni-
versity students tomorrow night
in an off-campus forum sponsored
by the Young Progressives, ac-
cording to the Associated Press.
Wayne President David D. Henry
earlier had barred Phillips from
speaking on the Detroit univer-
ity's campus.
Henry T'o Talk
Here Today
Wayne University President Da-
vid Henry, who barred Herbert J.
Phillips from speaking on the

Speakers at Mock UN

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
of the education school, acting as Secretary General, chats with
Prof. Charles Remer, of the economics department, guest expert
on Chinese affairs, at the model UN Assembly held last night in
the Business Administration Building.
Model Assembly Debatese
U N Seating of Red China
"The Chinese Communist government promised to solve all the
political and economic problems of China-but so far it has done
nothing," William Xuang, acting the part of a Chinese Nationalist
delegate, charged last night at the model UN assembly held here.
Jeff Davy, United Kingdom delegate, came to the defense of
UN recognition of Communist China, which was opposed by Chinese
Nationalist and French delegates at the mock meeting. Davy declared
that Communist China is the true "democratic" government of China,
and that its leaders have the full support of the people."
SIDING WITH DAVY in favor of recognition were the Indian,
British, Russian and Chinese Communist representatives to the As-
sembly, which was headed by Prof. W. Clark Trow, of the education
- school, who served as Secretary

Witness for
Red Inquiry
Attention Turned
To Earl Browder
WASHINGTON - (') - The
missing witness in the Senate in-
quiry of alleged Communism in
the State Department turned up
yesterday with a report that he
had suffered a "blackout."
While waiting for him to re-
cover sufficiently to testify, inves-
tigators turned their sights on
Earl Browder.
American Communist Party will
be questioned in open session
today on what he knows about
Owen Lattimore.
Developments in the Senate
Foreign Relations subcommittee
investigation of charges by Sen-
ator McCarthy (R., Wis.) that
the State Department is Com-
munist-infested included:
1-John J. Huber, described as
a former FBI informer, turned up
in New York after being the ob-
ject of a 20-hours search.
HE SAID the reason he missed
his turn on the stand here Tues-
day night was a-mental "black-
out," and denied he was afraid of
anybody. The hunt for him had
been spurred by suggestions of
foul play.
2-Browder accepted a sub-
pena, also in New York, and the
hearing was hurriedly set to
question him.
Louis G. Budenz, former Cdm-
munist editor, testified earlier this
week that Browder had informed
him that Lattimore was a Commu-
nist agent. Browder maintains
that these charges are "false in
whole and in detail."
After that session the committee
will close its doors and hear from
Frank Bielaski, former agent for
the Office of Strategic Services,
on the 1945 case of alleged leak-
age of State Department secret
papers to Amerasia Magazine.
3-THE COMMITTEE received
a report that Jack Stachel, Com-
munist official whom it also want-
ed to question about Lattimore,
is suffering from a severe heart
ailment and will not be available
for six months.
House Group
Halves Play,
Sport Taxes
WASHINGTON-(P)-Repeal of
half the excess tax on theatre
tickets and sports event admis-
sions-cutting the levy from 20 per
cent to 10-was voted by the House
Ways and Means Committee yes-
If the cuts become law, the mov-
iegoers, sports fans and patrons of
other amusement and entertain-
ment places would pay $190,000,-
000 less in taxes a year.
* * *
ALL TOLD, the committee voted
for $240,000,000 in excise reduc-
tions today, bringing to $575,000,-
000 the total of such cuts it has
recommended thus far.
President Truman proposed a
$655,000,000 limit on excise reduc-
tions and threatened to reject any

tax bill that did not make up, by
larger taxes in other directions,
the revenue lost through cutting
of the excises.

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
EARLY VOTERS-A group of students cluster around one of Student Legislature's 18 voting booths
to cast their ballots in the all-campus elections yesterday. The polls will be open from 8 to 5 p.m.
again today while the actual counting of ballots will begin shortly after 6 p.m. in the Union Ballroom.

