THE MICIHIGA DALI i COOLEY LECTURER: Stason Endorses Checks On Administrative Action By RON WATTS An attempt should be made to minimize the reliance placed upon the discretionary wisdom of administrators of state and fed- eral agencies, Dean E. Blythe Stason of the law school recom- mended yesterday. He offered this suggestion at the second in the current annual series of Thomas M. Cooley Lec- tures. His topic for this address was "Judicial Review and Other Means of Supervision of Admin- istrative Action." * * * THIS attempt to curb the use of dscretionary powe's should be carried as far as possible 'without impairing administrative effi- ciency, Stason continued. At the present certain checks are working to correct any erro- Graduation Cards Sales of commencement an- nouncements have been extended through three extra days, running from 1-4:30 p.m. today, Thursday and Friday. Graduation folders and person- alized calling cards are also on order, it was announced. neous actions in the field of ad-j ministrative discretion. This supervisory authority may be found in the courts, legislatures, administration and the people themselves. Emphasizing the role of court action Stason pointed out that matters left to the discretion of the agency are immune from ju- dicial review, at least until the rare stage of abuse of discretion or other arbitrary action is reached. ** * JUDICIAL review may be based only on law points, but this type of action many times is undesir- able because of time, cost and publicity. It is the duty of the court to keep a close "rein" on administrative discretion but at the present it appears that the "horse has the bit between his teeth." However, he added that legis- lative action is gaining use as a means of controlling and super- vising certain types of adminis- trative discretion. "An interest- ing and unique legislative ar- rangement for the scrutiny and control of rule-making has re- cently been put into effect in the State of Michigan." Stason described the public act as providing for a legislative com- mittee which checks all new rules issued by state boards and com- missions. The rules may be passed by the committee, but if suspend- ed they do not become effective until the committee brings them before the legislature for review. * * , * "THE FACT that it is unique in this country serves to give Michi- gan great credit as an experimen- tal proving ground for a very im- portant check upon discretionary rule-making powers," he con- cluded. Henry Talk To Keynote Conference The annual educational confer- ence scheduled this week will get underway tomorrow when the T e a. c h e r Education conference opens at the Union. President David Henry, of Wayne University, will keynote the day-long meeting with a speech on "Some Paradoxes in Public Attitudes toward Educa- tion" at a 12:15 p.m. luncheon. President Hegry recently attract- ed nation-wide publicity when he ruled that an avowed Communist could not speak at Wayne. * * * THE 84th meeting of the Mich- igan Schoolmasters' Club will open Friday with a business meet- ing at 9 a.m. at Rackham Lecture Hall. With a general theme, "Glad- ly Learn, Gladly Teach," the meeting will be supplemented by 20 conferences on all phases of education. A luncheon conference on the' supply, demand and placement of teachers is set for 12:15 p.m. Fri- day in the League Ballroom. Earl J. McGrath, U.S. Commissionera of Education, will speak on "Gen- eral Education in High School and College1" Reservations may be made at the Bureau of Appoint- ments by 6 p.m. today. Carlson Will CS Sec Cinic AidsIcappec Help in Social Readjustment Given ------- v. Speech and hearing, to most of us, are as natural as the ability to breath. But for the 150 handicapped children and adults enrolled in a year at the University Speech Clinic, it is often a long struggle before they can feel at home in ordinary social situations. PATIENTS RANGE from those who simply have difficulty in being understood to persons with serious structural deficiencies. They come to the Clinic through their own request, or upon referral by State and Federal agencies, county health departments, child guidance centers, and local service organizations such as courts, so- cial agencies and schools. Every year 150 to 200 incoming freshmen and transfer students are found to have speech or hear- ing difficulties through tests giv- en during orientation week. Last year the Speech Clinic, under the direction " of Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer, started a new program under which it offers its services to a limited number of students without charge. PATIENTS entering the Clinic are given a thorough examination in which a speech pathologist, physician, clinician, social case 1* 1 F l t i 3 r worker, graduate assistants and graduate students in speech cor- rection participate. A staff conference then co- ordinates this information with reports received from other agencies, such as the University Bureau of Psychological Serv- ices, and plans a program for the total needs of the"individual. Thus the patient, besides receiv- ing speech therapy, may be refer- red to health, employment, mental hygiene or social services. * * * VISIT ISRAEL THIS SUMMER * Two months in Israel" * One week in Paris INTERCOLLEGIATE ZIONIST FEDERATION OF AMERICA Write: 131 West 14th Street New York 11, N.Y. ) Give Address * -- - PERRY'S. CAUGHT EVERYTHING BUT THE BALL- SINCE HE STARTED USING VITALIS! You can't miss with the misses-if you use your head-and "Live-Action" Vitalis care. Pitch into that mop of yours with the famous "60-Second Wor kout." 50 seconds' scalp massage (feel the difference!) . .. 