LSA Council to Report
Educational Problems


World News
By The Associated Press
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - An
American Embassy spokesman said
last night that a wrecked landing
gear picked up Tuesday in the
Baltic belonged to th emissing
U.S. Navy Privateer plane.
The United States has charged
that the plane was shot down by
Russia over the open Baltic on
April 8. The plane carried a crew
of 10, none of whom has been
accounted for. They are presumed
'* * *
DETROIT-Rumors of a major
development in the 92-day old
Chrysler strike circulated here
last night as negotiatiators went
into another night session.
Representatives of Chrysler Corp.
and the CIO United Auto Workers,
however, were mum about the sit-
uation. Federal and state media-
tors also had nothing to say.
* * *
JAKARTA, U.S.I.,-Amboinese
authorities declared the South
Moluccas independent yesterday.
A radio message to Makassar
told of this fourth revolt in four
months within the United States
of Indonesia.
Military sources in Jakarta
said Indonesian troops of the
Netherlands Indies army joined
the rebellion. A battalion is gar-
risoned at Amboina.
With the general telephone
walkout off indefinitely, settlement
of the threatened railroad strike
has become a top goal of govern-
ment mediators.
The National Railway Mediation
Board will meet in Chicago today
in an effort to avert a walkout of
railrad firemen against four major
rail systems May 10.
A strike would affect all or part
of these rail systems: Santa Fe,
Southern, Pennsylvania and New
York Central.
Labor Wins Vote
LONDON-O/P)-The British La-
- - - ____ --....t -,,.,, .. .r i

Prof. Charles Remer, of the
economics department, acted as
guest expert on Chinese affairs.
K. N. Sahaya, representing In-
dia, asserted that the Chinese
masses stopped supporting Chiang
Kai-shek because they felt the
Communists would improve their
miserable living conditions.
THE UN should recognize Com-
munist China to keep the Chinese
informed on "the superior achieve-
ments of the real democracies of
the West," he asserted.
But Robert Trimbach, French
.delegate, maintained that the
UN has no evidence to prove the
Chinese Reds are more repre-
sentative than the Nationalists.
He proposed that the UN send a
commission to China to study con-
ditions there and determine which
government has the people's sup-
France's policy of non-recognitionI
was based on the fact that the
Chinese Reds sent arms to support
the Communists in Indo-China
against the French.
Xuang accused the New China
of not being peace-loving, a pre-
requisite for UN membership.
He said the Chinese Communist
government was not formed by
the people, but was forced onto
them by a minority backed by
the Kremlin.
The mock Assembly was spon-
sored by UNESCO, under Harriet
Gloek, as a part of World Coopera-
tion Week.

A full report and recommenda-
tions on educational problems of
the literary college will be pre-
pared by the literary college coun-
cil, it was decided last night at
the newly-formed group's third
Composed of interested stu-
dents and faculty, the council will
meet again in two weeks to con-
tinue a discussion of student-
John Maragon
Found Guilty
Of Perjury
WASHINGTON - (A') - John
Maragon, once a hanger-on
around the White House, was
convicted yesterday of criminally
lying to senators.
He was found guilty of perjur-
ing himself about his bank ac-
counts and employment and sent
to jail until time for sentencing-
perhaps a week from tomorrow.
* * *
BUT HE was cleared of one of
the government's main charges,
that he lied about business deals
with federal departments. He was
accused of doing the lying when
he testified last year to senators
investigating influence peddlers
and five percenters.
Maragon is a one-time Kan-
sas City shoe shine boy who be-
came a figure around Washing-
ton and a friend of presidential
military aide Harry Vaughan.
The government accused Mara-
gon of going around town saying
he represented Vaughan or came
from the White House and trying
to influence or coerce federal em-
ployes into helping various busi-
ness firms.
But the defense, and federal
district Judge Jennings Bailey,
emphasized that what Maragon
did, right or wrong, was not the
issue-what the jury had to de-
termine was whether he lied
about what he did.

faculty relations, teaching meth-
ods and exams, the curriculum,
and the purposes of the literary
THE EVENTUAL report will be
based on discussions and investi-
gations by students serving on the
Last night's meeting heard
and discussed reports from com-
mittees on various educational
Preliminary recommendations
on the curriculum included an
integrated course for freshmen in
the social and natural sciences,
revision of the foreign language
requirement and the English com-
position requirement, and greater
emphasis on mathematics for the
More reliance on term papers
and other independent work was
suggested as a partial substitute
for quizzes and exams.
Speakers' Ban,
Protest Made
Two campus organizations pass-
ed resolutions last night protest-
ing the University Lecture Com-
mittee's decision on the Capital-
ism vs. Communism debate.
Students for Democratic Action
and the Young Democrats both
voiced vehement disapproval of
the Committee's action as a re-
striction on freedom of speech.
SDA also were resolved that
students should be allowed to pre-
sent any speaker on campus to
speak on any subject consisting
with existing law. Only University
control that is needed to make
arrangements for rooms and dates
should be exercised, they added.
SDA applauded the efforts of
Prof. Preston Slosson to further
the cause of free speech and the
YD also endorsed tonight's off
campus debate at 211 S. State.

Extension of
Draft Asked'
In Congress
WASHINGTON - (P) - Noti-
fied by defense chiefs that the
cold war has grown more serious,
Congress leaders moved swiftly
yesterday to add $350,000,000 to
U.S. defense funds and extend the
draft act.
First, the House Appropriations
Committee at an emergency ses-
sion voted the additional $350,-
000,000 for air and naval defenses
on recommendation of Secretary
of Defense Johnson and the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.
* * *
SEVERAL HOURS later, Chair-
man Vinson (D-Ga.) of the House
Armed Services Committee revers-
ed his previous stand and came
out for a two-year extension of
the selective service act. Vinson
said he changed his mind because
of "present world conditions."
Prospects for congressional
approval of the new defense
funds appear much brighter
than for extending the draft.
Rep. Martin of Massachusetts,
House GOP leader, told reporters
he would go along with the Appro-
priations Committee.
While the administration has
asked for extension of the draft
law expiring in June, there have
been no draft calls since Jan.,
1949, and opposition has built up
against continuance of the act.
Vinson said his committee will
open hearings Tuesday on the
matter, with Gen. Omar N. Brad-
ley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, the first witness.
Student Enters
Autumn Race
For Congress
Jack Larson, '52L, of Jackson,
announced last night that he will
seek the Democratic nomination
for Congressman from the sec-
ond district of Michigan.
He revealed his plans before a
meeting of the William Sparks
Chapter of the Disabled Ameri-
can Veterans in Jackson.
* * *
SO FAR Larsen is the only can-
didate of either party to announce
intention of running in the pri-
maries, which will be held Sept.
"It has been my aim to run
for Congress ever since I grad-
uated from high school," Lar-
sen said. "But," he added, "I
have had to put off that wish

Poll Record
Broken By
100 Ballots :
Officials Eyeing
Goal of 10,000
More than 4,500 students went
to the polls in the first day of the
all-campus elections yesterday,
smashing all previous opening day
records by nearly 100 votes.
And with warmer weather and
rainless skies forecast for the sec-
ond straight day, a few Student
Legislature officials were jubi-
lantly predicting that they will
have surpassed their titanic goal
of 10,000 votes by the time the
last ballot is cast at 5 p.m. today.
* * *
LEGISLATOR Dave Belin, '51,
however, tempered the hopeful
predictions of his colleagues with
a warning that in the past few
years "the voting has fallen off
considerably on the second day of
the elections."
"I hope that all students who
failed to vote yesterday will cast
their ballots today," he said.
Belin particularly emphasized
that all students-both graduate
and undergraduate-are eligible
to vote for SL candidates. "We
have set up voting booths near
all of the graduate schools and It
should be relatively simple for
graduate students to vote while
coming to and from classes," he
UNHAMPERED by s t orm y
weather conditions which have
characterized many previous cam-
Voting booths will be open
from 8 to 5 p.m. again today
at 18 locations scattered all
over campus. Students must
present ID cards in order to
pus elections, yesterday's ballot-
ing ran "very smoothly," accord-
ing to Jim Storrie, '51, of the SL
citizenship committee.
Directing the complex voting
machinery from the Legisla-
ture's election headquarters in
Room 3D of the Union, Storrie
was swamped all day long by
frantic calls for extra ballots
at the 18 voting booths or for
additional students to man the
ballot boxes.
His special field assistants,
equipped with portable wireless
radios, kept a constant vigil over
the ballot boxes, making sure that
they were adequately staffed, and
watching for illegal voting.
In addition, members of Men's
Judiciary Council under the di-
rection of Jim Smith, '50, roam-
ed the areas surrounding the
voting booths to check for signs
of any irregularities.
Asserting that the first day of
the balloting was apparently
marked by "exceptionally clean
tactics," Smith said that he had
received "only one or two reports
that candidates were campaign-
ing too close to the voting booths."
Promptly at 5 p.m. a University
truck made the rounds of the 18
voting booths to pick up the care-
fully locked ballot boxes and took
them to the Office of Student Af-
fairs. The truck was closely fol--

lowed by campus police and repre-
sentatives of the OSA keeping close
surveilance on the proceedings.
* * *
start shortly after 6 p.m. today in
the Union Ballroom. More than
100 students will assist in the
tabulating of SL votes under the
complicated Hare System of pro-
portional representation.
Legislator John Ryder, '50;
who will direct-the counting pro-
cedure, said that plans are be-
ing made to set up a public ad-
dress system to announce the
latest results and that special
background music may even be
provided to relieve tension
among the anxious candidates
and spectators who are expected

Staff Men Vital Cog- in DormSystem

(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the third
in a series on the Michigan House
Plan of residence halls.)
At the University, the staffs of
the residence halls assume much

which throws upon the staff theG
additional responsibility of help-
ing a high number of residents to
make the jump from high school
to college.
S-.n vstaff memri trich-

maintain order, serve as academic
counselors, guide the house stu-
dent government to some extent,
aid the social and educational
Tn veneral, the dorm dwellers

most notably the older men resi-
dents, seem to resent the guidance
supplied by the staff, feeling that
they are being treated too imma-

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