10 seconds to comb (and will the gals see the difference!). You'll look neat and natural. Bye-bye loose, flaky dandruff and dryness, too. So make your play with the. help of Vitalis-get it at any drug store or barber shop. At Convocation William Samuel Carlson, a gra- duate of the University and prc i- dent of the University of Vermont, will discuss "Education - For What?" at 11 a.m. Friday at Hill Auditorium. Honored at the convocation will be 738 undergraduates who vill be cited for scholastic achieve- ment. Last year 733 undergradu- ates and 844 graduate students were honored. This year marks the first time graduate students will not be in- cluded in the honors program. In- creased enrollment prevents ac- comodating all students and guests at Hill Auditorium, according to University officials. The names of 20 James B. An- gell Scholars will be included in the honors program for the first time this year. These are students who have earned all A's for two consecutive semesters. Pharmacists To Be Feted H. W. Adkins, vice-president of a wholesale drug company in Mil- waukee will be guest speaker at the annual spring banquet of the pharmacy school at 6:15 today in the League. Henry C. Godt, Jr. will receive the Borden scholarship, the Lehn and Fink medal and the Merck award for pharmaceutical chem- istry. The Merck award for pharmacy will be ,presented to Kenneth W. Riebe, and Phyllis M. Moore and Jack G. Scrubbs will receive the freshman and sophomore Rho Chi Awards, at the banquet held to honor graduating seniors. A Daily Photo Feature Story by Eva Simon Pictures by Burt Sapowitch and the University News Service PATIENTS ARE treated in sep- arate divisions for children, adults, aphasic adults and individuals with hearing difficulties. Many of the children have nothing wrong with them phys- ically, but their speech has not matured as rapidly as the aver- age. Others have structural dif- ficulties, such as a cleft palate, partial hearing loss, or injuries to the nervous system. Besides individual treatment, group instruction and play situa- tions are used to give the children practice \ in speaking. Classes and consultations are also held for parents who want to help their children to speak normally. THE ADULT division serves per- sons of high school age and be- yond. Some are individuals whose employment status might be raised if they spoke better, and are re- ferred to the Clinic by the State Division of Vocational Rehabili- tation. They are given five hours a day of group and individual instruc- tion. Social events, dramatic ac- tivities and public speaking give patients an opportunity to apply the speech habits they have learn- ed to social situations. The aphasic division consists of adults, mainly veterans, who have had their ability to under- stand or produce language im- paired by an injury to the brain. Though the intelligence of an aphasic is usually not affected, he may need to learn to speak and to understand conversations in much the same way as a child learns his first words. The Speech Clinic's program for aphasics includes not only classes in speech, but courses in reading, writing, composition, English, dic- tation, bookkeeping, mathematics, business arithmetic, typing and current events. Attention is also given to the STORY TELLING-Mrs. Janice Puffenberger, '50, a student in speech correction, reads to a group in the Speech Clinic's children's division. She will later encourage them t6'talk about the'storys an exercise in speaking. Group classes such as this give the children confidence in speaking to others in normal social situations. 1 1" < v A ii __ and the A PRODUCT O Wjorkout" BRISTOL-MYERS - ^- "-- r 1{ , ii O-DccF Gr VISIBLE SPEECH-A group of acoustically handicapped children watch their teacher's voice on the screen, as she speaks into a cathode ray translator, which transforms sound waves into visible pat- terns of light. The machine is designed to enable deaf persons to improve their speech by compar- ing their speech patterns with those of others. Spring and Summer SUITS and TOP COATS Tailored to Measure We cordially invite you to come in and inspect our wide range of Domesti cand Imported woolens --,new -1950 styles for Ladies and Gentlemen -- Flannels, Worsteds, Gabardines, Sharkskins, Tweeds and Tropical Worsteds - tt. Priced from o 5 IC I wv 'r - -W ipp "I111 ,. ., ,. ,.914A GY14R aaesas .. ...i . f.. .:: .,c.... :: ... ;: ;:oea .;..,x uaw'a t .. ......... , ...,.. .................